#critlib: library security and implications for libraries
Storify of the #critlib chat from 9/22/2015 on library security, moderated by @BNTdynomite. For more information about #critlib, including past & future chats, please see http://critlib.org
- [The usual disclaimer: I tried to include all of Tweets from the chat and string Tweets from the same thread together as best as I could. Retweets, favorites, & tweets without the hashtag omitted on purpose. Lacunae, misreadings, or other mistakes my own.]
- Suggested Readings –
- The Case Against More Guns on Campus by Andrew Morse and Linsday Hammond, Chronicle of Higher Education: http://chronicle.com/article/The-Case-Against-More-Guns-on/232093/ …
- AL Live: Library Security by Mariam Peram, American Libraries: http://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/blogs/the-scoop/al-live-library-security/ …
- Introductions to start...
- @vaughancello91 Welcome! I'm excited for my first #critlib moderation!
- Hello #critlib, joining the discussion from the IQ wall at IU. Doing well here! pic.twitter.com/CknsjywU22
- Hi #critlib! I'm Diana. Current @PrattSILS student taking @jessicahochman's class. I work as an archivist and sci pubs editor @AMNH.
- @BNTdynomite I'm from #Houston! This will be an interesting #critlib with two #Texans on the start up! #texasrepresent!
- Howdy #critlib, I'm an outreach librarian in OR, currently making dinner #critcarrots pic.twitter.com/aqBcYK3ft2
- Hi #critlib! I'm Zinia, student @PrattSILS.
- Hi #critlib, I'm at a late-night reference shift in Brooklyn, NY #lastcallforbathroomdirections
- @BNTdynomite Howdy. Lisa, info lit coord from IL at my dining room table. :) This time with hashtag! #critlib
- Q1: What type of safety/security measures does your library employ? Does your library have a code of conduct/set of rules posted?
- @kevinseeber I mostly just feel ignorant! #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 are your campus police also OR state troopers? I was so surprised by that. #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 Ooh, tell me more about the students. We have campus public safety patrols, but students cld be a good addition. #critlib A1
- @BNTdynomite patron code of conduct posted online, various locks/guards/protocols for reporting issues, customer service guidelines #critlib
- @BNTdynomite plus cameras, training on "problem patrons" as well as "five minutes to live," walk throughs #critlib
- @BNTdynomite plus lots of computer security, logins required, etc; for 24/5 libs - ID required after certain hours #critlib
- @lisalibrarian That reminds me: our our online policies posted, but seem to mostly be directed for useage not conduct #critlib
- @kevinseeber We do have many university policies and state laws though #critlib
- Q2: How effective are these measures/policies in providing a “safe” library space/workplace?
- @BNTdynomite for staff or patrons? #critlib
- @thomthomthom 24 hour** #critlib
- @BNTdynomite @kevinseeber @schomj We had active shooter training in the library about two years ago. But no real follow-up plan. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @BNTdynomite We've talked about doing that too, though firing blanks wasn't mentioned! #critlib
- @catladylib That's interesting. how far did it go? #critlib
- @BNTdynomite it was during a #BlackLivesMatter protest so I don't think the campus police were listening tbh.😕 #critlib
- @catladylib This has happened on our campus too. #critlib
- @typewritersball absolutely. #critlib
- @galvan_as do you mean inherently not physically safe? #critlib
- @galvan_as Ha, no! Just was curious. In some ways, being in public *is* inherently unsafe. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian sure, good point for an emergency. Sometimes it is a facility thing, or more minor, and it would be good to know! #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 #critlib Students who have bags stolen while leaving them unattended act shocked we can't recover them with our cameras
- @BNTdynomite Amazing. I don't know if it's the result of being sheltered or what. They're young adults; we're not there to babysit. #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 @BNTdynomite Students at #IU leave expensive laptops, jackets, phones, purses, and ipods. #what #takeyostuff #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 I am always amazed at the trust students have. #critlib
- @librarybell We've had students report outside users as well. #critlib
- @heidylibrarian #critlib Sometimes we have to say, those people belong here too. But if students feel unsafe, we have to respond
- @librarybell Students sometimes call campus security on their own. There was a bad incident last semester. #critlib
- @BNTdynomite absolutely. I'm in a large urban library, & we attend training many times a year, talk often about safety/strategies #critlib
- A2 We've had active shooter training and other safety training. Sad reality of our society. #critlib https://twitter.com/bntdynomite/status/646494447836880896 …
- @catladylib Eh? Stats for active shooter are ~equal to being struck by lightning. Still waiting for lighting response training. #critlib
- @kevinseeber I feel like no training could prepare someone for that situation. #critlib #cultureoffear
- @kevinseeber basically the training was RUN AWAY. #critlib
- @catladylib When I worked high school library, we also had an active shooter safety training. Both w/ students on campus & w/o #critlib
- @catladylib @kevinseeber FWIW, training is about only thing that can prepare. Need to have responses be automatic. #critlib #researchonthis
- @lisalibrarian @catladylib Feel like we devote much more energy to reaction that prevention. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @lisalibrarian @catladylib I'm interested in libs partnering with soc. workers as ways to serve than exclude users #critlib
- @kevinseeber @catladylib We have also had walkthroughs consults that relate to prevention/establishing safest set-ups #critlib
- @BNTdynomite @kevinseeber @catladylib Absolutely agree. Context here those is active shooter. #critlib
- A2 was bothered that a sexual assault alert at my #womenscollege advised students not to walk alone. Rather see self-defense tips. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian drop, cover, and hold on! #critlib
- Q3: In what ways have these measure/policies infringed on personal privacy/rights or used to discriminate specific users (homeless/teens)?
- @interliblowe Interesting! #critlib
- @BNTdynomite I think a lot of policies I've seen arguably violate freedom of expression/free speech. #critlib
- @thomthomthom I agree, also children of recent immigrants may not be aware that they need some form of ID to have library access #critlib
- @thomthomthom brings up a good point that the library is a space for all people. #critlib The #university setting brings up a class barrier
- I see this also being an issue for undocumented or new immigrants #critlib https://twitter.com/thomthomthom/status/646496834865786880 …
- @GinaMurrell1 I totally agree with this. If they want to use our resources, we should let them. #bringdownthebarrier #critlib
- @librarybell We have a campus committee dedicated to new campus carry law and trying to figure out what we can/can't do #critlib
- @librarybell Colorado had a state supreme court ruling that concealed carry on campus was ok. #critlib #libertarianstate
- @interliblowe Sad but true. Don't want to perpetuate stereotype that PLs are full of mentally ill, but they use the library, too... #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 Do you think special training is necessary? I would want to consider some potential responses. #critlib
- @CiotaRebecca #critlib If we have these trainings, we have to make sure the right language is used - or work environ can become hostile.
- @CiotaRebecca Which prob could lead to situations escalating due to such tensions #critlib
- @BNTdynomite I worried about hostile working environ. I was offended by the things said, and I wasn't one of the subjects of convo #critlib
- @CiotaRebecca everywhere? #critlib
- Q4: What local/state/federal laws or outside groups does your library deal with that may interfere with providing a safe and inclusive space?
- This is where intersection of wellness, libs, and #critlib starts to emerge for me. Wellness=6 dimensions https://twitter.com/lisalibrarian/status/646499457907994624 …
- @BNTdynomite side note - I wrote an article w Melissa Wong on wellness wheel as basis for programming in ac libs - might interest #critlib
- @lisalibrarian I loved that article and wish we had more like it to use as ways to prevent/serve help mitigate "problems" #critlib.
- @BNTdynomite Thanks! Wasn't wishing for compliments but it is rewarding to know it was a useful piece! #critlib
- @lisalibrarian Will you share the title & URL please? Seems very relevant. #critlib
- @violetbfox Wellness Wheel and academic library services article ... http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10691316.2010.490772#.VgIG9GRViko … #critlib #sorrywasnotyetenlightenedaboutOA
- @BNTdynomite Me too. We don't have a social worker on staff but some PLs do. #critlib
- @BNTdynomite Also, how to be proactive (rather than purely reactive) fighting lack of options for ppl with emotional disabilities? #critlib
- @kevinseeber @InfAgit @BNTdynomite Does the social worker help train librarians? Or are their jobs totally separate? #critlib
- @kevinseeber @InfAgit @BNTdynomite Very #critlib, indeed! Having access to an MSW's opinion sounds so valuable. #critlib
- Yes! That seems like what we've always been abt in libraries! Why should we exclude those w mental illness? #critlib https://twitter.com/kevinseeber/status/646501486617235457 …
- @BNTdynomite #critlib That's good to hear! Open carry laws flat out terrify me.
- @BNTdynomite Yeah, can you make the case for needing a stress-free gun-free zone in the library too? #critlib
- @CiotaRebecca Our academic library has similar line about "offensive bodily hygiene" idk what offensive means #critlib
- @thomthomthom #critlib That's frightening. Women not shaving legs? Men with long hair? Can be a way of policing gender lines.
- .@CiotaRebecca Ack, the "smell" issue. So fraught, as you say, but also odor can impact many others' use of the library. #critlib
- .@CiotaRebecca The goal would be to target the behavior and not the person, but...obviously this is easier in theory than reality. #critlib
- #critlib Interesting but rhetoric like in title makes me nervous that it shames people w/ PTSD & other disabilities https://twitter.com/chrisdaaz/status/642920319141986304 …
- @chrisdaaz I thought the New Republic follow-up was a good counterpoint to that article: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/122543/trigger-warning-myth … #critlib
- Q5: How do we balance safety/security or dealing with “problematic” users without infringment on individual rights and dignity?
- @EamonTewell I think librarians should talk w the security guards more. Partner w them - they know stuff! #critlib
- YES our campus is open 24/7 including study rooms, but because of layout main lib area is closed latenite #critlib https://twitter.com/EamonTewell/status/646504185760976896 …
- Here is a little gem I found about #opencarry http://publiclibrariesonline.org/2015/07/can-i-bring-my-gun-to-the-library/ … #critlib
- @heidylibrarian How does this work with service/therapy dogs? We have several on our campus #critlib
- @BNTdynomite It has not come up with service/therapy dog. These are just pets that came w/ their humans and growl/bark at people. #critlib
- @heidylibrarian Not sure students. I'm quite afraid of dogs (attacked as child). I don't go to the dog stress reliever event! #critlib
- @lisalibrarian We have had several (non-therapy/service) dog incidents, and no policy against pets in the library. #critlib
- @heidylibrarian I'm not against the events. But, I am very glad there are signs, etc. #critlib
- @heidylibrarian @BNTdynomite Yeah, all of my lib's have had "no pets" policy. Service animals were totally fine, but not pets. #critlib
- @thomthomthom Also way which they suggest dealing with those populations #critlib
- My #critlib pitch is: are you interested in helping coordinate the second-ever radical librarians track at @AlliedMediaConf? LMK!
- Thanks, @BNTdynomite!
- Look at the time! Thanks, @BNTdynomite, it's been great! #critlib
- Gotta run and get my kid off the tee vee and into bed -- thanks for an awesome #critlib @BNTdynomite and all!
- I haven't had much to say tonight at #critlib but want to congratulate @BNTdynomite on an excellent topic & questions.
- Thanks for the great chat! Stay safe. Stay grounded in core library values. Keep talking to one another. #critlib #librarieshelplibraries
- Thanks @BNTdynomite! Great questions and great answers. #critlib
- Thanks for another great #critlib chat! And thanks, @BNTdynomite, for being a kickass moderator!!
- Thanks @BNTdynomite for moderating this weeks #critlib! we had many side convos abt the topics here @HermanBWells !
- @BNTdynomite You did an awesome job! #critlib