49th chat, January 4 2016: information resources and incarcerated people
Moderated by @foureyedsoul & @B2PSeattle
Storify (pdf, html) by @catladylib
Suggested readings:
These readings are just some suggestions in case you’d like more background on prison libraries. None of these are in any way “required” to participate in the chat, just provided in case you’d like to learn more!
- “Prison and Libraries: Public Service Inside and Out” – Library Journal (2013) http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/02/library-services/prison-and-public-libraries/#_
- “What Do Prisoners Read? Prison Libraries and Collection Development” – ALA OLOS blog post (2004) http://olos.ala.org/columns/?
p=113 - “Can the Penitentiary Teach the Academy How to Read?” – PMLA (2008) http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~
hbf/PMLAAbaca&Goines.pdf - “Services for the Imprisoned” – Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki (n.d.) http://www.libsuccess.org/
Services_for_the_Imprisoned - “Dungeons & Dragons Prison Ban Upheld” – New York Times (2010) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/
01/27/us/27dungeons.html?_r=1 - “Legal Action Map” – Prison Legal News (2016) https://www.prisonlegalnews.
Discussion questions:
- Q1 How can we best negotiate the tension between prison restrictions and our commitment to fostering access to information? #critlib
- Q2 What steps can we take to make prison libraries genuinely inclusive? #critlib
- Q3 In what ways can we support prisoners even if we aren’t working inside of a prison library? #critlib
- Q4 How we can support people who’ve been released from prison reenter wider society? What needs might they have? #critlib
Additional readings:
- “Prison Literature” – Library Juice Press blog (2013) http://libraryjuicepress.com/blog/?p=4157