57th chat, Monday May 2nd 2016: emotional labor
Moderated by @lettersfromvani
Storify (pdf, html) by @PoorCharlotte
Suggested readings:
- Wingfield, Adia Harvey. “How ‘Service With a Smile’ Takes a Toll on Women.” The Atlantic 26 Jan. 2016. theatlantic.com/
business/archive/2016/01/ gender-emotional-labor/427083/ (Trigger warning: specific descriptions of workplace racism and misogyny) - Accardi, Maria. “Emotional Labor and Library Instruction.” Librarian Burnout. April 23, 2015. https://
librarianburnout.com/2015/04/ 23/emotional-labor-and- library-instruction/
Discussion questions:
- Q1. What does emotional labor look like (and feel like)?
- Q2. Is emotional labor part of your work, and if so, how? Is it part of your colleagues/coworkers’ work?
- Q3. What are implicit and explicit expectations around the kinds of emotional labor library/archival/info workers do (and how do these relate to intersections of power and privilege)?
- Q4. How could naming emotional labor inform and transform critical approaches to librarianship? Beyond naming it, what else can we do?