#critlib 11/02/15: lc classification
storified tweet archive of the 11/02/15 #critlib chat on dismantling white, upper class, cisgender, & colonial LC classification
- Introductions
- Hey who wrote something relevant to this week's #CritLib over the weekend? Why, it was me! https://inevermetadataididntlike.wordpress.com/2015/10/31/antisemitism-in-the-library-of-congress-classification-scheme/ …
- Hello #critlib … I’m tweeting from the desk at @LibJuicePress … Not a cataloger, but interested in these issues. Mostly lurking.
- Hi #critlib, Ian here, academic librarian in nyc excited to learn from #critcatalogers!
- @librarythingtim Hi #critlib. I'm the founder of LibraryThing and generally interested in classification theory. Mostly lurking.
- Hey #critlib! I'm one of the library folk at @InterferenceArc and am stoked for this chat...in and out of meetings, so might catch up later!
- Yes! Hi, Sara, research librarian from CT #critlib https://twitter.com/PoorCharlotte/status/661258434738847744 …
- Q1: How does LCSH affect the work you do at your institution (or wherever you encounter it!)
- @mishiebhat LCSH = Library of Congress Subject Headings #critlib
- @violetbfox ...and as we provide more searchable keywords in records. Those keywords often come directly from item being described. #critlib
- A1: LCSH's obfuscate information unnecessarily. Slow to change or add new. Need to be more intuitive #critlib #mytwocents
- A1 As a #scholcomm librn, LCSH shows me how researchers work will b organized/distributed/found (or not). Also shows what's valued. #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly A great question that I ask myself often! I'd like to see a comprehensive study of this. Is there one out there? #critlib
- @nora_almeida Definitely! I usually save controlled vocab discussion for consultations or upper div instruction. #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly #critlib I find my students often don't have the vocab to adequately full-text search. LCSH help adv students get there.
- A1 @gonesquirrelly Some indexes (I think Summon is one) prioritize expert-applied metadata over full-text. #critlib
- A1 @gonesquirrelly And then, of course, not everything in the catalog is available for full-text search, so it gets weird. #critlib
- @violetbfox @gonesquirrelly Agree that LCSH are less important but we still need em for books. #critlib
- Isn't collocation in e-world search results grouped by search terms used in conjunction, not assigned subj #critlib https://twitter.com/jessicalcolbert/status/661260099101573120 …
- @mishiebhat @gonesquirrelly Don't know about specific studies, but using controlled vocab seems to influence relevancy ranking IME. #critlib
- .@gonesquirrelly I think it still does! Collation of things under one term that might get several different with natural language. #critlib
- ITA with this- controlled vocabularies can bring a lot of joy, as well as having terrible probs. #critlib https://twitter.com/OpOnions/status/661260110833012737 …
- @LiberryCobbler @gonesquirrelly I tell my students to browse subject headings to give them new keyword vocabulary #critlib
- So subj headings used for "crippled" texts, DVDs etc...things not fully searchable yet? #critlib https://twitter.com/web_librarian/status/661260432439705600 …
- I'm not clear on how LCSH influences our EDS rankings, but would love to hear about this from others. #critlib https://twitter.com/barnlib/status/661260765622607872 …
- @gonesquirrelly Both. Lots of our ebooks aren't full text searchable. #critlib
- A1 @gonesquirrelly Exactly. They use what we give them if the item doesn't have full-text indexed. #critlib
- @rowmyboat @gonesquirrelly There have been great articles by A. Taylor/T. Gross about how #LCSH improve results for keyword search. #critlib
- But currency of headings is a described issue...so use for IL purposes? #critlib https://twitter.com/liberrycobbler/status/661261033319866372 …
- A1 @gonesquirrelly Summon uses LCSH for subject facets. #critlib
- LCSH now like my living room couch. No one notices it until it disappears? #critlib and there is other seating! https://twitter.com/rowmyboat/status/661260704490606592 …
- Q2. Is there a better alternative to the SACO process of LCSH review to ensure that change happens?
- @PoorCharlotte and the proposal form is awful! #CritLib
- Q2: There has to be a better alternative to SACO process. It should not take years for a subject heading to change #thanksberman #critlib
- Limited use(s) or relevance of LCSH then? Assumption of LCSH as holistically useful breaking down? #critlib https://twitter.com/web_librarian/status/661261376413900800 …
- @gonesquirrelly #critlib I see currency issues as teaching moment. To me IL is pulling back the curtain on info creation process. LCSH inc
- Think both the large slow and the small fast models have advantage: they push and check each other. #critlib https://twitter.com/librarythingtim/status/661262168957001728 …
- And full text doesn't always contain useful descriptive terms. +1 #MetadataMatters #critlib https://twitter.com/web_librarian/status/661261579548258304 …
- @slmcdanold This was underscored in the interview w/Tillett - she says LC serves congress members - look who they are, have been! #critlib
- As long as you can fund the backend operators, this times a million. #critlib https://twitter.com/ekelistic/status/661262383357104128 …
- @LiberryCobbler @gonesquirrelly but hard to handle critical analysis of LCSH & knowledge prod & research strategies in a one-shot #critlib
- @ekelistic That's the way NACO is going, encouragingly, but not sure LC would be willing to let go of tight control of LCSH. #critlib
- Don't look to The Institution for swift response: a LOT of disadvantages go with being big and "powerful" #critlib https://twitter.com/ibeilin/status/661262807770509312 …
- Now, see that's what we need to have! Ditch the view of LC as the *only* source #critlib https://twitter.com/kinderone1/status/661263116265758720 …
- LC doesn't necessarily need our support: use it when it's useful, let it catch up when it isn't. #critlib https://twitter.com/kshockey04/status/661263467408695296 …
- There are already so many other vocabs out there! LCSH isn't the end-all, be-all. #critlib https://twitter.com/marxalot/status/661263593317359616 …
- @adammizelle @kevinseeber yes, labor of human catalogers may be important component of IL instruction #critlib
- I would love to hear from @erinaleach re: LCSH in particular on this since I respect her expertise and POV. #critlib
- A2: following LT: like how SACO made this 100% wrong decision w/o consulting people who catalog fanzines. #critlib http://lowereastsidelibrarian.info/lcsh/2009/week35/fanzines …
- Lots of places have "in house" manuals etc for specialty collections. Some way of sharing those? #critlib https://twitter.com/brettdcurrier/status/661263696015007744 …
- A2. Maybe from hierarchical to this, though not read yet: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/263737540 … #critlib
- Yes. This is work, living people are making these things findable, not by magic! #critlib https://twitter.com/nora_almeida/status/661263853536325633 …
- @nora_almeida @kevinseeber Patrons are fuzzy about my work already. Lib inst to shout-out the hidden library workers. #critlib
- A2 (?): Back to relevance rankings discussion, systems librarians really have no say?!? #SmashProprietaryLibrarySoftware #critlib
- #critlib Apply/use other controlled vocabularies liberally. And by "controlled" I mean has an identifier for #linkeddata
- Also very specific to its holdings, which don't have everything (gasp!) and are tailored to its purpose #critlib https://twitter.com/slmcdanold/status/661264708083851264 …
- @gonesquirrelly Wasn't it created by Library of Congress for their collection needs, for the Congress? Not created for our needs #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly And created around limitations of a card catalog #critlib
- THIS. PT/RT/BT/NT algorithms DO THIS already. Modifying will take time & money but is so worth it! #critlib https://twitter.com/web_librarian/status/661264305321582592 …
- Q3. Should we be localizing efforts at our individual institutions to create a more inclusive SH system? Or is a nation-wide system the only way to go?
- A3: local vocabularies keep our resources in our silos. We should focus on building/contributing to existing #linkeddata vocabs #critlib
- A3- As far as reforming national system of subject headings, perhaps #JebCanFixIt? #critlib #humor #topicalhumor #politicalhumor
- @FromtheShelves @slmcdanold Also there are loads of proprietary controlled vocabs used by indexing and content providers. #critlib
- @web_librarian reflective of world where newer people expect full text thus to them "crippled" #critlib
- @FromtheShelves @slmcdanold They can be less open to influence of non-priviliged communities than LCSH, if not as widely used. #critlib
- YES. Controlled vocab = IDENTIFIER in #semanticweb which builds #linkedata and increased discoverability #critlib https://twitter.com/marccold/status/661265986499297283 …
- @deweysnotdead would think many institutions would need to share the work load as catalogers and systems ppl workload already maxed #critlib
- @kevinseeber Only if the results are close. #critlib
- @kinderone1 I know orbis cascade is exploring collaborative cataloging work loads, to share the burden #critlib
- A3 Ontologies and vocabularies are what we need to build, OUTSIDE of library catalogs #critlib http://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/ontology …
- Consistency is key. We're in the business of making things findable: that means predictable/learnable #critlib https://twitter.com/rowmyboat/status/661266293056790528 …
- @gonesquirrelly it's not rewriting history, but retiring it #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly Yes. Their view of what is important both for what is cataloged and what to call it #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly @rowmyboat More like seeing what worked/didn't, creating a new open consortium system of implementation/change? #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly I always wonder what history will reveal as my most appalling ideological commitment. #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly Do you mean we should continue to use terms appropriate for the era of publication, not terms in use today? #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @marxalot @ibeilin @gonesquirrelly it would be documented in the material but no need for outdated SH? #critlib
- Sure, as "deprecated terms," but not at the expense of keeping it relevant. #critlib https://twitter.com/Gaymerbrarian/status/661268463449698304 …
- @gonesquirrelly If the point is current use, why would they want to keep the outmoded SH in place? #critlib
- @FromtheShelves @kevinseeber LCSH was designed for congress & items being kept in LC b/c of copyright. It's inherently biased. #critlib
- @ekelistic Unfortunately paywalled, this article has more info: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01639374.2015.1008717 … A # of Indigenous libraries use Brian Deer #critlib
- @FromtheShelves Totally. I'm more on the side of reforming academic discourse, then the SH will follow. #critlib
- @slmcdanold Yes! concern should be how to maximize labor, enhance discoverability, & diversify vocabs. #critlib
- @MelissaA1763 Your institution actually made the decision to not use LCSH? Would love to hear more. Do you guys coop. catalog? #critlib
- Bc it's never-ending process. Go ahead & change it again in the future. #critlib https://twitter.com/gonesquirrelly/status/661266795421151232 …
- Allowing tag suggestions, mediated by backend vocab control/linking, WORKS, but means $$$. #critlib https://twitter.com/PoorCharlotte/status/661266687396855812 …
- @FromtheShelves Is there a solution to that? I feel that acad catalogs shouldn't be divorced from pub catalogs. #smashtheivorytower #critlib
- @FromtheShelves I think yes, but complexity would be sacrificed. Not necessarily a bad thing, especially when used in combinations. #critlib
- @shatomica using alt. fields works great but then we found that WorldCat discovery didn't display many of them anymore.... #critlib
- @FromtheShelves But if LCSH is primarily used for acad collections, shouldn't SH reflect that language? #critlib
- Not just maintained, but expanded. LOD is *great* for synonym/relationship circles #critlib https://twitter.com/slmcdanold/status/661267772752715776 …
- @slmcdanold Yeah, you should see some of the tags I use in GoodReads. Not exactly helpful to people-who-aren't-me. :) #critlib
- Tis true. We don't have control, only #semanticweb #linkeddata identifiers. :) #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/661268670983852032 …
- @kevinseeber Don't think LCSH treat all discourses equally. Makes judgment calls. #critlib
- @slmcdanold Agreed! I don't think an either / or approach works. Local reinvention still has problem of top-down desc. #critlib
- @gonesquirrelly I think this can be noted effectively as a cross reference in a linked authority record, but not stay on ind record #critlib
- @mishiebhat @ibeilin @gonesquirrelly I agree. Amnesia is a big obstacle to reckoning with racism and other problems. #critlib
- @web_librarian yes, they shouldn't be erased from the historical record, only from the catalog record #critlib
- 2006 OA paper on indigenous classification schemes: "From Marginalization to Accessibility": http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1005&context=libfac … #critlib
- @web_librarian @gonesquirrelly For a full text search, sure. But subject, I would think date of publication + current term #critlib
- @web_librarian @gonesquirrelly You would search war between the states for a book about the Civil War written in the 19th century? #critlib
- @wendycr_ @web_librarian @gonesquirrelly don't y'all mean the war of northern aggression? (joke from a temp southerner) #critlib
- @DanjelleJ I wouldn't keep it in the active SH, but include those terms to show how things were described. No amnesia. #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain @FromtheShelves And, in many locales (like southcentral Alaska), public & academic catalogs aren't separate at all. #critlib
- @nora_almeida Could UBC be a benign authoritarianism? Should the concept be abandoned? #critlib
- #critlib We should be building connections *between* vocabularies (same as, ~ to) etc. Not "reinventing" them. #linkeddata #SemanticWeb
- @rowmyboat question becomes how do we agitate for change from vendors who are slow to move? #critlib
- Damned if I know. Now, tossing some of THAT in the bin & starting over -- I'm into that. #critlib https://twitter.com/kinderone1/status/661270293533630464 …
- @ekelistic We do do copy cataloguing but adjust; have LCC maps, look at other lib's doing similar; but also a learning curve for me #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez @wendycr_ @web_librarian @gonesquirrelly Ha. No, but there are plenty of terms that aren't easy 1=1 relationships. #critlib
- @violetbfox @TriciaGimenez @wendycr_ @gonesquirrelly True. Some metadata doesn't link cleanly. #critlib
- Don't disagree: SH should be a living object, but I don't mean to erase past terms, just deprecate #critlib https://twitter.com/gonesquirrelly/status/661270803036708864 …
- A3 for #critlib: (Also, hi, I'm Jake in Washington, DC.) pic.twitter.com/hTY2xwKnGh
- @ekelistic (should add that doing LCSH from scratch would also be a learning curve - Brian Deer actually makes more sense to me) #critlib
- @ekelistic (and Deer makes waaayyy more sense for our library patrons) #critlib
- @chiuchiutrain Don't know. Guess my point: Impossible to change the language of acad disciplines. #critlib
- #critlib Here you can find (halfway down page) LC's response to the proposal to change "Illegal aliens" http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/saco/cpsoed/psd-141215.html …
- Q4. How can we draw non-catalogers into the fold to help create change?
- I often ask our ref staff if changes I'm considering to display.search make sense for them & patrons. #critlib https://twitter.com/JessicaLColbert/status/661269281418706944 …
- @JessicaLColbert and definitely starts with building good relationships across depts. territorital behavior is a huge obstacle! #critlib