80th chat, Tuesday March 21 2017: open access & the politics of knowledge sharing
6pm Pacific / 7pm Mountain / 8pm Central / 9pm Eastern
Moderated by @ashleydfarley & @bree_uw
Storify (pdf, html) by @ashleydfarley
Discussion questions
- Q1. Do you agree or disagree that scientific research should be freely available? Include your reasoning. #critlib
- Q2. Do librarians have a clear role in the open access movement? Why or why not? #critlib
- Q3. Share a story where open access to research articles has impacted your personal or professional life. #critlib
- Q4. Does your library support Open Access? If so, how? #critlib
- Q5. Do you think librarians can become the sole disseminators of research? Should they be? #critlib
Suggested readings
- Shockey, N., Eisen, J., & Cham, J. (2012, October 25). Open Access Explained! (Video)
- Belluz, J., Plumer, B., & Resnick, B. (2016, September 7). The 7 biggest problems facing science, according to 270 scientists. Vox
- The Right to Research Coalition. (n.d.) Why Open Access?
- Tay, A. (2014, August 14). How academic libraries may change when Open Access becomes the norm. Musings about librarianship.