127th chat, Tuesday April 14: continuing the conversation around accountability
6 pm Pacific / 7 pm Mountain / 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern
moderated by @MUEngLib @meganjwatson @mckensiemack
Wakelet (compilation of tweets) (pdf) by @violetbfox
discussion questions:
- Q1. How is the pandemic impacting the ways you think about accountability, within your workplace, the profession, and/or your larger communities? #critlib
- Q2. How does your privilege impact the ways you think about accountability, particularly during this time of crisis? #critlib
- Q3. How can we balance compassion and care during this period of community trauma with the need to hold ourselves and others accountable for the harm we do? #critlib
- Q4. A refrain/reframing for this moment: “If we get this right, we’ll never go back to normal.” What transformations in our relationships to accountability do you hope to see emerge? #critlib
- Q5. How can we foster and facilitate an online community around developing practices of accountability? #critlib