- #critlib Be sure to follow #EndangeredData on Twitter and at http://endangereddataweek.org/ . We're chatting about data all week!
- Thanks everyone! Would anyone like to volunteer to make a Storify of our chat? #critlib https://twitter.com/WorldCatLady/status/854152990344843264 …
- @brandontlocke data at the border, data in low- or no-connectivity areas, pirate data, resistance data. #critlib https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33o32C0ogVM …
- @Kathy_Weimer .....or any interstate #critlib
- @MohamedBerray And I should also say the consequence of that stratification being a devaluation of skills and literacies relative to questions. #critlib
- @MohamedBerray Sure, we had our own experiments doing this in the Humanities. This is a general comment on role stratification. #critlib
- I'm still waiting for the right student to take on this incredible http://data.michigan.gov dataset https://data.michigan.gov/Recreation/Michigan-Lizards/ai2w-u9jv … #critlib
- I've done Wikipedia editathons b4 but also my campus is social justice oriented so much of the instruction I do is in that context #critlib https://twitter.com/WorldCatLady/status/854148727421804547 …
- @thomasgpadilla Data curriculum mapping integrates DIL with course curricula. The more integrated and less standalone the instruction the better #critlib
- Random thought: Could fed data website design be improved? (yes) Could libraries help? #endangereddata #critlib
- A5 Specifically, I've had students go through http://data.gov to download & viz datasets. Just knowing it's there is power #critlib
- @elotroalex absolutely its a special skill & knowledge, I am never ever going to learn to code, why should I? #critlib
- Not really in response to a question but at ppow a colleague ran this grant program and it was awesome! http://libguides.usc.edu/teachingwithdata/CET … #critlib
- @brandontlocke in part this is why I find deformance work in DH to be an interesting provocation - e.g. @samplereality http://www.samplereality.com/2012/05/02/notes-towards-a-deformed-humanities/ … #critlib
- A4 2/3 Ability to evaluate the use of analytical tools & algorithms. e.g. ‘lying with stats’ or http://weaponsofmathdestructionbook.com/ #critlib
- @elotroalex And, data literacy to be part of every general library instruction session #critlib
- A4. In order to avoid wasting time on passing and unreliable tech, I dare say, coding. #dontkillme #critlib
- @ccaffgardner Oh that's fantastic -- do you have a particular source you feature? I'm interested in finding more specific ways to teach this. #critlib
- @WorldCatLady Koltay, T. (2015). Data Literacy for Researchers and Data Librarians. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 49(1), 3-14 #critlib
- Q2 We all need make a lot of noise #endangereddata #critlib
- My last A3 is prompted from reading this today, by @OpenContext on #EndangeredData #critlib http://ux.opencontext.org/2017/04/17/endangered-data-week/ …
- @thomasgpadilla do you mean digital affordances or the power dynamics of data capture and structure? or both at once? #critlib
- Still working on mastering DIL integration. Building off Library-Led DH Pedagogy symp by @thomasgpadilla @bobbylsmiley @praise711 #critlib
- @brandontlocke I wish I had a really awesome playbook to hand over, I really do, but my gut says "share it with select journalist/researchers" #critlib
- @brandontlocke in all seriousness, we (Canada) were going through funding-cut crises when the census was cut, and we didn't do much data rescue #critlib
- I see it as part of information literacy. Find, read, evaluate, critique, make, etc. #critlib A3 https://twitter.com/WorldCatLady/status/854143694932520960 …
- @brandontlocke A3 understanding too that data can be made expressive at any level of the stack; that it's shape is cultural and performative #critlib
- A3 I like DIL’s ( http://www.datainfolit.org/ ) primary frames as a way of thinking about/teaching data literacy #critlib pic.twitter.com/QqzdX4S0Rk
- A2. Also rogue accounts tweeting facts from national parks and other agencies, and #DayOfFacts on February 17. #critlib
- @WorldCatLady A3 understanding bytes: their structure, repetition, manipulation, storage and transfer. & not confusing them with letters or paper #critlib
- A2 - we can also support & promote subject based data repositories like @OpenContext #critlib & offer our inst. Repositories if approriate
- @brandontlocke your lawyer, your priest, your boss (but only in your annual review, which no one reads anyways) #critlib
- @brandontlocke @allanaaaaaaa gotta tell some folks #critlib. May I propose the trinitarian model culled from the annals of my childhood home https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Trinitaria_(Dominican_Republic) …
- @allanaaaaaaa nobody in government or nobody at all? #critlib
- A2. Saw articles, tweets after election re coordinated efforts to DL endangered data. @internetarchive created backup in Canada. #critlib
- Hey #critlib, joining up belatedly! Gov info & data services librarian, eager to learn & connect up with #endangereddata work.
- Teaching + support data preservation projects w/ library $ (like ICPSR membership) #critlib A2 https://twitter.com/brandontlocke/status/854141181940441088 …
- @brandontlocke preserve it darkly; don't tell anyone you're doing it #critlib
- A2 Well, participating in #EndangeredDataWeek for one :) #critlib
- Any thoughts on this? Perhaps more endangering data, rather than endangered? #critlib https://twitter.com/CritLib_anon/status/854139540306579457 …
- Q2 What can we as information professionals do to preserve access to #endangereddata? #critlib
- A1 SO many! As an academic librn NCES data definitely plays into how my workplace is run/funded #critlib https://twitter.com/WorldCatLady/status/854138663848091648 …
- A #critlib reminder: you can participate anonymously: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwyWyihbid8kFgyc1Pu5_BTBFGZt9Ij75bA9WPjPaMu1jCgtNmQ/exec …
- And I’m Sarah, the Head of Digital Scholarship at @bclibraries. I <3 open access/data/educational resources #critlib
- Let's start with intros. I'm Brandon. I'm Director of @LEADR_MSU. I teach dig research skills & work on humanities data curation #critlib
- Hi #critlib! Welcome to #EndangeredData chat! @WorldCatLady & I will be moderating tonight. Materials are here: http://critlib.org/endangered-data/ …
- Time to fire up Tweetdeck! The #EndangeredData #critlib chat starts in 15 minutes!
- The #EndangeredData #critlib chat starts in an hour! See http://critlib.org/endangered-data/ … for recommended readings & questions pic.twitter.com/84bY7nfdkN
- Were u at #critlib17? Maybe you heard me talk abt this special collections instruction project @DePaulSPCA #critlib http://bit.ly/2pb4JUH pic.twitter.com/SdWhfAKcPC
- Different questions, same #EndangeredData Week. #critlib chat at 9pm Eastern tonight! https://twitter.com/CLIRDLF/status/854061657047400448 …
- Our hour’s up! Don’t forget to join @brandontlocke & @WorldCatLady for another #EndangeredData chat at 9pm ET, sponsored by #critlib.