- Tonight&apocritlibitlib about libs in social justice actions, 8 Central ledRachelMFleminge http://tinyurl.com/critlibx NnFergusonguson
- Gettin' ready for tonigcritlibitlib! Hoping for a good conversation about what librar*s can and should do in social justice actions.
- Questioning Library Neutrality: Essays from Progressive Librarian http://libraryjuicepress.com/neutrality.php relevant 2 #critlib pic.twitter.com/WV6rnr78bE
- [Introductions redacted]
- I hope to ponder broadly how #critlib can/should act during such events, and what can we do as media turn their focus elsewhere.
- &#BattleLibraryLibrary: "Ferguson Libraries Step Up to Serve Community http://feedly.com/e/-Ut-1JzF //tcritlibz4r9Nal” #critlib article I posted earlier
- A1: Maybe prepare resources to help frame incidents in larger social/historical picture? i.e. how #FergusonSyllabus developed #critlib
- #critlib Q1: I think it's critical to know your patrons & community so that it's on the forefront of your mind...proactive vs reactive
- A1 I think one of the best ways we can prepare for social justice events is having a comprehesive collection. #critlib @RachelMFleming
- (q1) most importantly, stay aware of quality real time info sources. Ex: good stuff from @pewresearch http://www.people-press.org/2014/08/18/stark-racial-divisions-in-reactions-to-ferguson-police-shooting/ … #critlib
- @foureyedsoul +1, and work to help students frame the way that these events are covered and processed by the media #critlib
- @aszingarelli sigh, that would be glorious, huh? We've got a long way to go for this work to be an institutional priorcritlibitlib
- @JessicaCritten Absolutely. Sad but powerful to see how students & others critiqued media representation with #IfTheyGunnedMeDown #critlib
- #critlib A1: as teacher librarians it's imperative that we show students how to question and critically think about information we encounter
- @JessicaCritten And necessary contriubutors - for us just as much as anyone else. #critlib
- #critlib A1: as teacher librarians it's imperative that we show students how to question and critically think about information we encounter
- @JessicaCritten @ibeilin Overcome our impostor syndrome in order to overcome their impostor syndrome. #meta #critlib
- @JessicaCritten So maybe we need to be talking about librarians & their professional core values setting institutional priority #critlib
- #critlib provide resources about rights of protestors/media; have a written policy..
- #critlib RT @TLT16 @RachelMFleming @pumpedlibrarian Know local resources so you can network and refer
- A1 A stellar resource on teaching #Ferguson, good framework for teaching events (via @johnedwinmason): http://dcps.dc.gov/DCPS/Files/downloads/ABOUT%20DCPS/Press/Brown%20Discussion%20Teachers%20Guide.pdf … #critlib
- @aszingarelli Such an important, but difficult convo given current focus on assessment regimes. Have to think there's common grocritlibitlib
- In my area, cultural institutions have a communal disaster-supply cache; maybe something similar for protest response? #critlib
- @JessicaCritten @aszingarelli use "assessment regime" - i.e. goal "library enables students to engage w contemporary icritlibf xyz" #critlib
- @JessicaCritten @aszingarelli identify inputs, outputs, and impacts. report it as assessment data of value of lib. #critlib
- Q2: During events, what actions can we take as libraries, what actions can we take as librarians? Are these the same/different? #critlib
- @JessicaCritten @aszingarelli Not all assessment is neoliberal crap, though. I think there's a way to do bocritlibitlib
- Also being a safe place when times are good. Trust needs to be there already to be a safe place in times of crisis. #critlib
- On the #critlib policy vs. ethics discussion, best results may vary by institution, administration, trustees. @parody_bit @kevinseeber
- Absolutely voter registration info. Others great too, especially chargers. Saw many tweets about backup batteries2aszingarelligacritlibcritlib
- Always makes me happy to see the phrase &qneoliberalberal crap&critlibn #critlib diskevinseeberevinseeber
- actions as librarians can be hard, because we're affected personally if the crisis is in our community. We also need a safe plcritlibitlib
- @barnlib @parody_bit @kevinseeber wouldn't ethics inform policy, and policy is what gets followcritlibitlib
- #critlib Acting as a library may be more difficult, depending on the issue at hand: all of us in the library not always on the same page.
- #critlib A2- Library = safe place; Librarians = advocates.
- @kevinseeber @aszingarelli @lisalibrarian oh, for sure. Thinking this is harder to get buy-in in the professional discourse, tho. #critlib
- @RachelMFleming #critlib We co-sponsored a teach-in about Katrina, for instance. it was needed. We couldn't ignore it.
- @JessicaCritten why? seriously curious bc I dont see it that way. but, my experience may differ. @kevinseeber @aszingarelli #critlib
- @JessicaCritten @kevinseeber @aszingarelli @lisalibrarian So #critlib can try to reframe asmnt culture => social needs, not just individual?
- @lisalibrarian @kevinseeber @aszingarelli Assess. is more your focus, would love to hear how this plays out in your experience #critlib +
- @JessicaCritten @kevinseeber @aszingarelli Seems to me libs are v able to frame their values-based efforts in light of outcomes + #critlib
- #critlib Taking a more active, critical role in a crisis involves some risks: we need partners and allies within and beyond the institution.
- @JessicaCritten @kevinseeber @aszingarelli related to global awareness, diversity, etc. Almost all institutions have these. #critlib
- @JessicaCritten @kevinseeber @aszingarelli IL can be much more than "how to search&qcritlib) #critlib
- As per request, my critical thinking rubric for campus, incorporating #critlib & #acrlilrevisions http://pumpedlibrarian.blogspot.com/2014/08/a-short-post-on-critlib-outcomes-and.html … (cc @lisalibrarian)
- A short post on #critlib outcomes and assessment http://pumpedlibrarian.blogspot.com/2014/08/a-short-post-on-critlib-outcomes-and.html?spref=tw … via @pumpedlibrarian #libraries