Reading and questions:
ethics of digitization
63r d chat, Monday August 8th 2016: ethics of digitization Moderated by @tararobertson and @zinelib Storify by @tararobertson Suggested readings: Discussion questions: Q1 What are pros & cons of make digitization decisions informed by personal & community ethics, in addition to/instead of The Law?- @tararobertson And if one community wants the material digitized and the other doesn't... #critlib
- A1: This, and also, members of a community don't necessarily agree on the choices to be made. #critlib …
- @paigecmorgan and we often don't reflect the communities we serve, or are situated in (read: white) #critlib
- Does using your own ethics become a concern in the context of anti-choice pharmacists using theirs? #critlib …
- Right. Sometimes commt'y shld prevail. But sometimes not. Like when commt'y enacting erasure. #critlib …
Q2 When making digitization decisions, how do we balance the needs of (living) subjects & (future) scholars, now vs. 100s from now? #critlib
- A2: at #qcarchives we gave living donors space for annotation when digitized items were published #critlib
- @violetbfox we are so SO bad at predicting what will be valuable to future people, in any case. #critlib
- Yes! It takes time but it's like "measure 2X, cut 1X." It saves time in the long run. + IT'S GOOD MANNERS. #critlib …
- Records of minors, whose parents consented to record creation, but who may still be affected 75+ yrs later #critlib …
- @AprilHathcock @thomasgpadilla yes. been thinking about how the traditional deed of gift plays into this. #critlib …
- We actually had this happen locally with the coverage of the 150th anniversary of the Dakota Conflict #critlib …
- This newspaper article and related events caused a LOT of conflict … #critlib
- I talk about ppl affected by changes in privacy law over 20th century here: #critlib …
- I don't think it's out of scope at all. This was where my mind went. Huge issue. #critlib …
- @AprilHathcock @thomasgpadilla do you know about @documentnow? they're tackling this cc: @edsu #critlib
- @tararobertson @AprilHathcock @documentnow @edsu oh yeah, awesome project! hoping @edsu or @BergisJules will chime in #critlib
- @paigecmorgan @AprilHathcock @thomasgpadilla like even studying #occupy #blacklivesmatter or #idlenomore #critlib
- @bookuporshutup I wonder about this question every time the "right to be forgotten" comes up. #critlib
- @bookuporshutup Esp when you also need to balance respect for the dead (as in the Moko article) #critlib
- @skalibrarian I'dd be opposed to this except as an opt-in by informed zine creator(s). #critlib
- We had this issue too, with developing an exhibit of a 75th anniversary. Everyone just wants to look good #critlib …
- @skalibrarian Interesting question: might we do unintentional harm by widening zine readership? Under radar until digitized? (A2) #critlib
- @skalibrarian Personally I tend to consider reused zine content as recontextualized, so no. There are exceptions but not that many. #critlib
- my MLS thesis was on this. it was a fun nightmare trying to put in good faith effort :) #critlib …
- @tararobertson i built a website instead of writing a paper. post i presented is here: … seems aged already! #critlib
Q3 What are some #critlib models of providing community/research access to a collection, vs. protecting privacy?
- my favorite thing i just found out about is traditional knowledge labels #critlib …
- for @documentnow @BergisJules is looking to make a local context labeling set for #socialmedia datasets! #critlib …
- A3: No easy answer here. But think participatory models are where it's @InterferenceArc #critlib
- @tararobertson GLBT Historical Society, located in San Francisco, immediately comes to mind. #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 Yes! Also increasingly post-custodial approach - archivists don't collect, records kept by their creators #critlib
- @allanaaaaaaa can you link to something online that explains these models in more detail? #critlib
- @allanaaaaaaa and like, *let* them handle it, without stepping in with our own plans. (supporting, working alongside IF ASKED TO) #critlib
- @allanaaaaaaa ppl/groups make plans, rules & guidelines for themselves, even w/o a lib/archivist. a kind of cultural survivalism. #critlib
- .@allanaaaaaaa true. and some of us here are part of these communities. #critlib
- @allanaaaaaaa yes! I think postcustodial archival theory & records continuum really have a lot to offer … #critlib
- A3: also think its imp. to remember that archives aren't neutral or ahistorical. #otherness #critlib
- exactly, who controls the archives? #critlib …
- @jwilsonmoore and how can we make archiving also about exposing power dynamics in and outside of the archive? #critlib
- A3: I might also suggest museums as a potential model. The District Six Museum in S. Africa does great work #critlib
- @tararobertson @ASUChicano new collection on undocumented queers in Arizona - archivist could answer questions on restrictions. #critlib
- @tararobertson increased restrictions on documenting police/brutality - opportunities for advocacy legislatively/legally. #critlib
Q4 How should #critlib digitization decisions differ with regard to race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc. vs. those of default identities?
- i think @ucrlibraries considers it, but @BergisJules would know more #critlib …
- @tararobertson as curator of dig colls I def do this - still it's tough to balance "institutional" priorities w/wider cultural ones #critlib
- @tararobertson These networks are often informal. Nurture indiv/community relationships. Build trust. Reassure. Reassure. Reassure. #critlib
- A4 #critlib evaluation & attn to inclusive language in metadata, subjects, topics used for description and access …
Q5 How should #critlib digitization decisions differ with regard to porn vs. other content like newspapers, books, or historical photos?
- @skalibrarian Exactly what I was wondering. The "you know it when you see it" definition used in law is concerning. #critlib
- @tararobertson @jordanclaire curious: d'you think the age of this material matters? eg is porn from 1850 dif than OOB? #critlib
- A5: anyone want to weigh in specifically about @RevealDigital's off our backs digital archive, per Tara's (IMO awesome) blog post? #critlib
Who all participated in this #critlib chat?
- This is Jenna, a zine librarian in NYC co-moderating this #critlib chat bc I have strong feels about zine creators' #intellectuaproperty.
- hi #critlib - i'm rachel, an archivist at @LaMaMaETC in NYC. also a member of the XFR Collective,
- Hi #critlib, I'm an academic cataloger in central Minnesota. You can find chat questions and suggested readings at …
- Hello #critlib, LIS student in Denver, excited to talk about @tararobertson's awesome article that I'm constantly sharing.