Critical Librarianship and Comics
94th chat, Tuesday November 28 2017: critical librarianship and comics; moderated by @ohelmiller and @stephliana
- This is tomorrow, #critlib folks! …
- TONIGHT! #critlib chat on #comics in libraries, 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern, moderated by @ohelmiller & @stephliana. All library/archives workers & LIS students welcome! … #graphicmedicine
- @OPWhisperer this is happening at 2 am in our timezone but you may wish to look at the #critlib hashtag after the chat. …
- We're about 45 minutes out from tonight's #critlib chat on comics and libraries! Preview our questions (plus comics terminology and readings) here: …
- 30 minutes! Prepare yourselves, #critlib. …
- Welcome to the #critlib and comics chat! I’m Olivia, art & humanities librarian in MA and one of your moderators tonight. Please introduce yourselves. …
- Evening, folks! I'm Stephanie, an art librarian in NoVA and fellow moderator with @ohelmiller for tonight's #critlib chat. Let's talk about comics!
- Q1: Former job: I worked pretty closely with our comics students (art school w/comics studies program), which meant getting to talk about and use comics as research sources. Also, @A_meeksie and I developed a workshop on stereotype + viz lit for comm arts students #critlib
- @k_swickard Yes, this is so important! Comics can be fantastic primary sources for this, and I'm curious if/how it's happening elsewhere #critlib
- @nfoasberg I did a poster at ARLIS 2017 about it, but I’m happy to chat more. #critlib …
- Joining a little late, but glad @stephliana mentioned our workshop and pinged me or I would've forgotten! Amanda, librarian for many creative depts in northern Arizona! #critlib
- @chelleinthelib Do you find that non-art/comics students are reluctant to make comics because they aren't a "skilled artist"? How do others make these kinds of workshops failure-friendly or encourage experimentation with the form? #critlib
- @stephliana @chelleinthelib I definitely saw this hesitation in my for-credit course, but only in the class that had an art student! #critlib
- @davereadscomics Did you have any say in that or did it just happen organically? #critlib
- @ohelmiller @stephliana @chelleinthelib So the presence of an art student made the other students more self-conscious about their art? #critlib
- @chelleinthelib And to follow up on that, how do you connect these workshops to the library and your roles in your institutions? #critlib
- A1: as a former art teacher I used comix to talk about personal issues (students made them), I did some community comix events at @TheChibrary, too! I AM currently trying to collect comics, graphic novels, etc in other languages to support our global languages program #critlib
- @nfoasberg @stephliana @chelleinthelib It appeared that way! The other class had no art students and they didn’t bat an eye at being asked to draw on the fly. #critlib
- I don't know the answer to this, but it makes me think of an interview I heard on a podcast long ago with Lynda Barry about teaching people to draw comics. She asked them to draw monsters, because we all feel like we know how to do that! #critlib …
- @ohelmiller Very organic, though I certainly supported courses by altering/broadening the types of comics I purchas for the collection. #critlib
- @davereadscomics That's pretty awesome! I love the idea of using a more visual medium to teach languages. #critlib
- @nfoasberg Lynda Barry is a goddess. #critlib
- @ohelmiller Not yet but I’d like to. I’ve got secret plans to bring this type of work to public high schools in nyc. Not so secret now but ... #critlib
- @nfoasberg Lynda Barry is a fantastic example. And I have a similar experience -- in one workshop demo, we had a group of librarians draw "superheros" exquisite corpses -- some of them went pretty monstrous, but the participants got into it pretty quickly. #critlib
- @davereadscomics That's amazing! I'd love to see some lesson plans for this! #critlib
- This is a good goal for anyone into #critlib and comics. …
- @ohelmiller Yes! And this might be pretty manageable, depending on your location and especially if you're near a regular convention/expo site. #critlib
- @stephliana I think $$$ is the big thing :-/ #critlib
- @stephliana I know this was a big deal. I bet it was amazing! #critlib
- @ohelmiller It's a BIG thing, and I'm adamant that we pay artists if we bring them in. In the case of our exhibition, it meant talking to many many people and getting various acad departments to help fund speakers - helped if we could connect and artist to a course topic! #critlib
- @stephliana Whew! I know I could benefit from a primer on talking to academic departments to get funding! #critlib
- @ohelmiller In this case, we had courses offered on Representations of Black Women, art for social change, and sexuality in history (among others) and were able to make connections between the comics/speakers and those courses #critlib
- A3 I'm troubled by comics being banished to leisure reading collections in academic libraries. Working on an abstract for the upcoming book @stephliana @ohelmiller #critlib
- @ohelmiller And a big shout-out here to @InterferenceArc and the intrepid curators of #ourcomicsourselves, Jan Descartes and Monica Johnson! #critlib
- Intellectually, it makes the most sense to put them where there is also stuff to make them. That's from my time working and volunteering at @TheChibrary and SCAD. Inspiration for creativity. #critlib
- @A_meeksie Interesting! Are there specific ways that zine and comix creation relates to what's in your MakerLab? #critlib
- @ohelmiller Some of ours are interfiled this way, mainly the graphic novels w/historical content. I like that aspect of it but complicates discovery in other ways #critlib
- @chelleinthelib Catalogers rarely have the leisure to read the items they're cataloging, so they often have to go with what the publisher indicates (or what that publisher usually publishes). #critlib
- @stephliana All of these courses sound dreamy #critlib
- A2. We’ve done everything from 24-hour and minicomics days (started by @stephliana & cohort) to the A2inkubate pre-conference to the A2CAF, to participating in this month’s university-wide symposium around March #critlib
- @ohelmiller Yes, I pushed pretty hard to get our makerlab to include independent publishing tools and materials because it was VERY tech-focused when I arrived. Making is not just high end, expensive, and often inaccessible technology. #critlib
- @A_meeksie @TheChibrary That's a great point. I can only imagine how I would react to that as a library patron. #critlib
- @k_swickard A3: I wonder if there are distinct differences in the browsing patterns for comics readers btw liberal arts/research unis and art & design schools... #critlib
- @nfoasberg The latter, from what I understand. I dislike it immensely esp since we’re working to connect comics to academic work otherwise #critlib
- @lissertations I was just reading that today, thanks for sharing! Since it's two years+ old, I wanted to ask @edwardshaddow if and/or how well it's been maintained. #critlib
- @k_swickard Having been at both, I have a better idea of how they were used at the art & design school, because they were highly visible. At new workplace, they're somewhat hidden on an upper floor of the library #critlib
- @violetbfox @chelleinthelib This is so problematic to me. I wonder if it would be possible for subject liaisons to give catalogers metadata suggestions? This is me not knowing about cataloging practices #critlib
- @ohelmiller @chelleinthelib It just depends on how friendly your catalogers are! If they're not total jerks, they'll be happy to hear your feedback and/or explain options. #critlib
- @ohelmiller @violetbfox @chelleinthelib It is problematic but I think that it’s worth a conversation about prioritizing the more specialized cataloging of things like this. It all depends on how you want the collections used #critlib
- @emmalawson Have you noticed them getting attention because of this? #critlib
- A3 I’ve worked extensively with our catalogers on developing local classification standards to ensure that, as much as possible, the comics collection is browsable and findable. We are just now wrapping up a major reclassification project of older comics to the new rules #critlib
- @tessawithorn Interesting! I personally make a distinction between TPB's and "graphic novels" but I haven't seen folks in libraries talk about it. #critlib
- This was a program that we did with two artists on identity & telling “forbidden” family narratives … #critlib
- @davereadscomics I’d love to know what the new rules are. A few of us are keen on doing this at mpow but we need guidance. #critlib
- This is literally the point of a library, at least to me. #critlib …
- @davereadscomics What did that entail? Are they shelved together? Standardizing keywords? And/or?? #critlib
- I think this is really important, not just for showing that popular culture has a place in academia but also showing what kinds of work secondary literature can do! #critlib …
- A2 This was a cool program we did on identity & “forbidden” family narratives in comics … #critlib
- @aandrewwangg I'm reading "Arresting Development: Comics at the Boundaries of Literature" and the intro talks about this like, why is there still pushback? Haven't we gone over this? #critlib
- @aandrewwangg This is exactly what we do w/the curriculum we developed. The last session pulls in an academic article about comics and race, or comics & gender, and we take the students through a close read of that too #critlib
- RE: … How can we reflect this in our records of any materials created by Cebulski as "Yoshida"? #critlib
- @k_swickard <3 Lumberjanes #critlib
- @ohelmiller Right! Comics have a particularly tough time in art libraries. That architecture/painting/sculpture elitism persists #critlib
- (these chats always move so fast and I want to talk to all of you on all of these threads, so you'll probably be getting some next-day replies! #critlib )
- @violetbfox Yes to encouraging creators to see the library as a resource! See this by @CBLDF … #critlib
- A4 mini-comics (hi again, @stephliana !), collections of Webcomics, local artists, comics from other countries and cultures. Go outside of Previews and your regular book vendor. #critlib 1/?
- @stephliana I hadn't heard anything about this, I'll have to look into it! As for NACO/authority record standards: the author is the ultimate authority, there wouldn't be any judgment on their preferred name. #critlib
- @stephliana Also, accept donations. I’ve been amazed at the sort of things that have come our way from people’s personal collections #critlib 2/2
- We shelve mostly in 741.5, but a few of our school libraries have switched to grouping together in a Fiction--Graphic Novels section. Nonfiction and biographical comics go in those collections however. We make sure each gets the genre heading Graphic novels. #critlib …
- @MidniteLibrary A4 oh man, I want libraries to be SO much better about being able to fund/buy comics through Kickstarter. Our systems are so byzantine that it makes it sometimes impossible to be collecting these things, though. :( #critlib
- @ohelmiller When I was in grad school I managed to get our entire cohort to read this book and we all raved. I love her. #critlib
- @ohelmiller Seriously. I gifted it to my tween niece and my own kids will get them when they’re a little older. So good. #critlib
- @MidniteLibrary A4. This is tough for many libraries who might require SSN from creators they buy from, but often can be worked around via distros/local buyers. Important for acquisitions folks to think flexibly whenever possible! #critlib
- I second this one with all my comic-loving heart! #critlib …
- @A_meeksie She was in Vermont last month with some other big name comics folks and I chickened out of going partially because I didn't think I could say anything to her other than ljaelrjalrjelrjalkrjalj #critlib
- @aandrewwangg I think there’s room for both ways of seeing comics. You can’t talk about them without discussion of the visual, but making explicit the other connections helps ppl who may need extra convincing imo #critlib
- A5: Emily Carroll's webcomics. Linda Medley's "Castle Waiting." The quarterly "Frontier" series published by @YouthinDecline #critlib
- This has been a great conversation and has given me more to think about! Thank you @stephliana and @ohelmiller for moderating! So excited to see you both soon! #critlib
- @nfoasberg Totally! You might also like Giant Days by John Allison, Whitney Cogar, & Lissa Treiman. It's on the silly side but still woke and entertaining. #critlib
- I'd recommend following @librnwithissues for great comics & library commentary, as well as @NoetheMatt & @GraphicMedicine for lots of health related comic reading! #critlib
- Ack! Where did time go? So many beautiful ideas floating around. Consider submitting a chapter proposal to the book @stephliana and I are co-editing about #critlib and comics in academic libraries! #critlib
- @ohelmiller IMHO, Fun Home is the defining comics work of the 21st century. There is so much going on in that comic on just a craft and storytelling level alone, and that’s supporting a fascinating story. #critlib
- @WalterSchlect That's awesome! #critlib
- Like @ohelmiller said: now that you've got all of these wonderful ideas in mind, consider submitting a chapter proposal to the book we're co-editing about #critlib and comics in academic libraries!
- Self promotion here but some of you may be interested in my NASIG keynote on comics #critlib
- Since 2011, I also teach a regular spring course on comics reader's advisory for #iSchoolUI - fills every single time! #critlib
- And definitely follow @ComicsCrusader and consider presenting at 1st Conference of the Comics Studies Society! #critlib
- @violetbfox @ComicsCrusader I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the CSS conference, @stephliana! Any librarians proposing something for it? #critlib
- @MidniteLibrary @nfoasberg It’s 7 volumes in and I’m shocked at how good it still is! I should check out his other title. #critlib
- A5 I'll say it again with the #critlib tag Wuvable Oaf! Which made @LambdaLiterary so hopefully got picked up by more libs
- @MidniteLibrary Yeah, this isn't uncommon, I wish catalogers would think outside the rules more frequently when it comes to stuff like that. Unfamiliarity with comics standards + publisher complexity + rigidity = suboptimal cataloging. #critlib
- @davereadscomics Here by Richard McGuire is outstanding! "Boxers and Saints" by Gene Luen Yang is also cool. #critlib
- They can even apply for a translation grant from us … #critlib
- One more #critlib comics recommendation: @IndigenousCon & @Indigenerdity often feature Native-made comics. And check out these recommendations: …
- Also, #critlib folks, y'all might be interested in this: …
- @WalterSchlect Yes! Wish I could extra super star this! And if anyone in the #critlib Twitterverse wants to start buying South Asian comics and needs pointers hit me up!
- A5. Too many! (H)afrocentric (& its inspiration, The Boondocks). Your Black Friend. Kindred: A #GraphicNovel Adaptation. Anne Frank: The Anne Frank House Authorized Biography. This One Summer. Pregnant Butch. #comics #critlib …
critical librarianship and comics | critlib
From Kittens and cats : a book of tales / Eulalie Osgood Grover (1911)- A1: I use comics to teach empathy, reflection, and issues of health literacy to medical students. We also lend "book club kits", a ready made health programming tool. #GraphicMedicine
- This is a use I see often in @historycomics classes (public school level). Using comics as a sociocultural artifact is a fascinating area. #critlib …
- @stephliana @chelleinthelib Our medical students are often at a loss at first, but we spend the week doing related activities - drawing with crayons (forgiving), studying shape and comp with construction paper - and other med student examples help shed the fear. #critlib
- A2: We discuss the role of (health) literacy for an entire day, using comics as an example of bridging educational/cultural gaps. Hoping to find more voices in #GraphicMedicine to make use of in the future. #critlib
- A3: We have separated #GraphicMedicine from the rest of the collection, giving it its own space in the library and collection within the catalog. Academic medical print collections aren't "browsed" much now, so this is vital to visibility here. #critlib
- #critlib #comics this comic Deliver by a Baltimore artist Mike Riley, is so fun. UPS driver trying to deliver a package in Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delight. His stickers are so great too: …
- A4: I do my best to find ways to get small print/indie/organizational #GraphicMedicine titles into our collection however possible. Keeping an eye on who is doing what in the field BEYOND traditional publisher marketing is vital. #critlib
- A5: Oh man, there are too many! I'll split this up. This video covers my go-to recommendations for #GraphicMedicine - and Taking Turns by @ComicNurse will be particularly relevant for #critlib I think. …