106th chat, Monday May 21 2018: engagement / outreach / advocacy: critical community building
11 am Pacific / noon Mountain / 1 pm Central / 2 pm Eastern
moderated by @haylmail @bannedlibrarian @kellymce
Wakelet (compilation of tweets) (pdf) by @violetbfox
suggested resources:
- Braun, Linda W., Maureen L. Hartman, Sandra Hughes-Hassell, and Kafi Kumasi with contributions from Beth Yoke (2017). “Section IV: How Will We Get There? What Do Libraries Need to Do?” The Future of Library Services, For and With Teens: A Call to Action. IMLS and YALSA. http://www.ala.org/
yaforum/future-library- services-and-teens-project- report - “Community Led Libraries Toolkit.” The Working Together Project, April, 2008. http://www.
librariesincommunities.ca/ - Gustina, Margo & Eli Guinnee. “Why Social Justice in the Library | Outreach + Inreach.” Library Journal (June 2017): https://lj.
libraryjournal.com/2017/06/ library-services/why-social- justice-in-the-library- outreach-inreach/#_ - “Tell Us: Communities Inspiring Libraries.” Madison Public Library. https://drive.google.com/file/
d/1F3r60MzbpgnDUaWvvjbB-jP_ Nb4OyJCn/view
discussion questions:
- Q1. What constitutes outreach? Engagement? Advocacy? How do they relate to one another?
- Q2. What sort of critical engagement/outreach/advocacy projects have you either been involved in or have caught your interest lately?
- Q3. How do you determine what outreach/engagement/advocacy needs doing in your community?
- Q4. What impact do your social identities have on your work in outreach/engagement?
- Q5. Who do you collaborate with in your communities? What’s next for you?