124th chat, Tuesday January 21 2019: generous accountability in libraries
6 pm Pacific / 7 pm Mountain / 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern
moderated by @itsuhLEEsuh @alwaysreed @A_meeksie
Wakelet (compilation of tweets) (pdf) by @violetbfox
The first critlib chat from members of the ACRL 2020 President’s Program Planning Committee. The committee is looking for feedback to inform the directions the program will take at the ALA Annual conference in June 2020.
All library workers and LIS folks are invited to participate in this chat!
suggested resources:
- Mingus, Mia. “Dreaming Accountability.” Leaving Evidence (blog), May 5, 2019. https://leavingevidence.
wordpress.com/2019/05/05/ dreaming-accountability- dreaming-a-returning-to- ourselves-and-each-other/. - Barnard Center for Research on Women. “How to Support Harm Doers in Being Accountable.” Oct. 10, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
reload=9&=&v=AhANo6wzBAA& amp=&feature=youtu.be
discussion questions:
- Q1. How do you interpret or define “generous accountability”? How does the use of the word “generous” change the connotation of the term “accountability,” and why? #critlib
- Q2. What does generous accountability, to ourselves and our communities, look like as a daily practice? #critlib
- Q3. How can we build and foster a culture of accountability into our workspaces? What conditions need to be in place to build this? #critlib
- Q4. When we hold ourselves or each other accountable, how do we balance intentions and impact with care and generosity? #critlib
- Q5. How do we decenter whiteness in the process of setting up systems of accountability? #critlib