#critlib 2016-10-17: diversity/inclusion/anti-oppression at public service points
Archive of the October 17, 2016 #critlib chat on diversity/inclusion/anti-oppression at public service points, moderated by @gnomadlibrarian. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit http://critlib.org/
- Public librarians: please join tomorrow's #critlib discussion on inclusion/anti-oppression at public service points! http://critlib.org/public-service-points/ …
- hello out there! i never use this thing but 2day at 2p i'm moderating a #critlib chat on diversity at library desks! http://bit.ly/2di5w0B
- Introductions
- Hi #critlib! Welcome to everyone, your moderator for today's chat is @gnomadlibrarian. Chat questions & readings at: http://critlib.org/public-service-points/ …
- Hi #critlib, I'm Violet, academic cataloger in the middle of Minnesota. Big thanks to @gnomadlibrarian for last-minute chat moderation!!
- @gnomadlibrarian And we may want to re-run chat at a different time, I know public libs often have difficulty with daytime chats. #critlib
- Q1. What does diversity and inclusion mean to you and/or your library?
- #critlib Q1 quoting @bannedlibrarian from @oaklibrary she has been instrumental in leading various inclusion projects pic.twitter.com/lZ3j0MGzXl
- re @socaldesi, I am trying to conceptualize special collections that make discovery easier, more social, etc. #critlib
- @gnomadlibrarian Super important point! Seems much easier for librarians to get funding for training than staff, in my experience. #critlib
- @violetbfox yes! they can't be 'one-shot' we offered a webinar so now we can check it off the list. training has to be ongoing #critlib
- Racial Equity in the Library, Part Two: Diverse Collections, Programming, Resources: http://www.webjunction.org/news/webjunction/racial-equity-parttwo.html#.WAUUdSKnswU.twitter … @WebJunction #critlib
- Very true, I feel that way about a lot of "diversity offices" at univs. I'd like to combat that mentality in our library services #critlib https://twitter.com/kellymce/status/788081869208170496 …
- @montserratlj Good point. What is meant my 'inclusion' or 'univeral access' is often nuanced. Does multilingual count, for example. #critlib
- @gnomadlibrarian There's an interesting legacy in names of diversity offices too. Many are called offices of minority affairs or... #critlib
- @montserratlj I think so. working in acad lib, we're great at partnering with campus folks. I think we cld do better w/ larger cmty #critlib
- @gnomadlibrarian During grad school, I was involved in several fights to include disability under the diversity banner. #critlib
- That's awesome! We have a pretty rad diversity council in my lib who actively thinks about D/I in a very intersectional way #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/788083208478871552 …
- including disability services. we're making strides right now to correct some weird access issues to further help disabled patrons! #critlib https://twitter.com/gnomadlibrarian/status/788083661044350977 …
- @metageeky @gnomadlibrarian our campus still trying to get disability studies classes eligible for the EDI course undergrads take #critlib
- Yes! Let's expand on services in Q2! #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/788082326274211841 …
- Q2. What does an anti-oppressive service model look like?
- @gnomadlibrarian other terms usually historically associated with race. It narrows the definition of diversity. #critlib
- .@davehudson123's keynote at CLAPS digs into this so beautifully: http://arizona.openrepository.com/arizona/handle/10150/612654 … #critlib
- @gnomadlibrarian We do now and back then had people who joined the councils to help push that point. #critlib
- patrons appreciate it when I walk them to the shelves. it's my job and I'm happy to do it. https://twitter.com/mishiebhat/status/788084594176294912 …
- A2. Follow http://blog.leeandlow.com/ and … https://americanindiansinchildrensliterature.blogspot.com/ for #critlib views on diversity in children's lit.
- Q3. Beyond hiring diverse desk staff, what other steps can we take to create an empowered and inclusive service point?
- @metageeky And if you have to resort to reusing the same "diverse" set of people, be aware that you have a problem to be addressed! #critlib
- @violetbfox It can be a small numbers issue too if only so many people volunteer for media. #critlib
- @violetbfox Microsoft often has the same set of disabled users volunteer for usability testing. The tech optimizes for them. #critlib
- @violetbfox There's been a lot of push among the accessibility folks there to expand the volunteer set through outreach. #critlib
- Yes! Stepping away from a capitalist frame of reference--we should be better than that, more expansive. #critlib https://twitter.com/gnomadlibrarian/status/788087071588118528 …
- Great point, @socaldesi--reflecting on policies & who they're there for. Do staff understand and apply rules fairly? #critlib https://twitter.com/socaldesi/status/788087327558033408 …
- @mishiebhat Make sure the public service people know about the material being displayed so they can talk about it. #critlib
- That's such a good point! Not only increases collaboration & good relations, but empowers service staff to engage deeper with org #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/788088983062401025 …
- Oops: for #critlib chat on public libraries and inclusion. Great tools for listening to full range of service community for any non-profit. https://twitter.com/lisahubbell/status/788088413073252353 …
- Q4. How can we incorporate diversity/inclusion/anti-oppression training into general service point training–especially for student employees?
- A4. Please share inclusion / anti-oppression resources you've found helpful! I'll bring them together on http://critlib.org . #critlib
- Been thinking a lot about UX and our lib website, would be great to gather a student focus group to address accessibility issues #critlib https://twitter.com/socaldesi/status/788087327558033408 …
- @mishiebhat Keep in mind that disability is very diverse and your focus group will be narrow by definition. #critlib
- A4. I'm also thinking of handing out the @LISmicroaggress zine to my service point staff to have them work on and encourage convo! #critlib
- That's amazing. How'd you swing that!? I would love to do that with my staff #critlib https://twitter.com/mishiebhat/status/788090097547808773 …
- @mishiebhat Just library folks, or entire institution? #critlib
- @violetbfox the entire institution, but our director made it mandatory for us (classes were already on a fall break) #critlib
- @mishiebhat A4. Totally understand this is a huge privilege and not all places have the funds/time for this, but it was so great! #critlib
- @mishiebhat A4. But maybe a facilitated dialogue/workshops among lib staff & student workers to do something similar is possible? #critlib
- @mishiebhat What a powerful message to send to the entire staff about institutional priorities! #critlib
- @violetbfox Aspects of white supremacy culture http://cwsworkshop.org/PARC_site_B/dr-culture.html … #critlib
- Similarly, in terms of ability, don't just point people to the stairs -- point out the elevators, too. #critlib https://twitter.com/libraringkat/status/788090577128521728 …
- an important point-- how can we support each other when we witness microaggressions at desks, either btwn staff and/or users #critlib https://twitter.com/aamcnamara/status/788091158375399426 …
- speak out. stand up. https://twitter.com/socaldesi/status/788091871213998080 …
- @aamcnamara Just teaching concept of microaggressions lets people identify hard-to-see problems. I love microaffirmations concept! #critlib
- @socaldesi yes! how to deal w/microaggressions btwn users was one of the things I felt most powerless abt at desk. we need tools. #critlib
- Community-led libraries stuff happening in Canada is *fantastic.* #critlib https://twitter.com/lisahubbell/status/788088413073252353 …
- As we wrap up today's #critlib chat, thanks to first-time moderator @gnomadlibrarian, who did an excellent job!
- I will volunteer to Storify/archive today's #critlib chat so I can highlight all the wonderful resources shared on http://critlib.org !
- Great job @gnomadlibrarian on modding #critlib and look forward to hearing your voice on Twitter.
- Thank you so much for mod'ing a great topic, @gnomadlibrarian! #critlib
- @violetbfox @gnomadlibrarian thank you! I am sorry I joined in so late, it's a great topic! #critlib
- @gnomadlibrarian thanks for a great #critlib chat! Also, hi VA library buddy! (even if I currently live in MO)
- ties in with our #critlib discussion from earlier this afternoon! https://twitter.com/raamatuid/status/787669785224110080 …