responding to social (in)justice events

Two cats on a rooftop
From Little folks in feathers and fur, and others in neither / by Harriet Miller (1875)

12th chat, August 26 2014: responding to social (in)justice events

moderated by @RachelMFleming
Storify (pdf, html) by @aszingarelli

Topic: #Ferguson has shown that SJ events can happen anywhere. Tonight’s #critlib discussion is on how critical library practitioners can prepare.

Discussion questions:

  • Q1: How can we prepare for social justice events? What do we need to provide critical service to communities & outside media/SJW?
  • Q2: During events, what actions can we take as libraries, what actions can we take as librarians? Are these the same/different?
  • Q2 (correlary): What actions can we take as critical practitioners from _outside_ the immediate area of the event?
  • Q3: Where should library services be located on a range from palliative to transformative during and after events?
  • Q4: Does the position of the library within an institution of authority limit our ability to act?