#critlib + the future of ALA
Discussion questions: Q1. What’s your ALA story? How do you feel about ALA and how has your journey caused those feelings? Q2. Do you feel participation in ALA is a/an (explicit or implicit) requirement for library professionals? Should it be? Q3. How could ALA be made more valuable for non-MLIS-holding library workers? Q4. What would you like to see ALA do that it’s not doing now?
- Join @MaxRenewals & @bembrarian & me for #critlib chat on the future of ALA this Tuesday 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. http://critlib.org/future-of-ala/
- On my calendar! This #critlib about @ALALibrary is a do-not-miss! https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/848671351405719552 …
- Join @UW_iSchool #MLIS grads in this #critlib chat! I'm hoping to be there! https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/848671351405719552 …
- Ooh! #critlib calendar! Thank you! https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/64ddngnuhmu0ls0hbdehi0j4pc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics … [iCal, which Outlook happily added] pic.twitter.com/xVgImsef5i
- An upcoming conversation about the past, present, future of librarians in association and disassociation. #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/848671351405719552 …
- #critlib chat about @ALALibrary tonight, 9pm eastern (and if you're a member don't forget to vote in the elections!) http://critlib.org/future-of-ala/
- Join me for #critlib in an hour? Topic is The Future of ALA, which should appeal to library folks of all types. http://critlib.org/future-of-ala/
- If we've got any folks joining us for tonight's #critlib who are brand new to Twitter chats, here's a brief how-to: http://critlib.org/twitter-chats/
- Welcome to tonight's #critlib chat about the future of the American Library Association (ALA)! Find questions at http://critlib.org/future-of-ala/
- I’m delighted to co-moderate with fellow @UW_iSchool grads @bembrarian & @MaxRenewals. They'll be posting tonight's #critlib questions.
- .@UW_iSchool @bembrarian @MaxRenewals The questions we've come up with are just starting points, we're interested to see where the conversation will take us! #critlib
- .@UW_iSchool @bembrarian @MaxRenewals If you'd like to post anonymously to tonight's #critlib chat, you can use @metageeky's relay, available here: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwyWyihbid8kFgyc1Pu5_BTBFGZt9Ij75bA9WPjPaMu1jCgtNmQ/exec …
- .@UW_iSchool @bembrarian @MaxRenewals @metageeky Let's get started: please introduce yourself! If you're ordinarily a lurker, we'd love to hear from you tonight. #critlib
- So happy to be here! #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/849426581324013569 …
- Hi! Faculty @UW_iSchool and long, long, longtime academic librarian #critlib
- This is Jenna in Brooklyn, NY. I haven't #critlib-bed in a while. Thanks to the mods for a super compelling topic! pic.twitter.com/jC38IEJ0Fj
- @violetbfox @UW_iSchool @bembrarian @MaxRenewals @metageeky I'm Alyssa, a reference & instruction librarian from Seattle Central College. Long-time #critlib lurker and first time speaking up. :)
- Me, I'm a faculty librarian at @TheLWTech. I also work with the Cambodian Library Association in my free time, and live in Seattle. #critlib
- Hello there #critlib friends! I'm a @UW_iSchool alum and now a youth services librarian at Sacramento public library
- Hi #critlib. Adam academic #Nightlibrarian waiting to close the info lit classroom. Lurking with pleasure before I commute home.
- A1 My ALA story consists of a lack of involvement post-grad-school. Is it that ALA's too big? Is there a lack of personal interest? #critlib https://twitter.com/MaxRenewals/status/849428536947552258 …
- I was encouraged to join in library school. When I got a lit librarian job, I found the Literatures in English section. #critlib https://twitter.com/MaxRenewals/status/849428536947552258 …
- It's prob not ALA's fault I lapsed. I think once I found my niche I didn't need it anymore. I found zine librarians & @RadReference #critlib
- A1 Similar, tho I joined in grad school. Am staying for now b/c of ACRL & also cheered by rad folx on/running for council/offices. #critlib https://twitter.com/kevinseeber/status/849429192454352896 …
- A1 agree w @kevinseeber. Felt like i was supposed to join during/ post-mls. Realizing it's OK to do things differently. #critlib
- @DianaMoronta Employer won't pay? (Assuming you're employed.) #critlib
- @bembrarian Want to leave bc of Todaro's statements/commitment of the org to support the legislative office, even at the expense of our users. #critlib
- I come from a lib fam w a fair amount of ALA involvement. I found real connex in ALCTS and ~in RBMS but mostly am involved in SAA. #critlib https://twitter.com/MaxRenewals/status/849428536947552258 …
- @kevinseeber I'm agnostic about professional associations, but presenting at ACRL is expected and you can't have one w/o the other. #critlib
- A1. I felt lost and unwelcome until I met some ALCTS leaders on here... 10 years after entering the profession. #critlib https://twitter.com/MaxRenewals/status/849428536947552258 …
- @nfoasberg "Big" ALA feels really overwhelming to me! I have a hard time following what is happening on so many levels. #critlib
- Hi #critlib. I'm an MLIS student @SJSUiSchool. Also currently interning at an academic library @sjsulibrary.
- Hey #critlib! Lurking tonight...interested in this chat as former #CanadianLibraryAssociation member who quit when it stopped being relevant
- @MaxRenewals @adammizelle As an academic librarian, I'm very interested in separating ACRL from ALA membership. #critlib
- @radicalibrarian Heard great things about the TX conference, I wish all state library associations were so valuable! I've had mixed experiences. #critlib
- @bembrarian And where does the money GO? And why? We fund a Washington office to support federal budget initiatives, which, you know, LOL. #critlib
- @kaitlinmlk I think it's a combination of being starstruck with all the amazing professionals and my annoying imposter syndrome #critlib
- @kevinseeber @MaxRenewals @adammizelle #critlib I would love to see this! Was thinking about that at the conference a couple weeks ago
- I def felt the "in-crowd" effect when I attended my one and only annual. #critlib https://twitter.com/radicalibrarian/status/849431641093222400 …
- A1Felt like it-esp since fac positions put pressure for nat'l involvement & I didn't hv co-workers to connect me to orgs elsewhere. #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849431566522740736 …
- Definitely felt that way in library school! I wonder if that's different with more/less experienced people #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849431566522740736 …
- @MandyHenk How does one sort out scale in a country where scale tends to always be a major problem? Can it be sorted? #critlib
- @LNBel @kevinseeber @MaxRenewals @adammizelle I wonder about this too, I can't afford ALA confs/ALA is so big but I feel connected to ACRL. #critlib
- A2. Membership is definitely an implied requirement and it definitely shouldn't be. #ALAopinions #critlib
- YES and no, esp. if you're not f/t #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849431566522740736 …
- @mauraweb @LNBel @kevinseeber @MaxRenewals @adammizelle Definitely feel more connected to ACRL #critlib
- #critlib Q2. Doesn't feel like the requirement it used to be, which is good: let new professionals explore local/regional options https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849431566522740736 …
- @violetbfox I do media cataloging, so for me, groups like OLAC, WAML, Music Lib Assoc provide most of what I needed #critlib
- Late to the convo, joining now! I don't feel it's req'd & it feels overwhelmingly bureaucratic when I've tried to be more involved #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849431566522740736 …
- @nfoasberg I notice that, too, sometimes, and I think "is this req'd just because i'm new-ish to the field? can i opt out once i get tenure?" #critlib
- @mauraweb @kevinseeber @MaxRenewals @adammizelle Big conferences - I used to really enjoy swimming in all the hotel pools and once the beach in Miami I had wet hair at ALA confs #critlib
- A2 Mine too, I think with little $ for conference/meeting travel there's not really a requirement for national service to the prof. #critlib https://twitter.com/nfoasberg/status/849432333254094848 …
- @foureyedsoul Can you explain/elaborate on "monuments to masses"? #critlib
- #critlib So much this: it needs to be about the people not the organizations. https://twitter.com/brinepond/status/849433002480414720 …
- @bembrarian Blame also rests w/ library people like me who work w/ MLIS grad students. I've spent two weeks talking up ACRL. #critlib
- .@ala_apala I forgot to add #critlib to my A1! I'm such a newbie.
- @nfoasberg For sure, we are lucky that way (even if unlucky w/travel funding). #critlib
- @kevinseeber I talk up #critlib before any associations :D
- @kevinseeber @bembrarian Great point. I definitely push memberships, especially for networking opps #critlib
- @brinepond Yes! Problem is, it's the American Library Association, not Librarians. Very problematic, but something We can change. #critlib
- & this, too. money is rarely covers costs (if it's even offered) yet the prestige of nat'l presentations, etc. looms lg. #critlib https://twitter.com/mauraweb/status/849432974177312769 …
- Lib stu here. Implicit I think. For ex. In order to receive a promotion/tenure ALA is the way to get published/professional serv #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849431566522740736 …
- @metageeky Yep, & IME folx find homes in smaller orgs too, when I was an archaeologist I chose the arch org over the all-of-anthropology org. #critlib
- @erinaleach I don't get the ACRL love--I never feel like people are as friendly or willing to open up at ACRL--too worried abt being "profesh". #critlib
- @kevinseeber @brinepond it's one of the things I like about the name for SAA - Society of American Archivists - not Archives. #critlib
- @violetbfox @erinaleach Interesting. I haven't been to ACRL but colleagues tell me to go. Recent tweets lead me to believe it's not so friendly. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @brinepond but how to keep other,non-MLIS-holding folks in the convo? i want to advocate for people who love the mission, regardless of degree #critlib
- #critlib ACRL has run hot and cold: when I started, was like rushing a sorority, where they had to like you enough to put you on committees https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/849434433316937728 …
- I am tenure-track, so I definitely do. some of my colleagues have had success with just doing state & LOEX. #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849431566522740736 …
- @bibliorogue This sounds so un-librarian. I am choking on my stale coffee over here. #critlib
- @bibliorogue I also feel this in other professional orgs, but especially these ones! #critlib
- @kevinseeber @bembrarian As a lib stu I feel it's helpful. Lots of networking opportunities, get a feel for the field, but mostly the student $$membership! #critlib pic.twitter.com/W9ub9hPo5G
- Excellent point here, and a really good question. Maybe American Library Workers Association? ALWA? #critlib https://twitter.com/MaxRenewals/status/849434986990231553 …
- @bibliorogue OH NO I would've been out of there so fast. I definitely don't think it's that bad now, just not really my scene. #critlib
- @violetbfox A1.2 Hmm. Sometimes orgs (NAACP, ACRL, etc) seem akin to monuments, where Great Names somehow Make Resistance & Progress Happen. #critlib
- THEN AGAIN, I do value F2F convos, connections, & accountability. Cd be why I started traveling again, but ALA Annual is bloated. #critlib https://twitter.com/MandyHenk/status/849435454650929152 …
- A3. More virtual + free opportunities to participate? Many non-MLS staff don't receive time or money for professional development #critlib https://twitter.com/MaxRenewals/status/849435196277628929 …
- Provide more travel support/awards and prof. dev. for non-MLIS-holding library workers! More ops for leadership within the org, too #critlib https://twitter.com/MaxRenewals/status/849435196277628929 …
- @violetbfox A1.3 Instead of "history made by Great Men" (ick), things like Occupy & labor history suggest we need dispersed action (masses) #critlib
- @Luna_Dee @kevinseeber @bembrarian I've been telling our Ref Assistants to try ALA at the student price. If they don't like it, then at least they had the discount! #critlib
- @violetbfox #critlib ACRL is better at the moment: some strategic retirements of careerists who didn't want to let newbies in...probably cyclical?
- @itsuhLEEsuh @violetbfox @erinaleach I've enjoyed the conf more the longer I've been a libn, catching up w/folx #onhere esp, but I know that's not everyone's exper. #critlib
- @itsuhLEEsuh @Luna_Dee @kevinseeber We're all "lifelong students" so why can't those who claim that status get the discount 4-eva? #critlib
- @maraebrarian Seems both ALA & state/local organizations could nudge that with more scholarships/programming designed for non-MLIS staff. #critlib
- @maraebrarian But you're right that underlying issue of not investing in staff is at the heart of the problem. And not easily fixed. #critlib
- A colleague was note taking intern on a committee & I was all 🙄. But I also recognize the power big orgs can potentially wield. #critlib https://twitter.com/maxrenewals/status/849428536947552258 …
- This. However, speaking from experience regarding women in CS, don't overload diverse members from having to be on too many panels #critlib https://twitter.com/GinaMurrell1/status/849437337314570240 …
- A3 like @brinepond said earlier, advocate for library workers as much as or hopefully even more than libraries #critlib
- @violetbfox I like the WLA model this year of having 3 separate days of mini-conferences, it makes it more accessible for everyone to attend #critlib
- @MaxRenewals Q3 lead the field in dismantling the assumption that degree = competency // lack of degree = not qualified for advancement. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @violetbfox I think we need structure within which to organize. Maybe ALA could be that structure? #critlib
- @NicestLibrarian @brinepond Do you think it's possible to change ALA to be more member-focused? Or is its orientation essentially unchangeably towards policy? #critlib
- Support more regionally based/focused programming, more remote access to programming at tiered levels. #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849437938798776320 …
- A4: I'd like to see ALA be more openly self-critical (bite the hands that feed it?) #wishfulthinking #critlib
- @edrabinski @violetbfox A1.4 Same. My ALA Q is "can it be 'both/and' or do monuments only/always obstruct masses?" (Also I meant ACLU not ACRL earlier.) #critlib
- #critlib Would love ALA to be proactive, not reactive. Listen to members, actively recruit all levels. And stop privileging white men. https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849437938798776320 …
- @MaxRenewals Q3 push libs to (& support in) developing internal skill-building programs & pathways to more responsibility, varied work, $. #critlib
- thisthisthisthisthis. Proactive, not reactive. #critlib https://twitter.com/kevinseeber/status/849438492656644097 …
- @edrabinski @foureyedsoul ALA is not currently set up to have that structure (too hierarchical), but we could make it more member-focused and -activated. #critlib
- @nfoasberg @metageeky @zinelib oh, same! I put webinars on my calendar, then do something else instead. harder to fit in the day-to-day, confs are dedicated time #critlib
- @bibliorogue I'm curious of white patriarchal presence in contemporary ALA. Any good reads on this? #critlib
- Just a reminder that if you are an MLIS student, you may be able to join ALA & yr state chapter for $38: http://www.ala.org/groups/joint-membership-program … #critlib
- A4. My head keeps thinking about unions, so... more emphasis on unionizing and collective action #critlib https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849437938798776320 …
- All good, plus stronger collaboration across Big ALA & Chapters & new partnerships w/grassroots groups that share our interests #critlib https://twitter.com/erinaleach/status/849438673351389190 …
- I was thinking the same thing--if enough of us can get more involved and shape how it is run #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/849438686060179458 …
- @metageeky I for one would LOVE to see a big ALA campaign that wasn't about banned books #critlib
- @lindsbrary yes, we can love a current job & know we want more & dif. things to do in the future. don't make me job hunt b/c i want new skills #critlib
- @metageeky Privacy. I'd love an email from Todaro that reads "INSTALL TOR BROWSER ON ALL PUBLIC MACHINES TODAY." cc: @libraryfreedom #critlib
- And that ALA student price lasts for up to five years! Use as long as you're able! #critlib https://twitter.com/maraebrarian/status/849439097156509698 …
- #critlib Say what we DO do, what we CAN do, not just "help, save libraries." Tell our story. Not wait for a crisis ($, policy) to act. https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/849438971188924416 …
- @bembrarian @bibliorogue ALA conf. = library directors sessions - that's where the white dudes in suits are, women, POC everywhere else #critlib
- @violetbfox ALA Student price disappeared for me as my library school closed the year I graduated #critlib
- #critlib And Big Heads meetings, where you're not allowed to sit at the table unless you are one: hierarchy and patriarchy rule those mtgs. https://twitter.com/LNBel/status/849440004506091523 …
- @GinaMurrell1 I think lots of us want that. How do make it happen? #critlib
- Not counting them out at all: but look at proportional representation on panels. #critlib https://twitter.com/ppayne510/status/849440376159182848 …
- Todaro put out a statement on behalf of locked #BlackbirdNation librarians. Took major pressure from allies, but the org moved. #critlib
- @bibliorogue So much this - that was my very first experience with ALA. It was intimidating. It's still intimidating. #critlib
- This has happened in Council in the past & can happen again; we just need the right people in place & we're on the way #critlib https://twitter.com/erinaleach/status/849440309528416257 …
- #critlib Nothing like being asked to leave the table, being told "you don't belong" https://twitter.com/bembrarian/status/849440243614978048 …
- @maxgbowman @bibliorogue I agree, every meeting has felt very uncomfortable and intimidating #critlib
- @bibliorogue Damn. Again, that sounds completely un-librarian. The irony of it all's mind-blowing but I shouldn't have assumed ALA was better. #critlib
- #critlib Yes, this was great (and good teaching opportunity): students who hadn't looked at ALA critically were forced to do so, in my class https://twitter.com/GinaMurrell1/status/849441329293799425 …
- Huge thanks to my #critlib co-conspirators/co-moderators @bembrarian & @MaxRenewals, I'm grateful for their thoughtful inspiration.
- @violetbfox But maybe we could do more change outside of ALA? Maybe? (I have no answer, but think about it often.) #critlib
- Thanks to all who participated :D Fastest #critlib I think I've experienced. So... what's the next step for revolutionizing the ALA? https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/849441589470613510 …
- My heart is full, y'all. THANK YOU #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/849441589470613510 …
- @kevinseeber I've thought about it too--actually think the scale has come down on being able to accomplish more good via ALA. Mileage may vary! #critlib
- @kevinseeber @violetbfox You can do this, but how much of a change is it if you create a new giant organization that becomes inflexible in new ways? #critlib
- @maxgbowman @A_meeksie #critlib It can be a confusing process, and harrowing. Glad to talk in other venue and advise!
- @metageeky @violetbfox Size if definitely a concern, but we need to recognize ALA was poisoned at its founding by Dewey. We can (maybe?) redo it better. #critlib
- Thanks @MaxRenewals @bembrarian and @violetbfox for modding tonight's #critlib! And everyone for participating!