- Context for our #critlib: http://sarahwerner.net/blog/2016/09/researching-while-unaffiliated/ … by @wynkenhimself. I wondered… how well would *my* students find sources post-graduation?
- Get your snacks & beverages ready... it's almost #critlib time! @ Bend, Oregon https://www.instagram.com/p/BRW-cwmj6GF/
- #critlib A1 One perspective on this: http://www.projectinfolit.org/uploads/2/7/5/4/27541717/after_college.png …
- A1 I talk a lot about into lit across the curriculum to faculty collegues in hopes they are in favor of a deep dive (not one shot) #critlib https://twitter.com/esquetee/status/839296009482141696 …
- .@libraringkat do you get a lot of faculty buy in? Or is it more faculty pushback? #critlib
- .@Kirsten_Clair kind of both to be honest! I try to gauge reception based on previous interactions & what they want from a session. #critlib
- .@Kirsten_Clair so the profs who always want you to cover a whole list of things in 50 mins, I'll suggest multiple sessions. #critlib
- .@libraringkat yes! Hitting early too helps so they can fit you into their syllabus/schedule #critlib
- @libraringkat @Kirsten_Clair I try to do that but it never works! they just ask me to build a libguide that won't get looked at. #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez @Kirsten_Clair yeah, tbh this mostly works only with faculty I already had a relationship with #critlib
- @libraringkat Very cool! Using online sources / news sources / or…? #critlib
- .@libraringkat can you share the real-world scenarios that work best? #critlib
- @Kirsten_Clair I'm still in the figuring that out stage! with all the election coverage, I have done some things w/ current events. #critlib
- @Kirsten_Clair specifically how to read news & always verify. I use this graphic a lot: https://media.wnyc.org/media/resources/2013/Sep/20/OTM_Consumer_Handbook.pdf … #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez Do you show students resources they can use after college, out of curiosity? #critlib
- .@TriciaGimenez are you in a technical enviro? Do you find it easier to motivate students when it's directly linked to jobs? #critlib
- @Kirsten_Clair yes, very similar to a tech school & when I can link research to dsgn assignts & prof databases, students pay attn #critlib
- .@TriciaGimenez very cool! Will students have access to those prof databases after they graduate?#critlib
- @Kirsten_Clair thru firms but not if freelance. We are private but I tell students to connect with public univs after graduation #critlib
- .@TriciaGimenez interesting--do you live in an area w/easy access to public university with patron accts? In central OR, not many options
- @Kirsten_Clair we are near a few public universities but most of our students leave the state once they graduate #critlib
- .@foureyedsoul I think that last piece is esp imp: if systems don't work for them they shld be asking why & how they can change themcritlib
- .@arellanover Yeah. I mean, I don't feel comfortable telling them systems work when they know they don't & I should be listening. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @arellanover it's def interesting to have conversations about credibility in this light. "Authority" becomes a hard sell
- .@Kirsten_Clair @foureyedsoul and it just feels false and icky to be honest--like I'm trying to sell them something they don't need #critlib
- @arellanover @foureyedsoul right, like you're telling them that because something costs money it adds value
- .@arellanover At minimum, we want the library to work with/for them. Can be a space to practice self-advocacy if it's a new stance. #critlib
- I'm experimenting with meeting w/students intentionally at several points in the major to reinforce concepts. Make assignments less isolated https://twitter.com/esquetee/status/839296009482141696 …
- @nfoasberg so I may be focused on what they need RIGHT NOW, but I'm building on earlier concepts & thinking curricularly. #critlib
- "thinking curricularly" is such a great phrase 😍 #critlib #infolit @nfoasberg https://twitter.com/nfoasberg/status/839300560905986051 …
- @nfoasberg this is great! is this something you starting by talking with faculty in areas / departments? any tips?
- @libraringkat I started by focusing on one class & did outreach on that with the department. Faculty in that dept helped me advocate <3
- @libraringkat after a few years, I opened up the discussion again, and they were interested in this model, which I really like so far
- @libraringkat Biggest tip, in any case -- talk to people in the dept, let them know what you want to accomplish & find out what they want
- @TriciaGimenez I find that sometimes, too! It’s hard to break them out of the already-set shells. #critlib
- .@foureyedsoul I love that idea! How do you incorporate Netflix? #critlib
- .@Kirsten_Clair I mostly discuss Netfilx & Hulu as a mental model for databases, so that database conversation is less alienating. #critlib
- .@Kirsten_Clair So we don't go to Netflix, but talk about dbs as collections of like things, paid access, genre familiarity, etc #critlib
- @foureyedsoul That’s a very interesting way to put it. We have a lot of older students, too. They’re definitely more driven. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul So true! So much valuable experience coming in that informs their learning and that of other students, too. #critlib
- @arellanover yes -- lifelong learning may mean VERY different things to different students! We don't know what their lives are/will be
- .@arellanover are we giving them the skills to be able to pursue their own needs? #critlib
- .@Kirsten_Clair That's a good Q! I try to stress exploration & critical questioning more than anything else. It's more about the habits.
- .@arellanover that's always my goal, esp in the luxury of credit classes, 50-minutes makes it difficult! #critlib
- .@Kirsten_Clair too difficult! I feel your pain #critlib
- A2. When we are able to focus on the skills and not just the assignement details, yes. Varies from faculty to faculty. #critlib https://twitter.com/esquetee/status/839297317157158912 …
- .@johnxlibris great point! So much of what we do is dep on building relationships w/faculty to ensure we're not just showing where to click
- @johnxlibris yes! sessions built around bad assignments are bad sessions. (speaking from experience...today...) #critlib
- @Kirsten_Clair @libraringkat Thankfully, many faculty have graciously allowed me "to digress." Even 10 min of reflection has impact #critlib
- @johnxlibris Gosh, yes. Reflection! My kingdom for reflection time. #critlib
- @johnxlibris I've been slowly winning over writing faculty using an embed model, they see how much more I do when not limited to 1 session
- that bad assignment = bad session I mentioned? I provided (polite) assignment feedback. it was ignored. #critlib https://twitter.com/KOlsonCharles/status/839308339364290560 …
- @libraringkat oh I have a nightmare assignment that pops up every year, offered feedback, now just desperate to do a one-shot!
- Sometimes, especially in the summer when we have shorter hours. #critlib https://twitter.com/esquetee/status/839300263626276864 …
- Another resource for thinking about post-graduate information seeking: http://www.projectinfolit.org/uploads/2/7/5/4/27541717/staying_smart_pil_1_5_2016b_fullreport.pdf … #critlib
- Anyone take a look at this blog post? http://sarahwerner.net/blog/2016/09/researching-while-unaffiliated/ …. Do you feel your students are prepared to do this? #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez Have you tried using Google Forms as ~ exit tickets? We're trying that this semester & responses are anonymous. #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez I mean, instructor's response likely would jump out as NOT a student's, but it can give them time to phrase things? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul that's a good idea! what sort of questions do you have on your form? #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez What class is this? How well did you understand today's material? What did you learn that you didn't know before? #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez What was least clear to you today? Which librarian worked with your class today? (That last one has our photos, too) #critlib
- @KOlsonCharles @esquetee I often think this is where I should focus, not selling 1-shots, but working on creating authentic IL assignments
- @donnarosemary YESSSSSSS. As a solo librarian of 1,200 students, I totally agree. #critlib
- @donnarosemary Well, it keeps things exciting at least. :-)
- @donnarosemary Yep! I’m starting to use more video and online modules to supplement in-person instruction. #critlib
- @donnarosemary I find the best way to keep / grow people is to find another campus dept. in need and collaborate. That’s how I got 1 staff.
- I frame as are ur students perform at your expectation, so I'm present a sol to a prob they already have rather than creating a new prob https://twitter.com/esquetee/status/839311394327625728 …
- Cheers #critlib! A toast to you and the excellent conversation tonight! https://www.instagram.com/p/BRXJEurj3IY/