#critlib chat: critical with love
Storify of the #critlib chat from 7/28/2015 about calling in/out, moderated by @barnlib. For more information about #critlib, including past & future chats, see http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- [Borrowing from @oksveta's disclaimer: I attempted to include all of the relevant tweets from the chat and put them together. Retweets, favorites, & tweets without the hashtag are omitted on purpose. Misreadings and all other mistakes are all my own.]
- Recommended reading:
- Trần, Ngọc Loan. "Calling IN: A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable." Black Girl Dangerous. December 18, 2013. Accessed July 15, 2015. http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/2013/12/calling-less-disposable-way-holding-accountable ….
- Introductions: Who are you, where to you work/school/whatever, and what is your #1 #critlib distraction?
- Hi #critlib! Kevin here. Academic instruction person in Denver. Lots of cats distracting me. Always cats. #librarianstereotype
- This is Sue from @UMichLibrary tuning in to #critlib for the first time tonight.
- Karla Strand, Gender&Women's Studies Libn for Univ of WI System. Wut up #Critlib? Been awhile but finishing the #dissertation. @GWSLibrarian
- Since I rarely do the #critlib readings ahead of time myself, I'm giving y'all a few minutes to do this one now. http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/2013/12/calling-less-disposable-way-holding-accountable …
- Q1 Read the reading if you haven't already. http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/2013/12/calling-less-disposable-way-holding-accountable … #critlib If you have, look at pandas for a minute. pic.twitter.com/mlJw38uBfU
- Q2 Is "calling in" or general kindness a priority tactic in a critical library? Why or why not?
- @AprilHathcock Interesting point! I was equating the two and mostly thinking of calling out that happens less kindly. #critlib
- Exactly, but the criticism can be shared from a place of empathy, rather than anger. Best case scenario. #critlib https://twitter.com/AprilHathcock/status/626199444522958848 …
- @AprilHathcock That's a really useful distinction. #critlib
- @ecmacinnis Guh. Such a good question. #critlib
- @ecmacinnis Yes! I struggle with this issue. "Let's be respectful" before anyone has had an opportunity to speak can silence. #critlib
- .@ecmacinnis A2 Absolutely, and I think anticipating those tone police responses can make it hard to want to call in. #critlib
- @kevinseeber Good question. I think so. At least, that's how I treat it. #critlib
- @edrabinski Thanks! That's how I try to deal w/things. Am I calling out to teach? Or to shame? Requires self reflection too. #critlib
- @AprilHathcock I hear you. To me, calling in seems grounded in mutual respect. Could call in w/ group, call out alone. #critlib
- @edrabinski Or both parties have to be willing to find/reach common ground #critlib
- @edrabinski Yes, challenge to build community even with those who we need to call in/out. Co-op experience so useful to me here. #critlib
- @kevinseeber I'm not sure I understand that. Is calling out abt speaking up w/o wanting to engage further? #critlib
- @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock I get the sense that calling someone out is a public statement vs calling in as more interpersonal work #critlib
- @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber this is not how I understand the term and so this convo is a little confusing for me. #critlib
- @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber I agree; I think he's onto something. I think it's also about whether share good intentions / "faith" #critlib
- @ecmacinnis Ha--that's true, but for me at least, hard to navigate. Anger is scary to me. Empathy, and self-erasure, is natural. #critlib
- The part where we're mostly disposable to our institutions, that's a bummer. #critlib #latecapitalism #evenwithaunion
- @AprilHathcock @foureyedsoul I read it as "how I can I bring them in" rather than "how can I tell them they are outside." #critlib
- @ecmacinnis @kevinseeber How do you understand it, Ellen? I know my take isn't universal. Interested in others. #critlib
- Q3 What might "calling in" look like in a critical classroom, service point, or staff interaction?
- Q3: @PeaBriddy & I actually used this post as part of a microaggressions training we did w/our staff. In a we-all-need-to-learn... #critlib
- @ecmacinnis @LibrarySW Is that always the thing? And a frequent cause of the need to find common understanding with someone. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @foureyedsoul I see. I define both in terms of being constructive. It should never be about keeping ppl out. #critlib
- Interesting. Bc to me, if I'm going to call in/out, I need to be willing to teach/engage. #critlib https://twitter.com/BaharakY/status/626202126738264068 …
- Liking this disc. #CritLib, per @ecmacinnis, import. to remember that "calling out" may hurt feelings, but that's not the focus
- @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber They're both constructive! Calling out is just much more likely to escalate emotions in short term #critlib
- Q4 How should a person with white (e.g.) privilege respond to a call out or call in from a POC, vs. another white person (e.g.)?
- A4 As @ecmacinnis pointed out, don't expect POC, etc to educate you about why you're being called out/in #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez I wonder if there is a way to indicate openness to being educated w/o seeming to expect? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian Good question! I'm not sure I know what that would look like. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @TriciaGimenez indicating that you're committed to looking into a topic seems appropriate #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez @lisalibrarian "I'm sorry. I'm interested in learning more about this" can just be a statement, not a request. #critlib
- @TriciaGimenez @lisalibrarian Like, it shows you'd like to follow up but doesn't place burden of guidance on yr interlocutor #critlib
- @AprilHathcock Have to admit, I've called out without willingness to engage. Always engaging can get pretty exhausting :-/ #critlib
- @AprilHathcock @kevinseeber Calling in seems like it involves the luxury of care & intent, whereas calling out can be more hostile #critlib
- @kevinseeber @foureyedsoul Good point. I just choose to redefine the terms to account for what I hope is my own civility. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @kevinseeber I guess that's where the kindness and respect aspects are key. Not to police but to facilitate convo. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock Perhaps to a fault, I approach situations hoping for shared civility as well. Marker of my privilege? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @kimstercat @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock civility is a word that makes me nervous given I work at UIUC. has silenced #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @foureyedsoul @kimstercat @kevinseeber Good point. I hesitated to use it bc it can be a code word but it was short. #critlib
- @ecmacinnis @lisalibrarian @kimstercat @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock I'm only interested in ~civility as a tactic, not a requirement #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock What if the person being called out/in gets defensive? #critlib
- @kimstercat @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock That's when calling out becomes necessary? Don't see how calling in could work w/o it. #critlib
- @kimstercat @foureyedsoul @AprilHathcock Think the fault rests w/person of privilege in that case. Ppl like me need to get better. #critlib
- @kimstercat @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock In my rather limited experience, calling out almost always makes people defensive. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @kimstercat @AprilHathcock Which is, I think, understandable. I know I was. Reflection/correction take time. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @kimstercat @kevinseeber @AprilHathcock my mindset is "shared humanity" but can be challenging when less "shared" ... #critlib
- @PoorCharlotte or, to at least verbally be clear that I am just crying, and refocus conversation #critlib
- Q5 Are there times when calling out is necessary? When? Why?
- A5 Calling in = making someone dinner. Calling out = MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN DINNER! Both appropriate/needed. :-) #critlib pic.twitter.com/ZC4llhbWu5
- @kennygarciamlis Yes - if you sent the players letters asking not to go (then go public as a "call-out" escalation if no response). #critlib
- Interesting aspect of the Q, is calling out more appropriate with a celebrity (or library rock star)? #critlib https://twitter.com/kennygarciamlis/status/626208291740323840 …
- Q6 What are the implications of calling in/out if the person has authority over you or you over them?
- @kennygarciamlis I definitely think so. Everything depends on context, relationships, power, authority, etc. #critlib
- @meganjwatson wonder here how ppl w power (e.g. me-tenured full prof) can best signal ally or, if asked, willing to intervene? #critlib
- A6: this is why having feminist leadership is so important: http://libraryjuicepress.com/feminist-leadership.php … #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 so true! And method for dealing with conflict, too. #critlib
- @edrabinski Yes! Per reading, it's someone(s) you're already in community with; that relationship seems fundamental to calling in #critlib
- @edrabinski For sure. I'm sure only a lucky few do! FWIW I think the situatedness of the article in SJ contexts is really important #critlib
- @edrabinski & I wonder if we lose anything (maybe not) when we abstract "calling in" beyond that particular sort of community? #critlib
- @edrabinski We’ve been trying at MPOW. Whether it’s working… well, I think the plan’s to keep on trying anyhow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #critlib
- @meganjwatson wonder here how ppl w power (e.g. me-tenured full prof) can best signal ally or, if asked, willing to intervene? #critlib
- This is a biiiiig question! #critlib https://twitter.com/poorcharlotte/status/626211929502183424 …
- @PoorCharlotte this sounds like an attempt at neutrality... "helping everyone" - def a tough situation! #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @PoorCharlotte Cld you try showing how new course of action wld better serve some communities/ institutional goals? #critlib
- @meganjwatson that's great to hear. I've had some come to me but always thinking about how to connect more+be supportive. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian Great/complex question! I’ve had tenured folks w/whom I’ve built relationships come chat w/me privately. It helps! #critlib
- Pitches and thanks to the mod!
- #critlib pitch: please complete the alternate chat time survey if you haven't already. https://docs.google.com/a/barnard.edu/forms/d/1T4AdYqOBG1zSzqegNLPBzx5BEmJ97BP6pFIAJV5v8C0/viewform …
- critlib pitch: submit a proposal for collection on whiteness in LIS! http://libraryjuicepress.com/whiteness.php #critlib
- critlib pitch: submit a proposal for collection on whiteness in LIS! http://libraryjuicepress.com/whiteness.php #critlib