#critlib: environmental and labor implications of library technology
Storify of the #critlib chat from 7/14/2015 on environmental sustainability in libraries, moderated by @ibeilin, & @cat_lager. For more information about #critlib, including past & future chats, please see http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- [The usual disclaimer: I tried to include all of Tweets from the chat and string Tweets from the same thread together as best as I could. Retweets, favorites, & tweets without the hashtag omitted on purpose. Lacunae, misreadings, or other mistakes my own.]
- Recommended readings:
- Introductions
- @ecmacinnis That's so much of why I like #critlib — it helps me think of better questions I might not realize on my own.
- @nicholsonkp (I didn't do the readings either...) #critlib
- @deweysnotdead @nicholsonkp you don't have to lurk if you didn't read - you two should have plenty to say! #critlib
- Q1 What are the problems with the idea of 'ethical consumerism' in general and for libraries in particular?
- A1: all those invisible parts of the supply chain make it easy to ignore reality of labor practices CC: @jenpoggiali #critlib
- @nora_almeida @jenpoggiali Absolutely! Is staggering to think of who and what I rely on to maintain my cushy life. #critlib
- @historivist Totally true. Reality of workflow and convenience also a factor. #critlib
- @EamonTewell Given ineffectiveness of ethical consumerism, I would prioritise a culture of shared access to prohibitively $$ tech #critlib
- @dignityjones yes! Resharing and reusing are already core organizing principles of libraries--not a big stretch! #critlib
- @EamonTewell sharing is the value of librarianship that most resonates with me, and I wonder why its not highlighted/extended more #critlib
- ...all while further perpetuating structural issues (capitalism) at the heart of the problem to begin with #critlib https://twitter.com/EamonTewell/status/621125812670967808 …
- @ecmacinnis @cat_lager @oksveta and it feels like a nearly impossible task when your institution doesn't support the confrontation #critlib
- @heidylibrarian @ecmacinnis @cat_lager def. also think there's a distinction to make b/w what we do at level of institution [1/2] #critlib
- @heidylibrarian @ecmacinnis @cat_lager vs. at some sort of professional level/as library workers collectively -- still pondering it #critlib
- A1 #critlib credit: 30 Rock pic.twitter.com/Chh6An6UCw
- @nicholsonkp good point -not really addressed explicitly in readings; though Dave does make point that consumtion itself is a prob #critlib
- @eiratansey I was thinking along same lines in sense that some consumption is unavoidable #critlib
- @ecmacinnis and the corollary for a library is that it feels virtuous for consuming (and producing) 'ethically' #critlib
- @ginaschless Fair labor costs $ and if lib is trying to serve populations that don't otherwise have access what is priority? #critlib
- @ecmacinnis hope as resource makes me think about emotional labour & public service in a corporatIzed higher Ed environment #critlib
- Q2 Does a consumerist model of library service encourage a consumerist model of environmental responsibility in libraries?
- @deweysnotdead tbh it's hard to separate environmental justice from labor justice #critlib
- @deweysnotdead lots of research showing that shitty labor laws track with massive environmental destruction #critlib
- @eiratansey exactly. My undergrad was environmental sociology. in my studies, I was amazed how much they were intertwined #critlib
- @eiratansey evidence showing strong correlations between ecological degradation and social degradation throughout history :-( #critlib
- @deweysnotdead @eiratansey discourse of ethical consumerism obscures exactly these kinds of connections b/w issues structurally #critlib
- @flippychippynip What was the impetus to "go green"? Were implications not discussed? #critlib
- @nora_almeida yes - I had the same thought; I think we're very much pressured all the time to get all the shiny new things #critlib
- @eiratansey Is that part of the push to use PLA instead of ABS? So they're biodegradable tchotchkes? #critlib
- @nora_almeida buschman may talk about this: he's done a bunch of work rel to generational mktng and neoliberalism in libraries #critlib
- @nicholsonkp Maybe anti-capitalism will become cool soon? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul I agree. This is the same reason that Bernie Sanders will never be president. #critlib
- @LaurenMWallis Also matters what institution consumes from the students? I really resent the time the uni consumes fr me in S role. #critlib
- @LaurenMWallis If you have insights as to how I to do this as a student when the uni has procedures that demand consumption ... :) #critlib
- A2: Where does the idea of teaching consumer literacy fall in our professional duty? #questioningconsumption #critlib
- Q2.5 Does this tendency undermine the ‘core values’ of librarianship?
- A2.5: I think there is a lot of compromising. We don't have a real sounding board. Thinking of this: https://laurenwallis.wordpress.com/2015/05/12/smash-all-the-gates-part-2-professional-silenc/ … #critlib
- @ecmacinnis no I guess not - but maybe they're 'neutral' (?!!) on consumerism? #critlib
- Related to recycling, there was a great WaPo article on how it's changed since the '90s: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/american-recycling-is-stalling-and-the-big-blue-bin-is-one-reason-why/2015/06/20/914735e4-1610-11e5-9ddc-e3353542100c_story.html … #critlib
- Q3 How can libraries not only be more environmentally responsible but also consume and produce less?
- @ifrank It's a big deal here at @Portland_State with initiatives, programs, classes, etc. https://www.pdx.edu/sustainability/home-1 … #critlib
- @cat_lager A3 serve as ROLE MODELS examining consumption habits. Model real change to each other, to our patrons. #critlib
- @KaraKaraPW Yes! Ethical consumerism as pedagogy. Perhaps unrealistic to expect systematic changes in how / what we consume #critlib
- @LaurenMWallis #critlib (psst...I do print off copyright permissions I receive via email)
- @LaurenMWallis haha yes! but also must remember that 'limitless' cloud storage also has a carbon footprint, not better by default #critlib
- @oksveta @LaurenMWallis Yes!! The internet uses up a lot of energy!! https://youtu.be/iuZDylVFbhs @SciShow #critlib
- @nora_almeida yes, the labor issues are inextricably entwined, hence the original plan for this #critlib convo!
- @cat_lager I'm an acq person, so my brain immediately goes to collaborative coll dev and shared print archives. #critlib
- @nicholsonkp while could decrease # of pages thru careful edits w/o paper at all... requires e which is also consumption? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian sure, there's no way to avoid but IMO would be + step. #critlib
- @nicholsonkp Friend+fellow UIUC fac Eric has this awesome site w resources for green design incld printing: http://re-nourish.com/?l=home #critlib
- Q4 How can libraries/librarians take collective approaches, rather than consumerist-individualist ones, to environmental problems?
- @nora_almeida Reminds me of issue w/planned obsolescence in the readings. Consumerism sustains itself easily. #critlib
- @ecmacinnis For sure. I think it's about resistance and about alternative pathways. #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 that's such a hard one to enforce! patrons get angry about it. But it needs to be done #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 Have experienced conflict between professors' expectations and libraries' limits.. can be rough as a student. #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 uni where I taught before had limits on number if photocopies/printouts faculty could make for courses #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 We have a per-printjob limit & someday will have a per student per semester limit (unless they buy more). #critlib
- @foureyedsoul & our maker spaces/labs/etc should have tools & emphasis on maintenance, repair, and reuse #critlib
- Great example of sharing resources to reduce waste, but getting stuff from one place to another takes fuel! #critlib https://twitter.com/historivist/status/621131903538696192 …
- A good place for weeded materials would be http://pagestoprisoners.org/ — perhaps similar or start near other libraries? #critlib @historivist
- @foureyedsoul @historivist challenge for state institutions. not always allowed to transfer state property. #ethicalquandry #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @historivist So state sometimes _requires_ discarding rather than transferring, even to another state facility? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @historivist Can transfer (sometimes) to another state institution. But recall that most jails/prisons aren't "state" #critlib
- @historivist @foureyedsoul Yes, if donated materials, can refer. But, not weeded which was what @foureyedsoul had mentioned #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @historivist and those volunteer organizations that serve prisoners definitely are not state institutions #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @historivist Far too many private/for-profit prisons. The state-run ones wld prob rely on 3rd party progs like p2p #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @historivist ARGH! I intended donated as well but only so many characters. Good to know at least those can be. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @historivist I just mean that they are county or federal rather than state. But, yes. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @historivist The library's labor costs for donated materials is HUGE tho. Very expensive to accept donations. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian yes, I'm learning that now as I field all kinds of requests to donate in my new job! @foureyedsoul @historivist #critlib
- @historivist @lisalibrarian I was thinking same thing—might be useful to have a "please consider these programs as well as us" #critlib
- Q5 What are some 'ethical quandaries' that could become learning experiences for students, as Jennifer Poggiali suggests?
- @ecmacinnis yes, because it can so easily become another cudgel wielded by the privileged to maintain their superiority #critlib
- Or do we do this to promote human dignity? #critlib https://twitter.com/ecmacinnis/status/621135434647740416 …
- @nora_almeida I concur but I'm challenging why we do some things #critlib
- @cat_lager A5 re-use of paper printed on one-side can accidentally violate privacy #critlib
- Eek. I've totally seen this happen before. #critlib https://twitter.com/lisalibrarian/status/621135157882286080 …
- @eiratansey as we see more extreme weather from climate change, libs are going to play an essential role in disaster response #critlib
- @deweysnotdead @eiratansey Would love to see a #critlib chat about disaster response and libraries' roles.
- @ecmacinnis @deweysnotdead @eiratansey I know @TheresaQuill has led awesome workshops on mapping to help 1st responders #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @ecmacinnis @deweysnotdead @TheresaQuill oooh I'd be interested in (co-?)leading a #critlib on this several months from now
- At old POW we argued to shut down on Fridays during summer for this very reason. #critlib https://twitter.com/eiratansey/status/621136065559138305 …
- @ecmacinnis & how do we cope w/ the fact that there is no neutral/objective way to measure social good while still working for it? #critlib
- @historivist Topic opens up really rich conversations around enviro issues IMO #critlib – esp. as tech is oft marketed as 'green'
- #critlib pitches & thanks to our excellent moderators
- Pitching for @projectARCC tonight - a dynamic group of archivists coming together to respond to climate change #critlib
- @deweysnotdead thanks for coming out of the urker position! #critlib
- @cat_lager I can do it tomorrow evening while powering through last few episodes Twin Peaks #critlib