113th chat, Tuesday October 9 2018: Hack Library School chat: LIS student and new library worker perspectives
6 pm Pacific / 7 pm Mountain / 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern
moderated by @DatasBrain & @LibrarianLauraJ
Wakelet (compilation of tweets) (pdf) by @violetbfox
in collaboration with Hack Library School
suggested resources:
- McLaughlin, Zoë. “Things I Wish People Had Told Me About the Job Search.” Hack Library School blog, August 1 2018.
- Saulat, Zohra. “Words of Wisdom: The Advantages of Having a Peer Mentor.” Hack Library School blog, November 30 2017.
- Goodset, Mandi, and Amanda Koziura. Are Library Science Programs Preparing New Librarians? Creating a Sustainable and Vibrant Library Community (2016). Michael Schwartz Library Publications 125.
- Hinds, Leah. “What I Wish I Learned in Library School“. Against the Grain blog, April 20 2018.
discussion questions:
- Q1. What should new or prospective students know about library school before they begin their programs? #critlib
- Q2. What has been (or was) the most beneficial aspect of your library program? What aspect(s) of your library program experience could be improved? #critlib
- Q3. How can library school students and new library workers work towards a more equitable and diverse librarianship? How are equity and diversity addressed (if at all) in your LIS courses? #critlib
- Q4. Do you/did you have a mentor in library school? If so, what impact has it had on your school experience and/or your career? #critlib
- Q5. What scares (scared) you the most about the job hunting process? If you’ve been through the job hunt and were successful, was there anything you feared that turned out not to be a big deal? #critlib