130th chat, Thursday January 14 2021: transferring between library types
6 pm Pacific / 7 pm Mountain / 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern
moderated by @raypun101
Wakelet (compilation of tweets) (pdf) by @violetbfox
discussion questions:
Q1. Have you transitioned from one type of library to another? (i.e. public to school, academic to special, special to public, etc). If so, please share! If not, is this of interest to you? #critlib
Q2. What do you think about the idea that library workers tend to get typecast based on their specific experience in the field? Is this an issue? #critlib
Q3. What are transferable skills in the field that you think are important and/or largely overlooked? #critlib
Q4. What can experienced library workers do to help job seekers with different library experiences? #critlib
Q5. If you’ve transitioned to a different type of library, what advice do you have for those looking to work in a different type of library? If not, what’s a good advice on job hunting that you can share? #critlib