#critlib 2017-09-18: spatial justice
Archive of the September 18 2017 #critlib chat on spatial justice, moderated by @a_meeksie & @vin_alyssa. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit http://critlib.org/
- Join #ARLISriss and #critlib on Monday, September 18 at 8pm Central Time for a Twitter chat on spatial justice http://critlib.org/spatial-justice/ …
- Tonight at 8pm CST: #critlib chat on #spatialjustice and #publicart! Check out the questions/add'l readings here: http://critlib.org/spatial-justice/ …
- #Critlib! on #spatialjustice in half an hour! What did ya'll think of the reading: https://tinyurl.com/yc3q7asp
- A note abt tonight's #critlib chat: In addition to storify, the chat will be archived on the ARLIS learning portal: https://www.arlisna.org/career-resources/arlis-na-learning-portal …
- Introductions
- @collegeart asked their members for their views ( https://tinyurl.com/y88c578v ); tonight's #critlib chat is abt adding #librarian voices
- If you'd like to chat anonymously, you can submit your responses here: http://goo.gl/8wyNps . They’ll be posted by @CritLib_anon #Critlib
- Follow along with @vin_alyssa and I! We are the moderators for tonight's #critlib chat. Feel free to respond anonymously: https://twitter.com/vin_alyssa/status/909944475593691136 …
- Hi #critlib, it's me, an LIS PhD student... I am baking cookies, but will be keeping an eye on things. #alreadylate
- Q1. What is the function of public art and architecture where you work/live?
- A1 Tons of monuments, sculptures, and murals by street artists in Baltimore. And this happened http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-confederate-statues-timeline-20170816-story.html … #critlib
- A1 Lots of public art in Seattle! But only a small portion acknowledges indigenous peoples. #critlib http://www.seattle.gov/arts/programs/public-art …
- A1 Chief Seattle sculpture recognizes the city's namesake but def glosses over the whole stolen land thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Seattle_(sculpture) … #critlib
- A1 Cont'd. I feel like there's a lot to be learned from German debates here in the US: http://www.harvarddesignmagazine.org/issues/9/memory-and-counter-memory … #critlib
- A1 we have a statue of our namesake, Goethe, which causes constant confusion about what our mission/focus area actually is #Critlib pic.twitter.com/Spf061z8cU
- Q2. What narratives/whose history is dominant in and around lib*/archives in your community?
- A2: We don't acknowledge stolen land in my city & most things are named after white donors: http://www.flagstaff.az.gov/DocumentCenter/View/14245 … #critlib
- I don't see much engagement, but I know that the BSU on my campus tried to have building's/room's names changed a few years ago #critlib https://twitter.com/vin_alyssa/status/909949582481788929 …
- #critlib our current exhibits are pretty cool (not super involved in either so I can brag, haha): https://libraries.mit.edu/exhibits/ but change is slow
- @lee_swayd That's awful 🙁 #critlib
- A2. Our summer reading club program had a #canada150 theme that focused on celebrating Canada (+ not engaging w/ colonial history) #critlib
- Q2 mostly colonialists/industrialists who later gave money to libraries #Critlib https://twitter.com/vin_alyssa/status/909949030054137856 …
- Q3. If lib* take an antiracist approach to cultivating culturally responsive spaces, what do we need to examine first and why?
- A3. Architecture! Neo-classical and neo-Gothic buildings as false histories of a pure white past. http://www.wnyc.org/story/on-the-media-2017-09-15 … #critlib
- A3: Stop naming bldngs after rich/white donors, learn & understand local history of PoC, hire PoC to create the art/arch! #critlib https://twitter.com/A_meeksie/status/909951852120117248 …
- A3. Who is already represented? Who makes decisions? Who is in the conversation? Who is framing the questions? #critlib https://twitter.com/A_meeksie/status/909951852120117248 …
- @CityThatReads love this--how do our spaces express our values? do they say what we want them to say? #critlib
- Q4. How can we can work to counteract & subvert oppressive spatial elements, such as monuments that function as microaggressions?
- Again for the ppl in the back #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/909954775281573889 …
- A4: We can do the work to research/work w community to document narratives often overlooked/reserved for bottom shelf of history. #critlib https://twitter.com/vin_alyssa/status/909954200066543617 …
- A4 interesting-looks like Oberlin changed the route after I graduated, partly due to controversy. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2009/04/28/bypassing-controversy … #critlib
- A4. Invite community conversations. @LevineMuseum in Charlotte, NC is a good model for these. #critlib
- A4. Better yet, don't just remove racist ass statues. Smash them! #DoItLikeDurham #critlib
- @vin_alyssa A4: Actively search for marginalized ppl’s stories/contributions in your field/local history. Don't rely on 1 source for the facts #critlib
- Q5. What barriers might we encounter in trying to do this work in our profession & how can we overcome those barriers?
- I really love this work, for example. #critlib Support these activists and artists. https://twitter.com/BYP_100/status/899010323251961856 …
- @lee_swayd *snaps for this* #critlib
- A5 Organize. @librarieswehere #critlib
- @A_meeksie Yes! I never get tired of this post from @AprilHathcock (good thing, when I need the reminder) #critlib https://aprilhathcock.wordpress.com/2016/04/13/youre-gonna-screw-up/ …
- A5 Seconding @CityThatReads's ORGANIZE & for white ppl, make spaces 4 ppl of color in yr organizing. its not hard! #artandfeminism #critlib
- A5 Funding sources coming from people/organizations with a vested interest in maintaining white supremacy #critlib https://twitter.com/a_meeksie/status/909956518832889858 …
- Conclusions
- As we get close to our 60 mins, let's mix in #critpitch time. Anyone have writings/events/readings/other things to share? #critlib
- Tune in for the next #critlib chat on Tuesday, October 3 about #OER! #critpitch http://critlib.org/twitter-chats/upcoming-twitter-chats/ …
- If anyone would like to volunteer to Storify this chat, please let us know! #critpitch #critlib
- Echo-ing @A_meeksie and her thanks. Here's to continuing the conversation! #critlib
- Thanks so much to @A_meeksie @vin_alyssa & all the #critlib folks who showed up to chat about spatial justice.
- @A_meeksie have you seen this? #critlib DU libraries did an exhibit of Real Life Indians a few year ago! https://twitter.com/BishopNaomi/status/910145853213442048 …