84th chat, Monday June 19 2017: relevance of MLIS to 21st century librarianship
11am Pacific / noon Mountain / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern
Moderated by @mohamedberray
Note: Using “MLIS” for any information/library master’s degree (MLS, MSIS, etc.) for brevity’s sake.
Suggested readings:
- White, Philip Bradley (2016). Realizable value of the MLIS: insights from a new professional, The Bottom Line, vol. 29 issue: 3, pages 142-150. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/BL-05-2016-0019
- Mayer, Jennifer and Terrill, Lori J. (2005). Academic librarians’ attitudes about advanced-subject degrees. College & Research Libraries, 66.1, pages 59-73. http://repository.uwyo.edu/libraries_facpub/5/
- Gunby, Matthew (2013). Evaluating the MLIS degree. https://hacklibraryschool.com/2013/06/18/evaluating-the-mlis-degree-2/
Discussion questions:
- Q1. What are the most valuable applications of an MLIS degree to librarian practice? #critlib
- Q2. What aspects of librarianship can be performed without the need for an MLIS? #critlib
- Q3. What alternatives to a full two+ year MLIS degree could provide an entry to the profession? #critlib
- Q4. What changes could be made to MLIS programs to make them more relevant/worthwhile? #critlib
- Q5. How can library workers & library schools work together to ensure the value of MLIS programs? #critlib