#critlib 1/19/2016 #mashcat crossover: communication
This is the storify for the #critlib #mashcat crossover chat on communication moderated by @chiuchiutrain, which was held on 1/19/2016 at 9pm EST.
- Tonight, 9pm Eastern! #critlib / #mashcat on communication btwn tech srvcs/public srvcs/IT, mod by @chiuchiutrain. http://critlib.org/mashcat-crossover-communication/ …
- @kellymce @lisalibrarian @nicholsonkp @edrabinski started w having interest in these topics + wanting to learn more/find others 1/2 #critlib
- @kellymce @lisalibrarian @nicholsonkp @edrabinski & saw other successful chats like #HipHopEd so thought we could give it a try 2/2 #critlib
- @kellymce @lisalibrarian @nicholsonkp @edrabinski that's the tl;dr version at least? but sums it up #critlib
- Librarians can/should challenge the status quo #critlib "Librarianship Doesn't Need Professionals" http://acrlog.org/2016/01/19/professionalism/ … @blinablevitan
- Before we kick off #critlib, thanks to @chiuchiutrain & @erinaleach for making it happen tonight! Congrats to all on 50 wonderful chats!! 😻
- Introductions
- Hi #critlib, Ian in NYC, very interested to learn from #critcatalogers and metadata specialists
- Question 1: "How do technical services, public services and library IT inform each other in their work?"
- @erinaleach Yes. And every time I'm on reference it's eye-opening, esp. how systems (catalogs) can make or break user experience. #critlib
- @violetbfox And yet if we (back-room folk) don't do front-line work, we don't know how much trouble we make for users. #critlib
- I feel like this is more rule than exception. Which I find fascinating. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/689631899715772417 …
- Question 2: "How can we encourage better communication between all parties?"
- @chiuchiutrain hmm need to think on that one; maybe collection dev but not so much reference or instruction #critlib
- @edrabinski I wonder what would happen if you tried to do TS work. #critlib
- @erinaleach Our catalogers is due for a sabbatical... #critlib
- @montserratlj oooh, I'd love to share how cataloging decisions are made, but I think previous cataloger didn't encourage that. :( #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain same here; would it be good if more catalogers were also selectors? #critlib
- @violetbfox @montserratlj I'm sometimes embarrassed to admit how much is me making a quick decision based on instinct. #critlib #mashcat
- @violetbfox @montserratlj document! We started an internal wiki covering different local policies -- nice to have s/t to point to #CritLib
- @erinaleach I agree. I was actually thinking about this today! What is the "tech services" thing we can all be more woven in? #critlib
- @erinaleach I was thinking deeper integration into collection building...in same ways/responsibilities of teaching. #critlib
- @ibeilin @violetbfox @montserratlj because its internal? I had wanted something public facing like Yale's but no go :/ #CritLib
- @chiuchiutrain @erinaleach I try to avoid entirely numerical perorations This is not easy for me as a MARC person. :) #critlib #mashcat
- @EthanDF @winelibrarian when I do my job right...it seems like I've done nothing at all #CritLib #CatalogerKoan
- @winelibrarian I think it's easy to forget your connection to "the user" if you never actually see them. #critlib
- @erinaleach That seems so odd to me. Isn't it all about users? I mean, no work is done just to do work, right? #critlib
- @winelibrarian It would be cool to see subject librarians and catalogers work more closely together to provide better access. #critlib
- @erinaleach @winelibrarian Yes, it's easy to envision the user as someone who cares desperately about uniform titles. #critlib #mashcat
- Question 3: "What Opportunities do we have to work together to enact change in the status quo of our profession?"
- @winelibrarian @erinaleach I do a lot of work because it's assigned to me... And I get a paycheck. And I like my paychecks. #critlib
- @marccold @erinaleach @winelibrarian BUT IF I DON'T RECORD THE INCHES OF THIS DVD, MY USERS WILL WONDER HOW BIG IT IS!!! #CritLib
- @chiuchiutrain #critlib Q3: SHARE YOUR SALARY INFORMATION
- @OpOnions @erinaleach @winelibrarian Ah, do it in cm like the Canadians, confuse 'em. #critlib #mashcat
- @AllisonJaiODell but that's your answer to everything! "Hey, what if whiskey tho?" #CritLib
- @chiuchiutrain I find "the rules" are another catalyst for impostor syndrome. #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell Cataloging was the only time I did feel legitimate in lib school, but that's a whole nother #critlib chat.
- @AllisonJaiODell @chiuchiutrain especially when our systems don't even use them all #critlib #mashcat
- @chiuchiutrain @AllisonJaiODell 2/2 "well my sub-field has a toolkit, what does YOURS have" and I say that with love as a cat #CritLib
- Question 4: "What opportunities do we have to work together on unified services to empower our socioeconomically disadvantaged communities?"
- @montserratlj Same is actually true of all projects/collections ... opening up/including folks in resource description. #critlib
- Amen. Doesn't have to be long, just has to be useful. #critlib https://twitter.com/EthanDF/status/689640860506570753 …
- Amen. Doesn't have to be long, just has to be useful. #critlib https://twitter.com/Duke0619/status/689641306839195649 …
- Always in favor of a good smashing! #mashcat #critlib #anarcholibrarians https://twitter.com/jacobsberg/status/689640297995878400 …
- @chiuchiutrain I find myself w/ small staffs where we can do this. Much harder at research universities and multi-branch libraries. #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain Well, less "fun" & more shaking their heads at how labyrinthine/slow the process is. Still, a conversation starter! #critlib
- @violetbfox Which definition of accessibility? #critlib.
- Guyz! It's 10:02, and my cat ain't gonna snuggle himself. Thanks for a great #mashcat #critlib crossover event @chiuchiutrain & @violetbfox!
- hear hear! @chiuchiutrain and @violetbfox y'all rock for throwin this down, thanks a mill fellow #CritLib and #MashCat !
- @chiuchiutrain thank you! #critlib
- @metageeky Thinking broadly? Making systems/catalogs more easily usable & making buildings more accessible by disabled people, etc. #critlib
- Wish this happened more. #critlib https://twitter.com/metadatacatalog/status/689642765899190272 …
- RT @OpOnions hear hear! @chiuchiutrain and @violetbfox y'all rock for throwin this down, thanks a mill fellow #CritLib and #MashCat !
- yes! Would love to see more desiloization between lib-types; actually think it's essential to "the future" #critlib https://twitter.com/MetadataCatalog/status/689642765899190272 …
- Thanks again to @chiuchiutrain for a wonderful #critlib chat!! Any volunteers to Storify tonight's chat?
- Thanks for moderating this weeks wonderful #critlib @chiuchiutrain @erinaleach @violetbfox ! Glad I lurked
- @violetbfox I wouldn't pull out buildings like that. Systems should be accessible to disabled people too #critlib
- Thanks to @chiuchiutrain and @violetbfox for a great #critlib #mashcat talk- off to clear my sinuses a la Felix Unger. #sneeze
- @MetadataCatalog true enough. we await the governor's budget (due next week) with bated breath :\ #critlib