January 12 Sexual Harassment of Library Workers Chat Questions
Here are the questions for the January 12th chat! Q1 What measures are in place your work to protect you? Support you? Are they adequate?...Sexual Harassment of Library Workers - Resources for January 12 chat
Please add link/resource suggestions in the comments. Library sexual harassment (video skit) Teen Librarian Toolbox - Things They Don’t ...- 5 MINUTES! Join #publibchat & #critlib to talk about sexual harassment of library workers. 9pmET/8CT/7MT/6PT pic.twitter.com/wanLyQmhGT
- Hi all! Welcome to tonight's #publibchat! Tonight's discussion on sexual harassment of librarians is moderated by myself and @dejah_thoris
- FYI - While tonight's chat is a collab between #critlib and #publibchat we are only using the #publibchat to track tweets tonight
- We will be using the Q&A format. To respond to Q1 begin your tweet with A1, etc. And don't forget the hashtag! #publibchat
- Before our first question, please introduce yourself if you'd like! #publibchat
- SO glad to be having conversation about sexual harassment. Such a problem for my coworkers and me #publibchat
- The #critlib anon relay is available. It will add the #publibchat tag for you: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwyWyihbid8kFgyc1Pu5_BTBFGZt9Ij75bA9WPjPaMu1jCgtNmQ/exec …
- My name is Charissa! I'm an academic librarian but I spent many summers working at a pub lib and am excited about tonight's chat #publibchat
- Katie, reference assistant at IL public library, current MLS student at U of I, RA specialist #publibchat
- There is no tracking of who posts to the relay and thus allows anonymous contributions to the chat. #publibchat
- Hi! I'm Greg Bem from the Library Learning Commons at LWTech, (tech. college in Kirkland, WA) Will mostly be lurking tonight. #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady hesitant to like this but thanks for joining the conversation. hopefully the discussion will be helpful. #publibchat
- #publibchat my name is Caroline, and I work with teens at a public library
- Hello from snowy nothern MI! I'm a metadata & eresources librarian but I've worked plenty of night shifts on the desk too. #publibchat
- Hi #publibchat. Lib technologist at UW-Seattle. Mainly listening tonight and ensuring the relay works.
- @metageeky THANK YOU for creating that and letting us borrow tonight for the chat! #publibchat
- if you want to Tweet anonymously, you are covered! #publibchat https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/819726344724496384 …
- #youthservices consultant from Austin, TX here and regular #publibchat-r
- Q1 What measures are in place your work to protect you? Support you? Are they adequate? #publibchat
- @bembrarian welcome and thanks for being here! #publibchat
- A1 Support from mgmt and admin, plus strong security team. We can write up patron for harassment without worry of repercussions #publibchat
- Please consider comparing prior workplaces in your responses too especially if they were different types of libraries. #publibchat
- A1 Though I work for a small nonprofit that supports public libraries, we still have policies in place like many publibs #publibchat
- greetings #publibchat from rainy Montreal! I've been working in libraries for 12 years. Looking forward to this discussion.
- @kt_librarylady sounds very supportive! #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady that's great to hear! support from admin is really great. Does writing patrons up result in anything? #publibchat
- @RobinDesmeules thanks for joining in! #publibchat
- Also if you worked somewhere that handled situations really well or terribly please discuss that experience. #publibchat
- #publibchat we have policies, but they do not adequately address the perceived casual nature of some harassment, ex: rep. Asking out staff
- Hi! Kate Kitchens, academic librarian in Iowa. I'm just lurking tonight. #publibchat
- I'd like to think the union would be supportive #publibchat https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/819727996831547393 …
- A1 I also volunteer regularly in a publib. Come to think of it, not sure how I am covered there as a volunteer... #publibchat
- @Overcastallen I'm sorry to hear that - what types of harassment do the policies protect against? #publibchat
- Support from admin came after I spoke to manager about the issues we (desk staff) were having w/ casual harassment #publibchat
- A1 State/federal laws and uni policies. We'll seek help to protect student workers - now - but staff are in our own #publibchat https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/819727996831547393 …
- They had no idea problem was as wide spread as it was #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady thanks for the follow up! that's great to have a paper trail #publibchat
- A1 I've never seen one for an academic library that really covers it well. Disruptive patron behavior, yes. #publibchat
- @radicalibrarian oohh that's an interesting point for volunteers... #publibchat
- A1 And sexual harassment from mgmt/coworkers, yes. Having been assalted as student library worker I wonder if any address them. #publibchat
- A1 going to be honest, I'm not 100% sure about policies at my workplace. I don't recall it being covered during my training #publibchat
- @dejah_thoris I've never thought about it deeply, but what's your thoughts on the UW Lib's CoC? #publibchat http://www.lib.washington.edu/about/policy/conduct …
- MPOW prohibits "Use of abusive, threatening, harassing or offensive language" #publibchat https://twitter.com/CharissaAPowell/status/819729911162269697 …
- @kt_librarylady I'm happy you felt comfortable speaking up! #publibchat
- @Overcastallen Yes & no. There is a regular patron that doesn't really understand personal space and does not read social cues. #publibchat
- A1 In my case it was student worker to student worker, so maybe under the university code of conduct had I pressed charges. #publibchat
- hey #publibchat #critlib, trying to lurk on my lunch break, following w interest. public librarian, australia
- A1.2 I DO know that there are strict no photography rules in my library for sexual harassment reasons #publibchat
- @dejah_thoris One complaint I have is that's buried in our website's sitemap (makes mental note to pass that insight on) #publibchat
- @dejah_thoris the ONLY time I ever see actual action is when we're allowed to bring in campus security/equal opportunity office #publibchat
- @Overcastallen thank you for sharing! that is unfortunate, however. trying to see if there's a trend here #publibchat
- @radicalibrarian That's unfortunate :( do you feel that you have support from staff? #publibchat
- @Overcastallen Never been inappropriate but can be uncomfortable @ times. Recently gasped when they come up right beside me. #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady that makes me so sad! No one deserves to be settled with sexual harassment as a side effect of their profession #publibchat
- Q2 Are incidences of sexual harassment openly discussed at your work? What would you like to change? #publibchat
- @Overcastallen The patron was explained to me and I was told that if I ever felt uncomfortable to let a staff memeber know. #publibchat
- #publibchat Interesting off-channel discussion: Academic libs, search to see if your lib has a code of conduct on website. How buried is it?
- #publibchat A2 incidences are openly discussed, but there's often no desire to follow through w/ action against the offending patron.
- A2 We have a security incidents database and workflow such that the DB sends email about all* incidents right away #publibchat
- Workers do not want to "make a scene" #publibchat
- @metageeky I literally can't find mine right now and I'm really frustrated #publibchat
- * Well... sort of right away. Only applies to library incidents, some policies delay some, etc. #publibchat
- @metageeky they did just today release the new website...so I'm hoping I'm just having a hard time finding it #publibchat
- A1 I made a point of doing it with my student workers when I ran night shift. Controversial but I felt they should know. #publibchat
- A2 When I worked in a public library, it was openly discussed but seen as a compliment to be hit on by patrons #notamused #publibchat
- A1 But I think I'm the exception. Most people are surprised that I did the "sex in the library" talk but weird shit happens. #publibchat
- A2.2 I was also REALLY young - I was 18 my first summer there. Pretty creepy thinking back on it. #publibchat
- A2 By patrons? Yes if it affects student workers. By coworkers/campus peers? Nope. Even I'm afraid to call it out and I'm mouthy #publibchat https://twitter.com/dejah_thoris/status/819732321788166146 …
- @schomj this so hit on another thought I was having. Discussing sexual harassment by staff among staff is tight lipped #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady that is great to hear! I didn't fully realize how harmful that line of thought is until much later #publibchat
- A1 That talk also covered patron sexual activity too, like how to clear the dark computer lab of that one guy in the back #publibchat
- #publibchat A2 I would love to change the culture of hitting on all women who smile at you
- @CharissaAPowell I used to have a CW who women warned me not to get in the elevator with. Who'd assaulted a student worker. #publibchat
- @Overcastallen *praise hands emoji* OR being told to smile #publibchat
- A2.3 Not sure what question this would fall under, but I am recently remembering that my academic lib had a problem with a ... #publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell But admin refused to follow up on verbal complaints and discouraged written ones. So then what? #publibchat
- A2.4 repeat offender masturbator and I had friends who would jokingly ask for updates. #publibchat
- A2.5 not a joke to the student staff member who found the patron and had to call the police #publibchat
- @schomj @CharissaAPowell Sexual harassment in libraries seems compounded when combining it w/ harassment in academic institution #publibchat
- @RobinDesmeules @CharissaAPowell #publibchat I get a lot of comments about being TOO smiley, people call me girl, dear, etc bc of it and talk down to me. Ya just can't win.
- @schomj mmhmm. I had someone (in hushed tones) warn me about someone on the tenure committee. Really disturbing for a newbie #publibchat
- Q3 If/when you raised a concern, how was it handled? #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady @Overcastallen if I'm feeling sassy I go with a smile "no" lol or "why?" #publibchat
- @Overcastallen seems like a solid place to start! #publibchat
- #publibchat A3 I raised a concern about a volunteer turned patron who would follow me/ask me out on weekends, staff was supportive
- I should've kept the info on my Ohio stalker. Can't seem to find the news article where he got busted at the public library. #publibchat
- A3 I have been lucky enough to have responsive work environments. #publibchat
- A3. Security will often talk to patron if we raise a concern with them. Patron removed from library if behavior continues #publibchat
- A3 Poorly by my Dean who left me and 2 female student workers for night shift. THANK GOD my guybrarian coworker stayed w/us!! #publibchat
- @Overcastallen glad you felt supported enough to raise concern! #publibchat
- A3 Nobody understood why he scared me so much because he was smart as hell. Talked normally with every other coworker too. #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady does security work at your library whenever the library is open? #publibchat
- #publibchat does anyone feel that a lack of training caused them to tolerate something their work place actually had policies to handle?
- @kt_librarylady I thought that sounded rare - glad it is working well for you!! #publibchat
- A3 DPS did come by once & would walk us out if we called, but they didn't get it. Then he groped a teen girl & was arrested. #publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell Also helped that we've had several retired police officers on safety staff over last few years! Big help. #publibchat
- @Overcastallen Or sadly just not wanting to approach uncomfortable subjects... #publibchat
- @radicalibrarian #publibchat been there. What can management/workers do to change this avoidance of hard talks and lack of knowledge?
- @Overcastallen @radicalibrarian I think taking staff member's concerns seriously is huge #publibchat
- @Overcastallen great q, early in career the workplace culture led me to tolerate harrassment id never put up w now #publibchat
- A3 It led to a HUGE fight over whether I could lock the loading dock door that was right next to my office. #publibchat
- @Overcastallen Perhaps make it a more formal, written process? Makes people less uncomfortable but still encourages reporting? #publibchat
- A3 You know, because ILL is more important than whether we all get shot or whether I get jumped by a nutzo. #publibchat
- @melbrarian #publibchat that's definitely a big issue. No one wants to ruffle feathers, especially early in their career
- Q4 How do you support your colleagues? #publibchat
- @Overcastallen part of that is training, part is other factors, esp expectation that this is part of working w public #publibchat
- I was physically lifted out of my chair by a guest speaker in front of a senior staff person who didn't bat an eye, so... IDK #publibchat https://twitter.com/Overcastallen/status/819736979638284288 …
- @Overcastallen also just acknowledge that this is a regular part of being a woman and make sure there are ways of listening. #publibchat
- A3 I tried to frame it as a building security question because maybe folks will listen to that. Kinda. Locked it after 10am. #publibchat
- #publibchat A4 always offer to ask the patron giving them problems to leave. It's easier to follow policy when you're not the target.
- @melbrarian @Overcastallen @kt_librarylady was talking about this as an expectation of the job! #publibchat
- A4. Not all coworkers feel comfortable speaking up, so if I hear/see patron being inappropriate #publibchat https://twitter.com/dejah_thoris/status/819738999384207360 …
- yes, exactly! as newbie library worker i was reluctant to make waves for fear of seeming unprofessional or not up to the job #publibchat https://twitter.com/overcastallen/status/819738802096848898 …
- @schomj #publibchat I would definitely say that person lacked some training (and empathy)
- and coworker is uncomfortable, I try to step in and tell patron to knock it off, that they're being inappropriate. #publibchat
- A4 Trust and believe someone if they confide in you about sexual harassment #publibchat
- I have no faith that people will have my back if they don't even have a kindergarten-level understanding of bodily consent. #publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell @melbrarian @Overcastallen Yes, I don't let anyone tell me "That's just life" when I complain about harassment! #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady #publibchat that's great that you're a source of support for your coworkers, always make it easier to deal w/ when you have help!
- @schomj #publibchat I would say that's a good call. Do you have support from other coworkers?
- A4 Keep an eye out for coworkers & volunteers. Easy to pretend to be retrieving a book to make sure they r safe. #publibchat
- @kt_librarylady I love this! #publibchat
- @Overcastallen YES! We've really banded together over last couple years & very helpful and encouraging. #publibchat
- A4 Not at a pub lib, but front desk, we had a code word if someone was bothering a student - sad that we needed this but helpful #publibchat
- A4 I sometimes regret not following up when I could've but I wasn't brave enough, so I try to fight more now. #publibchat
- @melbrarian I had the same problem! Director was ultimately very supportive, but I was still terrified. #publibchat
- A4 If it's a student, we have a new policy where we're required to report sexual assault after a certain level of disclosure. #publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell there are a LOT of things that happened to me as a young new lib person that I am horrified to remember now #publibchat
- Our hour is up, but feel free to keep the conversation going! I am loving some of these convos <3 #publibchat
- @melbrarian #publibchat maybe this is an issue with the perception of professionalism. Not tolerating harassment =/= unprofessional.
- @dejah_thoris I have same feeling - I fight more now to make up for the times I didn't feel comfortable speaking up earlier. #publibchat
- A4 Believe them. Make sure they have someone supportive with them to file a report. Yell about it (with permission) #publibchat https://twitter.com/dejah_thoris/status/819738999384207360 …
- @thelizbrarian RIGHT?! I was 18 yrsold and was often left alone at the circ desk -want to go back and shake some of those admins #publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell #publibchat we do the same thing, desk workers have code names for patrons to warn if they're coming in.
- @kt_librarylady I love hearing this! It makes me feel so much better. ##publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell straight up and they walked you to your car, with lime and they called the cops... #publibchat
- @Overcastallen @CharissaAPowell We warn too, or tell staff during shift changes if something significant happened on desk #publibchat
- having all sorts of feels about tonight's #publibchat but I am SO THANKFUL to all of you for sharing your stories and voices tonight <3
- This chat has been so helpful. I had stuff to talk about that I didn't even REALIZE was worth talking about. #publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell yes, this can be a hard topic. heard some very difficult stories. thanks to all who shared! #publibchat
- Having practiced scripts to use in the moment is v. helpful. Just telling someone they're being inappropriate can work wonders #publibchat
- Continue the conversations. Please join us on January 24th to discuss the joys of WEEDING! #publibchat
- @CharissaAPowell Loved it! Would also love to see this discussion in conferences, workshops, etc. more often in our profession! #publibchat
- Big thanks to #critlib for partnering with us for this important topic. And to @metageeky for the use of @CritLib_anon #publibchat
- Thanks so much for a great convo #publibchat ! I'm open to future chats w/ anyone who wants to keep talking about this!
- I think we had a good chat tonight. Also proud that we didn't devolve into man-hating though you are 99.9% of the offenders. #publibchat