Interested in making a critlib meetup happen? Check out the Organizer’s Toolkit created by the folks behind the 2017 unconference in Baltimore.
Below is an incomplete list of past and future events related to #critlib and critical librarianship. Let us know if you’re planning something so we can help promote!
Upcoming events
NYC #CritLib Unconference at METRO in New York, NY, potentially in June 2020. Tentative information at this call for volunteers.
Past events
The Northern California & Nevada and Southern California & Arizona chapters of the Medical Library Association held joint conference June 12-14, 2019 with a meeting theme of “Critical Health Sciences Librarianship: Examining Our Role in Social Justice”.
The second Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium was held November 15-16 2018 at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. The 2018 theme was “Power & Resistance in Library Pedagogy”.
The Saturday School of Critical Librarianship was presented by the by the Sydney chapter of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) on November 10 2018.
Towards a Critical (Art) Librarianship: Theories and Practices was held May 25 2018 at Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London.
The College and Research Libraries chapter of the Virginia Library Association hosted Critical Librarianship in Higher Education on April 12 2018 at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
A one-day Breaking Library Silos for Social Justice workshop and skillshare took place January 20 2018 in Austin, Texas.
The ACRL-Delaware Valley Chapter hosted CritLib: Theory and Action on November 11 2017 at Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
The Oklahoma chapter of the Association of Research and College Libraries (OK-ACRL) hosted Reaching Toward the Margins: Critical Librarianship in Academia on November 10 2017 at Oklahoma State University in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The Critical Librarianship in Practice: 2017 Unconference @ UW Libraries took place August 25th 2017 in Seattle, Washington. Notes from the lightning round presentations and unconference sessions are available.
#Critlib Unconference 2017 was held March 22 2017, before ACRL 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland. Notes from the unconference sessions are available.
The first Critical Librarianship Workshop happened in Toronto, December 5-6 2016.
Social Justice and Libraries took place at the Northwest School in Seattle on May 14 2016. A Storify archive of #sjlseattle tweets is available.
The Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium took place at the University of Arizona in Tucson, February 25-26 2016. More information about claps2016 can be found at the website: A Storify archive of #claps2016 tweets is available.
The second critlib unconference was held in San Francisco, California on June 26th 2015, just before the ALA (American Library Association) Annual conference. You can find more information about the event as well as archived notes at the website:

The first critlib unconference was held in Portland, Oregon on March 25, 2015, just before the ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) conference. You can find information about the event as well as some archived content at the website: