#critlib chat: critical with love

Storify of the #critlib chat from 7/28/2015 about calling in/out, moderated by @barnlib. For more information about #critlib, including past & future chats, see http://tinyurl.com/critlibx

  1. [Borrowing from @oksveta's disclaimer: I attempted to include all of the relevant tweets from the chat and put them together. Retweets, favorites, & tweets without the hashtag are omitted on purpose. Misreadings and all other mistakes are all my own.]
  2. Recommended reading:
  3. Trần, Ngọc Loan. "Calling IN: A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable." Black Girl Dangerous. December 18, 2013. Accessed July 15, 2015.  http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/2013/12/calling-less-disposable-way-holding-accountable .
  4. Hellooooo #critlib! Intros please & feel free to share where to you work/school/whatever, and what is your #1 #critlib distraction?
  5. Introductions: Who are you, where to you work/school/whatever, and what is your #1 #critlib distraction?
  6. I'm Jenna, tonight's mod, tweeting from NYC and distracted by a reference tweet that came in two minutes ago. #critlib
  7. Kenny Garcia, Ref & Instruction Librarian, Cal State - Monterey Bay; #critlib discussion first timer
  8. Gina, Inst and Ref Lib in SoCal. #critlib distraction right now is prep for upcoming class
  9. Home just in time for #critlib, huzzah! Megan, instruction librarian, near Seattle, distracted by the Berlin Phil :)
  10. Hi there! April, academic librarian in NYC. My number 1 distraction right now is still Foucault. Just finished reading D&P. #critlib
  11. Hi #critlib I am James a ref + inst librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Distracted because I do this Tuesday nights at work
  12. Oh hah, Number 1 #CritLib distraction? the knowledge that my bedtime is 9
  13. Hi! I'm Gina & I work at Univ of Oregon Libraries. My #1 distraction is worrying about dropped Internet connection during #critlib chats!
  14. Hi #critlib! Kevin here. Academic instruction person in Denver. Lots of cats distracting me. Always cats. #librarianstereotype
  15. Hello! I'm Baharak. Academic lib from Vancouver, BC. #critlib
  16. This is Sue from @UMichLibrary tuning in to #critlib for the first time tonight.
  17. Hi #critlib, I'm Maura from an academic library in Brooklyn, psyched to be here tonight (having a busy summer), distracted by the internetz.
  18. @barnlib looking forward to tonight's topic. Lisa, instruction coord at UIUC. Honestly, usually 🍦! #critlib
  19. Karla Strand, Gender&Women's Studies Libn for Univ of WI System. Wut up #Critlib? Been awhile but finishing the #dissertation. @GWSLibrarian
  20. I'm Patricia - ref and instruction in Savannah. New to #critlib! Only distraction is figuring out hootsuite.
  21. Hey! #critlib Kimberly or Kimster here, aspiring librarian from GA. My distraction is I am still at work...and also candy crush.
  22. Hi #critlib! Ellen, pt circ desk assistant at an academic library, MLIS student at Rutgers. They/them pronouns. Mostly lurking tonight!
  23. Hi #critlib! Ryan, currently in Bloomington, Indiana. No 1 distraction is usually whatever's happening in other columns of tweetdeck.
  24. Hi from North Carolina! New to #critlib, new to being an academic librarian.
  25. Hi #critlib! Typing from Brooklyn, excited to be moderated by @barnlib tonight!
  26. @barnlib Eira (rhymes with Sara) archivist dialing in from the Midwest. Will mostly be listening in to #critlib tonight
  27. Hi #critlib! I'll be sporadic (office hrs) but wanted to say hi after a few wks of lurking. Recent Wisconsin MLIS, poet, artist, trans guy.
  28. Q1 Read the reading if you haven't already.  http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/2013/12/calling-less-disposable-way-holding-accountable  #critlib If you have, look at pandas for a minute. [panda gif]
  29. Q2 Is "calling in" or general kindness a priority tactic in a critical library? Why or why not?
  30. A2: I don't know if I'd equate "calling in" w/ "general kindness." You can call out kindly. But sometimes you just call in. #critlib
  31. @AprilHathcock Interesting point! I was equating the two and mostly thinking of calling out that happens less kindly. #critlib
  32. @barnlib Gotcha. In that case, I say kindness is always a must. But kindness =/= unhurt feelings. Kind truth can still hurt. #critlib
  33. Exactly, but the criticism can be shared from a place of empathy, rather than anger. Best case scenario. #critlib  https://twitter.com/AprilHathcock/status/626199444522958848 
  34. A2: For me, it's about who needs to hear it. Do others need the lesson? Then call out. Or can we just keep it b/w us? Then call in.#critlib
  35. A2- Think kindness has to be a priority in life, but even more so in #critlib. Issues are systemic, so aiming at individuals won't work.
  36. Is everyone distracted talking about their distractions or the reading? #critlib What do you think of "calling in" in librarianship?
  37. I interpreted "calling in" as constant mindfulness, and I would say that's always a priority in higher ed, yes. #critlib
  38. A2: I hate to answer a question with another question, but what do we mean by 'kindness'? #critlib
  39. B/c kindness is not always nice, or even friendly. I consider it a kindness when called on my -isms, b/c i can be a better person. #critlib
  40. A2 calling in requires comunity & trust. what if u don’t have comunity where u work or trust that yr co-workers r self-reflective? #critlib
  41. A2 What would calling in look like? Are we talking within #critlib, or in libraries as a whole?
  42. A2 I like the idea for #critlib b/c I think if it became an acceptable practice, it may make room for us all to stay longer & invest more.
  43. Calling in always seems like a better better place to start than calling out. She says calling out can be about insecurities #critlib
  44. A2: Ideally, I think of the critical library as a learning community, & in that sense, all for calling in. #critlib
  45. A2 cont. But when the context shifts (as it can) to something that’s not about learning/listening, I’m about calling out #critlib
  46. A2 Seems so. Can be an inclusive way of addressing problematic behavior w focus on behaviors & outcomes instead of guilt or egos #critlib
  47. Also important to note that "be nice!" can shut down conversations really fast. Tone policing as a strategy for oppression. #critlib
  48. @ecmacinnis Yes! I struggle with this issue. "Let's be respectful" before anyone has had an opportunity to speak can silence. #critlib
  49. .@ecmacinnis A2 Absolutely, and I think anticipating those tone police responses can make it hard to want to call in. #critlib
  50. A2 The part of the reading abt how none of us is disposable resonated. Envisioning a critical space where we're all in it. #critlib
  51. A2 General kindness should be a priority tactic regardless. "Calling in" depends on your relationship to the person & workplace. #critlib
  52. @barnlib I interpreted calling in as a meeting of the minds of two people who may have some disagreement. #critlib
  53. calling in also seems valuable if it's a relationship worth investing in/saving #critlib
  54. A2 The best is being able to call in AND HAVE THE PERSON CALL THEMSELVES AND THE LESSON OUT. So awesome when that happens. #critlib
  55. A2 I like to start with one-on-one calling in if I can, and am not too emotional. Escalate to calling out if necessary. #critlib
  56. A2 #CritLib I think it matters to whom you're speaking. A trusted friend/colleague maybe a call-in? The Library of Congress itself? Call out
  57. A2.1 Seems aimed at preserving relationships & recognizing processes rather than making sharp divisions between good/bad, us/them #critlib
  58. If I understand the idea, calling in suggests willingness to engage, which I greatly appreciate. But requires trust. #critlib
  59. @edrabinski Thanks! That's how I try to deal w/things. Am I calling out to teach? Or to shame? Requires self reflection too. #critlib
  60. @AprilHathcock I hear you. To me, calling in seems grounded in mutual respect. Could call in w/ group, call out alone. #critlib
  61. Calling in also seems like a chance to build a shared political analysis, if called in person is willing to be wrong. #critlib
  62. @edrabinski Or both parties have to be willing to find/reach common ground #critlib
  63. @edrabinski Yes, challenge to build community even with those who we need to call in/out. Co-op experience so useful to me here. #critlib
  64. @kevinseeber I'm not sure I understand that. Is calling out abt speaking up w/o wanting to engage further? #critlib
  65. @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock I get the sense that calling someone out is a public statement vs calling in as more interpersonal work #critlib
  66. @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber this is not how I understand the term and so this convo is a little confusing for me. #critlib
  67. @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber I agree; I think he's onto something. I think it's also about whether share good intentions / "faith" #critlib
  68. @ecmacinnis Ha--that's true, but for me at least, hard to navigate. Anger is scary to me. Empathy, and self-erasure, is natural. #critlib
  69. @barnlib Would argue that anger and empathy are not mutually exclusive! #critlib
  70. @ecmacinnis @barnlib I get what Jenna's saying, but I wholeheartedly agree w/you, Ellen! That's where that self-reflection is impt. #critlib
  71. @ecmacinnis @barnlib There is where tone policing can creep in. "You must have spoken unkindly bc my feelings are hurt!" #critlib
  72. @AprilHathcock @barnlib Or, "you weren't nice to me, therefore your arguments against transphobia are invalid" #critlib
  73. @AprilHathcock @barnlib "you weren't nice enough to me so now I don't see why I should treat you like a human being" #critlib
  74. The part where we're mostly disposable to our institutions, that's a bummer. #critlib #latecapitalism #evenwithaunion
  75. "When we shut each other out we make clubs of people who are right and clubs of people who are wrong..." #critlib
  76. @AprilHathcock @foureyedsoul I read it as "how I can I bring them in" rather than "how can I tell them they are outside." #critlib
  77. @ecmacinnis @kevinseeber How do you understand it, Ellen? I know my take isn't universal. Interested in others. #critlib
  78. I'm sorry if my last-minute addition of "kindness" to Q2 got us off track. But the discussion of the distinction is useful. #critlib
  79. Q3 What might "calling in" look like in a critical classroom, service point, or staff interaction?
  80. Let's get specific! Q3 What might "calling in" look like in a critical classroom, service point, or staff interaction? #critlib
  81. A3 pre calling-in discussion is needed. everyone needs 2 understand & b willing participant in process, or at least open 2 change #critlib
  82. Q3: @PeaBriddy & I actually used this post as part of a microaggressions training we did w/our staff. In a we-all-need-to-learn... #critlib
  83. Q3 cont …and we-all-make-mistakes, but-we-all-also-see-eachother-everyday kinda way. Calling-in felt more sustainable #critlib
  84. A3 Maybe: "Don't you mean {preferred term}?" They might genuinely be unfamiliar w issues or already trying to be more inclusive… #critlib
  85. Q3 #CritLib Staff interactions, I find I can 'call-in' better through email, after the fact. I do not do face-to-face charged sitch well.
  86. @OpOnions Possibly to patrons as well. Espec. if, felicitously, it's a more useful search term! "Oriental" vs "Asian-American" #critlib
  87. A3 Anytime you critique someone's behavior, it's best to focus on "I" statements: "I felt uncomfortable when..", "My sense was..." #critlib
  88. A3 I would consider myself called in if the person is willing to engage with me/teach me & called out if they're not. #critlib
  89. A3 To add to LT that I'm not always deserving of being called in. I've been called out & it gave me the kick in the ass I needed. #critlib
  90. @BaharakY I guess what bothers me here is doesn't this put the onus of education on the oppressed person doing the calling in/out? #critlib
  91. @BaharakY this is interesting idea. in/out as experienced vs intended. Hmmm... could be matrix in/in, in/out, out/out, out/in #critlib
  92. I work with social work students- they know all about calling in/calling out but get frustrated by "the system" when they call out. #critlib
  93. @ecmacinnis @LibrarySW Is that always the thing? And a frequent cause of the need to find common understanding with someone. #critlib
  94. @ecmacinnis @BaharakY Oh well I think that's a given in this whole convo. Which is another area worth teasing out. Maybe another #critlib?
  95. @BaharakY Likewise, I've been in both situations. I think calling in made me a better me but getting called out still helped a ton. #critlib
  96. @kevinseeber @foureyedsoul I see. I define both in terms of being constructive. It should never be about keeping ppl out. #critlib
  97. LT #CritLib per Ngọc, "I don’t propose practicing “calling in” in opposition to calling out." not a binary
  98. Liking this disc. #CritLib, per @ecmacinnis, import. to remember that "calling out" may hurt feelings, but that's not the focus
  99. @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber They're both constructive! Calling out is just much more likely to escalate emotions in short term #critlib
  100. @kevinseeber @BaharakY I've called in with success, but it's also gone badly, when the person was unwilling to be reflective. #critlib
  101. @jvinopal @ecmacinnis @BaharakY Yes! That's impt to keep in mind, too. How to share the burden w/those willing. #critlib
  102. Q4 How should a person with white (e.g.) privilege respond to a call out or call in from a POC, vs. another white person (e.g.)?
  103. A4 As @ecmacinnis pointed out, don't expect POC, etc to educate you about why you're being called out/in #critlib
  104. A4 Don't get defensive, don't ask for a lesson. Self-educate. #critlib
  105. @TriciaGimenez I wonder if there is a way to indicate openness to being educated w/o seeming to expect? #critlib
  106. @lisalibrarian @TriciaGimenez indicating that you're committed to looking into a topic seems appropriate #critlib
  107. @TriciaGimenez @lisalibrarian "I'm sorry. I'm interested in learning more about this" can just be a statement, not a request. #critlib
  108. @TriciaGimenez @lisalibrarian Like, it shows you'd like to follow up but doesn't place burden of guidance on yr interlocutor #critlib
  109. A4- My first thought dealt w/ "respect," but then I remembered who I am and how crappy respectability politics are. #critlib #openears
  110. #critlib It's okay to call out and not engage. I can say "hey you're being transphobic" and that's me sticking up for myself. That's powerfu
  111. @AprilHathcock Have to admit, I've called out without willingness to engage. Always engaging can get pretty exhausting :-/ #critlib
  112. @BaharakY I feel you. For me, I've decided to say nothing if I'm not willing to teach. But then, if I say nothing...tough choice. #critlib
  113. @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber Calling in seems like it involves the luxury of care & intent, whereas calling out can be more hostile #critlib
  114. @barnlib @BaharakY Most things are bad when people are unwilling to be reflective. #critlib
  115. @kevinseeber @foureyedsoul Good point. I just choose to redefine the terms to account for what I hope is my own civility. #critlib
  116. #critlib I do enjoy explaining trans stuff, but it is also TIRING to educate/engage hostile cis attitudes that want trans people dead.
  117. A4 Listen. Reflect. If appropriate give a *real* apology, and try to correct your misdeed. Thank the person for helping you. #critlib
  118. @foureyedsoul @kevinseeber I guess that's where the kindness and respect aspects are key. Not to police but to facilitate convo. #critlib
  119. A4 I concur with all the self-educate advice. I’d also say: apologize. But not an “I’m sorry if you were offended” fauxpology #critlib
  120. A4 #CritLib, Listen to the call -- sit with it. I try to then explain it to someone else, "here's X i said, here's Y I learned."
  121. A4 #CritLib Apologize, but not expect immediate forgiveness/forgotten
  122. @OpOnions yes! True apologies do not demand forgiveness (tho they hope for it)! #critlib
  123. A4 Jumping in late. Ppl often are afraid of accepting blame, admitting fault. I think that's important. acknowledge you messed up. #critlib
  124. A4 Depending on the urgency it's okay to say "I hear you. I need to think about it." And respond when you're less hurt/defensive. #critlib
  125. Calling in/out is not just about the person doing/saying bad things. It's about defending people hurt by those things. #critlib
  126. @jvinopal @ecmacinnis @BaharakY Ooh. Another great discussion. Obv when oppressed speak up>signal boost. But do you always wait 1/2 #critlib
  127. @jvinopal @ecmacinnis @BaharakY for their cue? B/c then that's another burden on the oppressed person. #critlib 2/2
  128. @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock Perhaps to a fault, I approach situations hoping for shared civility as well. Marker of my privilege? #critlib
  129. @jvinopal @ecmacinnis @BaharakY I always like hearing from allies. And will step in to correct if necess. Or call in. #critlib
  130. @AprilHathcock @jvinopal @BaharakY I try to act as an ally in a way I want someone acting as an ally for me. It is hard word. #critlib
  131. @kimstercat @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock That's when calling out becomes necessary? Don't see how calling in could work w/o it. #critlib
  132. @kimstercat @foureyedsoul @AprilHathcock Think the fault rests w/person of privilege in that case. Ppl like me need to get better. #critlib
  133. @kimstercat @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock In my rather limited experience, calling out almost always makes people defensive. #critlib
  134. @foureyedsoul @kimstercat @AprilHathcock Which is, I think, understandable. I know I was. Reflection/correction take time. #critlib
  135. A4: As a white lady, important for me not to start crying or otherwise refocus attention to myself. Listen calmly. #critlib
  136. @PoorCharlotte or, to at least verbally be clear that I am just crying, and refocus conversation #critlib
  137. Imp to remember that I don't *deserve* to be called in vs. out. If someone is willing to do so, I'm grateful. If not, it's on me. #critlib
  138. Side note--think of Nicki Minaj & Taylor Swift interaction, where TS seem to have apologized & made amends appropriately. #critlib
  139. A4: practicing your "I am listening intently" face and breathing are good ways to buy a little time to chill out, b4 reacting. #critlib
  140. Q4: one privilege is having influence & respect in an org. Can be used to call in/out gently. #critlib
  141. Q5 Are there times when calling out is necessary? When? Why?
  142. Q5 Are there times when calling out is necessary? When? Why? #critlib
  143. A5 As author states, calling out and calling in are two tactics. Both needed, depends on situation. #critlib
  144. A5 In this world, yes. For me (when I’m thinking clearly) key is avoid claiming moral high ground that comes w/ calling out. #critlib
  145. A5 #CritLib, I think calling out can be most necessary when its a status quo that ppl have accepted
  146. A5 #CritLib When the wrongs are so pervasive you need to shout to be heard over them.
  147. @OpOnions I don't think calling out alwaysneeds to be "wild west" confrontational. Can be gentle correction toward awareness. #critlib
  148. @OpOnions calling out can also work in group where every1 is blithely making assumptions and need calling out to corect course #critlib
  149. @jvinopal @OpOnions yes, I think calling out assumptions or collective go-along unthinking is useful #critlib
  150. A5 it might be time to call out, after calling in has failed. And sometimes it's the straw that broke the camel's back. #critlib
  151. A5 If your sense of well-being is impacted, or if the sense of inclusiveness/cohesion is affected, then calling out is necessary. #critlib
  152. A5 I honestly can't imagine calling out someone I respected. The "out" means my lack of respect + expectation of receptiveness. #critlib
  153. A5: I keep thinking of times when being publicly called out helped set a community norm. #critlib
  154. A5 Calling in = making someone dinner. Calling out = MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN DINNER! Both appropriate/needed. :-) #critlib http://t.co/ZC4llhbWu5
    A5 Calling in = making someone dinner. Calling out = MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN DINNER! Both appropriate/needed. :-) #critlib pic.twitter.com/ZC4llhbWu5
  155. @BaharakY I think calling in is more of a "let's make dinner together" or "let's talk about you why your dinner gave me gas." #critlib
  156. A5 diff context than libs. shud nba players b called out 4 trip to israel paid 4 by adelson? can folks b called in w/ fame & power? #critlib
  157. @kennygarciamlis Yes - if you sent the players letters asking not to go (then go public as a "call-out" escalation if no response). #critlib
  158. Interesting aspect of the Q, is calling out more appropriate with a celebrity (or library rock star)? #critlib  https://twitter.com/kennygarciamlis/status/626208291740323840 
  159. A lot is said in the disclaimer, "This post is specifically about us calling in people who we want to be in community with" #critlib
  160. Also think calling in requires commitment to the project we are building together, shared vision for justice, redistribution. #critlib
  161. A5 If situation needs immediate intervention & it's clear that there aren't shared good intentions, def call out bad behavior! #critlib
  162. Q6 What are the implications of calling in/out if the person has authority over you or you over them?
  163. Since it's getting late: Q6 What are the implications of calling in/out if the person has authority over you or you over them? #critlib
  164. A6 Can there be levels of calling in according to comfort & repercussions? #critlib
  165. @kennygarciamlis I definitely think so. Everything depends on context, relationships, power, authority, etc. #critlib
  166. @barnlib Q6 Sometimes there is alot of fear there but it depends on workplace openness #critlib
  167. A6 You have to be so careful with this! Going up in the chain to someone who can protect you but also help change can be the way #critlib
  168. A6 & sometimes there's no way to call out/in if the person has authority over you. sometimes you just feel v frustrated & powerless #critlib
  169. @barnlib Feels a bit like punching down vs. punching up? When power disparity is so high, calling out might be only tactic? #critlib
  170. A6 As a relatively low person on the org chart, I’ve struggled w/the former esp. I don’t know. That dude may be on my review comm. #critlib
  171. @meganjwatson wonder here how ppl w power (e.g. me-tenured full prof) can best signal ally or, if asked, willing to intervene? #critlib
  172. A6 Ppl w/ authority, incl librarians talking to support staff, have to consider privilege when calling in/out ppl of lesser power. #critlib
  173. #critlib @barnlib I’m also stuck on the differences between public/private calling out.
  174. Q6 that's tough. Onus may be on those w/ tenure or established positions. But not calling out by oppressed person = emotional pain #critlib
  175. A6 This is where the trust piece comes in. Honestly, I'd only call in and only if the relationship extends beyond just work. #critlib
  176. A6 It depends on the personalities/egos involved & on the workplace culture. Calling in/out could be beneficial or could backfire. #critlib
  177. @edrabinski Yes! Per reading, it's someone(s) you're already in community with; that relationship seems fundamental to calling in #critlib
  178. @edrabinski For sure. I'm sure only a lucky few do! FWIW I think the situatedness of the article in SJ contexts is really important #critlib
  179. @edrabinski & I wonder if we lose anything (maybe not) when we abstract "calling in" beyond that particular sort of community? #critlib
  180. @edrabinski We’ve been trying at MPOW. Whether it’s working… well, I think the plan’s to keep on trying anyhow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #critlib
  181. @meganjwatson wonder here how ppl w power (e.g. me-tenured full prof) can best signal ally or, if asked, willing to intervene? #critlib
  182. A6 I did call out my bosses at grocery store when 17 for confusing me w/only other black female. But it was AFTER I QUIT. #critlib
  183. A6 Calling in/out to student workers can also be a really tricky situation. Your authority is multifaceted in that case #critlib
  184. Q6: performance review of reports, correcting behavior, calling in/out have to start gently, but def ramp up when needed #critlib
  185. A6 That's when groups of people as opposed to individuals might help with the calling.#critlib
  186. Q6: what about asking a more senior ally to help with calling out/in so job isn't put in jeopardy? #critlib
  187. A6 What happens when the authority thinks they're acting in the best interest of everyone but they're not…. #critlib
  188. @PoorCharlotte this sounds like an attempt at neutrality... "helping everyone" - def a tough situation! #critlib
  189. @lisalibrarian @PoorCharlotte Cld you try showing how new course of action wld better serve some communities/ institutional goals? #critlib
  190. @meganjwatson that's great to hear. I've had some come to me but always thinking about how to connect more+be supportive. #critlib
  191. @lisalibrarian Great/complex question! I’ve had tenured folks w/whom I’ve built relationships come chat w/me privately. It helps! #critlib
  192. Pitches and thanks to the mod!
  193. Pitch! Few Seattle area #critlib -ers are meeting next Tues eve to talk crit theory. Interested? Tweet/dm me your email & I’ll send deets!
  194. #critlib pitch: so, kinda running for ALA president ... would like any thoughts on ALA as inclusive org or how become more so. Email fine
  195. Thanks @barnlib for a great chat! So nice to see new faces (i love finding new ppl to follow post #CritLib!)
  196. K. Time for me to be distracted by dinner. Thanks everyone for a great #critlib.
  197. And another great #critlib chat comes to an end! Thanks, @barnlib for moderating! To the newcomers, I look forward to chatting w/ you again!
  198. Fantastic #critlib tonight, thanks to all esp. @barnlib for rad moderating!
  199. [missed what reads like an amazing #critlib; faving all your tweets now!]