11 am Pacific / noon Mountain / 1 pm Central / 2 pm Eastern
moderated by @thebookinator & @charbooth
Wakelet (compilation of tweets) (pdf) by @violetbfox
suggested resources:
- Booth, Char. Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators. Chicago : ALA Editions, 2011.
discussion questions:
- Q1. What does it mean to have a reflective teaching practice? #critlib
- Q2. Can critical pedagogy and reflective practice coexist? What does this look like? #critlib
- Q3. Can we help promote critical reflectiveness in students through our own pedagogy/praxis? Is this important? #critlib
- Q4. What have you done to be a critically reflective library professional? To help students critically reflect? #critlib
- Q5. Do the phrases “Growth Mindset” and “Reflective Practice” go together? Why/Why not? #critlib
- Q6. On page 19 of their book Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning Char writes, “To exercise reflective practice, you have to maintain the desire to learn more about yourself as an educator and the intent to commit to iterative improvement.” What does this statement mean to you? #critlib