#critlib 2017-11-14: Radical Reference
Archive of the November 14 2017 #critlib chat on Radical Reference, moderated by @mauraweb @Audrey_Sage_ and @NicoleG_Haus. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit http://critlib.org
- Don't forget on Tues (Dec 14) at 9 PM, we're hosting a #critlib chat! Modded by @mauraweb, @Audrey_Sage_ , and me (@NicoleG_Haus). Pre-game our questions here: http://critlib.org/radical-reference-chat/ …
- I'm sad I can't make this @RadReference #critlib chat at 9pm ET on Tuesday facilitated by @Audrey_Sage_ @mauraweb & @NicoleG_Haus: http://critlib.org/radical-reference-chat … since I'm traveling that day. Have the best convo about what do to next with Rad Ref! #FOMOingLikeAMofo pic.twitter.com/nQkMPWQrPL
- So excited to take part in this #critlib chat!!! https://twitter.com/nycradref/status/929756825666379779 …
- Social justice and equity in libraries: next #critlib discussing radical reference is coming soon (tomorrow 1pm AEST) http://critlib.org/radical-reference-chat/ …
- In about 24 hours we're hosting our #critlib chat! If you don't have a twitter account, you can submit anonymously at this link: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwyWyihbid8kFgyc1Pu5_BTBFGZt9Ij75bA9WPjPaMu1jCgtNmQ/exec … More information about the chat can be found here: http://critlib.org/radical-reference-chat/ …
- Have feels abt this quote? "intellectual freedom means the active promotion and protection of equal access to information as an inalienable right of all citizens" (Schuman 1987, 131)? Then join @NYCRadRef tomo @ 9 for a #CritLib chat you won't want 2 miss http://critlib.org/radical-reference-chat/ …!
- Want to learning more about bringing social justice to libraries? Join Tues #critlib focused on Radical Reference later tonight at 9 PM EST - https://goo.gl/wRh4ba
- Nice! Critical #critlib RadRef background! https://twitter.com/LNBel/status/930490125892583429 …
- T-minus an hour until our #critlib chat. Grab a snack and a drink! Here are the questions and readings to get you in the mood: http://critlib.org/radical-reference-chat/ …
- Get READDYYYYYYYYY! **TONIGHT** at 9 pm @mauraweb, @NicoleG_Haus, and I host @NYCRadRef's 1st #CritLib chat on activism on the LIS world! Come join! http://critlib.org/radical-reference-chat/ …
- Introductions
- Hey #critlib folks, it's time! Let's start out with intros! I'm Nicole, an archivist at the @cjewishhistory and @NYCRadRef member
- I REMEMBERED TO LOG ON. You should too 😊 #critlib https://twitter.com/nicoleg_haus/status/930616505850621958 …
- Hiya #critlib, I'm Maura, college library director in Brooklyn and @NYCRadRef member, excited to be moderating tonight with @NicoleG_Haus and @Audrey_Sage_ !
- Hello #critlib just in thawing out from bike ride home, lurking. Ellen, an academic/sp coll librarian in NYC and I have a rare @RadReference T shirt
- #critlib I’m Kate @NYCRadRef member, radref circa 2007 member...
- Hi! I'm an academic librarian at Queens College and also an @NYCRadRef member & I'm super excited about this #critlib chat!
- Hi, I'm Alex! I'm a project manager/data curator for a grant-funded project during the day; part of @NYCRadRef + a volunteer with a couple of housing/tenant rights coalitions at other times. This is my first #critlib
- Don't forget to use the hashtag tonight folks! And if you want to be anonymous, use this handy tool: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwyWyihbid8kFgyc1Pu5_BTBFGZt9Ij75bA9WPjPaMu1jCgtNmQ/exec … #critlib
- Hi #critlib I'm a highered biz librarian & tuning in from sunny Sydney #lunchtime twitterchat treats
- (I'm also liking and retweeting for @NYCRadRef tonight, fyi) #critlib
- Q1. Have you heard of or been involved with RadRef in the past? Where/when? What draws you to this work?
- Q1 is up, y'all! Come play! #CritLib https://twitter.com/mauraweb/status/930618100386496512 …
- A1 I've been RadRef adjacent for a while, gotten more involved recently. Lots of what @piebrarian wrote in her chapter ( https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2gn7r9n2 …) really resonates with me. #critlib
- I went to the Info Workers meeting about a year ago that eventually decided to be part of RadRef, mainly out of post-election dread. #critlib https://twitter.com/mauraweb/status/930618100386496512 …
- I am familiar with that dread. #critlib https://twitter.com/nfoasberg/status/930619191387983872 …
- I'm not that active with the group & I should do a lot more, but being among activists who are thinking carefully about this stuff is helpful to me. #critlib https://twitter.com/mauraweb/status/930618100386496512 …
- Not to be CUNY-centric (lol), but this has been really helpful to me as well. #critlib https://twitter.com/nfoasberg/status/930619380089712640 …
- A1 I've been a @NYCRadRef member for about a year. The work feels especially timely & important, and creates connections between info workers interested in a broad range of issues #critlib
- @databrarian A reading group sounds like a great idea! And maybe there are resources we can share? #critlib
- A1 I admire RadRef worker but have never been around to be part of it. Like @IreneKorber, I'd heard of it somewhere during Occupy or similar. Maybe BoingBoing? I'm too squeamish & untrained to be a street medic, so RadRef seems a way I could similarly contribute. #critlib
- Definitely. It would be great if we could build a foundation that was sustainable through periods of relative calm too! #critlib https://twitter.com/xsublibrarian/status/930620263741476864 …
- @databrarian That's a great idea! #CritLib
- @databrarian We can definitely help you make a reading list, but I know it's hard to read more while in school! Maybe for inspiration listen to some of the podcast episodes from @InterferenceArc -- Audio Interference http://interferencearchive.org/category/audio/ #critlib
- Definitely. We have tons of small breakout groups that do their own things and contribute in every way imaginable. Check out some meeting minutes, if you want to read more deets! http://radicalreference.info/localcollectives/nyc … #critlib https://twitter.com/foureyedsoul/status/930620623495168000 …
- &radref/collectivism, shared resources, info, spirit- better angles of librarianship. #critlib is a lot Critique, radref is that mobilized https://twitter.com/piebrarian/status/930620233055846400 …
- This was my #1 reason for getting involved. Information is (IMO) the most valuable and most powerful commodity in circulation rn. #critlib https://twitter.com/Qi40660473/status/930620824117227521 …
- There was also that lovely summer evening when a bunch of us went down to #Occuplywallstreet to catalog the #occupylibrary #critlib
- @metageeky #critlib folk have done great work unpacking/interrogating diversity politics/rhetoric @davehudson123
- Q2. What are other activist library groups? Can you share some examples of activist library groups’ activities?
- A2 For me, @InterferenceArc is a super inspiring example 🙌 #critlib
- @xsublibrarian @Audrey_Sage_ I was thinking abt this after the first post-2016 election meetings...so many attendees we ran out of chairs! Maybe natural ebb and flow of interest is ok? #critlib
- Absolutely. And these 'library' activist groups can be as broadly or as narrowly tied to the definition of 'library' as you want them to be (what in the world is a 'library' nowadays anyway!?)! #critlib https://twitter.com/AlexandraAlisa/status/930622389804814336 …
- #LISMentalHealth has done mental health awareness events and has a zine currently out. #critlib
- You should submit something, #critlib folks https://twitter.com/referencebird/status/912407852270026752 …
- Same! The @InterferenceArc folks do amazing work. #critlib https://twitter.com/AlexandraAlisa/status/930622389804814336 …
- @ohelmiller nice but sometimes find the merging of social justice activism with library work a challenge without compromising both #critlib
- @IreneKorber I think it was just one meeting as @NYCRadRef but there must have been overlap btwn radref and #occupylibrary workers too. #critlib
- @NicoleG_Haus @InterferenceArc There are so many! I love @freedomarchives in SF and Lesbian Herstory Archives here in BKLYN. Also the Infoshop 56a archive in London is one of my favourite places in the world #critlib
- A2 This sounds terrific, so necessary. Can you keep us posted? #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/930622543962300417 …
- Here's a list(incomplete) of organizations and people doing social justice work. #critlib http://www.mnylc.org/ideal/index.php?title=Main_Page …
- A2 There are so many! Orgs like @PLGCoordCom and ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table, collectives like @RadicalLibs and @foreningenbis, student-led initiatives like @derailforum #critlib
- #critlib A2. Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) has been doing work from within ALA since 1969. http://libr.org/srrt/
- @IreneKorber Do it! They'll probably be so excited to have someone create that collection! #critlib
- @NicoleG_Haus So much this. Burnout is a worry for me. #critlib
- Absolutely. Any ways to alleviate this? How do you all care for yourselves while contributing to 'the good fight'? #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/930623587328897025 …
- #critlib A2 as @Audrey_Sage_ said progressive librarians guild is awesome
- #critlib for some recent-ish history: http://www.ala.org/rt/srrt https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2052771.Revolting_Librarians …
- @xsublibrarian To add to these resources, more history about progressive library action around the world: "Progressive Library Organizations" by Al Kagan https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22238258-progressive-library-organizations … #critlib
- @databrarian Yes! We do some of this at MPOW, and @InfAgit and others did a great project at Brooklyn Public Library recently, details: https://dataprivacyproject.org/ #critlib A2
- @metageeky @NicoleG_Haus Follow up to this Q: what can we do to resist burnout? (Is it even resistable?) #critlib
- @Audrey_Sage_ true fact: I've missed some meetings when they conflicted with my therapist appointments #critlib
- @Audrey_Sage_ I try to remind myself that I won't be able to do everything right away, and accept that I might have a slower timeline on things I do for various groups #critlib
- Popping into #CritLib from a taqueria in SF where I'm having dinner with fellow @RadReference cofounder @freegovinfo. 👋🏽 sorry we can't chat. ❤️ y'all!
- @zinelib @RadReference @freegovinfo #critlib Hello Jenna! Glad you could cameo! You co-started an awesome thing. :)
- Eat tacos for us :D #critlib https://twitter.com/zinelib/status/930624597359083520 …
- Q3. How can library/information workers contribute to and work with other activist groups?
- @nfoasberg @Audrey_Sage_ This is about to be me as I try to figure out a night w/a new therapist by looking at the recent radref mtg schedule. #critlib
- Happy to talk to anyone about the Data Privacy Project curriculum for library staff! #critlib https://twitter.com/mauraweb/status/930624220018761728 …
- @Audrey_Sage_ @ohelmiller not sure why? Maybe just didn't have right connections at work...or maybe not enough #critlib in the workplace?
- @AlexandraAlisa A3. Yes!! Offering some information clarity to an org can be game changing. In my context, it can look like suggesting different access point for financial aid info across the campus, but it can also look like suggesting tools! #critlib
- When @NYCRadRef worked on our points of unity we talked a lot about who were included i thinl we tried to settle on info workers to get everybody libraries adjacent #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/930624558880690178 …
- A2 In addition to groups others have mentioned, @librarieswehere are doing important work within LIS. Not sure if they'd consider it "activist" exactly, but it's at least adjacent in my mind. #critlib
- @IreneKorber What a great idea! We’re showcasing our zine collection now, and I hope we can encourage students to make zines to display #critlib
- @AlexandraAlisa We've had libs do personal information management workshops #critlib
- A1: just doing research for my activist group I work with, I know where to find govt open data and train them on digital security #critlib https://twitter.com/NicoleG_Haus/status/930624668201115648 …
- A2 merging community, social spaces and #libraries like our local bookshop @JuraBooks nicely does #critlib
- @AlexandraAlisa THIS SO MUCH (my helpful comment /s) #critlib
- Glad you mentioned libguides, they are a really good way to feature all perspectives on a topic and offer the information to a wider audience, though through a corporate-controlled system #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/930625958746435584 …
- #critlib I talk to students everyday, in Ref convo, classes, etc about issues of justuce, Crit analysis..just try to be someone to talk to https://twitter.com/mckale_pratt/status/930625923740815360 …
- This always but particularly in libraries #critlib https://twitter.com/eamontewell/status/930626501141200896 …
- @mauraweb @NYCRadRef @metageeky @NicoleG_Haus I am learning this as I go( this may change) but setting boundaries with your time and thinking of terms of collaboration not service. #critlib
- #critlib A3 Agreed! Much of radical librarianship grew out of tech services Sandy Berman, et al https://twitter.com/k_swickard/status/930626915664318464 …
- @mauraweb @metageeky @NicoleG_Haus I make sure to intersperse the parts of this work that feel like "work" with the parts that feel like "super fun", and then somehow it balances out... Oh also massages. As often as I can afford them. #critlib
- A3 PS if ya’ll have more to share about this topic, consider filling out this survey: http://bit.ly/2grcaAX Responses will inform a little guide I and some others in @NYCRadRef are putting together for infoworkers who want to use their skills in community groups #critlib
- @EamonTewell this so much. i think being able to match our own skills will community needs. in a way, it's bit like being an empathic ethnographer. #critlib
- @jenhoyer @mauraweb @metageeky @NicoleG_Haus I took a while last week to make flyers for our upcoming game night. Work but didn't feel "worky" #critlib
- Q4. How can we keep up the momentum and sustainability in our activist library work?
- A4 The best suggestions 👇🏻 #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/930627933823258624 …
- @metageeky @jenhoyer @mauraweb @NicoleG_Haus We host them at our library! Partnering with student orgs and got some funding to purchase board games and an xbox. Fun and a way to create space for students #critlib
- A4 #critlib back to what @foureyedsoul said about @librarieswehere but having that group to vent, ask questions, find mentors has been incredibly helpful and sustaining for me as a POC first-gen student
- Next meeting, we are coloring and sending cards to LGBTQ prisoners courtesy of Black and Pink #critlib https://twitter.com/jenhoyer/status/930627461838245888 …
- Learning how and when to say no is one of the most valuable skills I've learned as an activist over the past couple of years. #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/930628434023403521 …
- @metageeky Agreed. It makes a huge difference to have backing from admin #critlib
- @NYCRadRef I am so excited for this meeting, for real. I have my colored pencils ready! #critlib
- A4 Choose carefully where you direct your efforts and where they're needed. @NYCRadRef decided we don't need more protest calendars or resource lists, for example #critlib
- Yes, definitely try your hardest not to duplicate others' work, even if you think you could do it better. Build upon foundations already laid by others; don't reinvent the wheel! #critlib https://twitter.com/EamonTewell/status/930629439205138432 …
- And peer care, peer care, peer care. Some of us are too obstinate to realize we need to take care of ourselves instead of fighting the fight. #critlib https://twitter.com/ohelmiller/status/930629763043069952 …
- Q5. What would you like to see RadRef do or be? How can we make it happen?
- @foureyedsoul worthwhile work and thank you, but not something I'm going to be able to do - going to have to use what's available, but to project social justice so its half ok #critlib
- A5 This is tricky, @NYCRadRef we talk about maybe bringing back the online Q&A but that's a big time investment. Still thinking. #critlib
- Also is there space for people who are doing this work without being formally involved with a @RadReference initiative? There are tons of people who are engaged in activism / with activists without the support of such a community #critlib
- A5. I want to know more about how to start a @RadReference group out here in flyover country. Or something similar! #critlib
- A5 Basically the same here, but in a more mountains & deserts part of flyover country. #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/930631433512738816 …
- It is tricky, & yet so core to what we could offer as library/info type people A5/ #critlib https://twitter.com/mauraweb/status/930631066515394560 …
- whoops, forgot to hashtag #critlib A5 part 2 https://twitter.com/databrarian/status/930631188036882432 …
- @EamonTewell Union solidarity for instance ;) #critlib
- @databrarian #critlib love the idea of a syllabus/intro for LIS students new to the profession/crit theory. this has been a challenge for me too
- A5 The @NYCRadRef folks are talking about adding resources to the website, these suggestions are terrific, thanks y'all! #critlib
- @databrarian Also for LIS professionals who weren't exposed to #critlib in school and perhaps stumbled upon it quite by accident doing self education (hi me)
- @mckale_pratt #critlib what I'd like to see (or do? when i have time for that podcast haha) is something specifically from student pov. Less info coming down from on high by ~experts~ more discussion and personal stories about what it *means* and why it matters
- Conclusions
- Before we head out, is there a volunteer to Storify tonight's #critlib chat? Hit us up at @NYCRadRef if so. Thx!
- @databrarian i'd be very interested in listening to/contributing to that! #critlib
- Pitch - I am really looking forward to the ART-NEA Joint conference in NewHaven in March. Scholarship deadline has been extended for students and others needing support to attend #critlib https://www.nycarchivists.org/resources/NEA-A.R.T.%20Spring%202018%20Joint%20Meeting%20Scholarship%20Announcement.pdf …
- Thanks everyone, awesome chat tonight, so grateful to mod with the rad @NicoleG_Haus and @Audrey_Sage_ #critlib
- Thanks #critlib and see you @NYCRadRef ers at the next meeting
- @mckale_pratt @databrarian I'd LOVE to listen to / read something like that from students! A few of us tried to make a sort of "here's some theory starting points" thing a couple years ago but got hung up on feeling like we'd come across as positioning ourselves as "on high." #critlib
- Thanks! Next time is 11/28, same time, #critlib and comics, modded by the awesome @ohelmiller and @stephliana! https://twitter.com/cha_cjb/status/930633698801680384 …
- #critlib: zines are still relevant right? (ha). thanks for all the info/resources from tonight's chat. it was my first (and not last) time being a participant! pic.twitter.com/bmJc1CFJY2
- @chelleinthelib @EamonTewell I agree w/the idea that whiteness is a clear factor in a lot of reference but as a latina lib, privilege is also a looming factor #critlib
- Can't believe I forgot and missed the @NYCRadRef #critlib chat last night 😩we moved over the weekend and our lives are still upside down
- A5 Have y'all seen the Starting a Local Collective post on the Rad Ref website? It's both easier and harder than you think! Starting it is easy. Keeping it going is hard. http://radicalreference.info/starting-local-collective … #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/930631433512738816 …