#critlib 2018-02-07: publishing, whiteness, and inequities
Archive of the February 7 2018 #critlib chat on publishing, whiteness, and inequities," moderated by @chelseaheinbach @CharissaAPowell & @CharlotteRock. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit http://critlib.org
- To all my public librarian friends we would love it if you joined us Tues at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on the #critlib hashtag to chat about diversity and publishing. Readings and Q's here! : http://critlib.org/publishing-whiteness-and-inequities/ … https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/960591888540631040 …
- And speaking of publishing, tonight's #critlib chat is on whitness and other inequities in that arena: http://critlib.org/publishing-whiteness-and-inequities/ …
- Hi all, thanks for joining myself, @charlotte & @chelsea for tonight’s #critlib #libparlor mashup Tweet chat! Tonight we’ll be using the #critlib hashtag to track the conversation. Anyone who wishes to post anonymously can use this form: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwyWyihbid8kFgyc1Pu5_BTBFGZt9Ij75bA9WPjPaMu1jCgtNmQ/exec …
- @CharissaAPowell Hi, my name’s Charlotte and I’m a scholarly communications librarian in San Francisco. #critlib
- All of tonight's questions can be found here: http://critlib.org/publishing-whiteness-and-inequities/ … #critlib
- @CharissaAPowell Hi! My name is Aman. I'm a librarian in Philly. I'm fairly new to #critlib.
- I think anything goes! My expertise is scholarly but there's great evidence in children's lit. #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/961058127541018625 …
- @CharlotteRock I would agree with this! Anything goes #critlib
- @libraringkat @CharissaAPowell Wonderful! I hope to learn from this discussion and many more #critlib chats in the future!
- Q1. What are some historical and current inequities in publishing? #critlib
- A1. Well, for a few hundred years in the US, Black people were denied literacy on pain of death. So, that's going to have an impact. #critlib https://twitter.com/CharlotteRock/status/961058292108677121 …
- @blkliblady I'm thinking about lurking as well! #critlib
- @kevinseeber Yeah, it's hard to know where to even start #critlib
- @tschultz0 Yes, so true! If you want to expand, I'm really intrigued by more subtle ways you've noticed? #critlib
- A1 Tonight's moderators helpfully pointed participants to Lee and Low resources, and I'm just going to put this right here. Traditional publishing is a white industry, by white people for white people. #critlib pic.twitter.com/D7kqb015Tj
- @CharissaAPowell When i teach peer review, I talk about how unconscious bias can affect peer reviewers and editors in how they judge works by/about women and minority groups. #critlib
- @tschultz0 I love using the peer review process as a way to talk about that! #critlib
- @CharissaAPowell And if women/POC can't get faculty positions (vs. adjuncts), they might be viewed as less than in even more ways by those editors/peer reviewers. #critlib
- A1 This is an article that I frequently assign to my grad students: http://info.ils.indiana.edu/gender/index.php … #critlib
- @CharlotteRock A1 A reaction from Latin America to inequities: Cartoneras, or books made from recycled cardboard and sold by artisans to increase access to literacy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartonera and https://www.facebook.com/groups/108542402934/ … #critlib
- Yes. Publishing inequities can be traced back to forced illiteracy for POC and indigenous folks. #critlib https://twitter.com/akaur0/status/961060725677613057 …
- Q2. How have you seen these inequities play out in your work in libraries? #critlib
- A2 This is what we're often asked to teach in our libraries, "legitimate" or "authoritative." #critlib https://twitter.com/curlsinthelib/status/961061322409594880 …
- @CharissaAPowell And for those who aren't native English speakers, too many scholars judge them negatively if they don't have great grammar. One thing to think "Hey, we have a communication prob," but turns into "they're not a real scholar." #critlib
- A2. I have a lot of fights with coworkers about what to seek out (identifying comments redacted) and what to weed (weeding something because it's racist trash means I'm bad librarian apparently) #critlib https://twitter.com/CharlotteRock/status/961060793256038401 …
- @megwacha @nfoasberg @zoh_zoh I've been debating idea of predatory journals and this. So often "predatory" actually has discriminatory biases behind it. But then they're also often journs that charge APC, which is also discriminatory. So how much should I speak up for them? #critlib
- Yes! I try to really dig into the conversation and see who is getting a chance to speak — and find ways to talk to students about this too #critlib https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/961061654552342528 …
- reference mostly white men* #critlib https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/961061654552342528 …
- @desmondcwong A2 I feel like this speaks to the second question -- publishing inequities impact the way we catalog and create metadata for info, which then impacts access and retrieval. #critlib
- @zoh_zoh And to consider that Gen Z and all subsequent generations of Americans will be majority POC, #WeNeedDiverseBooks & authors in #libraries and in the hands of children! #critlib
- Those concerned about predatory behavior might want to check out this article! http://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/16614 … #critlib https://twitter.com/tschultz0/status/961062117028741120 …
- ...and trying to do better in this respect in my own work, too. #critlib https://twitter.com/hailthefargoats/status/961062253897437185 …
- For non-Library of Congress call number folks: Books about indigenous peoples are automatically classified as "history." Even books about what's happening right now. Our classification system sees groups of people as "history." #critlib https://twitter.com/desmondcwong/status/961061548641972225 …
- A2 It's not just students! Which is horrible for scholarship. #critlib https://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21729977-governments-should-take-note … https://twitter.com/IamLibrarianSam/status/961062262881517568 …
- yes, definitely, this. faculty want the answer of "good" information to be "scholarly" / "peer reviewed" without a conversation of the issues within the system. #critlib https://twitter.com/schomj/status/961062530163593216 …
- Q3. How can library workers strive to make publishing more equitable in our role as purchasers, authors, and influencers? #critlib
- A3 Cont'd - A really good example of this is with the Edmonton Public Library's Elder in Residence program - bringing those community members physically into the space #critlib https://www.epl.ca/news/epl-introduces-new-elder-in-residence-program/ …
- A3. Seek out non-white male voices to cite! And cite them a lot! #critlib https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/961063144494952448 …
- @nfoasberg Yes to both! We're doing some physical remodeling of the space which has opened the door to renegotiating the policy! #critlib
- Yes! (And in fact...students can be/are authors of today, too!) #critlib https://twitter.com/iamlibrariansam/status/961063852074029056 …
- Feel free to use these slides when you talk to students! #critlib https://works.bepress.com/charlotteroh/35/ … https://twitter.com/nfoasberg/status/961064214361247744 …
- #critlib A2. Intersectionality, LOC style (part of HT). pic.twitter.com/Sc3ck6ojGG
- A3 Thanks to the http://diversebookfinder.org , I now have an entire room of picture books with characters of color on the main floor of my library #critlib
- @nfoasberg Excellent point! #critlib
- A3 Cont'd - I would encourage you to look for Indigenous book distributors in your area. In a lot of cases, these vendors have deep relationships within their communities and have ways to give back - the one I frequent is Goodminds ( http://www.goodminds.com ) #critlib
- A3 Cont'd - I would encourage you to look for Indigenous book distributors in your area. In a lot of cases, these vendors have deep relationships within their communities and have ways to give back - the one I frequent is Goodminds ( http://www.goodminds.com ) #critlib
- @desmondcwong OOOH YES! We have a big Enviro Studies program, which takes very specific views on land. #critlib
- Such a great resource, will be using with my students #critlib https://twitter.com/CharlotteRock/status/961064381160148992 …
- A3. 🤔 Maybe have focus groups/discussion sessions inviting users (students/faculty at MPOW) from marginalized populations in to express their needs. We library workers sometimes are overeager about saving others without consent or consultation. #critlib https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/961063144494952448 …
- @Kazlowskaa Many have recently attended the OLA conference and this is a critical perspective that we can reflect on. #neoliberalism #academia #commodification #critlib
- @chelseaheinbach A3 Yep. And maybe ask yourself what's going on if you only display books by black authors during Black History Month, etc. #critlib
- Minnesota area folks, see @birchbarkbooks #critlib https://twitter.com/desmondcwong/status/961064948939001857 …
- @librarybell Again, with #critlib tag: I’m guessing you already know @debreese blog … https://americanindiansinchildrensliterature.blogspot.com/
- Q4. How can library workers strive to make publishing more equitable as researchers themselves? #critlib
- Scary infographic showing the lack of diversity in publishing #libraries #educators #DiversityandInclusion #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/961059712950181889 …
- True fact: I have a little apology in several of my LibGuides for the lack of intersectionality in the subject terms I recommend & an explanation that they’re chosen by the LoC #critlib https://twitter.com/steverunge/status/961064568914137088 …
- @tschultz0 @CharissaAPowell This also affects an author's citation counts, as other scholars may not cite works that contain imperfect grammar as well as libraries not purchasing these works. #critlib
- Coming back to these numbers: these numbers have barely moved in DECADES. How are we challenging this? Or reinforcing it? #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/961059712950181889 …
- A4. Cite authors of color. If you can't think of any, expand your network. Freire doesn't count. If you're writing about disability or LGBTQ topics, boost the voices of people who have those identities. #critlib https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/961065605997744129 …
- If you manage library workers, are you making (paid) time for their professional development? #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/961066162955022336 …
- @nfoasberg I love this idea! Going to go edit some of my LibGuides tomorrow #critlib
- A4. This may just reflect MPOW, but state conferences seem to be where you'll hear these voices. How do we capture them more broadly (with their consent)? #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/961066162955022336 …
- A4 Don't assume that your colleagues know how to conduct research about libraries. Share your knowledge -- write for #LibParlor! #shamelessplug #critlib
- @curlsinthelib Totally agree! I keep thinking about ways to get our peer research consultants involved research around peer-to-peer reference. I have one POV, but I want to help leverage their voices too #critlib
- @soccerbrarian @referencebird I love this #infolit assignment from @Bali_Maha to find articles on game design by Egyptian or Arab authors. #critlib https://blog.mahabali.me/pedagogy/we-dont-need-no-academic-articles-by-white-men/ …
- @librarybell Very interesting to consider purchase driven acquisitions. Do our students do a better job requesting automatic purchases than we do at selecting? #Critlib
- Hell, make 'em your co-authors. #critlib https://twitter.com/IamLibrarianSam/status/961068177076649984 …
- @hailthefargoats @curlsinthelib as an undergrad, I was a writing coach & encouraged to publish. it was super empowering & made me feel like I could pursue an academic career (even if I went a different direction) #critlib
- Q5. How will you actively work against these inequities using what you learned in this chat today? #critlib
- All of these answers lead perfectly into Q5) How will you actively work against inequities in publishing using something new you learned in this chat today? #critlib #LibParlor
- @CharlotteRock A colleague at MPOW did this and I admire her so much for it and want to do it myself #critlib
- A5 I'm going to think a lot about @desmondcwong's Qs : 1. How are Indigenous peoples written about? 2. Are they depicted with harmful stereotypes/pejoratives? 3. What relationships does author have to community? 4. How are relationships to Land described? #critlib https://twitter.com/desmondcwong/status/961063575165992961 …
- @akaur0 @zoh_zoh Anything you think will help others gain confidence and knowledge in the research and publishing process! OR reflections on issues inherent in the processes. Very open to ideas. Look here for ideas or email us to chat! #critlib #LibParlor http://bit.ly/contribute2lp
- #critlib (happens at least once every time) https://twitter.com/libraringkat/status/961068879769370625 …
- @kevinseeber lol pretty sure it works for all of questions tbh #critlib
- A5 I got some really great ideas today about how to broach some of these topics with first-year students. Definitely editing my LibGuides to have disclaimer about subject terms and lack of intersectionality (thanks @nfoasberg) #critlib
- @IamLibrarianSam and make sure you go through and share the results with your Community Council/Neighborhood Association! Your community should benefit from the research too, not just be the subjects in survey data! #critlib
- @ricketiki We're lucky to have people like @OpOnions and @violetbfox and a ton of other catalogers doing the work of correcting these issues. #critlib
- A5 I send this infographic to every mom friend I have. #critlib #WeNeedDiverseBooks h/t @readingspark https://readingspark.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/diversityinchildrensbooks2015_f.jpg?w=490 … pic.twitter.com/X6CXour023
- Oooh oooh can we all promise to ask each booth rep for POC authors? Bc I had trouble w/that last time. #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/961069902848188416 …
- @CharissaAPowell @akaur0 @zoh_zoh @LibParlor lollling so hard at all of the #LibParlor editors attacking this poor person with the "How to contribute" page #critlib
- A5. This is a good question that needs to bounce around my brain a bit before I have an answer. #critlib https://twitter.com/chelseaheinbach/status/961068485840224256 …
- @chelseaheinbach @CharissaAPowell @akaur0 @zoh_zoh @LibParlor WE ARE JUST VERY EXCITED! (sorry -- we should all maybe try to be a little more chill) #critlib
- I'm also going to ask reps if they work with disabilities scholars and disabled authors. A5 #critlib https://twitter.com/CharlotteRock/status/961070081491939328 …
- @chelseaheinbach @CharissaAPowell @zoh_zoh @LibParlor It's not an attack...It's bringing this #critlib discussion full cycle...encouraging a POC to publish!
- A5. Love @nfoasberg's disclaimer about subject headings in LibGuides. & since I'm still a new researcher, really reflect on what I'm interested in working on and who else may be a valuable collaborator in that conversation & cite them & cultivate those rships. #critlib
- Of course, my #critlib pitch is to invite you all to write for @LibParlor and help us demystify the research process for everyone :) http://bit.ly/contribute2lp
- A4. I'm struggling a bit with phrasing here, but... If you're an editor and creating a call for proposals, are you proofreading it with an eye to making it comprehensible to newer authors? If you're a peer reviewed, are you providing guidance? #critlib https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/961065605997744129 …
- Here’s my #critlib pitch: Come work with me! We have two open positions at Queens College now: a data librarian position and an archivist position, and two more to be posted very soon: outreach and digital scholarship. Details here: https://library.qc.cuny.edu/information/employment.php …
- Alright that’s a wrap! Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts and expertise. Special thanks to my fellow moderators @CharissaAPowell and @CharlotteRock. Keep an eye out for a @LibParlor post recapping the chat coming soon! #critlib
- Ahhh I came in super late so I have been lurking but THANK YOUUU for the great #critlib chat @CharlotteRock @chelseaheinbach @CharissaAPowell
- @chelseaheinbach Gosh, like what? I can make a shameless plug about an article 2 coauthors and I got accepted in portal: "Information literacy practices of Spanish-speaking graduate students at the University of Kansas." We used focus groups to make student voices central to our research #critlib
- My #critlib pitch is to either buy a copy of @safiyanoble's book or put it on hold at your library so they purchase a second/third/twelfth copy. This book is an important one, and a lot of bozos are attempting to dismiss it (as bozos are wont to do). https://nyupress.org/books/9781479837243/ …
- @CharlotteRock I highly recommend Fisher & Trimble: doing research with ethnocultural populations. Consider who you are researching ethnocultultural pop, even if they technically aren’t. Research with-not on. #critlib
- Thank you so much @CharlotteRock @chelseaheinbach & @CharissaAPowell for moderating such a fantastic #critlib chat! I learned so much & got so many ideas to keep thinking on. (PS. coincidence, that all your names start w/"ch"?!)
- @soccerbrarian exactly!!! yes thank you for sharing that is super exciting! Shameless plugs encouraged. I should have said that 😛 #critlib
- My poor Toast has been waiting so patiently for me to finish so we can go for a walk. Goodnight #critlib! pic.twitter.com/HZ8f7RV9MT
- thanks to @CharlotteRock, @chelseaheinbach, & @CharissaAPowell for a great #critlib chat. I definitely learned a lot & have a lot of things to think about & incorporate into my own practice!
- Many thanks to @CharissaAPowell @chelseaheinbach @CharlotteRock and all participants for a great #critlib chat! My #critpitch is for all of us to propose ideas for future chats at http://critlib.org/twitter-chats/suggest-a-twitter-chat/ …
- Sad to have missed #critlib BUT will be reading everyone’s brilliance tomorrow! For now the kiddo is (finally!) asleep, rosé is on hand and my husband just shared this amazingness 👇🏽 pic.twitter.com/BzPWPjkVuL
- sliding in with a lateish #critlib pitch: my library is hiring an information literacy coordinator, an education information librarian, and a director of resource services! positions here: http://agency.governmentjobs.com//semoedu/default.cfm?promotionaljobs=1 …
- Interesting and relevant article on abelism in LIS and in academia. https://era.library.ualberta.ca/files/b1n79h450b#.Wm1OGYDuX_Y.mailto … #critlib #hegemonicabelism
- For a holistic look at inequality in USA education, follow @nhannahjones , MacArthur Genius Fellow, whose journalism explores how inequality in engineered into USA education. Very compelling work. #critlib
- Need to find some #LIS journals? This huge list from the University of Saskatchewan has #OA ones marked: https://library.usask.ca/ceblip/research/peer-reviewed-lis-journals.php … Where possible, also consider putting preprints into your institutional repository, @LISSArchive, etc. #critlib https://twitter.com/kevinseeber/status/961067257118916608 …
- Thought-provoking answers to tonight's #critlib Qs! As a Black woman whose 1st career was publishing (17yrs), I can offer input on Q1. https://twitter.com/CharlotteRock/status/961058292108677121 …
- @Bali_Maha @soccerbrarian @referencebird So often students navigate databases and latch onto the first hit that looks relevant, without critically evaluating the sources. Maha, your exercise interrogates what the algorithms feed us. Very apropos to this #critlib chat: http://critlib.org/publishing-whiteness-and-inequities/ …
- @Bali_Maha @soccerbrarian @referencebird Maha, how have you adapted the exercise? Would love to see the assignment and how you describe the search process. #critlib #infolit