2016/08/23 #critlib chat: Wikipedia & #critlib
Storify of the #critlib chat from 8/23/2016 on Wikipedia & #critlib, moderated by @oksveta, @fiiidget and @nora_almeida. For more information about #critlib, including past & future chats, see http://critlib.org
- McCook, K. D. L. P. (2014). Librarians as Wikipedians: From library history to “Librarianship and Human Rights” (pdf). Progressive Librarian, 42, 61-81.
- <1hr til #critlib + #Wikipedia, Qs & readings here: http://critlib.org/wikipedia-critlib/ … & relevant new piece by @bfister here: https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/library-babel-fish/woes-wikipedia …
- @ginamshelton thanks for helping to get me started on wikipedia!! #critlib
- Hi, #critlib! I'm Megan, ScholComm LIbrarian at CUNY and board member of @WikimediaNYC
- I have heard more than one librarian make this confession! #critlib https://twitter.com/megwacha/status/768252990985736192 …
- Confession: I started editing #Wikipedia because I was POed about the gender gap. Now it's fun, humbling, enriching. I found my ppl #critlib
- I learn best by teaching...if I want to learn wiki editing guess I'll be teaching it #critlib https://twitter.com/megwacha/status/768252990985736192 …
- Hi #critlib -- it's been awhile! I'm a humanities liaison at the University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa & ur friendly co-mod. https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/768251655502630913 …
- hey #critlib I'm an academic archivist/curator type person @UofDenver!
- Hi, I'm Gina, library job seeker & freelance proofreader/copy editor participating in tonight's #critlib from Eugene, Oregon. #westcoast
- I’m the founder of @LibJuicePress , just lurking tonight. Looking forward to the next hour. #critlib
- This is Jenna in NYC, joining #critlib late because I was on a call with folks from the incredible @LISmicroaggress crew. Hi!!!
- Hi #critlib, Matthew in Mass - lurking tonight. Medical librarian working with #graphicmedicine and getting hands on training as a fellow.
Q1. What is your stance towards/relationship with Wikipedia (WP) & what experiences have brought you to that stance?
- @violetbfox did you ever figure out why that was happening? #critlib
- #critlib A1 Too many horror stories (like @karencoyle's recent exp) to be enthusiastic about WP. I find it labyrinthine (& I'm a cataloger!)
- #critlib A1 Cautiously optimistic. Great for info access, great teaching tool, some serious structural issues https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/768252637938679808 …
- @ginamshelton Noooo! And it was only done once...How wonderful would it be to carry it forward? Definitely worth exploring! #critlib
- @nfoasberg I agree.. it's a lot of work/effort #critlib
- Q1 Use #Wikipedia in IL sessions as place for students to get ideas for research topics, encourage them to look @ citations #critlib
- Place-based pedagogy! #critlib https://twitter.com/KaraKaraPW/status/768253758157488128 …
- @GinaMurrell1 is the attitude in libraries different in your experience? #critlib
- @EamonTewell would love to hear more (from any/all) about WP as teaching tool for infolit! #critlib
- @ellieatoric Great idea for demo'ing #infolit Framework with #wikipedia. #critlib https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/768255887035072513 …
- @nancyeadams Yes! Wikiproject Medicine has much stricter guidelines for adding content, which means a lot gets left out #critlib
- @nancyeadams How can we get more medical professionals/faculty/students to edit WP? Avg person probably seeks medical info from WP #critlib
- @ginamshelton UCSF med school has for-credit course where they edit WP med articles; thought it was great idea #critlib
- @ginamshelton @nancyeadams Yes! Wikipedia is number one source for medical info, esp for conditions ppl aren't comfy asking about #critlib
- agree totally. But for med professionals, I steer them away from WP. It actually IS BRAIN SURGERY #critlib https://twitter.com/megwacha/status/768256184436613120 …
- @megwacha @ginamshelton @nancyeadams is it anti-Wikipedia bias that I hear that & wish there were a better source for such info? #critlib
- @nfoasberg @megwacha @ginamshelton @nancyeadams I don't think so. Maybe medical info shouldn't be crowdsourced--too important. #critlib
- @violetbfox @nfoasberg @megwacha @ginamshelton Yes, I feel stakes too high. I steer them towards "info from your comm of practice." #critlib
Q2. In what ways could Wikipedia be a potential resource or site for enacting #critlib?
- #critlib A2 for pedagogy, get students to see themselves as knowledge producers, demo how knowledge is contested https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/768255690020417536 …
- @jessicahochman @socaldesi Well, if they're not, Wikipedia editors often won't accept them as "legitimate". #critlib
- There are so many places to start on WP (subject areas, notability, infolit) but it can be overwhelming! #critlib https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/768255690020417536 …
- WP makes contested nature of knowledge visible. Often look here first, then compare to peer review. #critlib https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/768255690020417536 …
- @socaldesi great point. As much as I love the outside links, they're often to hegemonic, obvious sources. #critlib
- Yes! But then there can be problems with what's considered a reliable source, or a notable topic! #critlib https://twitter.com/socaldesi/status/768256690944741376 …
- +1 Wikipedia reinforces bias in the literature. #critlib https://twitter.com/socaldesi/status/768256690944741376 …
- @socaldesi there's some deep deep structural bias in WP bc of who created it, and for all my love, idk if it can be overcome :( #critlib
- @violetbfox @jessicahochman @socaldesi so interesting how Wiikipedia relies on traditional authority & reproduces these structures #critlib
- This is SO GOOD. I'm dying from all the great responses to #Wikipedia editing as a site for #critlib. https://twitter.com/msmendezbrady/status/768257428001591296 …
Q3. In what ways are the pillars (i.e. Neutral Point of View) and/or organizational structures of WP in tension with #critlib? bit.ly/2b3HO7d [link to Wikipedia page for the 5 pillars]
- Only Wikipedia edit from my family so far is gf's addition of a fact about Randy Fenoli as Miss Gay America https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Fenoli … #critlib
- @edrabinski v. important work #critlib
- Yes! For me, this is a call for open access to the lit and recognizing other forms of knowledge creation #critlib https://twitter.com/wikigamaliel/status/768258676578627584 …
- Very interesting. Can you elaborate a little on that? #critlib https://twitter.com/megwacha/status/768258375209590784 …
- an attempt from WP to prevent editwars, infotrolling, but taken too far? #critlib https://twitter.com/megwacha/status/768258891452936192 …
- @jessicahochman YES. Most Wikipedians recognize you can't be neutral. It's more about writing style, representing the debate. #critlib
- @violetbfox @jessicahochman It depends. Are we talking about the majority of editors, or the loudest voices? #critlib
- @violetbfox @megwacha @jessicahochman I would be surprised if a majority of WP editors didn't feel this way. #critlib
- @violetbfox @megwacha @jessicahochman From what I've seen, they have no critical distance from their notions of neutral, rational. #critlib
- @violetbfox @jessicahochman as @megwacha points out: only certain topics attract the trolling editors: most editing uncontroversal #critlib
- How do you think this structural bias compares with similar in "traditional" reference sources? #critlib https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/768257903342063616 …
- Def seems to adhere to pretty conservative ideas about what counts as proof/evidence. #critlib https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/768257949667962880 …
- Srsly. What if some1's oral history abt their own life contradicts a published "authoritative" src abt it? #critlib https://twitter.com/stacymallison/status/768258857835651072 …
- @stacymallison great insight! And extremely subjective, and therefore potentially oppressive #critlib #wikipedia https://twitter.com/stacymallison/status/768258857835651072 …
- @violetbfox seems impossible to write anything without interpretations. #critlib
- There is no "neutral point of view," first of all. And "notability," which others have mentioned. #critlib https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/768257949667962880 …
- Sorry, late to #critlib. @KaraKaraPW's tweet on authority caught my eye. Mapping the ACRL Framework has helped me. pic.twitter.com/S93yqgVN2T
- A3 Kind of an accountability system where multiple voices can hopefully balance out the bias #critlib https://twitter.com/ginamshelton/status/768259884592697345 …
- A3 I've brought up WP in discussion of other "neutral" user-content platforms inevitably going dumpsterfire #critlib https://twitter.com/allanaaaaaaa/status/763372475501649920 …
- @allanaaaaaaa less seniority and more who can appeal to the shared community values best (which usually comes with experience) #critlib 1/2
- @allanaaaaaaa with good coaching most new editors can figure out how to appeal to those values, i.e. #artplusfeminism or #1lib1ref #critlib
Q4. Do librarians have a responsibility to address pitfalls of WP like gender/race/identity gaps?
- #critlib Great reminder of another structural issue with WP: So much unpaid digital labor! https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/768260428644233217 …
- I have many feelings about this and am now determined to find cited published prim src in Wikipedia. #critlib https://twitter.com/wikigamaliel/status/768261216116416512 …
- sure, if they pay me #critlib https://twitter.com/socaldesi/status/768262078972866560 …
- +1 Librarians should be supported to work with Wikipedia, but not required. Personal, informed choices #critlib https://twitter.com/JMarkOckerbloom/status/768263294612144128 …
- @JMarkOckerbloom Also to help shape appropriate use - mine bibliography for resources, dig back to original sources, etc. #CritLib
- Work to include WP work in P & T or annual review. #critlib https://twitter.com/megwacha/status/768263575009886208 …
Q5. What accounts for historic maligning of WP by libs and what does this tell us about our own stance towards information?
- @edrabinski right, time has proven. but 15 years ago, it cld have been anything (not really, it could have only ever been this way) #critlib
- Injecting this oldie but a goodie into tonight's #critlib chat on Wikipedia. https://twitter.com/ingredient_x/status/522845431223812096 …
- Another oldie-but-goodie tweet, prompted by Q5. #critlib https://twitter.com/barnlib/status/430920233650384897 …
- A5: WP was free, accessible to all, unmediated by us. Librarians' turf was threatened. #critlib https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/768263525290483712 …
- @nfoasberg so true. #critlib
- #Librarianship has a pathological fear of becoming irrelevant. Makes us make bad decisions. #critlib https://twitter.com/GinaMurrell1/status/768265086859300865 …
- Other faculty worse on this. "No WP" all over syllabus/assignments, hasn't come from my mouth in yrs. #critlib https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/768263525290483712 …
- A5 If you want to change the wikibrarian convo, join the listserv! It's pretty quiet, but we can fix that #critlib https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/libraries …
- #critlib Good point! Distrust perhaps would have been a better term. https://twitter.com/JMarkOckerbloom/status/768265894820589568 …
- What a wonderful #critlib chat! Last 5 min... time for #critpitch
- if you are new, #critpitch = share announcements, resources, CFPs, etc relevant to chat or #critlib at large https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/768265607204646912 …
- #CRITPITCH yaaaaaas: the month of September, read the @lisjournalclub article + talk about it with us on #lisjc! #critlib
- Looks fantastic! Love @davehudson123's work. Smart. Challenging. #critlib https://twitter.com/lisjournalclub/status/766314995785293824 …
- #critpitch: Next #critlib chat is available if anyone wants to volunteer to moderate a chat on Tues. Sept. 6th! http://critlib.org/twitter-chats/upcoming-twitter-chats/ …
- Ditto, important conversations about the comm ! But needs to be paired with exp: http://1lib1ref.org #critlib https://twitter.com/megwacha/status/768266589951188992 …
- #critlib #critpitch For those who haven't seen it--please check out the SAC report on the LCSH "Illegal aliens" https://twitter.com/aboutness/status/756282780045103104 …
- #critlib I think this is important point that trad LC info is way behind current issues https://twitter.com/JMarkOckerbloom/status/768266651561172993 …
- Just asked gf, "Do I have anything for the #critlib #critpitch?" "I do not know what that means." So. I guess that means no!
- I cannot recommend this enough --> CFP: WikiConference North America https://wikiconference.org/wiki/2016/Main_Page … #critlib