CritLib Chat: critical librarianship in a Trump administration
Description from CritLib page: This is the first in what may be many chats about life in an information-hostile political regime. The questions are meant to be applied broadly to most facets of libraries and librarianship. Participants are encouraged to apply them to their specific library types or areas of focus, e.g., information literacy or special collections.
- Welcome to tonight's #critlib! I'm co-moderating (from behind the scenes) w @bembrarian. He'll be tweeting the Qs. I'm available 4 whatever.
- Note that if you can't tweet under your own Twitter handle for any reason, I can post 4 you. I reserve the right to refuse trolls. #critlib
- @CityThatReads taught your #lemondade libguide last night in my Identity & Culturally responsive practice course! #critlib
- Amanda, art/humanities lib in Flagstaff. I've turned off facebook & turned to close friends & colleagues for constructive convo #critlib …
- Yes, we need time to grieve. We need to self-educate. We need to take action. #critlib …
- hi #critlib I run @libraryfreedom and my self-care in these troubling times is getting enough sleep so I have the energy to organize.
- A1 but before i was real angry and into local action and also i joined @DemSocialists !! i am not good at self-care i guess #critlib
- Historically from a blue state myself, now still in one (WA) working as faculty librarian at @learningcommons. Generally a noob #critlib
- Good to be here! Self-care writing curating Anti-racism Digital Library reread + add APALA What is Normal #critlib
- @CharissaAPowell I've had a practice of sending one thank you note per day for a long time. Gratitude is essential. #critlib
- A1: self-care is reading books that are lighter, balanced with books to educate myself. Necessary Trouble by @sarahljaffe helped #critlib
- @laurabrarian Hah! I love Blue Hampshire. Im a native NHer & seeing it stay blue (and w/ a binder full of women) makes me so happy. #critlib
- @jessicahochman I was just telling someone today that I've had more dark chocolate in the past 2 weeks than in the past 2 months #critlib
- A1 Absolutely, that too! #critlib #critkittehs 😻 …
- A1 Hi! InfoLit lib @ a college near NYC. Sleeping & then giving 200% of my energy to students is helping. Also @BrianLehrer. #critlib
- A1: Hi #critlib academic Librarian in Sydney looking from afar but feeling the sorrow and anxiety - and future strength #thisthingsglobal
- A1 #critlib Oh! And I finally got the nerve to put up my #BlackLivesMatter sign in my office. Perhaps too late, but it's helping me.
- @MaureenMcElroy Welcome. Don't feel like you have to read every #critlib tweet. Side conversations great if you want to respond to anyone.
- @ellieatoric hi you! (& I can't listen to anything on WNYC yet without feeling like I need a xanax :( #critlib
- Folks, this is a large group, so while @bembrarian is handling the Qs, I'm here for back-up. Grab me if you need anything, DM or: #critlib
- Hi #critlib! UX person/librarian at EBSCO. Self care: watching Occupied, reading Gamache, hiding under blankets. (Like this)
- A1 Sarah research lib Villanova University. setting up donations, chatting with friends & coworkers like @laurabang has helped #critlib
- #critlib I have hardly left my HRC virtual hdqtrs. as self care but am going to write about working class issues & labor unions lost 10%
- A2 I had already been focusing on social justice in my @IdahoLibraries presidency & more so now - boosting cultural competencies. #critlib
- Connections with lots of humans--so necessary right now. (And earlier, but...) #critlib …
- A2 #critlib simple and not original, just be open and attentive when they ask for library help. Ask them how they are doing. …
- A2 Forums and other opportunities for safe and progressive discussion seem incredibly important. We've had one so far at my school #critlib …
- @CharissaAPowell Totally same here. Clearly, dark chocoloate has healing powers. :) #critlib
- A2, I added a BLM sign to my desk. A colleague basically shoved this at me... #critlib and I've worn since... However...
- A2. I've seen book displays highlighting POC voices & stories of protest, along with displays focusing on #BlackLivesMatter. #critlib
- A3 #critlib Also wrote about some concrete steps I, as an administrator, can & will take: … 3/3
- A2 listening & amplifying. Trying to take in & promote voices that are not white. Asking questions and reflecting on how to do more #critlib …
- @AllisonJaiODell yes! We give voice to the voiceless... Now to give ears to the earless, so to speak, reaching out to colleagues #critlib
- @liv_scully it's a burden for POC to be responsible for explaining all of the time #critlib
- As a POC I've been sharing my Blog posts on #Whiteness and #Libraries. #LowriderLibrarian #critlib
- @librarythinking Exactly my point - hence the self-education! #critlib
- Cosign this, my uni's doing lots w/undocumented students and I've been signal boosting and sharing throughout the library. A2 #critlib …
- A2 work with diversity efforts on campus to bring those folks into the library, including student groups, faculty, and staff. #critlib …
- Language matters. We perpetuate the myth of race & help racism live when we continue to use racial categories based on skin color #critlib …
- Q2 @bLAMcollective members are putting together a doc of resources, 1 includes responses to microagressions on a business card #critlib
- A2 and then talking to @libraryfreedom about what we can do to empower students to do activism safely... Still not enough. #critlib
- A2 Working w other @IdahoLibraries people to be very intentional in showing how social justice aligns with America's noblest values #critlib
- @bembrarian @flexlibris Respectfully disagree--POC have been telling us all along what needs to be done, info is out there. #critlib
- @eiratansey Yes. Definitely pulling away from libs to focus on real/impactful stuff. #critlib
- @gasbagcharm this is my new mantra. #critlib
- @suzannesannwald Yay and Yes! Please more of this in the world. #critlib
- @bembrarian i'm facilitating a reading group at work on the myth and dangers of neutrality in libraries. Other ideas #critlib folks?
- @IleanaSofia I love this! 1,000% agree #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell honestly, for me, right now in southwest Ohio, the biggest work I can do is OUTSIDE of my archivist position #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell @eiratansey ditto to this - not as wholely immersed in my work so as to have energy for thought & action. #critlib
- @eleni_castro What a great reading group idea. Also a great #critlib idea. …
- @AllisonKHerrera Thanks for joining us! If you haven't found them yet, tonight's #critlib questions are at: …
- @DianaMoronta I'm going to write that up and print it out and put it on the wall of my office. Thank you. #critlib
- #critlib I'm scared right now and need to know you have my back. #Latinx #Indigenous #USA #Fascism #Libraries #allies
- @jessicahochman YES to this - these moments matter. The local doesn't stop because im freaked out about the global #critlib
- @poeticdoxa I realized this after attending a poetry slam on campus; it was more productive than a formal discussion could've been #critlib
- @brinepond #critlib boss sympathized in private but also "doesn't want to offend anyone" so it's like an elephant in the room
- @jessicahochman this. I've let a lot of comments (towards myself) slide before and now realize how problematic that can be. #critlib
- Respectfully, these are multiple questions but there could be intersectionality. Interested in any interpretations during #critlib tonight! …
- "Doesn't want to offend anyone" is like "professional neutrality." Not possible! #critlib …
- @CharissaAPowell yep. I try to be the laid back white lady sometimes and it doesn't really suit me ;) #critlib
- reading and sharing #octaviabutler #critlib
- #critlib A2: Also link/cite to work of women/ people of color. On my earlier point …
- How do we reconcile this level of "support" from admin and supervisors? #critlib? …
- We *want* this to be true, but we need to work to make it real. How we feel is diff from how admins/governing bodies do. #critlib …
- Different fights can happen at diff levels, too. Match your actions to your level / expected consequences #critlib …
- @sarahkirkley that’s a good professor #critlib
- As a POC I've been sharing my Blog posts on #Whiteness and #Libraries. #LowriderLibrarian #critlib MORE >>
- eh, this Jew likes wreaths. I think of them as "pine bagels" #critlib MORE >>
- @ellieatoric #critlib yes!! art allows engaging w/ emotions/perspectives in a moment that's meant to be shared. Audiences work 2 understand
- #critlib "doesn't want to offend anyone" means "doesn't want to offend white people." Declaring human decency towards all =now politicized+ …
- A3 Depends on one's level of privilege, no? Different options & acceptable degrees of visibility and risk are open #critlib …
- A3 1/2 It affects us personally, as humans. In our role it can affect how and what we prioritize, which values we push forward. #critlib …
- @sarahkirkley agreed. Still giving time to post-election feelings bc these concerns are real and our new reality #critlib
- @bembrarian how should vs how can? Sadly, can be very different questions #critlib
- Continuous self / crit examination. US Librarianship has a long history of being embedded in authoritarianism while doing good. #critlib …
- @bembrarian Protection to voice opinions/ideas. Fac & t-t status of librarians always under scrutiny. #critlib
- Yes @alliethome I’ve also been using that guide to “guide” the post-election interactive LibGuide I’ve been working on #critlib
- a3 question and move past the limitations and narrowness of imposed #professionalism #critlib
- #critlib So important to put our moneys where our mouths are, tho. So important. …
- a3: cultures of authoritarianism/bigotry seem to make confrontation professionally risky, even though still necessary. #critlib …
- #critlib Say it loud and say it clear. #FalseNeutrality abounds in libraries in the USA. #Whiteness #education #CultureAndInformation
- A3 I think protecting rights to access info & privacy are critical. Consider new ways to do so, e.g. use @torproject #critlib
- A3 #critlib Cataloging rules + cowardly administrators =
- @radicalibrarian I'm going to try to help my staff understand these issues better, so they'll notice when their work contradicts it #critlib
- Not articulating well-trying to get at not putting ppl off. Real Q: do pub/acad/sch libns have a responsibility to bigoted patrons? #critlib …
- Yeah there is an A1 in looking around, seeing colleagues speaking out, getting up some nerve of my own. #critlib …
- @liv_scully one of the 1st actions colleagues & i were able to brainstorm was 'we must teach our patrons about digital privacy' #critlib
- @bembrarian absolutely. It’s been a struggle as someone without without much experience to figure out how far I can/want to go. #critlib
- @helenstwin #critlib That's why I think it's hugely important for me, the academic lib in a large consortium w/lot of publics, to do this.
- start or keep checking out allll the titles that will get you flagged under #patriotact surveillance #critlib
- @bembrarian true! I think about what @fakedansavage said- we're a red country in w/ blue islands -often after this election #critlib
- If we don't experience dissonance, we don't learn. #critlib …
- . @CityThatReads I worry that this is where political action not only starts but also ends for many people. #critlib
- Possible collaborative blog idea: The Stuck Librarian? For getting folks past barriers, institutional challenges? #critlib …
- @lisahubbell #critlib In my experience organizing, 1 of biggest dangers is when we assume same page. Good to make explicit/define solidarity
- 71-year-old woman was asked to leave a public library in Delaware for discussing the election. #critlib …
- @flexlibris one place to start might be library school classrooms #critlib
- @jadeline_marvis @fakedansavage Understanding that parts of the convo are a binary and parts are far more complex is important too #critlib
- @radicalibrarian And so it has more reach than just being your "personal agenda" #critlib
- A4 Make space in every capacity you possibly can for marginalized ppl. Share successes/challenges/needs of doing this with admin #critlib …
- #critlib More independent publishing. We are publishing a book called Librarians With Spines this Spring. #HinchasPress #LowriderLibrarian
- @maxmacias um, best title EVER! #critlib
- Remember librarians like Ruth Brown. Fired. Now a statue of her at library. She made a dif in understanding. #critlib
- @CityThatReads For sure, all of these are necessary - they chip away. #critlib
- #critlib Crete a library community support network for activism and activist events in your area. #InfoSupport #LIS #Librarians #Activate
- So many students don’t know about Duck Duck Go @liv_scully. Have it as a default at desk w/ students for instant learning opp #critlib
- @maxmacias There's a great Seattle-based #critlib group that does a lot of local meetups and discussions :D
- yup. start tonight. do it tomorrow. do it again the day after that. #critlib …
- This Q is really troubling me rn. Doing consultations w at-risk students, like their paper is of same importance as Trumpocalypse. #critlib …
- Same! My colleague and I just met with our dean today after we had been chewing on some ideas for a couple weeks. <3 #critlib …
- @hailthefargoats I'm sure most of my pub lib patrons will be clueless too - time for more on-the-fly training! :-) #critlib
- Indeed @liv_scully! I usually ask the students to try a Google and Duck Duck Go search at the same time and see what happens! #critlib
- @hailthefargoats I used Duck Duck Go a year ago but gave up when results weren't up to par. Efficiency won out over privacy then. #critlib
- <nodding> Also thinking we need to expand our definition of core functions to include these conversations and actions. #critlib A4 …
- @hailthefargoats must teach students not just "what" diff sources are, but HOW they are put together & circulate as commodities #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell Our data librarian and I will be running workshops on privacy. Alison Macrina is my hero. #critlib
- Definitely understandable @gasbagcharm. Sometimes I have to switch back but good reminder for me #critlib
- A4 also go outside the library - i'm going to detroit troublemakers school to learn a thing or two #critlib
- @laurabrarian it's part of doing activities. I haven't had a meeting or taught a class this year where it hasn't been a component #critlib
- @gasbagcharm Linux will run on an old ass machine #critlib
- @gasbagcharm ask @flexlibris ! She has a privacy curriculum framework for all kinds of libraries & budgets #critlib
- So...we can not do this. #critlib …
- A1. Call for changes in information structures/environments LCSH, DDC indexes/ thesaurus. #antiracedl #critlib …
- those #nationalbookawards tho. great modeling of uplifting, celebrating, gathering, and speaking truth in scary environment #critlib
- @bembrarian If that's your experience, I will just suggest that you make it part of your thought process when fulfilling your role #critlib
- @liv_scully #critlib equal access to information
- Duck Duck Go now has "bangs" that let you search other sites from DDG—prefix with "!", "!google (term)" #critlib …
- Shout to @ruthbrarian 's tips and text for people new to letter-writing, calling representatives, otherwise being a nuisance #critlib
- Wow didn’t know that @foureyedsoul thanks for the tip! Another cool thing to show off and discuss with students #critlib …
- A2. Change collection dev slowly but surely buy indie offer indie author awards have festival for local indie authors/publishers #critlib …
- @CityThatReads @CityThatReads One good place to start: … Hey, 1 hr is prime workshoppin' time 👍 #critlib
- @A_meeksie I'm not on it but the most recent thing I went to that they hosted was a lunch and documentary watching of "Reel Injun" #critlib
- @laurabrarian Reading founding fathers more closely than before, in seeking what to write to electoral college. #critlib
- @hailthefargoats I think it's a kind of recent thing? But definitely a fun thing to show off! #critlib
- ehh i think this CAN be true but then you're always gonna have a person CONVINCED you're a soros-funded lefty plant #critlib …
- Definitely neat @foureyedsoul. I really think understanding how you get info from search engine is crucial for critical info users #critlib
- A plug for the Anti-racism digital library / thesaurus - students, faculty librarians welcomed much needed! #critlib
- A5 #critlib This thread from @Bibliocracy for instance: …
- q5 #critlib we can help with privacy stuff @libraryfreedom. and we are soon launching a forum for librarians organizing for the resistance.
- A5 @libraryfreedom great resource on privacy. #critlib
- @brinepond A5. Sure. We can't change the minds of those who will be unmoved. Have to focus on those who are open to discussion. #critlib
- A5 out on a limb... research methods! Listen, ask questions, pay attention, find patterns, interrogate your ethics & values often #critlib …
- For sure, all of these are necessary - they chip away. #critlib MORE >>
- A4 Redoubling efforts to adhere to core values. What's it mean to truly serve the public? #critlib MORE >>
- A5 @RadReference is pretty quiet in most cities but the website might provide some help/resources/guidance. #critlib
- This *~great~* episode of PLA's FYI podcast has me really thinking we could focus on expanding "equitable" … #critlib …
- Aww #critlib is my new fave right next to my passion and energy for the Anti-racism Digital Library / Thesaurus …
- I facilitate discussions & meetings at work ALL THE TIME. can use that skillset to host a SURJ house party #critlib …
- @awlibrarian Would Google be able to track the computer/browser it's being searched from? Need to know more about proxies, clearly. #critlib
- We have a secret group called the League of Librarians where we support each other in activism. Any member can invite you. #critlib …
- If you have a union please don't take it for granted!! #critlib …
- A5. Find support in the #critlib community (also ). Tell someone who doesn't know about it & might find solace in it.
- Stand up for someone's rights today! HUMAN RIGHTS DAY 12/10/ 2016. #critlib …
- What would it mean to make facilitating dialogue part of the job description? #critlib …
- Q5 I'm teaching myself about online surveillance (h/t @flexlibris) so I can do a teach-in for the local feminist group I'm in #critlib
- Dang. Just realized I was using "Q" instead of "A" in my responses! #twitterchatfail #critlib
- @jessicahochman Oooh, that's a great question! #critlib
- Yes! Make challenging racism & other system oppressions part of your strategic plan. :) #critlib …
- @suzannesannwald great idea!! #critlib
- they will be coming for public employee unions, no doubt #critlib …
- @AllisonJaiODell @bembrarian Being a librarian WAS my activist career of choice. I know, I'm an anomaly. #critlib
- A5: #critlib All our lib guide skills help us make some kick-ass resource guides. one I made recently:
- A5: I need to make copies of What is this thing called M.E.? & leave them everywhere … #critlib #menstrualextraction
- @allanaaaaaaa This is so important! Stick to your intellectual freedom policies even if it creates friction. #critlib
- A5. If you have a secure platform, please please please use it. I, for one, check @mchris4duke's Twitter feed daily; it's thrapy ❤️ #critlib
- A5 @modernistwitch wrote this great guide to bystander intervention and de-escalating tactics … #critlib
- A5: This list has helped me with diversifying my storytime … #critlib
- @ProudPoodleMom ooh, thank you for sharing! #critlib
- A5 Never underestimate the power of collaboration! (Like this discussion!) #critlib MORE >>
- A5 great resource on privacy. #critlib MORE >>
- Report Anti-Latino and Anti-Immigrant bullying in schools to MALDEF at 210-224-5476 #critlib MORE >>
- #critlib We are doing something great here. Thank you all! #Hope #LIbraries #Solidarity MORE >>
- A5 this article is a great tool. Read it before you start having convos with white ppl about racism. #critlib …
- A6 Helped contact Immigrant Defense Project to get their Know Your Rights handouts & programs in our lib. … #critlib
- A6 1 thing I proposed @ my libs is to focus on analyzing news sources. Seen others (@HunterLibrary) doing Q&A on DACA #critlib
- Surely this will be the first of many #Trumpocalypse #critlib. Unless something miraculous happens. Suggest another … …
- A5: Read and embrace what other #critlib superhero #librarians have achieved
- A6 Scheduled my nurse practitioner friend to do a workshop on trans care and new medical & legal issues: … #critlib
- Use the privilege you have to stand in solidarity with those most at risk, share resources, educate, be intentional. #critlib …
- #critlib We can talk more about #CultureAndInformaiton and how it relates to our work. #FalseNeutralities #Whiteness #education #Colonial
- #critlib UC folks, reach out to your campus Undocumented Student Programs …
- A6 Have 1 digital privacy wkshop on the calendar and will f/u with more from Cryptoparty et al community. #critlib
- Tonight's #critlib was exactly what I needed. Thanks @bembrarian & @zinelib!
- A6. Leading #critlib chat on 12/19 re critical reflection on our own practice. #critpitch to show up for that, write more to reflect.
- @maxmacias Are you up for hosting one of these in the near future? Would love to participate. #critlib …
- I wrote a relevant piece in Radical Teacher: Black Lives Matter in Information Literacy … #critlib #critpitch
- Now that's always good advice 💫 … #critlib
- Good @GinaMurrell1 Information literacy is a higher priority more than ever given the sad, recent #truimphofinformationilliteracy #critlib …
- Participated in #critlib while drinking sleepytime tea and listening to 2000s hip hop #howigetdown #borntolibrarian
- Thanks #critlib! Go change the world everyone!
- Amen! #critlib helps make/keep us sane. Definitely needed these days. …
- Tonight's #critlib was awesome but I need some sleep. I should hide Tranny by @LauraJaneGrace so I don't pick it up and add to exhaustion.
- #critlib pitch: add to the open document of readings & resources. …
- Thank you @bembrarian & @zinelib - first #critlib certainly not my last!! Feeling #empowered & ready to do the work, change the world
- @bembrarian I'm down. It would be super fun! And I would love to hear people's ideas! #critlib #CultureAndInformation #Whiteness #USA #Ed
- @jessicahochman I'd like to keep thinking on this, it'd be great to have some language to describe this to include in a job ad. #critlib
- A lot of great stuff has been linked to #critlib tonight and I'll try to go in and add those. Especially links to other resource collections …
- Pondering this. Sometimes this work will make you feel unsafe... just because you're new to it. Like me on the phone yesterday. #critlib …
- Self correct. Ditto. Absolutely. Echo echo. Encore 😬#critlib love it tonight was feeling so blue earlier now found this awesome community …
- Yes! The most critical music to listen to while being a #critlib librarian! …
- G'night, #critlib. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning. #dreadpiratejessica
- @awlibrarian I'll have to look much more into this. Thanks for the pointers! #critlib
- OH HEY if you want a copy of the first-gen librarian zine i compiled for ALA go HERE … #critlib #critpitch
- @bembrarian @maxmacias See for upcoming #critlib chats and form to propose topics.
- @AllisonJaiODell Closed now but Northwestern posted for Dig. Pres. Librarian who "will bring a proactive awareness of" + #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell + "social responsibility historical institutional biases, and ethics of digital preservation." Decent start, no? #critlib
- A6 resist every day #critlib MORE >>
- #critlib So important to put our moneys where our mouths are, tho. So important. MORE >>
- A6 love everyone's suggestions. I will add: be bold with programming. Every library program is political #critlib …
- .@awlibrarian Apparently there's a "!proxy" bang—here's more on DDG's site: #critlib
- @CityThatReads you are all awesome! #critlib
- Tonight's #critlib was exactly what I needed. Thanks & MORE >>
- first time I've chimed in on this hashtag - it was a great discussion #critlib MORE >>