63rd chat, Monday August 8th 2016: ethics of digitization
Moderated by @tararobertson and @zinelib
Storify (pdf, html) by @tararobertson
Suggested readings:
- Digitization: just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should
- “Moko; or Maori Tattooing” Project: a report on consultation
- Zine Librarians Code of Ethics
Discussion questions:
- Q1 What are pros & cons of make digitization decisions informed by personal & community ethics, in addition to/instead of The Law? #critlib
- Q2 When making digitization decisions, how do we balance the needs of (living) subjects & (future) scholars, now vs. 100s from now? #critlib
- Q3 What are some #critlib models of providing community/research access to a collection, vs. protecting privacy?
- Q4 How should #critlib digitization decisions differ with regard to race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc. vs. those of default identities?
- Q5 How should #critlib digitization decisions differ with regard to porn vs. other content like newspapers, books, or historical photos?