#critlib #whyIcritlib December 2015

Supplemental Storify collecting #whyIcritlib (& #critlib #feelings) posts inspired by the December 15 2015 chat moderated by @kevinseeber. Writing prompt available at http://critlib.org/feelings/. For more info about #critlib, including past and future chats, see critlib.org.

  1. My #critlib pitch is that you write about why you do this! Then we'll chat next Tuesday about our #feelings. Details  http://critlib.org/feelings/ 
  2. @kevinseeber you know it. Having some complex #feelings about this #critlib topic even if I can't join in the chat this time.
  3. @kevinseeber @ThePinakes this convo is making me want to clear my schedule to write up #whyicritlib so you're doing well here kevin✔
  4. #critlib #feelings thank you all for the sense of community you provide. I'd be lost without your stimulating convos as a newbie librarian.
  5. Really enjoying reading everyone's reflections on #critlib, engaging with other people's ideas is a big part of #whyicritlib!
  6. y’all’s #whyicritlib pieces are so exciting & inspiring; here’s my incomplete list of why I #critlib  http://goo.gl/pwNDX3 
  7. #whyicritlib reminded me of LIS student who, when asked abt what #feminism was, said: "I dig chicks, how they think, & what they think abt."
  8. #critlib #feelings seriously though the sense of community, and my own sense of identity gained through our discussions are invaluable to me
  9. If you're not reading it #whyicritlib from last night's #critlib chats are pretty brilliant. There are some real smart cookies out there.
  10. The recent #whyicritlib posts are moving and inspiring. Really useful for helping think through my own commitment to critical approaches.
  11. Wasn't able to join #critlib chat last night, but really having a lot of feelings reading #whyicritlib. Thank you all for sharing!
  12. #whyicritlib posts so inspiring & varied. #critlib is not a lockstep "group", theory, or practice, or praxis. It's what we make of it.
  13. sometimes all the hand wringing over if #critlib or #whyicritlib is exactly what turns me off. I don't know guys it's just twitter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯