30th chat, April 28 2015: critlib tech manifesto
moderated by @eliganrood and @cynth
Storify (pdf, html) by @violetbfox
Notes to review: Techifesto Draft & Ideas: http://tinyurl.com/critlibtechifesto
- FemTech Net Manifesto: http://femtechnet.org/about-the-network/manifesto/
- Dissertation by Ajit Pyati, Western Ontario University: “Re-Envisioning Libraries in the Information Society: A Critical Theory of Library Technology”: http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/fimspub/9/ (full dissertation), specifically Chapter 3: A Critical Theory of Library Technology
- Other Manifestos From Which to Drawn Inspiraton: http://femtechnet.org/about-the-network/manifesto/
- Feminists in tech: http://aboutfeminism.me/
- Cyborg Manifesto: http://www.egs.edu/faculty/donna-haraway/articles/donna-haraway-a-cyborg-manifesto/
- Critical Engineer http://criticalengineering.org/
- Manifesto for Humanities in the tech age: http://uchri.org/media/pdfs/Manifesto_Humanities.pdf
Discussion questions:
- Q1. What ideas listed on the critlibtechifesto resonate with you + why? Draft is available @ http://tinyurl.com/critlibtechifesto #critlib
- Q2. Why/Do we need a #critlibtech manifesto? #critlib
- Q3. What are the core values? #critlib
- Q4. Who benefits from the manifesto? Does anyone ‘own’ it? Will it be updated? How ought it to be promoted/distributed? #critlib
- Q5. How/Does/Would it inform other critical conversations happening in libraries (eg. oa, infolit, frameworks, diversity) #critlib