18th chat, November 18 2014: information literacy and life long learning
Moderated by @kevinseeber
Storify needed
Some readings (and a video):
- C. Inskip. “Information Literacy is for Life, Not Just a Good Degree: A Literature Review” http://www.cilip.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/IL%20in%20the%20workplace%20literature%20review%20Dr%20C%20Inskip%20June%202014.%20doc.pdf
- Project Information Literacy’s Lifelong Learning Study, Phase 1 Research Brief: http://projectinfolit.org/images/pdfs/pil_lll_phase1.pdf
- PIL Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDsWJaFg1HY
Discussion questions:
- Q1. LLL is a popular concept, but its meaning is open to interpretation. How can we define LLL in a #critlib context?
- Q2. Both readings discuss LLL and infolit in the context of employment. How does a focus on job skills threaten our pedagogy? #critlib
- Q3. Many students pursue education w/ a goal of getting a job, not becoming LLL’ers. How should we approach this in the classroom? #critlib
- Q4. If we accept that LLL is big part of teaching infolit, how do we assess if we’re achieving that outcome? #critlib
- Q5. What actions can we, as librarians, take to encourage LLL within our own profession? #critlib