MPLP Archival Processing | #critlib | 11/14/2016
Critlib on More Product, Less Process and Archival Processing - Tuesday, November 14, 2016 - Readings and definitions available here
- Intros
- Hi all & welcome to todays #critlib chat on MPLP &archival processing. If you're new to MPLP brief overview is here: …
- I'm Greg and I'm a faculty librarian at @TheLWTech @learningcommons. I only have minimum experience working with archives. #critlib
- I'm Tod and I'm the digital asset manager/archivist @boncomslc I've worn so many hats over the years, but yay corporate archives! #critlib
- Q1. What has your experience been with MPLP? How do you determine sufficient description and adequate arrangement for collections?
- @bembrarian @boncomslc more or less: … it rides the line of digital collections and records management #critlib
- Q1 Currently working w a grad student on processing an archive for the first time. We're using this manual: … #critlib …
- @bembrarian @zinelib sorry I don't think this link came through with #critlib readings when sent before …
- (A1b, sorry!) I've had no prior experience to MPLP but think it's really important in an age of info overload. #critlib …
- .@AlicePrael what kinds of automation in the processing? I'm very curious. #critlib
- @AlicePrael Interested in what those expectations are. Also, what's taken for granted in digital age? What is default? #critlib
- @todrobbins We do basic scans for personal info thru FTK, create file manifests and trusting the file names from the creator #critlib
- @bembrarian What we expect is in the coll. e.g email probably has lots of personal info, Microsoft paint doodles are prob safer #critlib
- @devonproudfoot isn't the point of MPLP that it always depends on the collection and researcher need? #critlib
- Q2. How does MPLP affect access and accessibility of material?
- A2. Seems like working through materials faster will limit how thorough descriptions are, but maybe there's something I'm missing. #critlib …
- @todrobbins @BitCurator We use BC for some things but not PII scans because the Bulk Extractor output is more difficult to work w/ #critlib
- @todrobbins @BitCurator If you're curious about the specifics all the docs for our workflow are public … #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain Now this is interesting! How do you define critical description? #critlib
- @AlicePrael right. And mplp in theory is different from how people do it in practice. #critlib
- Q3. How does MPLP affect privacy issues? Does MPLP lead to increased risk?
- @chiuchiutrain I've had to make arguments & justify effort, but no, I don't find MPLP limits resources when they're really needed #critlib
- @bembrarian Oversimplifying, but full description, I suppose? As 1st-time processer, process helped me understand the coll. more. #critlib
- @CarrieElise And MPLP provides vocabulary/theoretical framework to talk to donors about what you do and don't do during processing #critlib
- .@AlicePrael it's possible to look through electronic media before taking custody. Or provisional ownership before appraisal #critlib
- Same question goes for Wisconsin info workers, #critlib! …
- @AlicePrael If donor can't give some idea of what is likely on a disk, or what was context of creation, may not be worth collecting #critlib
- Q4. How does MPLP affect the work required from other staff - such as access services and digitization staff?
- @AlicePrael We shouldn't forget to appraise just because it's digital. It still takes effort to process & considering that is MPLP #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain @bembrarian I think you can do careful and complete description without over-arranging everything. #critlib 1/2
- @chiuchiutrain @bembrarian In fact I'd argue that we should increase resources for description over arrangement and rehousing. #critlib 2/2
- Q5. What do we lose with MPLP? What do we gain? How can we balance MPLP with traditional processing?
- @chiuchiutrain @bembrarian Time difference btw scanning the collection for content vs. full re-foldering/re-arranging is huge, imo. #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain @bembrarian For parts of some collections, sure, full arrangement is valuable +adds a lot. But for most, not really. #critlib
- Thanks to great facilitation from @AlicePrael during this week's #critlib! …