- Pre-Discussion/Intros
- Join us tonight 8PM CT for a riveting discussion on queer communities in academic libraries! http://critlib.org/queer-communities-in-academic-libraries/ … #critlib #queerspaces
- For ideas on how academic libraries can support queer communities b4 the #critlib chat, check out this storify: http://bit.ly/2rp8zu1
- From @grease_bat 's pronouns zine (on of my all time favs ever): http://bit.ly/2s0zQnf Another good #critlib preread. #queerspaces pic.twitter.com/6KnSyMLTjw
- ATTN: 🏳️🌈 #critlib discussion in 15 min (8:00CT, 1:00 Zulu time) w/me & @brinepond
- for a list of q's/readings for tonight's #critlib, please go here: http://critlib.org/queer-communities-in-academic-libraries/ …
- Greg Bem from @learningcommons (@TheLWTech). Faculty librarian! #critlib https://twitter.com/brinepond/status/872256931422982145 …
- also moderating tonight's #critlib is @Infinity_Dots! as a note we're using "queer" for anyone who IDs as LGBTQIA+
- @brinepond hello! im a librarian in Philly. #critlib
- @Infinity_Dots Folks can do that or use the anonymous relay form here to post anonymously to the chat: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwyWyihbid8kFgyc1Pu5_BTBFGZt9Ij75bA9WPjPaMu1jCgtNmQ/exec … #critlib
- For anon tweeting tonight. This is just one of the many reasons why #critlib is the best. https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/872257706777772032 …
- @ForeverBren_x @TrippTuttle @uncsils @xoxoMattyBoy Tonight's #critlib discussion has started and goes until 10pm EST. Feel free to join if you would like!
- Question 1: What do you do (or plan to do) to support queer communities on your campus?
- @voxpopulare I know we have a lot of queer students on our campus because I advise the queer student org which meets in the library! #critlib
- Right now it's outreach to the LGBT resource center, women's center, and classes that cover queer/gender/sexuality studies #critlib https://twitter.com/brinepond/status/872258310715695104 …
- @brinepond Every summer, libs & HR sponsor Safe Space Training. The LGBT Center has an intensive workshop geared towards lib staff. #critlib
- @voxpopulare Yay collaboration! I've worked with the counseling & career services departments on queer themed panel discussions/events. #critlib
- @brinepond In addition, libs work w/ the LGBT Center to make sure students' preferred names show up in course sites & lib accounts. #critlib
- doing the deity's work here #critlib https://twitter.com/CritLib_anon/status/872259783302279168 …
- @voxpopulare students dont generally say theyre queer & using the libs. they tend to open up about identities during diversity events/talks. #critlib
- @voxpopulare It's possible they have their own designated signature events during the academic year. #critlib
- Question 2: Looking @ Q1 who's being left out? (due to race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, non-trad students, +)
- A1 I gave a talk in the library September for #bannedbooksweek about LGBTQ books, students came (!!) and they loved it #critlib
- my soundtrack for tonight's #critlib chat pic.twitter.com/qSlI5lmFqt
- Question 3: What can librarians do to show support for transgender students, faculty, staff in particular?
- Our campus had @ryansallans give a talk on transgender awareness, and this was a point he stressed #critlib https://twitter.com/akaur0/status/872259728734375936 …
- @voxpopulare yep, and no idea. How would we know? #critlib
- my slides from my 2016 #bannedbooksweek talk about books that are "unsuited for age group" (eg queer) #critlib https://quickaskzoe.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/unsuited-for-age-group-9-29-16.pptx …
- @brinepond A1. Being visible, vocal, & available in an explicit way. Working w/ my colleagues to ensure that they're comfortable supporting, #critlib
- Totally. Want all bathrooms to be safe, not just on a couple floors. #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/872263621962850304 …
- @Infinity_Dots Each sem, we host 6 teas. at each, a campus resource cntr staff & students present about the center and how to partner w/ the libs #critlib
- @Infinity_Dots This past year, the libs won an inaugural Campus Diversity Award, because students like the Diversi-tea series. They nominated us. #critlib
- this is a habit that i really have to try hard to break, honestly #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/872263892466008074 …
- A1: also, we have the Oregon State Queer Archives: http://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/osqa which hosts super fun events #critlib
- @brinepond y'all / yinz!! #critlib
- @lisahubbell @brinepond had this at my last job--men's one way, ladies the other. I always described directions to both both no matter who asked. #critlib
- Question 4: Has anyone surveyed students, fac, staff to determine queer needs on campus?
- Oof, good reminder. I'm not great at this #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/872263892466008074 …
- This is usually LGBT Resource Center Director's job--unless institution has no LGBT resource center--libs can help of course #critlib https://twitter.com/brinepond/status/872265859988942848 …
- @ryansallans also @ryansallans is the bessst, very thankful I got to attend. Hire him if you can! #critlib
- @voxpopulare perhaps an intentional collaboration btwn resource center and library is in order in some places? #critlib
- Today, I spent 4 hrs formatting tables in my CV & my soul is dead. So excited for the #critlib summer bookclub w/@Linds_librarian tomorrow!
- @brinepond LGBT Cntr has complimented libs 4 being 1 of the most queer friendly campus spaces. GN restrooms. preferred names. staff trainings. #critlib
- @brinepond which means there is still work to be done! #critlib
- Question 5: Moving forward what do you consider to be a primary need for the queer communities on your campuses?
- @bembrarian another librarian noticed that their top result was from "The Encyclopedia of Social Problems"--what does that tell trans students? #critlib
- @brinepond @voxpopulare Yes! Partner w. the Center, so the lib can be the pilot for new signage, events, etc. It'll encourage other depts to get involved. #critlib
- @brinepond Unity. Our campus queer communities are diverse and scattered, so do not have big obvious asks #critlib
- Another question--are queer social media using students even looking for books like we did (and still do)? #critlib https://twitter.com/zoh_zoh/status/872268987752738819 …
- @voxpopulare queer students are likely researching topics near & dear to them--do we have resources that reflect their lives & interests? #critlib
- @Infinity_Dots we have a "discovery wall" in the library--open presentation wall in the middle of the library. very public space #critlib
- @Infinity_Dots here's a pic of me presenting this talk at the discovery wall #critlib https://twitter.com/AurariaLibrary/status/781560059419435008 …
- @voxpopulare I've read about appreciation from queer teens that they can read YA romance as ebooks, without classmates seeing the covers. #critlib
- @librarybell Held by professional staff? student employees? or both? We have experimented w/ both. Students connect better w/ other students #critlib
- @andornotnear Follow all of them on social media! Also Publishing Triangle and others #critlib
- @andornotnear rainbow list! http://glbtrt.ala.org/rainbowbooks/ and pay attention to what students are researching, how they describe their topics #critlib
- @voxpopulare @andornotnear didn't know about Lambda Literary or Publishing Triangle, thanks for this! #critlib
- @librarybell That's wonderful that you're consistent with the hours of the service! #critlib
- @maxgbowman Most of the folks who have historically done this work were, are, and have been queer librarians--hard to take it from us :) #critlib
- just want you to know that kenny loggins & I love you just the way you are #critlib pic.twitter.com/7TCqwHeg4W
- @andornotnear I have a giant rainbow flag in my office. I get questions about it regularly (incl. from coworkers!) #critlib
- @andornotnear Thanks for chipping away at the learning curve. #critlib
- @Infinity_Dots Thank you for co-moderating! #critlib
- yes, one time i overheard a male student say "that's not a woman" referring to a feminine student who walked by... #critlib https://twitter.com/maxgbowman/status/872271290543034368 …
- @brinepond If we don't get any Storify volunteers I can sleuth through it tomorrow morning and share the link! #critlib
- @voxpopulare I agree. And one for public libraries too! #critlib
- @voxpopulare @maxgbowman This has long been one of my areas of practice as an ally, learning at the feet of folks like Holly Near as a teenager. #critlib
- @zoh_zoh @andornotnear yeah, I have a pronoun button from @autostraddle on my cardigan and students have recognized it #critlib
- @kellymce @andornotnear @autostraddle in case anyone else needs pronoun pins or a scissoring t-shirt ;) #critlib https://www.hellomerch.com/collections/autostraddle …
- Also, seems appropriate that a coworker brought me this back from a conference today #critlib pic.twitter.com/22H55qNVxG
- @zoh_zoh @andornotnear @autostraddle conveniently, the scissoring stuff is also very zinester appropriate #critlib
- @kellymce @brinepond @Infinity_Dots Yes! Thanks to y'all! I think that's the most I've ever said in a #critlib meeting 😂
- @kellymce @brinepond @Infinity_Dots Yes! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Thanks to @brinepond @Infinity_Dots and all y'all for great #critlib chat tonight.
- here's the storify for tonight's #critlib! https://storify.com/brinepond/critlib-chat-06-06-17 …
- This #critlib is our wheelhouse, sorry we missed it but much thanks for the storify https://twitter.com/brinepond/status/872277254704943104 …
- @brinepond A2 #critlib we see disabled students being left out due to our culture's application of asexuality to them
- Thank you @Infinity_Dots and @brinepond for such wonderful questions and the labour of moderating - 1st #critlib convo was 👌
- For those of you who need continous evidence that libraries aren't neutral. #critlib https://twitter.com/AmeliaNGibson/status/872125818776023042 …
- @Infinity_Dots @brinepond In light of #critlib tonight, I would recommend "Love Beyond Body, Space, and Time" https://hopenicholson.com/projects/love-beyond-body-space-time/ …
- Queer communities in academic libs: tonight's #critlib topic. Similar chat for public #libraries? #publibchat #librarylife #LGBTQ #Pride2017 pic.twitter.com/ooftisWfAe