56th chat, Tuesday April 19 2016: lead up to #gsisc16
Moderated by @edrabinski
Storify (pdf, html) by @violetbfox
#gsisc16 is the Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium, happening this weekend (April 23) in Vancouver, British Columbia. We’d like to use Tuesday’s chat as a chance for presenters to share what they’ll be talking about, and for those who aren’t able to attend to share their experiences and thoughts on gender & sexuality issues in libraries and related fields. Please join us!
Discussion questions:
Q1. What are critical topics to address when we discuss gender & sexuality in information studies?- Q2. How do we see gender & sexuality issues play out every day at work?
- Q3. How do we intervene when we see sexism at work in your library?
- Q4. What should #gsisc16 attendees be sure to address with each other on Saturday?
- Q5. Gender & sexuality in information studies #critpitch! [Share your ideas, upcoming projects/presentations, interesting resources, etc.!]