A bit on the repeal of DACA in advance of the chat:
- So I'll be moderating a #critlib chat tomorrow! We'll be breaking down the concept of "professionalism." bring your best gifs! https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/903664491442950144 …
- @TheGnarrator Professionalism in practice is often privileging ppl who can have a normal day during a disaster. E.G. #critlib on the day DACA likely ends
- @TheGnarrator This is a great topic, is there any chance to reschedule given the many feelings, trauma, support, organizing many will be doing? #critlib
- @poeticdoxa I understand, and I totally want to validate your point because I think it is important. However, we had no way of predicting (1)
- @poeticdoxa that this chat would coincide with the possible repeal of DACA. I'm also conflicted, because of the bleakness that is 2017, there isn't (2)
- @poeticdoxa ever going to be a "good time" to do this as the current us situation is one that just seems to get increasingly worse (3).
- @poeticdoxa I would hope that #critlib would be a platform for anyone to bring in these feelings and particularly the organizing spirit into chat (4)
- Good evening, #critlib! My name is Greg, pronoun him/his, and I'm based in Seattle. Faculty librarian at @TheLWTech. Excited to be here.
- I'm Jennifer. Recently moved to @OSULibrary #critlib
Q1. What is the culture of professionalism in your workplace? In your area of librarianship?
- Respect and ideals:
- @chiuchiutrain Not annoying at all. What do I mean, hmmmm. I think behavior that recognizes humanity of others and cares about that? #critlib
- A1. I'm happy to be able to say that this is mostly articulated as "doing your job competently" at MPOW. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905236147865051136 …
- A1. Respect for different viewpoints and frank opinions, expressed in spirit of helping colleagues, not discouraging them. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905236147865051136 …
- Flexibility:
- Expectations to be busy:
- @arellanover This resonates with me. If you're not ambitious, you must not be passionate as others, is how I sometimes feel. #critlib
- @bembrarian A1 Professionalism sometimes feels like performance art. "I am the most willing to give of myself until there is nothing left." #critlib
- @arellanover Seems like this could lead to a lot of abuse systemically. Also can exploit a lot of people who are struggling, suffering, etc. #critlib
- @bembrarian It makes saying no when you're in a vulnerable situation very scary. #critlib
- @arellanover Some of us have pushed back heavily against that cult of being busy at MPOW, & we've made some big improvements #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie @arellanover Oh so it’s the performance of “professionalism” through looking busy. Ugh what a waste of time and mental energy #critlib
- @jvinopal @LibrarianAngie @arellanover I wonder if everyone is looking busy, how much real work isn't getting done, like community building. Also mindless #competition? #critlib
- @jvinopal @bembrarian @arellanover 1000% agree. Also likely to lead to burnout and/or high turnover rates, which is also really bad for the institution. #critlib
- @jvinopal @bembrarian @LibrarianAngie @arellanover Busyness is a status symbol (or seems that way among academics). If you're always busy & stressed, you must be important/valuable. #critlib
- @abigailleigh @jvinopal @LibrarianAngie @arellanover And also you must not have any other shit going on, which makes you look better. #critlib
- Institutional loyalty:
- @TheGnarrator Definitely. I often feel subtext is "If you're not for us 110%, you're not deserving of our time, energy, attention" from peers. #critlib
- Unspoken expectations:
- A1a. Professionalism in my workplace is acknowledged but self-determined--maybe more so than any place I've worked prior. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905236147865051136 …
- That's my experience too, interesting to see the differences even between similar colleges in my very geographically clustered uni. #critlib https://twitter.com/arellanover/status/905237612100821000 …
- Maybe "professionalism" in librarianship means "acting like a librarian." And so a floodgate for stereotypes??? #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/905237010285080576 …
- @bembrarian And people can be left out of social circles/cliques in some POW if they aren't "librarian*" enough. (*quirky/hipster/cool/etc). + #critlib
- Expectations for behavior, limits on expression:
- @CritLib_anon Curious about what "acting fake" means! #critlib
- A1. Everyone has their own ideas about it. The concept is often used to avoid empathy. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905236147865051136 …
- @CritLib_anon Expressing negativity as perhaps showing signs of weakness? #critlib
- Professional vs. paraprofessional:
- A1 yes, sometimes often? It's a matter of degrees - what qualifies a professional librarian vs a paraprofessional or support staff #critlib https://twitter.com/maxgbowman/status/905238304773328900 …
- @bembrarian @maxgbowman Yeah, the concept of "paraprofessionalism" in libraries really irks me. #critlib pic.twitter.com/1YEdl5pmQo
- @bembrarian @maxgbowman Absolutely. At best, I can interpret it as you always wear a parachute because your job might be kicked off the plane at any moment #critlib
- @TheGnarrator @bembrarian & then to step into a 'professional' role after all of those years, feels like I see many things differently than my colleagues #critlib
- @TheGnarrator @maxgbowman I def try to hold up the "paraprofessionals" at my library and treat them on a horizontal level regardless of knowledge diffs. #critlib
- Dress codes (defined or internalized):
- @chiuchiutrain So interesting. I justify some "dressing down" to "connect with the people." I wonder if administration considers that bullshit. #critlib
- @CritLib_anon ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie We're not allowed to do that - the pages can, but everyone else has to less casual. I think it's a bit silly #critlib
- @VReadsBooks Librarians at MPOW are faculty, and several of us take that to mean we should be free to dress as any other faculty... #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie @VReadsBooks Faculty is another contentious term, filled with plenty of stereotypes and gross assumptions. #critlib
Q2. How do definitions of professionalism differ from the democratic and social values advocated by librarianship?
- Disabilities:
- @metageeky Invisible, visible, or both? #critlib
- @VReadsBooks But to add more. Visible disabilities are reknowned for the stigma/judgments people give them. #critlib
- @VReadsBooks But invisible can creep in. A dyslexic person writes "messy" emails. My depression has me drink a lot of coke zeroes as comfort. #critlib
- Defying stereotypes:
- A2. I definitely do not play the "quiet librarian behind the desk" role ingrained in society. Be friendly. Be loud. Communicate. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905238976486936585 …
- @TheGnarrator Curious about the pros of looking unprofessional in this context. #critlib
- Be civil, be quiet, be nice, be gentle and genteel...and be white, middle class with no noticeable disabilities while you're at it #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905240678413807616 …
- Yes. A sad and depressing yes. #critlib https://twitter.com/schomj/status/905241384793333760 …
- Yes! We are trying to bring in diverse students when most of our full time front facing staff aren't all that diverse. #critlib https://twitter.com/schomj/status/905241384793333760 …
- So much this. I swear sometimes I try to be more visibly subversively queer just as big FU to this pseudo queer acceptance in libs #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/905241645393747968 …
- @mchris4duke Right, but then what kind of privilege does one have to have in order to do that, big middle finger to the establishment? #critlib
- @mchris4duke Also the responsibility of having the privilege: for whom do we raise that middle finger and how to do it to make positive change #critlib
- UNION LIBRARY WORKERS #critlib http://unionlibraryworkers.blogspot.com/
- Power relations:
- A2. Professionalism has an inherent hierarchy, yeah? So there'll always be tension with egalitarian social values #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905238976486936585 …
- A2 exactly. Professionalism is on one level a set of coded behaviors in an organization: who belongs, who doesn't #critlib https://twitter.com/schomj/status/905240029240406016 …
- Unspoken norms:
- A2 #critlib I think it's where the UNspoken norms are that I hit the differing values. Like @Fobettarh says, there're often unspoken caveats
- @maxgbowman Right & that can mask the potentially discriminatory framework of "cultural/institutional fit" #critlib
- Inclusion and exclusion:
- @arellanover The professionals, of course. #critlib
- Gender expectations:
- Corporate norms:
- Things like "being a team player" and "dressing for success" and a million other platitutdes #critlib https://twitter.com/lisahubbell/status/905241330325979136 …
- @TheGnarrator Often it seems these only come into play to criticize. Done instead of providing clear direction on goals + performance feedback? #critlib
Q3. What are ways that professionalism is oppressive?
- Oppressive?
- Whiteness:
- A2 Piggybacking on @abigailleigh : B/c professionalism is subjective it makes it easier to create very white libraries #critlib
- @abigailleigh Ack, I mean A3! Also I've seen professionalism dictate civility discourse at its worst. #critlib
- @arellanover #critlib there is lots of inequality/racism defining professional dress or hairstyles: who decides & based on what culture's parameters?
- @k_swickard @arellanover Thankfully live in Seattle and see all manner of styles; but have been within 2 hours where it's homogeneous, sterilized, white. #critlib
- Sameness:
- @maxgbowman Can there be an "anti-professionalism" that values difference and uniqueness and equity? #critlib
- A3 yes: conformity to dominant professional culture. Devalues change and progress. #critlib https://twitter.com/maxgbowman/status/905242764232798208 …
- @maxgbowman A3. Often. But I've worked in places that value policy & still encourage staff to be themselves. Driven by mission more than rules. #critlib
- "Professional" masks "worker"
- Sometimes "professional" masks "worker," which can make labor organizing harder. #critlib https://twitter.com/thegnarrator/status/905242050647470080 …
- @edrabinski A3 Yes! The idea that a "professional" is more than just a "mere laborer/worker" is used to wring us dry #critlib
- @edrabinski A3 It's the whole "we do it bc we love it" bullshit. It's a profession! It should mean more to you than just a paycheck! #critlib
- @edrabinski A3 ...well yeah, but that paycheck also helps me eat/pay med bills/live #critlib
- Physical and emotional performance:
- A3. Does your library expect employees to be physically present, clean smelling, smiling, from early morning to night? #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905242050647470080 …
- Privilege of knowing and/or breaking the rules:
- A3. What is the literacy of professionalism? What's the language? Do you know it automatically? Thinking about privilege. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905242050647470080 …
- Root of why the "buck the stereotype" trend bugs me. Who can afford the privilege of "being unprofessional?" Not most libs of color #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905240678413807616 …
- @chiuchiutrain It has been on my mind that knowing the rules and norms, and bending them, are privileges. #critlib
- @bembrarian A3 I feel this. There is so much that feels foreign if you are not white, middle to upper middle class. #critlib
- @arellanover Another hurdle, another wall to climb over for POC. One that I wish I could identify better and respond to more directly. #critlib
- @abigailleigh Movies. Shows. Parents. Public and private school. Trickle, trickle, trickle. #critlib
- @bembrarian A3 some are "professionally literate" & privileged to navigate org culture; many aren't & we fail them, lose their contributions #critlib
- Dressing the part:
- "Quirky" label:
- @TheGnarrator a twist on this ... when the non-conforming to professional is make a "mascot" like person ... the "quirky one" #critlib
- right, like the Manic Pixie Dream Librarian #critlib https://twitter.com/lisalibrarian/status/905243454472642560 …
- @TheGnarrator "fetishized" is the word I couldn't think of! #critlib
- A4B amplify nonconformity. Cultivate a "yes and" attitude (from improv) w/out fetishizing or marginalizing quirkiness #critlib https://twitter.com/thegnarrator/status/905244378280624130 …
- @laurabrarian Yo we for real do improv workshops during staff days at my lib.
- @klthoreson yo that totally rocks please come to my library! #critlib
- @klthoreson @laurabrarian Interesting! (And terrifying. Are people allowed to not do that or are they then "unprofessional" for not participating?) #critlib
- Who is included/excluded:
- @TheGnarrator A3: Who *gets* to be professional? That not everyone in an organization might not be considered "of the profession" is oppressive. #critlib
- @TheGnarrator @arellanover Yes, me too -- I try very hard to let everyone know everything (within confidentiality), try not to assume interest. #critlib
- @TheGnarrator @arellanover @mauraweb Ugh, the "game of meetings" is one that it seems most people play, and def reinforces hierarchies. #critlib
- My experience too, email can't be the only way to share info. #critlib https://twitter.com/KGWIlkins1/status/905246308260249600 …
- Literature on professionalism:
- Literature of "professionalism" is vast and other fields, like MLA, grapple: https://www.mla.org/Publications/Journals/Profession … #critlib
- I wrote this about professionalism. It's a "core library value" according to ALA. #critlib http://digitalcommons.liu.edu/brooklyn_libfacpubs/8/ …
- See how others define? Engineers: Performed for the benefit of others in an ethical manner. http://ranger.uta.edu/~carroll/cse4317/profession/tsld003.htm … #critlib
- Sexism:
- @TheGnarrator When professionalism = enculturation it is toxic. I wrote this poem after a lib listserv discussion. Still makes me angry. #critlib pic.twitter.com/0V9B8MqsbT
- @TheGnarrator How many read that line about a senior colleague's "professionalism" & internalized "contesting sexism isn't professional" That's culture.
- @tltroup @TheGnarrator this just made me physically sick to my stomach. bc, yes.
Q4. How can we cultivate acceptance of different attitudes towards professionalism/redefine professionalism to be more inclusive and accommodating of different experiences/identities?
- Inclusion:
- @arellanover amen to this, SHARED & COMMUNICATED not just implied that some staff person will do it, all parts of the library are important #critlib
- Define and push back on "professionalism":
- A4A: Maybe if professionalism is talked about, differences are acknwoledged, equity principles reinforced within/outside department #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905244083773468672 …
- I ask my peers to definitely remind me about this. I'm being empowered to ask that question and push back. Help me do it. #critlib https://twitter.com/jvinopal/status/905245090272174080 …
- @VReadsBooks I wonder how many folks in the community would respond with white librarian stereotypes, but it's totally worth a shot! #critlib
- @bembrarian True, especially if every other "professional" standard in the community adheres to those as well! #critlib
- A4: Be flexible w/ definition of professionalism, which should entail thinking critically abt it & understanding it's problematic. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905244083773468672 …
- Define and push back on "unprofessional":
- @chiuchiutrain Do you mean when you think “unprofessional” of others? #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain Like, question yourself about why you jumped to that conclusion? #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain If so, agree. Try to stop myself when I think all kinds of things & wonder: what was tt *really* about? What bias made me say that? #critlib
- Acceptance:
- A4a. Relax. Stop trying to control everything and everyone. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905244083773468672 …
- @schomj Are you implying that we are PEOPLE?!?!?!? WWHHHHAAAAAAT? #critlib #pandexpressions pic.twitter.com/h5A9DQeOtQ
- @TheGnarrator You can't control admins/other librarians. But being unionized provides more bargaining power to reach shares expectations #critlib
- Valuing differences:
Q5. How do you represent yourself authentically in the workplace or as a job seeker while navigating organizational expectations?
- Communication, openness, being oneself:
- A5. I try to be kind, empathetic, sympathetic. But also curious. And critical with open lines of communication, friendliness. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905246859622567937 …
- A5: Not sure I know, except that I try to be true to myself & my values & proceed from there. TBH, length of time in a place helps. #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905246859622567937 …
- Dressing for job interviews:
- @metageeky I once had a colleague and good friend criticize my interview outfit for being "unprofessional". Wait, what? #critlib
- @abigailleigh @metageeky I'm curious what was unprofessional about it. One time I wore red shoes (OXFORDS, but the color of blood) and I think I was judged. #critlib
- @bembrarian @metageeky Her idea of professional dress is very blazer, dress pants, blouse. That's not me. I want to reflect who I am as much as I can. #critlib
- @metageeky Oh, the hours and hours that I have done the very same thing. It's torture. Both figuring out the outfit & shoe shopping! #critlib
- @TheGnarrator A5 with great difficulty, esp if you don't have $. tons of convos w LIS students re interviews on this, esp women. #critlib
- @TheGnarrator A5 think is especially hard applying for aclib jobs since so often there is a dinner night before. not 1 outfit but 2! #critlib
- @abigailleigh @bembrarian @metageeky Yes. I've usually tried to second-guess dressing for interviews in ways that could fit in whether panel was dressed up or down. #critlib
- @TheGnarrator A5 plus, what is it ok to wear straight off the airplane when they pick you up? breaks my heart the pain students go thru w this. #critlib
- @TheGnarrator I've fought w HR on this. "we cannot take them there if we want to actually RECRUIT them to our lib" #critlib
- @lisalibrarian Changing in the airport bathroom is a thing I have done several times. #critlib
- How hiring institutions treat candidates:
- @arellanover Maybe should revisit this conversation in another #critlib chat on hiring committees?
- Authenticity and pushing back as privileges:
- A5. As a job seeker... if you're seeking out of want, go ahead and be you If you're seeking out of need, be enthusiastically fake #critlib https://twitter.com/TheGnarrator/status/905246859622567937 …
- A5. Also, feel free to ignore me. I'm not living your life #critlib pic.twitter.com/gniHt0eCF8
- Agreed. One way forward is to help colleagues, especially new to org, feel comfortable w/ being themselves. Foster authenticity. #critlib https://twitter.com/schomj/status/905248622245289987 …
- but you can't take on issues with professionalism without pushing against norms #critlib pic.twitter.com/Ypzu47yKyc
- @TheGnarrator Yeah a catch-22. And it’s takes privilege to also call attention to your calling out, which is a way to disarm defensive disagreement
- A5 tried to type something similar for like 5 minutes (argh, brains), cosign 👇🏻 #critlib https://twitter.com/jvinopal/status/905248326685261826 …
- A5 #critlib Uhhhh, #uncomfortabletruths I kinda think I don't. I interview in whitewashed ways and wait till I see $$ to shift.
- @klthoreson That's very true. I realize how privileged I am even be able to attempt being authentic. #critlib
- Asking for help:
Thanks for this chat:
- OK, we're past time on #critlib! I need a volunteer to storify! Also, thanks for so much great convo and gifs! Any one have any plugs? pic.twitter.com/beemeCVW1u
- @TheGnarrator Many thanks for hosting tonight's #critlib chat! Really appreciated the questions and the responses.
- @TheGnarrator Thank you for hosting! I haven’t been on #critlib since I started my new job. Looking forward to the next one.
- Thanks for a great #critlib everyone and for awesome modding @TheGnarrator !
- Thanks for moderating great #critlib chat @TheGnarrator, and to all participants. Always get inspo from these to ✊️✊️✊️.
- Thanks for a great chat tonight everyone and thanks to @TheGnarrator for moderating! #critlib
- Great #critlib tonight, thanks to @TheGnarrator for challenging questions, and to all who shared on a rather itchy topic.