#critlib 2016-04-19: lead up to #gsisc16
Storify of the April 19 2016 #critlib chat "lead up to #gsisc16" moderated by @edrabinski. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit critlib dot org.
- will definitely try to make this #critlib chat tonight! https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722497784105054208 …
- Joining us for tonight's #critlib chat? Questions are listed here: http://critlib.org/lead-up-to-gsisc16/ … Read more about #gsisc16: http://litwinbooks.com/2016colloquium.php …
- Introductions
- It's 9pm ET which means #critlib time! Welcome! http://critlib.org/lead-up-to-gsisc16/ …
- Hi #critlib I'm an academic archivist in Denver lurking during home renovation shenanigans. pic.twitter.com/RFghzHIh4l
- #critlib intro: Greg Bem, MLIS. Based in (at this very moment) the @TheLWTech @learningcommons. Faculty librarian. https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722590783279407106 …
- #critlib And: Hi! I'm an academic librarian, small urban college & kudo's to @edrabinski et al. the symp. sounds amazing
- Q1. What are critical topics to address when we discuss gender & sexuality in information studies?
- A1 The colloquium abstracts are here. As one of the organizers, interested to hear what ppl see is missing #critlib http://litwinbooks.com/2016abstracts.php …
- Def key. At 1st colloquium in 2014, saw how much e.g., "lesbian" is unmarked, white, otherwise normative. #critlib https://twitter.com/GinaMurrell1/status/722592484715433984 …
- Always thinking about language over here. Seems critical to me! #critlib https://twitter.com/shiggin/status/722592517149962240 …
- definitely! the accessibility of the language & rhetoric being used is something that's been on my mind #critlib https://twitter.com/shiggin/status/722592517149962240 …
- We'll be taking live notes here: http://bit.ly/gsisc #critlib https://twitter.com/nicholae/status/722592939311001600 …
- #critlib At @LeftForum this yr I'm going to be talking about queer theory/archives&acrl framework;authority is constructed, contextual, etc
- yes. there has been a 1% differential in the representation of ALL people of color in the past 10 years. #critlib https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/722592409062875137 …
- Such a good question! My answer right now is yes and no. #critlib https://twitter.com/zinelib/status/722593311488413700 …
- @beccakatharine I was thinking gender roles r impt to cisfolks & clinging to them (tho I want to) may be an expression of cis priv. #critlib
- @beccakatharine I'm really just typing out loud here. My thoughts on this aren't at all evolved. #critlib
- @zinelib @beccakatharine Gender roles are very important to many trans people too.
- @rorylitwin @zinelib Sure - I've never really thought about this at all tbh. I appreciate your thoughts on this!
- as a genderqueer femme who is always assumed to be female, i think so, bc of the material effects. #critlib https://twitter.com/zinelib/status/722593311488413700 …
- #critlib we do need to be attuned to material reality (privilege) that identity & appearance thereof occasions https://twitter.com/zinelib/status/722593311488413700 …
- pronouns aren't preferences for most of us, but yes, i love the idea of having pronouns on nametags #critlib https://twitter.com/GinaMurrell1/status/722594309648752641 …
- Totally agree, and think it's really important to make spaces for those nuanced conversations. #critlib https://twitter.com/roselovec/status/722594736549314560 …
- Where I think other analysis is critical too. Openness, what privilege it takes to be open, etc. #critlib https://twitter.com/RoxanneShirazi/status/722596173450776576 …
- @edrabinski this exactly #critlib
- @foureyedsoul omg i would LOVE to explore this more! using my femme identity @ work has been such an interesting experience. #critlib
- Move from the strict binary to how people ACTUALLY perform even in that restrictive space. 👍 #critlib https://twitter.com/foureyedsoul/status/722596383904038912 …
- @Fobettarh @foureyedsoul I idenitify as genderqueer but not sure what folks at work think; only a few know the term exists #critlib
- @Fobettarh @foureyedsoul YES. like what does a QPOC femme identity look like in the LIS profession? //what aren't we allowed to be? #critlib
- #critlib intersectionality/q's of ontology, situated self..tools of CIL &asking q's of research, unpacking ideas... https://twitter.com/foureyedsoul/status/722596383904038912 …
- Q2. How do we see gender & sexuality issues play out every day at work?
- Hence my saying my "preferred" pronoun is what people expect bc frankly I really just prefer to avoid drama #critlib https://twitter.com/nicholae/statuses/722595547970932738 …
- This is huge for me. Just can't assume that others will know what I'm talking abt. #critlib https://twitter.com/nicholae/status/722595710684807169 …
- being misgendered CONSTANTLY & being denied interviews on the basis of me being trans by "equitable" orgs #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722594393052573697 …
- also being assigned feminized & devalued labor, such as cleaning up, which male staff aren't asked to do #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722594393052573697 …
- @femmelibrarian @edrabinski A2 And blatant differences in pay, type of work that is valued. #critlib
- 2nding others who've said "trad fem" "housekeeping" tasks (minute taking) assigned to female libs/staff. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722594393052573697 …
- #critlib pushing back against "lean in" rhetoric,thinking horizontal lib governance, troubling para/professionalism https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722595472460947456 …
- A2. I mean, my work @ a LGBTQ archive is weird, but being a queer brown femme is part of my prof role. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722594393052573697 …
- Yes, thinking lots on this, also about power/heirarchy w/in female-majority spaces, still v inchoate but thinking. #critlib @edrabinski
- @edrabinski and considering what it means to "bring yourself" to work when/if our selves/histories aren't pretty or neatly packaged #critlib
- @mauraweb @edrabinski FWIW, I'm doing a research proj with @BibliotecariaT & @hilarybussell about gend. perf. in librarianship #critlib
- A2. I. Will. Scream the next time someone asks how I balance work and parenting. #critlib #howdoesshedoit
- #likeaboss is how. Ask me anything else. Ask that dude over there how he does it. #critlib
- YUP. I guess we're all just superheroes. #critlib https://twitter.com/jkgadsby/status/722597450062696448 …
- #critlib Came up at @edrabinski & @justbilley's @mnylc talk-seems hard to talk abt gender & sexuality w/o bringing generations into convo.
- Perfect response from a #critlib lurker. Hi Sady! <3 <3 <3 https://twitter.com/Sadyoh/status/722598688179286016 …
- A2 "Leadership" discourse seems to individuate too eagerly. Feminism can help us focus on agency & power structures. #critlib @edrabinski
- Q3. How do we intervene when we see sexism at work in your library?
- @edrabinski right! we have information critical to how this stuff plays out in the world we cannot keep quiet about it, jeez #critlib
- @edrabinski I may be in a bitter/cynical phase right now but I feel like... this is what we do but are we doing it well really? #critlib
- @edrabinski like LCSH / LCC are a *mess* but they're structured to resist change. It's like head + brick wall sometimes #critlib
- @edrabinski I think the will is there from certain parts of the cat population. I'd kind of like to bury the skeleton & start over? #critlib
- important, because discourses DO shape, structure, and impact lives (and the possibilities of living) #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722597379837403136 …
- I'm reading abt classification & this reminds me that sometimes oppression is invisible and structural. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722598591123103744 …
- @catladylib Totally. I think it's important to fig out how to talk about those structures so we can start to see them more clearly. #critlib
- When my dad died, it became crystal clear which women in our office are responsible for emotional labor. #critlib https://twitter.com/catladylib/status/722599697882288128 …
- Thinking of grt preso by @AprilHathcock last week walking us thru "toolbox" of interventions when we see microaggressions. #critlib
- Would like to see. Am in need of a "toolbox." #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722598882929197056 …
- .@edrabinski @AprilHathcock ! having tools & go-tos is so impt... an anchor to get you going in a tough situation #critlib
- speak up but not over!!! this isn't a time for a masturbatory lecture on your politics #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722598591123103744 …
- ask for consent, bc you could be exposing ppl to violence & retributions. consent is key for everything. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722598591123103744 …
- Consent! Absolutely. Solidarity requires working together, seriously, critically, for awhile. #critlib https://twitter.com/femmelibrarian/status/722599405782745089 …
- knowing that Ill be too emotional, & that anything I say is therefore moot, makes me 2nd guess myself, too #critlib https://twitter.com/shiggin/status/722600028540252160 …
- @lisahubbell I feel this often. Trying that approach where my 1st ? asks them to clarify, 2nd ? is "Do you mean X? Or Y?"
- @chiuchiutrain It takes bravery to find a neutral q & listen to the response. Sometimes I stifle a comeback, don't bring up later. #critlib
- @lisahubbell Me too. But surprisingly, I usually find this harder w/ race issues than gender issues. Still unpacking why. #critlib
- also if sexist jokes are occurring, i ask them to explain why it's funny to me, thus exposing their logics #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722598591123103744 …
- @femmelibrarian in a @LISmicroaggress panel, many ppl suggested putting it on offender to explain rationale behind comment. #critlib
- @femmelibrarian "What is the joke?" is always such a good question bc then people have to answer. #critlib
- #critlib A3 solution at mpow: all the public svc librarians are women. We rotate duties, like ladies do on Paradise Island. #WonderWomanRef
- @edrabinski For whatever reason, I find structural stuff like that a lot easier to address than casually sexist statements #critlib
- @catladylib @edrabinski Well, I work in the passive aggressive MW, so anything not calling out a person is automatically easier! #critlib
- @catladylib @edrabinski But really just walking people through the process and making sure there are a few allies in the room? #critlib
- Yes. Putting it in writing gives it an undeniable weight, makes a situation less easy to dismiss. #critlib https://twitter.com/kcrowe/status/722601364543516672 …
- @GinaMurrell1 yes, especially if several folks send them and the concerns are the same in each. #critlib
- Modding the chat tonight, have to agree: talking in person/in longer sentences will be nice. #critlib https://twitter.com/shiggin/status/722602097644929025 …
- Q4. What should #gsisc16 attendees be sure to address with each other on Saturday?
- yes, i find it very difficult to have complicated conversations via twitter. so i usually don't try. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722603260964663299 …
- @roselovec Agree with you here. Not much space for nuance on this thing. #critlib
- @edrabinski I literally got back on Twitter only to start lurking these #critlib chats. #badmillenial. Wouldn't mind trying a longform venue
- @chiuchiutrain Just have to figure out what one would look like... #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain @edrabinski being a part of #critlib chats is the only reason i use twitter. would love opportunities to share/reflect irl
- @edrabinski I personally like that conversations are diffuse and happen in multiple platforms/venues. Twitter makes my brain happy+ #critlib
- @edrabinski while conferences make me feel overwhelmed and tongue tied. Some people like FB (not me). Some like blogs or book clubs #critlib
- @edrabinski imo, respecting plurality means not trying to create a one size fits all approach, but reaching out multiple ways #critlib
- A4 As the only non-academic presenter among academic-affiliated folks, I kinda want to talk about that? #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/722602308694052864 …
- Yep. Who gets to have these convos? Who do they exclude? #critlib https://twitter.com/jenlabarbera/status/722603256518578177 …
- @edrabinski And how do we raise up other community archivists / pub libs / etc that want to have these conversations? #critlib
- @edrabinski @jenlabarbera are there any public library folks at #gsisc16? I wonder abt this at archives conferences as well. #critlib
- Also grad students/new profs! How can we create confs that engage those w few/no resources to travel? #critlib https://twitter.com/jenlabarbera/status/722603707892826112 …
- The @litwinbooks travel grant is flying me to #gsisc16! Lez make more opportunities like that exist. #critlib https://twitter.com/kcrowe/status/722605505160417281 …
- @kcrowe @jenlabarbera @edrabinski unconfs, web sessions, local groups participating remotely (student chapters via webcast?) #critlib
- These are all great. I also really appreciate confs that have shared Google Docs for session note taking. #critlib https://twitter.com/marxalot/status/722609321993830401 …
- #critlib collection dev. is a great tool as are displays/programming and always the Ref. dialog https://twitter.com/lisahubbell/status/722603708853301248 …
- We are in the closing mins of #critlib! Can folks share gender&sexuality related #critpitch-es? Anything we should know is in the hopper?
- not attending #gsisc16? @catladylib & i are presenting from a book chapter we wrote in upcoming http://libraryjuicepress.com/feminist-reference.php …. #critlib #critpitch
- Feminist and Queer Information Studies Reader! http://litwinbooks.com/fqis-reader.php #critlib critpitch
- One of my fave books, LIS people adjacent to other disciplines, you can really see the connexions. #critlib https://twitter.com/LibJuicePress/status/722605769284124672 …
- @edrabinski will definitely add this to my reading list! #critlib
- Conclusions
- And that's a #critlib wrap! Thx to those who joined in on such short notice. Watch the tag for new date for @ubiquity75 on the 'L' in LIS.
- Thanks @edrabinski for the awesome modding and everyone for a great #critlib tonight! Have an awesome time in Vancouver + tweet lots!
- @edrabinski @ubiquity75 Oh no! I forgot #critlib tonight! Topic a needed area of attn. Oppression is also *tacit*, & therefore *insidious*