#critlib 2018-04-24: bias in web searching
Archive of the April 24 2018 #critlib chat on bias in web searching, moderated by @IamLibrarianSam and @metageeky. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit http://critlib.org.
- Next week @metageeky and I are moderating a #critlib chat on bias in web searching! Mark your calendars! http://critlib.org/bias-in-web-searching/ …
- Looking forward to next Tuesday's #critlib chat! If you haven't read your copy of @safiyanoble's Algorithms of Oppression yet, maybe make it your weekend project? It's a quick, compelling, and necessary read. https://twitter.com/IamLibrarianSam/status/985956589944365057 …
- My first #critlib chat! Looking forward to discussing @safiyanoble's book. Have 20 pages left! https://twitter.com/IamLibrarianSam/status/985956589944365057 …
- Looking forward to #critlib chat tomorrow (Tuesday) about bias in web searching, moderated by @IamLibrarianSam & @metageeky. Please join in even if you haven't read Algorithms of Oppression yet! 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern http://critlib.org/bias-in-web-searching/ … #InfoLit #AIethics
- And in case you've read Algorithms of Oppression but want a quick look into issues of bias in search tools, I highly recommend Matt Reidsma's work on Algorithm Bias and Auditing search https://matthew.reidsrow.com/ #CritLib #InfoLit #AIethics https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/988473698704416768 …
- Bias is a topic I'm really passionate about, so I am very excited to co-moderate tomorrow's #critlib chat on bias in web searching! Be sure to checkout the questions and join the discussion! https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/988473698704416768 …
- Less than 3 hours until tonight’s #critlib chat on bias in web searching, co-moderated by me & @metageeky! All are welcome to join, even if you haven’t read/finished the book! I’ve got my heavily marked up copy of #AlgorithmsofOppression ready to go! pic.twitter.com/gdbfgPXvwC
- @brantellsworth @metageeky Yes, Twitter! There's always a critical librarianship (#critlib) theme discussed. Go to http://critlib.org for more info. Anybody who is interested in critical theory and librarianship is welcome to join in on the discussion!
- @brantellsworth @metageeky Feel free to just lurk, too, by following #critlib. It's always a good discussion.
- Hi, MLS student here! Would it be alright if I joined in on the #critlib chat tonight, @IamLibrarianSam?
- @ashleighmaria Of course! Please do! Use #critlib when you reply to the questions we ask. Welcome to the Crit. Lib. community!
- Just a few minutes until tonight's #critlib chat on "Bias in Web Searching" http://critlib.org/bias-in-web-searching/ …
- Introductions
- Hi #critlib! It’s time for our chat on bias in web searching, moderated by myself and @metageeky. Before getting into the questions, let's begin by introducing ourselves. I'm Samantha, an instruction librarian at a college in central Pennsylvania. Who else do we have tonight?
- Remember that #critlib has an Anonymous Relay so that anyone can participate. You can find it at http://critlib.org/anon/
- Howdy #CRITLIB I am the Program Assistant for Learning and Outreach at Texas A&M University Libraries! pic.twitter.com/ZrykBh7SEw
- @IamLibrarianSam @metageeky I'm Ashleigh Florida-Young. I am a Masters of Library Science student in Middle Tennessee. #critlib
- @sarahmkimes Listeners are more than welcome! Feel free to join in if you have anything to add. Welcome! #critlib
- Greetings! I'm library coordinator of @learningcommons at @TheLWTech. I'm especially excited to be learning with y'all tonight in anticipation of my presentation at @elunaorg next week. #critlib
- @bembrarian @learningcommons @TheLWTech @elunaorg There's potentially bias in Ex Libris search results? SHOCK!! #critlib #sarcasm
- @jennyyaplib Hi Jenny! Welcome! #critlib
- If you're curious about tonight's questions or need a reference, they can be found here: http://critlib.org/bias-in-web-searching/ … #critlib
- Q1. What are some examples of problematic bias in web searching? What harm is done by bias in searching?
- A1. I'm mostly curious about how the act of using the tool doesn't encourage thinking about the tool. This is reinforced with the developers but also the culture around the "one stop shop" (Googlization). Cycles of bias inherently perpetuated. #critlib https://twitter.com/IamLibrarianSam/status/988947709527756801 …
- A1. #critlib I have seen @sarah_lemire talk with students about search bias by having them search 'genius'. How much do you have to scroll before you see a female or person of color? pic.twitter.com/7vBoQsweh4
- @LibraryMedlin @sarah_lemire I suspect that the results are just as bad for searches like "engineer" or "computer scientist" #critlib
- A1: My go-to examples are the SERP ranking of the stormfront-run martinlutherking [dot] org and the now corrected google image searches of Professional hairstyles for work vs. unprofessional hairstyles for work. http://bit.ly/2r1EgHM (SERP = search engine results page) #critlib
- @bembrarian I love that first sentence! Somehow we've become so passive in the ways we conduct searches and in how we are exposed to information. #critlib
- Great example. And these get shared all the time. Usually in the form of "Why are X..." #critlib https://twitter.com/midnorthwest/status/988948620568334337 …
- @LibraryMedlin @sarah_lemire This is a fantastic example. I hope we can compile a list of search experiments out of tonight's chat! #critlib
- @midnorthwest Visualizing our selves as our entire search histories. Quite potentially terrifying, actually. #critlib
- I currently teach high school English full time (librarianship part time). During my workplace writing unit, I attempted to explain the difference between business casual and business professional dress and all the images were of white people - when my students were not. #critlib
- @IamLibrarianSam Passivity. Everywhere. Dare I even mention the ad networks? :/ #critlib
- @nnschiller I use the hair example in my classes all the time to start a discussion about Google bias. It really get's students interested. #critlib
- @curlsinthelib Noble uses the professional hair styles in her book . . . with obvious bias preferring whiteness. #critlib
- @metageeky Agreed! It's so difficult to keep up with how the search methodologies differ, but important to share (IMHO) that they do differ & that we should be aware of how they function. #critlib
- @metageeky Yeah, I think people forget that Google search is commercial or they think they can just ignore the ads and forget that there's more to it. #critlib
- @metageeky There's potential for cultural transformation (and equity) within both, or leveraging the users of each as a way to communicate societal issues. The developers have the opportunity to serve as models for change. But who's making change happen right now? #critlib
- @jennyyaplib @metageeky My basic 101, out of the box, lesson that I repeat as a mantra to searchers: "Google is not magic." #critlib
- @jennyyaplib Even systems like DuckDuckGo, despite their promise of not tracking and the like, have money as a bottom line concern. #critlib
- @bembrarian @metageeky I think transparency is a great place to start for any internet search/discovery service but that is NOT the norm for most search platforms, esp. not the hyper commercialized. #critlib
- @metageeky @haylmail And what is really defined under SafeSearch, anyway? All part of the secret algorithms created to protect profit by corporations like Google. https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/510?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en … #critlib
- @metageeky Oh no! I thought DuckDuckGo was an okay one! So what are our options? #critlib
- Q2. As creators of information, how can we be sure problematic biases don’t make their way into our own creations and work?
- @jennyyaplib @metageeky And ads can perpetuate cultural norms as well. Unless there's social movement to react to the system (like the case with Breitbart's retargeting ads), but how much power does it take to influence the ad network and its system?! #critlib
- @metageeky Sadly, I don't think there's any way to 100% to avoid biases. In many cases, they're so ingrained to who we are that we don't know they are there. As much as we can, I think we must educate ourselves outside our comfort zone. Get opinions that make us uncomfortable. #critlib
- @bembrarian @metageeky @haylmail It's not a completely accurate answer, but in a lot of ways safesearch is keyword search w/o pagerank. There are blacklists as well, but basically... #critlib
- A2) my first thought was “we can’t” - but I think it’s important to make sure lots of other people are reading my work, checking my, and that I need to be open to being checked. #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/988951250128515072 …
- Diversity and collaboration. #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/988951250128515072 …
- @nnschiller @bembrarian @haylmail Really? There is still pageranking going on to order the results. #critlib
- A2b. In truly being transparency, and thinking critically, we can also design created materials to explore biases directly, and acknowledge where they may exist. Opens the opportunity for conversation, dialog. http://learningoutcomesassessment.org/TransparencyFramework.htm … #critlib
- Let me clarify. DuckDuckGo is largely donation driven but is still a business. Their emphasis is on privacy and not tracking users. That's good, but that says nothing about potential bias in their search results. #critlib https://twitter.com/jennyyaplib/status/988951871430656000 …
- @ashleighmaria @metageeky Well said! Bias (in the most technical sense) is unavoidable, but that doesn't mean we should stop aspiring to do better. #critlib
- @jennyyaplib @metageeky Though I agree they (and no one) is perfect, I have noticed the leadership of @DuckDuckGo being very open to discussion, dialog, and critical feedback in a way mega search corporations like Google and Bing are not. #critlib
- @CharissaAPowell I've caught a spelling error of mine already, too. Just roll with it. :) #critlib
- @metageeky @bembrarian @haylmail I'm speculating, so I may be talking out my elbow here, but the links-as-votes mechanic of PageRank, doesn't seem to apply to content filtering. Maybe what I'm speculating is that what PageRank tells us is less useful in that context? #critlib
- This. We can build off what search results already exist. De-silo the search experience. Make content within search results community-driven. #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/988952417877352448 …
- @marijel_melo Agree! This is something I'm working on a lot as a writer and being super aware of who I am citing and who I'm leaving out has led me to the research places I really want to be at - don't take the easy way out! #critlib
- @IamLibrarianSam Bias also inevitably leans towards providing depth & breadth for the dominant culture, though, so it's not like it's "innocent" even if we're aware of it. #critlib
- @librarian_lali Completely! Even though peer review is by experts in your field, under researched topics tend to get reviewed by semi-experts with lots of misconceptions. #critlib
- @librarian_lali It is my DREAM to teach an entire semester of information ethics. There's so much to cover, and it overlaps every discipline. #critlib
- @bembrarian But to be fair, you have to address the bias in the community too. Tyranny of the majority is not just a band name. #critlib
- @marijel_melo I've learned to listen closely when people refer to the politics of citation. Fascinating conversation follows. Thank you. #critlib
- @metageeky Going back to ExL, a quick search for "diversity" on their website yields . . . what kind of documents? 😕I'm very much reminded of the movement from Uber to Lyft last year as a result of similar lack of initiative by the former to support equity #critlib
- "I'm biased. I said it. I'm WOKE. Praise me." Do not be such a person. #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/988954295881158657 …
- Bias can be an important way of keeping oneself safe, but also can be over activated by stress, anxiety and just living in SOCIETY. Try to pause and question gut reactions... #critlib https://twitter.com/IamLibrarianSam/status/988953872310919168 …
- @violetbfox Absolutely! It cannot go unaddressed. #critlib
- @jennyyaplib @IamLibrarianSam @safiyanoble I recommend reading Dr. @safiyanoble 's work, and also looking at intersections between scholarly publishing and IL -- @StephDK and @mhensle1 have written & presented on this very topic (and included convos about the ACRL Framework for IL in Higher Ed. #critlib
- @librarian_lali Analogy: Who or what shows up at the top when you search for them in a search engine, in social media, in the database, Yelp, OKCupid, etc? And why? Authority in search rules the landscape. #critlib
- @metageeky Agreed. Being aware that it does exist or how to identify/think critically about it. Not inherent in most of the systems being referenced today, sadly. #librarylife #critlib
- @midnorthwest Options, yes, and also options for reading search engines as they (hopefully) do any other document: critically. #critlib
- @bembrarian @librarian_lali I think that it's key to focus on how Web Scale search does authority differently than what came before. Using what people click on is still authority, but it's less conscious authority than an editorial board.#critlib
- Q3. How can we thoughtfully perform bias analyses on our own systems?
- @curlsinthelib @SarahEHare @charbooth Also, look at the work of COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) - they are trying to address open access and sustainability. #critlib
- @aboutness I like this as a critical application. I have done this w. LC subject headings at the reference desk, but it is a good idea for ALL search environments. #critlib
- A3. Start a conversation. Assess systems regularly with other people, other users. #critlib https://twitter.com/IamLibrarianSam/status/988956148257775616 …
- @metageeky Also important to not make relevant minorities do all the work of educating bias away. #critlib
- @nnschiller @librarian_lali SEO folks are starting to assume rank is also influenced by the volume of users accessing the site directly (by entering their URL into the search bar), based on Chrome data and Analytics. The search experience begins before and beyond search. Bias is very total. #critlib
- This is a great question, but one aspect I see as different is that being able to test search results is a very different task that reading a novel. #critlib https://twitter.com/nnschiller/status/988956719765073920 …
- @nnschiller This is right where my brain goes, too. I can't separate the two. When I teach students about controlled vocab, I wish I had more time to really get into Google vs. library search tools, and how both have faults. #critlib
- @nnschiller Ugh, I'm struggling with the idea of paying sensitivity readers when knowing the corporations probably aren't going to pay them. #critlib
- @metageeky @aboutness Hence the responsibility to be ready to explain violent, harmful systems and the bias that created them. Information professionals need to own this and be ready to dig into the uncomfortable-ness of these spaces. #critlib
- @nnschiller Oh, no, I can totally see why you would though, though. We keep waiting for our tools to get better so they can make better use of our vocabs, but... our vocabs aren't always great? All are symptomatic of the same bias. #critlib
- @metageeky @haylmail @aboutness *might* being key term here. Some might not be afraid of addressing biased patrons with a variety of teaching and learning moments. But I respect those who are afraid. #selfcare #critlib
- @midnorthwest What a meta concept. I didn't think about this, but yes--having a common understanding of how we define bias would be a good place to start. #critlib
- @metageeky @aboutness Also it def. feels like the successful research of biased patrons is OFTEN privileged over the harm done to minority researchers. #critlib
- @midnorthwest I like the idea but it's sort of like defining pornography. And if we go too far in making if very academic, the definition may not be of practical use. #critlib
- @IamLibrarianSam @nnschiller But at least library search tools are the evil we know, whereas Google is an algorithmic black box. (As discovery layers move that way, we give up even *that* advantage, of clarity & transparency.) #critlib
- Q4. What can we do to help our communities understand the biases that exist in web searching?
- @IamLibrarianSam @nnschiller Scale becomes something I can't stop thinking about. The scale of search engines (in most cases) overshadows any particular library database/collection. And as such specific tools with specific inherent biases are used to algorithmically maintain search engines. #critlib
- @violetbfox @IamLibrarianSam I think that distinction is already lost in the current generation of discovery layers. Google, at least, has some error-correction built in, where I don't think discovery tools learn from mistakes. #critlib #cynic
- clarity that we have through our own professional privilege though - for the average user library search tools are not much more transparent - this comes through relevant instruction. #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/988958671131631616 …
- @IamLibrarianSam A3. If possible, dismantle, break, pull apart the systems to see its insides and how it works. Whether it's a coding language, algorithm, or 3D printer its parts reveal much of the socio-economic, gender, class, race biases that comprise the system. It's all baked in. #critlib
- @metageeky A4 #critlib Not shying away from the uncomfortable conversations. pic.twitter.com/tZmVh4QPQh
- A4: Supporting those who have curated examples like @safiyanoble and curating examples ourselves when we find them to help us break down the idea that data is neutral #critlib
- @metageeky This is key. Thank you for sharing this tonight. There is a role for #whiteness in a lot of this work. I love the work of Robin DiAngelo, where I've started to think about my own position. #critlib
- @metageeky Totally agree. But I think institutions can come up with a definition that reflects their specific orientation to bias while still following some broad, theoretical oh no, dare I say it, framework? #critlib
- A4b. But really, have conversations, focus sessions, workshops, instructions, and all other methods of communication that bring this topic up regularly! This is information literacy! This is critical thinking! It should be normal--NORMAL--to talk of systemic info biases. #critlib
- A4a. "Dear [name of community], we regret to inform you that the search engines you use and the content within are biased. It's all biased. Please chat with your librarian for more information." #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/988958798500032514 …
- @bembrarian PS - librarians are also biased. #critlib
- @metageeky Yep, we're logged into the browser in most cases. Or the browser session/tab. And then all of the devices. And all of the devices' connected apps. #critlib
- But we're a NEUTRAL biased, right? #critlib /flees the pelting of rotten vegetables https://twitter.com/haylmail/status/988960970621014016 …
- @aboutness Dr. Noble has talked about the commerical bias of SERPs and search engine rankings. (Vogue and Glamour rank above feminist magazines because the latter feature fewer or lower value AdWords.) Maybe? this is the source http://bit.ly/1953BW3 #critlib
- @metageeky Is that Neutral Biased an alignment in D&D? #critlib
- So #critlib, we are passed the hour. Thank for attending tonight and thank @IamLibrarianSam for proposing this topic.
- @metageeky Addressing somebody else's bias takes tact. We need to give them time to be uncomfortable with it, and give them a chance to eventually come around to it. Likewise, we need to lean into our discomfort when somebody disrupts our biases. #critlib
- Oh, absolutely. There is an in for criticism and discussion, and this is HUGE. #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/988960663161712640 …
- It's been almost two years since this came out, and still no response/action from LC. If you are interested in a very deep examination of a single problematic/biased subject heading, please do check it out! #critlib #critcat https://twitter.com/aboutness/status/756282780045103104 …
- Thanks @IamLibrarianSam @metageeky ! Great and important topic - keep up the good work everyone. #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/988961592350998528 …
- @metageeky @IamLibrarianSam Thank to you both for hosting and everyone else for participating! Fantastic thoughts from all. #critlib
- Until next time...#critlib pic.twitter.com/T61JkJHyiJ
- @bembrarian Yes - this. Work it into every session! Be a broken record if you have to. #critlib
- @aboutness Makes you wonder if there's something with more teeth that could be done to push this through. #critlib