#critlib 2016-03-22: intro to #critlib part 1
Storify of the March 22 2016 #critlib chat: "intro to #critlib part 1" moderated by @catladylib & @courtums. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, visit critlib dot org.
- Preliminaries
- A #critlib so nice, we're doing it twice! https://twitter.com/catladylib/status/710683542456389632 …
- Happy to welcome anyone & everyone to tomorrow evening's "Intro to #critlib" chat--please join in the conversation! http://critlib.org/intro-to-critlib-chat-part-1/ …
- #MLIS students, lurkers, public & special #librarians, etc: if you're curious about #critlib ideas join us tomorrow! http://critlib.org/intro-to-critlib-chat-part-1/ …
- Intro to #critlib tomorrow at 9pm ET, moderated by @catladylib & @courtums. http://critlib.org/intro-to-critlib-chat-part-1 … pic.twitter.com/9mfttQtkgt
- Introductions
- Hi #critlib! First year MSLIS student at @SimmonsSLIS in Boston checking in!
- Q1. What does #critlib look like in practice? How do you define it for yourself?
- Hopefully this #critlib intro will help! https://twitter.com/aripants/status/712446735268708353 …
- Dammit! always forget the #critlib https://twitter.com/Quasifesto/status/712446745716731904 …
- @Quasifesto It's tough! Do you work with public/students/clients or back of the house? #critlib
- Love that self-reflection is a big part of the #critlib community. I do this too. https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/712446613478776832 …
- @violetbfox thoughtfulness! 👍👍different than just "thinking" (to me, at least) #critlib
- @violetbfox Beyond that, it's seeing what others are doing & feeling inspired & encouraged by them, & encouraging others in turn. #critlib
- @violetbfox I agree. Even tho I'm not a lib yet #critlib for me is making sure voices are heard, ppl feel like they belong/welcome/supported
- @violetbfox This is a nice way to think about #CritLib. Difficult, but powerful, to balance critical mindset with inspiration/solidarity.
- @catladylib the hashtag mostly. Sorry. Off-topic already :)
- A1.3 I prioritize using social justice examples in instruction; great tip from @mariataccardi feminist pedagogy for libr instruction#critlib
- Definitely. Prioritizing social justice whenever possible is a part of _how_ I #critlib too. https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/712447954028617732 …
- @catladylib totally! Giving folks the tools to create/capture their own knowledge! #critlib
- @kevinseeber oh my, noooooo. I would like to write a practical guide for finding/revising needlessly violent language. #critlib
- @catladylib A1 To me, #CritLib is a critical approach to my own assumptions and those of the profession. Mostly still in my head atm though.
- A1.2 #critlib could also be hosting a zine workshop for homeless teens or inviting #BlackLivesMatter speakers. #socialjustice #libraries
- love love love this. #critlib https://twitter.com/qattini/status/712448868768735232 …
- @librarypj #critlib impt for all of us who need convo not happening either at school or at work.
- A2 @catladylib same! finding my reference encounters are much broader & more meaningful & open (& usually longer) since #critlib
- A2. That is a hard Q. My reflections and thought processes are different. Progress or mental wankery IDK #critlib https://twitter.com/catladylib/status/712447274073206784 …
- @catladylib part of it is introversion, but a lot of it is the lack of luxury of available time during work hours to explore.
- @catladylib not factoring in the "faculty" half of my job, just treading normal responsibilities is 50+ hours. this stuff is always last.
- @catladylib @kellykietur @OpOnions @courtums yep, same here. No idea what #critlib was until after library school.
- Must give props to @hacklibschool for getting the #critlib word out to me https://twitter.com/sofiayleung/status/712449661097738244 …
- @melissamsmc @hacklibschool very special place in my heart for HLS which introduced me to some really wonderful people. #critlib
- Creating a shared vocabulary can be huge! #critlib https://twitter.com/aripants/status/712449022292701184 …
- LOVE how this can happen. You find like-minded people and make good stuff happen with #critlib! https://twitter.com/kellymce/status/712449119122432001 …
- Modeling this behavior can have a big impact across an organization, especially when it's tied to mission/values/etc https://twitter.com/therealcalliek/status/712449048209264640 …
- This is so impt, sometimes I worry that I should've learned abt #critlib sooner, we are all always learning. https://twitter.com/therealcalliek/status/712449512816533505 …
- Yes! Public component and community so important #critlib https://twitter.com/activitystory/status/712449546522140673 …
- @activitystory Been learning importance of being public about these issues, too - not easy for someone who's preternaturally shy. #critlib
- I'm caught with this as well sometimes #critlib https://twitter.com/Quasifesto/status/712448923613274113 …
- @Quasifesto perhaps it depends on the context? #critlib
- @Quasifesto I completely agree! And perhaps intimidating? Jargon doesn't lend itself to accessibility and inclusivity.
- Both, I think. bc of health issues my cognitive ability fluctuates and my rxn to #critlib jargon varies in sync https://twitter.com/Quasifesto/status/712448923613274113 …
- @Violet7130 do people engage and discuss though? I feel like all my comments fall flat when I try to talk about issues
- @Violet7130 I totally agree! I just wish there could be an area/platform for this kind of discussion especially for online students
- @Violet7130 yes! I'm just going to add #critlib to my next student bio lol it's so important and it really has become part of what I do
- A2 good example of #critlib in practice was when I shared @catladylib @LISmicroaggress zine @ work when people didnt know what microags were
- @lisahubbell YES. Once you start seeing coded "fit" questions, it's impossible to unsee #critlib
- @kellykietur @schomj colleagues sometimes "can't put their finger on it" when a candidate presents differently re culture or gender.
- @kellykietur @lisahubbell Anytime anyone starts talking about communication skills or soft skills in tech positions my spidey senses tingle
- Would 2nd this. There are a coupla archivists, but not as many as I'd like. #critlib https://twitter.com/foureyedsoul/status/708124842239758336 …
- A3 This is something I try to work on! First off, no one is a #critlib expert! We're all here to learn! https://twitter.com/courtums/status/712450068025106432 …
- A3. I love recommended readings! But offering intros using different modalities is more inclusive #critlib https://twitter.com/courtums/status/712450068025106432 …
- @melissamsmc It can be tough to feel out how much you should push against existing framework in a new position! #critlib
- @melissamsmc I'm 7 months into new job myself, still trying to figure out my priorities. Finding allies has been helpful. #critlib
- @kellykietur Same here. I'm learning, but it's just that: *learning*. Thanks for mentioning this.
- @kellykietur yes! those of us who started #critlib have instruction focus so it began there but others should moderate different topics
- And participation in the broader professional discourse! #critlib https://twitter.com/activitystory/status/712451149815799808 …
- @GinaMurrell1 Guess I don't understand this, I don't talk theory (not interested in it right now) but still get a lot out of #critlib chats.
- Same here. My foundations course - which was just removed as a requirement for the program - was very #critlib. https://twitter.com/courtums/status/712451399917953026 …
- I have yet to encounter it in my LIS program or at work so this introduction is insightful #critlib https://twitter.com/courtums/status/712451399917953026 …
- A3.2 I love the idea of #critlib as "a movement of lib workers dedicated to bringing #socialjustice principles into our work in libraries."
- @GinaMurrell1 Agree, although I will say that this is the first time theory has been interesting to me #critlib
- @sofiayleung explaining something to others usually helps me wrap my head around it. i wish we'd teach each other more #critlib
- @lisalibrarian i went to a very very practice-focused program. i kinda think MLIS programs have an identity problem? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian like, IS it a practical degree? or is it academic? it is a mystery #critlib
- @kellykietur Get Qs. And why is theory understood as "not practical"? Seems v practical to me - principles for decisions+acting. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @kellykietur I wonder if this has to do with how people organize info; mental models helping/hindering? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @kellykietur going from theory to practice challenges me: never sure if it's theory or practice I don't understand! #critlib
- I dream of the day.... #critlib https://twitter.com/modbrarian/status/712452179852808193 …
- Been thinking a lot lately about what I gained from my undergrad education. Got introduced to many ideas! #critlib https://twitter.com/courtums/status/712451927137787904 …
- A3: for the chats, #critlib is what we collectively make it -- anyone can propose a chat, no need to be an expert: http://critlib.org/twitter-chats/suggest-a-twitter-chat/ …
- This is precisely what I did for the makerspace & prison library #critlib chats I moderated. I don't do either. https://twitter.com/kellymce/status/712452620833558528 …
- A3 Also been thinking about @davehudson123's #claps2016 keynote. Crit theory isn't just writing! It takes many forms. #critlib
- @lisahubbell interesting! What would this look like, any ideas? #critlib
- @kellymce @foureyedsoul great tool called hypothes.is @allanaaaaaaa is working on setting up some articles for shared annotation.
- A3 Like I'd argue that the @LISmicroaggress zine/project is very #critlib but it doesn't necessarily call itself that.
- A3 I feel like work around representation / exclusion / power structures is #critlib even when not explicitly named. https://twitter.com/catladylib/status/712452923729444869 …
- @foureyedsoul yes exactly! I think @LISmicroaggress is an excellent educational tool that's not overly theoretical. #critlib
- @Cynthinee @LISmicroaggress I feel like it's a good example of how theory doesn't have to be an academic article.
- @nora_almeida That's a great way to put it! Not a monolithic community but that much the better for it, #critlib
- @violetbfox definitely. Too much insularity in my windowless office...helps to let the world in #critlib
- Q4. What was your intro to #critlib and what tips do you have for newcomers?
- Same. Theory can be useful, but it's not "core" to #critlib for me. https://twitter.com/RoxanneShirazi/status/712453085210275840 …
- I tried to understand the gist behind the freq cited theory, and listen as much as possible #critlib https://twitter.com/courtums/status/712452624365326342 …
- Agreed, listening has been my first, and very valuable, first step to changing my thinking #critlib https://twitter.com/melissamsmc/status/712453812200579073 …
- A4: My intro to #critlib = stumbling upon these Twitter chats, learning from colleagues like @beccakatharine
- @kevinseeber I think the feeling of not knowing enough is common to all professions. #critlib Part of the human experience in our age.
- A4 my #critlib education was stumbling across @mariataccardi's Feminist Pedagogy book during a "pick your own reading" week in lib school
- I read wikipedia and encyclopedia articles all the time to figure out what ppl are talking abt. #critlib https://twitter.com/kevinseeber/status/712454479694602244 …
- @catladylib falling down the wikipedia rabbit hole is totally an integral part of my #critlib praxis y'all @kevinseeber
- @catladylib me too! yeah for wikipedia and other summaries online! #critlib
- @catladylib ditto! has there been a #critlib about Wikipedia???
- A4: I think I learned abt #critlib via @bibliolaura. One piece of advice is follow critlib folks. But also bring the convo wherever you are.
- @gabrarian seconding shout out to @bibliolaura for the intro to some of the foundational thinking that make me want to engage in #critlib
- Which @gabrarian and others are doing in a big way.! #critlib check this out if you haven't: https://lisedforum.wordpress.com/ https://twitter.com/gabrarian/status/712454864366915587 …
- @gabrarian Thank you because I learned about #critlib from you! Lol
- A4: also, #critlib as critical libship happens off Twitter -- in groups (@PLGCoordCom, @RadicalLibs) and local initiatives and individuals!
- @soccerbrarian Totally works to say "hi" ... "HI! Welcome!" :) #critlib
- @librarypj & it's definitely cool to follow up on something after the fact. it's ok to take time to process! #critlib
- @uliluli26 yeah, same! wish I actually "chatted" more during #critlib but I spend all that time reading and processing
- Same here! I was fortunate to be able to attend a #critlib unconference but still felt like it wasn't enough time. https://twitter.com/lisahubbell/status/712458288361672704 …
- Q5. What’s a good reading or primer for an intro to crit theory? #critlib
- There's a zotero bibliography, right? #critlib https://twitter.com/luna_dee/status/712452612331687936 …
- @Luna_Dee @CUDJOE70 (Typo!) Also check out this great @kulibraries Social Justice libguide cc: @sofiayleung #critlib http://guides.lib.ku.edu/c.php?g=421095&p=3196366 …
- @melissamsmc Definitely. Sara Ahmed comes up a lot too. Currently reading her "On Being Included," which is super awesome. #critlib
- A5 I have a running list of #critlib related books that I've read (incl fiction + poetry) http://catassessmentresearch.blogspot.com/2016/02/critlib-and-diversity-related-books.html … https://twitter.com/courtums/status/712455166524522496 …
- @foureyedsoul I'd be happy to help with this--the comments about #critlib jargon can be addressed.
- @lisahubbell Hmm, maybe we need to provide some sort of "common acronyms" on the #critlib website. That might be a good start?
- A5 aside from seconding @donnarosemary's Wikipedia hole, I always start w/ Elmborg #critlib
- @nora_almeida @donnarosemary I started w/that too & have recommended to others. Also really <3 @edrabinski "Queering the Catalog" #critlib
- yikes, gotta bounce #critlib for A5. Don't forget to add any readings that aren't there to our Zotero group folder! https://www.zotero.org/groups/critlib
- A5 #critlib newcomers will also really appreciate @EamonTewell’s review A Decade of Critical Information Literacy http://eprints.rclis.org/28163/
- A5: Also a good idea that came out of #claps2016 maybe is too have local #critlib study groups to tackle certain texts. I'm down for that.
- @catladylib as a former pseudo-sociologists, probably a primer that focuses on post structuralism and post modernism. #critlib
- Ooh any particular articles or people you recommend for this? #critlib https://twitter.com/NeoMediaLuddite/status/712456209908027392 …
- @catladylib not articles, but bookwise, the standard in my undergrad was jameson's "postmodernism" & lyotard's "the postmodern condition"
- A5 Kaptizke's "Information Literacy: a Review and Poststructural Critique" http://eprints.qut.edu.au/8867/ @NeoMediaLuddite @catladylib #critlib
- Something to consider for future #critlib chats! https://twitter.com/FreedaBrook/status/712457630711590912 …
- @FreedaBrook Oh! Do you think we need to do a better job of promoting where you can find the #critlib questions (i.e. the website)?
- @violetbfox Yes, please. (That's why I started quoting the ?s in my responses, too, actually!) @FreedaBrook
- @schomj @FreedaBrook Very helpful feedback, thanks!! I'll start reminding moderators to start with link to http://critlib.org #critlib
- @lisalibrarian i think my answer to this is really, really class-based and i'm not sure quite how to parse it out #critlib
- @lisalibrarian and then later to have ppl (not you specifically) be like "well actually, so and so in this text" is just like...ok #critlib
- @lisalibrarian basically, for me anyway, i never came across any formal theory writing. it's just you *do* things, you know? #critlib
- @kellykietur hope you don't mind if I ask you a Q about this. you had REASONS for what you were doing tho, right? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian there's also a *thing* abt choosing "practical" careers which kinda extends to how i think about theory? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian well yeah, it was kinda like, well someone with lived experience explained it to me, and i understood #critlib
- @kellykietur got it. so-to me-that explanation is theory. maybe not all academic-y (ver of theory) but principles, reasons, ideas. #critlib
- @kellykietur so, thinking an academic-type is trying to communicate "look how you fit in" + you are hearing "you are an outsider"? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian i mean, i know they're there and i know there's research/testimonials but there's def a middle-class and up bent #critlib
- @lisalibrarian which yeah, i do feel like an outsider a lot!! #critlib
- @lisalibrarian weeelllll i've never really come across that as working-class types like me don't usually make it into the academy #critlib
- @kellykietur How often academics being inclusive come off reverse bc what is inclusive in academia (you fit text!!) feels opposite #critlib
- @lisalibrarian - Don't feel bad. By the time a philosopher becomes an eponymous adjective, there's a decent chance of misapplication. :)
- @lisalibrarian #critlib confession: I glaze over at certain words. Epistemology. Teleological. "Heuristic" almost sounds worth the effort.
- @lisahubbell I <3 "heuristic" ... such a great theory word since it celebrates lived experience/gut reaction ... systematized. :) #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @kellykietur Mike Rose (UCLA) is a great example of a person whose work is kinda #critlib & has a working class background.
- @lisalibrarian @kellykietur A TON of the 1960s-1990s UK Cultural Studies people work with/from their working class backgrounds too. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul can't wait for what you come up with! Will share what my colleague & I put tog for our intro #critlib workshop too.
- @sofiayleung That'd be fantastic! I kinda think that the most #critlib approach would be to have multiple varying versions of an "intro to…"
- Lastly, would anyone like to explain #critpitch? Also, this is a call for #critpitch! #critlib. Thanks to everyone for participating!
- #critlib #critpitch Once again, we'll be doing this EXACT SAME CHAT on April 4th at 2pm EST. (Did a do the #critpitch correctly?)
- My pitch is for LIS students -- if you write a #critlib paper for a class, submit it for the Braverman prize: http://www.progressivelibrariansguild.org/content/award.shtml …
- My #critlib pitch: consider being part of my efforts to bring some #critlib views to ALA as @Lisa4ALAprez? http://lisa4ala.org/2016/03/21/there-is-a-place-for-you-with-lisa4ala/ … #lisa4ala
- My #critlib pitch is for you to think about coming to work in Denver. My acad lib has 2 instruction positions open: http://library.auraria.edu/info/jobs/
- #critlib #critpitch : let me know how I can work with you at your place of employment.
- @allanaaaaaaa oh this sounds awesome! is there a sign up or something? #critlib
- details further up my timeline, Google planning doc you can sign up to. #critlib #critpitch
- Google doc for the LIS Research Methods journals club that @allanaaaaaaa is starting https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FRySHR8yHIuS-lwwU9-KP3kjazGA6vmE8UocsaMgaXM/edit?pref=2&pli=1 … #lisjc
- also #critlib #critpitch: let a lady know if you got any archives or archives-adjacent jobs at your place o'work
- my #critpitch is I'm running for outreach director of @alanmrt. read more here if ur interested/in NMRT: http://aesantiago.com/2016/03/15/candidate-statements-for-nmrt-outreach-director/ … #critlib
- oh that reminds me! there's an @alanmrt live chat next week on "what to do while you job search" http://www.nmrt.ala.org/notes/?p=583 #critlib #critpitch
- #critpitch Library Instruction West, June 8-10, Salt Lake City. Keynote @DonnaLanclos Would love to meet other #critlib folks there.
- Library Instruction West info and registration: http://campusguides.lib.utah.edu/liw16/home Dorm lodging makes it a good deal. #critlib #critpitch
- Conclusions
- Is this a thing? Can we make this a thing? #critlib https://twitter.com/gabrarian/status/712458862339694592 …
- Also, #critlib is 100% volunteer run so major props to the mods who make it happen. @violetbfox @zinelib @edrabinski @nope4evr @kellymce
- #critlib YES. I COMPLETELY agree. Heck, I'd run them even more than that. https://twitter.com/oksveta/status/712460601939726337 …
- Let us know if you'd be willing to Storify tonight's chat! Good way to dive in! #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/712460241300955136 …