#critlib 2016-07-19: Value Sensitive Design
Archive of the July 19, 2016 #critlib chat on Value Sensitive Design, moderated by @metageeky. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit critlib dot org.
- So excited for today's #critlib on Value Sensitive Design by @metageeky, 6 pm Pacific. http://critlib.org/value-sensitive-design/ …
- Welcome all to tonight's #critlib. We'll be discussing Value Sensitive Design http://critlib.org/value-sensitive-design/ …
- For those joining in the #critlib conversation on Value Sensitive Design starting now, questions can be found at http://critlib.org/value-sensitive-design/ …
- Introductions
- Hi #critlib, I'm an academic cataloger in central Minnesota, where I took this picture today. #summerinMN pic.twitter.com/syrzIScfMF
- Jessica, academic librarian w many hats, and I know very little about Value Sensitive Design--here to learn #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755568127400742912 …
- Hi #critlib! Late due to little league. Academic nstruction librarian in Brooklyn! @metageeky
- Q1. How would you define Value Sensitive Design?
- A1. I know it's probably difficult to distill to 140 characters, @metageeky, but do you have a succinct answer for Q1? #critlib
- A1 Making design decisions based on your values?? (I did look at the materials a few weeks ago, I swear!) #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755569376112226305 …
- @violetbfox A lot of ethical design seems like it should be "common sense" but history shows we easily forget it. #critlib
- @violetbfox So many production systems go out, for example, completely forgetting about disability/accessibility standards #critlib
- @violetbfox Or blatant ignorance at protecting user privacy #critlib
- @violetbfox Actually, it's more than just the users, but the whole network of people with stakes in a system. #critlib
- A1. @metageeky Readings sound like Value Sensitive Design focuses on design of objects. Can it also apply to exhibits, instruction? #critlib
- @lisahubbell Great question! VSD does come from engineering, so it's more focused on tangible things #critlib
- @lisahubbell However, it has been used for intangible concepts like developing privacy policies for web browsers. #critlib
- @lisahubbell My doctoral work was less about designing a system but more about sociological investigation/developing design policy #critlib
- @metageeky And I liked the examples in your presentation that it could be applied to representing identities in cataloging. #critlib
- A1 What interested me in this #critlib chat was the relationship between VSD and accessible design/disability rights https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755569376112226305 …
- @metageeky I used to be a museum exhibit evaluator, and had colleagues who worked on prototyping for visitors w disabilities. #critlib
- Q2. What are some explicitly-supported values in library work?
- A2 Well, there are the ALA core values, which are explicitly stated. Tho I don't see explicit $$ support #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755572117022707713 …
- ALA core values are a list of 11 library values http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/statementspols/corevalues … #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755573020136054784 …
- @foureyedsoul A lot of those fall under the value called ACCESS. However, it has many aspects one can focus on/ignore. #critlib
- .@metageeky So like: One might focus on making mobile-first websites for less $$ users (on mobile) but ignore doing a11y work? #critlib
- @metageeky A2. Respect is embedded in the question. Also diversity, equity, access. #critlib
- @metageeky A2 "Neutrality," of course. Consistency. Accuracy. User-centeredness. #critlib
- @metageeky A2 (cont.) Efficiency. Collaboration. #critlib
- Hmm... how to state this. Helps to get a one-time check or a line added to library objectives but doesn't #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/755572936489271297 …
- A2. @metageeky preso definition: "A value is a concept or aspect that a person or group of people judge as important in life." #critlib
- @metageeky @edrabinski And how to even do that meaningfully with genderfluid people or enbies? #critlib
- @metageeky @edrabinski (Thinking of coding gender in name authority records for that last point) #critlib
- @lisahubbell i think that's super interesting...institutions make values visible. A2 #critlib
- @metageeky So the first part of your question refers to users of the tool being designed, not users of the whole service. #critlib
- @lisahubbell Exactly. Tech influences more than just the people who push the buttons. #critlib
- Sidetracking from the example provided to think about the client side of our ILS and laughing bitterly #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755575240218910721 …
- This is a brilliant question and one I encourage people to ask more #critlib https://twitter.com/jayeldee/status/755576164534464512 …
- @metageeky IT, cataloging staff, end users, reference librarians, vendor staff, developers... #critlib
- @violetbfox End users is a bit vague and dehumanizing? Library patrons? Researchers? Casual readers? #critlib
- Library employees are often direct backend users (though we have some who refuse to touch the client side) #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755576420177326080 …
- Yes! I was looking for these important stakeholders #critlib https://twitter.com/aboutness/status/755576952581345282 …
- @lisahubbell just made me realize an interesting value in library world: accurately recognizing creator efforts. #critlib
- @violetbfox There are some tools for this. One is to make that tension visible. In the UrbanSim project, they used Habermas #critlib
- @violetbfox and his theory of legitimation to inspire tools that allowed for transparency of assumptions in the simulator #critlib
- @violetbfox Other times, the value conflict might just have to come down to a decision call where you make clear your reasoning #critlib
- @metageeky @violetbfox That would be one of the linked #critlib readings: http://vsdesign.org/publications/pdf/Borning_et_al_2005_paper23.pdf …
- @metageeky @violetbfox This goes back to @edrabinski re making case for $$. What about real-world decisions where values clash? #critlib
- Please do. I only know a little of cataloging, so I'll answer what I can. #critlib https://twitter.com/aboutness/status/755579436683014144 …
- @aboutness Stakeholders: subject of the NAR, creator of NAR, cataloger's coworkers/supervisors, researchers, readers... #critlib
- @aboutness This sounds very promising. I've only glanced at the literature a little. #critlib
- @violetbfox @aboutness The potential conflict between the subject's wishes and accuracy/historicity is so interesting. #critlib
- What nonsense is this? Who signed that? I am full of ?!?!?!? right now #critlib https://twitter.com/jayeldee/status/755579581873082368 …
- Q6: How do we emphasize to vendors that we have certain values that are higher than profit? #critlib https://twitter.com/lisahubbell/status/755579518631317504 …
- @metageeky By being willing to pay more, presumably. #critlib
- Thinking with my cataloger hat again, I wonder if it's even possible to do this alone? (Institutionally) #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755578842022936578 …
- @metageeky Yeah, cataloging standards are usually developed by lots of small groups. Hmm. #critlib
- Preso was at #ccli205 by @debbieabilock & Susan Smith on threshold concepts in disciplines #critlib http://www.cclibinstruction.org/ccli-2015-speakers-sessions-breakout-session-speakerstopics/ …
- But if I take off my cataloger hat, could you do with instructional design? Or design of collection space? #critlib https://twitter.com/metageeky/status/755578842022936578 …
- @metageeky Trying to think of some process that I have control over to test this out on <thinking cap dot gif> #critlib
- @metageeky by taking matters into our own hands?
- Absolutely! VSD is ripe for new generational approaches and I'm hoping to be part of it. #critlib https://twitter.com/jayeldee/status/755582726816665601 …
- What a great #critlib chat--so grateful to @metageeky for explaining and everyone who chimed in tonight. Any volunteers to archive/Storify?
- Many thanks to @metageeky for new ideas & shifting gears to orient #critlib to Value Sensitive Design. Articles at http://critlib.org/value-sensitive-design/ …
- Really looking forward to having the brain power & attention to take in the VSD readings! Thank you @metageeky & all in tonight's #critlib.