36th (!) #critlib Twitter chat: Critiquing #critlib from the "inside"
Moderated by Jacob Berg (@jacobsberg), this chat asked questions about #critlib. For more information, see the Google Doc: http://tinyurl.com/critlibx .
- I've tried to put related tweets together, sometimes even for the longer emergent conversations. Any tweets that weren't tagged are intentionally omitted, and any errors in understanding sequence is entirely my own. Tweets from "protected" (i.e. private) accounts also not included.
- (Conversations often use the #critlib tag even before the arranged chats start—here's the tail end of some of the warm-up to this chat.)
- I love this resource from Aorta, especially the point about "be curious" http://aorta.coop/sites/default/files/ao_facilitation_resource_sheet_july_2014.pdf … #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian "I" statements, allowing tension and discomfort to exist, taking a step back if necessary. #critlib
- .@jacobsberg is moderating #critlib tonight, & I'll be RTing the Qs (also found here: http://tinyurl.com/critlibx ) My M.O. 2nite is listening
- As usual, we start with introductions, then questions and answers.
- @jacobsberg HIIIII! This is Jenna, tweeting from the Lower East Side of Manhattan. #critlib
- .@ForgetTheMaine great to have students here too! I wish i'd been more involved when I was a student. #CritLib
- @ecmacinnis @elliehearts tx @jmymcginniss! making the ideas behind critical IL & #critlib more accessible was one of my goals, hope it helps
- Jacob introduces the first question… smartly followed by requests for clarification.
- @donnarosemary Ah, yes. So which are we discussing this evening? #critlib
- .@jacobsberg? Did you have one or other (or both) in mind for your Qs tonight? #critlib https://twitter.com/violetbfox/status/616050913224974337 …
- @violetbfox @jacobsberg [for my part, I try to say "#critlib chats" or "#critlib community" when referring to teh twitterz, 1/2
- @kevinseeber agree w/ this-I see this as part of the self-education process-language being a big part of that. #critlib
- @donnarosemary good point! #critlib
- @kevinseeber I agree to a good extent, but these aren't easy topics, and I think people are more likely to tune out than study up. #critlib
- @violetbfox Agreed, which is why having a peer group helps. Goodness knows it's helped me. #critlib
- A1. @kevinseeber but sometimes it's not a mttr of looking it up, its "go grapple with post-structuralist theory for two semesters" #CritLib
- @jmymcginniss But that self-education requires resources, like time, that not everyone has. Lots to unpack. #critlib
- @jmymcginniss @kevinseeber A1 - True-yet, having time/resources to do this work = priv. Others w/o priv shld still b part of convo. #critlib
- @kevinseeber which as you mention comes back to privilege. for sure. but there is need to start somewhere. however simply #critlib
- @kshockey04 I have a background in this stuff and it does make me a little weary.... #critlib
- Love this: "new terms [language]" as "tools to think differently" from @foureyedsoul #critlib https://twitter.com/foureyedsoul/status/616051689565478913 …
- Clarification/attribution from @foureyedsoul in previous tweet #deleuze #critlib https://twitter.com/foureyedsoul/status/616052594402660352 …
- Yes, some of us started early. Like one long #critlib day. ;) https://twitter.com/kellymce/status/616051794855116801 …
- @kshockey04 I've got some grounding in Friere (sp?) but have more comfort with Von Glasersfeld and Vgotsky and Piaget. #critlib
- Does not seem in spirit of critical practice. :-( #critlib https://twitter.com/asgoodson/status/616052480653291521 …
- @erinaleach This is why I don't ask questions. #critlib
- I've done this, too, #critlib. Also I have a copy of "Poststructuralism for Beginners." Really. A1 https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/616052550005948416 …
- @RachelMFleming @misskubelik @foureyedsoul @jacobsberg ++ most of my takeaways have been things I can apply in Tech Services. #critlib
- A1: Agreed! I don't always love the chat model, but I appreciate the exposure to brilliant snippets. #critlib https://twitter.com/shiggin/status/616052367474077696 …
- Yes this is so important, the last sentence especially. From @AprilHathcock #critlib How can this be fostered? https://twitter.com/AprilHathcock/status/616052449003085824 …
- & I seriously read "Critical Theory: A very short introduction" on the plane to ALA! #critlib https://twitter.com/jacobsberg/status/616052892550701056 …
- @kshockey04 I think something like this would be great. An information source & a place to discuss. #critlib
- @donnarosemary This chat 2nite is helping. So many new voices in #critlib. And many more POCs! Taking time for convo 101helps. Reg checkins.
- @papersquared @kshockey04 Yes. I think this is the best way to get others involved. I'd be very happy to help out with a #critlib wiki.
- @donnarosemary nope. I use tweetbot on my phone and rely on my TL, RTs, & dropping into #critlib to get the bulk of the convo.
- @violetbfox @papersquared @kshockey04 Some resources are in a zotero group: https://www.zotero.org/groups/critlib . May be useful. #critlib
- @edrabinski It seems like we save the name-dropping for presenting/publishing? Less so IRL or in chats? #critlib
- .@papersquared @kshockey04 +1; there were a couple of times during the #critlib sessions at ALA where I felt like I needed a syllabus again
- @jacobsberg @violetbfox @papersquared @kshockey04 there are also a mix of goog docs, but a wiki has been suggested before! #critlib
- @edrabinski That's true. But frm the convo it's clear every1 has done common reading/studying byond Gdoc. Even if names not named. #critlib
- @violetbfox @papersquared @kshockey04 would be great to have a better system within that to archive our convos too (storifys, etc.) #critlib
- @papersquared @kshockey04 second this. love a space for collaborating on making our conversations accessible to non&new academics #critlib
- @papersquared @kshockey04 yes to a wiki and not the Google doc. I find navigating that on my phone to be nightmarish so I don't. #critlib
- @papersquared @librarygrrrl @donnarosemary I have one tab for #critlib and another up for notifications, &open tabs to keep track of threads
- @papersquared tweetbot with TL, RTs, & sometimes dropping into #critlib? Totally haphazard. @donnarosemary
- @AprilHathcock I don't know if that's even true, actually. Could be the nature of framed questions, maybe? #critlib
- @olinj @papersquared @erinaleach I believe that @RachelMFleming is working on a book group. #critlib
- @jacobsberg @olinj @erinaleach @RachelMFleming I'd be interested in a journal club as well. #critlib
- @AprilHathcock @edrabinski maybe between all of us, but I think we each bring varied levels. Speaking from my personal reading...#critlib
- @jmymcginniss #solidarity although mine's home w/ dad rn so I'm the one w/ luxury of headspace atm :) #critlib
- @kevinseeber Well, I care about citation in writing, but not when we're just chatting, I guess. #critlib
- A1. @jacobsberg yes. As someone in tune w the ideals but uttlerly clueless on the theory, I've been shy to join in. #critlib
- @edrabinski Hm, that's been my exp. I've had noprob findng the common thread & readng up but it's def there. Hard 2 see frm inside. #critlib
- @kshockey04 Yep, I'll be on Team #CritLib Wiki too! Will email.
- @violetbfox @kshockey04 yay! real archivists doing this! the google doc is a mess srsly & think all have been busy + no volunteers #critlib
- @erinaleach Imposter + outsider syndromes for me. I don't think we're alone. #critlib
- @edrabinski Now that i fully agree with. When it moves into the practice side of the continuum, fewer barriers it seems. #critlib
- Apparently we need a #crittoddler #critlib.
- @ForgetTheMaine I explicitly had to take time -away- from the academy to get to it. #critlib
- @donnarosemary @jacobsberg @jkgadsby @pumpedlibrarian @barnlib Mine's sitting next to me asking me what I'm talking about. :) #critlib
- We start learning #trueconfessions of what people have & haven't read—which makes the "core" of #critlib theory seem much more fluid!
- Hey #critlib, raise your hand if you've read Friere. (Not just summary) https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/616055105956110336 …
- @elliehearts I've read the first chapter or so of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, but not the whole thing. #critlib
- @elliehearts hand. #critlib ongoing working in progress.
- @elliehearts <raises hand> #critlib
- @elliehearts I read it in undergrad in a Paideia class https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paideia #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian Great use of wikipedia there b/c I was about to look up that term! #critlib @elliehearts
- @elliehearts I've read most of _Ped. of the Oppressed_, still mean to finish last chapter. #critlib Link if useful: http://ryanpatrickrandall.com/2015/freire-and-critical-librarianship/ …
- @librarygrrrl @edrabinski @kellymce @AprilHathcock while I've read Freire - plenty of others I haven't (yet) eg bell hooks. #critlib
- @elliehearts My impression is the latter and that the lack of an easy entry point (say... a wiki, for example) contributes to that. #critlib
- @elliehearts Same here. It's encouraging actually. I felt so left out in the beginning. Still do sometimes. #critlib
- @AprilHathcock And from which inside. I think there are multiple insides. I don't feel inside all of #critlib at all.
- This convo is GREAT! I'd been feeling so left out even while playing catchup. #critlib more open than I realized. https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/616055726453030912 …
- @elliehearts If inside/outside binary, that implies wall. Which is why we have #donnawithahammer. To end that wall. @donnarosemary #critlib
- @kevinseeber @donnarosemary hence scare quotes. Not enough characters for "those who feel intimidated" #critlib
- @papersquared I've started an in-person discussion group here because I need time and space to process out loud. #critlib
- @papersquared @edrabinski This's good to hear. I had the wrong impression clearly. Thought I was out looking in. Now big Q: why? #critlib
- @AprilHathcock @papersquared How can we be hospitable, we defined broadly as each of us and us together? Big big Q. #critlib
- @edrabinski @papersquared I think part of it is personal. Not wanting to admit not having read theory. The proposed wiki will help. #critlib
- @edrabinski @papersquared Part is having more convos like this. Welcoming self-styled "outsiders" to check in and see real deal. #critlib
- @papersquared @edrabinski Which is why it helps for newbies to hear this. Many of us think the seasoned #critlib ers have read it all.
- @AprilHathcock @edrabinski knowing where to start, some of it is needed to process it with others #critlib (2/2)
- @papersquared @AprilHathcock @edrabinski Processing w/ others is key for me. I get lost in theory on my own. #critlib
- Hospitality I think is the golden key to everything, period. Such a good point here from @edrabinski #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/616057451545149440 …
- I'm still going to say "both." But as an "outsider" I'm reframing my impressions. #critlib https://twitter.com/elliehearts/status/616056775175983104 …
- @jacobsberg @shiggin @erinaleach Yes! More the rule than the exception in this group, it seems. #critlib
- @elliehearts I know I have an extensive theory background—which is why I despise its use to separate. Seen that way too often! #critlib
- #critlib #trueconfessions I akshully know more about folklore theories than any of the other stuff we've discussed.
- @PoorCharlotte What could help alleviate that, do you think? A list that said: "Beginners start here!" or somesuch? #critlib
- @papersquared librarians seek information. Don't be afraid. #critlib
- @ForgetTheMaine @elliehearts I've witnessed people being distracted by names; gross namedropping or "that's not what X meant" talks #critlib
- Question 2! #critlib & the academy
- @kshockey04 A2: the chats are certainly a product of academic libraries -- the five of us who mod are all acad lib'ns. #critlib
- @kshockey04 and, the first few chats were focused on critical pedagogy in libraries -- again, acad libs. It has evolved. #critlib
- That's good to know. I did not know that. #critlib https://twitter.com/kellymce/status/616055645985353728 …
- @papersquared @jacobsberg @jkgadsby @pumpedlibrarian @barnlib LOL would love to know how you'd answer this ;) #critlib #critparents
- @donnarosemary @jacobsberg @jkgadsby @pumpedlibrarian @barnlib I just have nosy cats #critlib #critcats
- @AllisonJaiODell I wonder that as well. #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell Yes, very good question. #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell I'm tt but w/out research component, so this is purely b/c I want to. #critlib
- @Fobettarh Absolutely. I just wasn't sure that we could auto-assume #critlib was a wholly academic enterprise.
- @jmymcginniss YES YES YES #critlib
- @jkgadsby LOVE! Puppy is welcome too! and snacks! #critlib #critkids @barnlib @papersquared @jacobsberg @pumpedlibrarian
- @ruthbrarian The ideals come first, theory follows, for me. This is the genius of praxis. It's both/and #critlib
- And while I couldn't write a theory article, I could probably write one about incorporating into praxis. #critlib https://twitter.com/jmymcginniss/status/616057446327451648 …
- @Fobettarh @kshockey04 yeah -- and the hashtag esp confounds things, because lots of this happens totally offline! #critlib
- @ruthbrarian Sandy Berman called me elitist in a zine once. It was a feeling! #critlib
- @edrabinski I got called a Communist once, but I feel like yours is better. #critlib
- @ruthbrarian can you say more about this? I'm not sure I understand! #critlib
- @ruthbrarian ah, #critlib as a set of theories, not the chat?
- @kevinseeber @elliehearts (btw I had to go over to my phone w/ the emoji to send that tweet reply in a kairotic, timely manner #critlib)
- @ruthbrarian for me it's the writing/research process that forces to dig in to theory, in small parts at a time. #critlib
- @PoorCharlotte Plenty of crit happens in the humanities. 1 strain is poststructuralism, but there are others, like lit. criticism. #critlib
- @edrabinski @kellymce @AprilHathcock the amazing thing about lib-ship is that I have time to really think about this stuff. #critlib
- I feel that. As librarians, we feel like we need to find all of the answers ourselves. #critlib https://twitter.com/papersquared/status/616058497231237121 …
- @donnarosemary I use tabs. Plane about to take off right now. Hope wifi on plane works. Will know in few minutes! #critlib
- We need ways to make it safe to not know, be wrong, ask questions. #critlib https://twitter.com/papersquared/status/616058497231237121 …
- @donnarosemary Why Fairy Tales Stick. Looks at the stories as memes. Studies how they spread as ideas. @papersquared #critlib
- Solidarity is underrated & sooo important! #critlib I felt the same way about the @RadReference community bitd. https://twitter.com/pumpedlibrarian/status/616058171879108608 …
- & @edrabinski explained all mods' intention well, starting place of just talking common interests, then #critlib expanded (for background)
- Yes, I want to get at this in a bit, like a bonus rd or something. @RachelMFleming asked this earlier. #critlib https://twitter.com/donnarosemary/status/616058854514634752 …
- This my experience often as well, @papersquared #critlib https://twitter.com/papersquared/status/616058576243527680 …
- @edrabinski a prof in my first masters told my class we need to read to "agree" rather than disagree like so often taught. #critlib
- Yes!! Or, I need to be so much braver about not knowing, being wrong, and asking questions. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/616059288683855874 …
- @jacobsberg and I have to shut down in like 3 mins :( closing library at 10 pm, solo tonight #critlib #critcloser @RachelMFleming
- @misskubelik @skeskali @kshockey04 @Fobettarh Many acad libs here. Curious if chats on public libs, empathy, felt this way too. #critlib
- #critlib RT @andornotnear: @violetbfox @PoorCharlotte yes, i would help with this, since i started my own beginners' bibliography lol
- @donnarosemary true, he became required reading across academia, so very much 'establishment'; but he ppl agitated still! #critlib
- @andornotnear @PoorCharlotte I think there's a few lists floating around, it'd be great to consolidate but don't want to overwhelm! #critlib
- Fools On The Hill RT @ruthbrarian: @edrabinski I got called a Communist once, but I feel like yours is better. #critlib
- @donnarosemary The chapter when she interviews herself in Teaching to Transgress is soooooooooooo good. #critlib #autoethnography
- @donnarosemary such a hostility to Foucault among so many LIS people - it makes me see him as more subversive than establishment #critlib
- @edrabinski @jacobsberg @ibeilin @donnarosemary confession: I've owned the history of sexuality since 2001 & have yet to read #critlib
- Question 3: Is there a duty to evangelize about #critlib?
- @AllisonJaiODell Yes to all of those within the definition. #critlib
- This is very much worth exploring. #critlib https://twitter.com/OpOnions/status/616060229449453568 …
- @ecmacinnis At least to me, theory is about the action & "take-aways," not valorizing the reading of it; much less its difficulty. #critlib
- @jacobsberg Yeah. That happen to me semi-regularly. #critlib
- @misskubelik @skeskali @kshockey04 @Fobettarh It does. Genesis of tag was academic librarians, so makes sense. Would like to undo. #critlib
- @typewritersball Ha! 🎶 "Hello, my name is #Critlib Elder Fox" 🎶
- I like this. I'm uncomfortable with evangelism. Starting and amplifying convos, yes. #critlib https://twitter.com/barnlib/status/616061087100858368 …
- @ruthbrarian I feel this. Multiple formats and modes of transmission! #critlib
- @ruthbrarian I would love to hear more about this off Twitter. Like, more characters' worth! #critlib
- @olinj @papersquared @jacobsberg but does stealth conflict with the question of Evangelizing? A3 #CritLib
- Me too. He just resonates with me. My world made sense. There. I said it. #critlib https://twitter.com/jacobsberg/status/616061498708873217 …
- Agree w @kevinseeber re speaking up being of importance instead of evangelizing; remaining silent reinforces the status quo #critlib
- @ecmacinnis And that's okay. I'm prob the same. I've done some reading and a lot of it felt overly tedious. 4 me practice>theory. #critlib
- @jacobsberg @ibeilin @donnarosemary Ditto. I'm re-reading him right now for first time in years and remembering that initial shock. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @kevinseeber yes - evangelizing to me implies talking down or even silencing - the opposite of #critlib intent
- @PoorCharlotte But I find that overwhelming #critlib
- Yes to speaking up vs. evangelizing! #critlib https://twitter.com/pumpedlibrarian/status/616061856717762560 …
- @ibeilin @pumpedlibrarian @kevinseeber exactly! I equate it with assuming you have all the answers already... #critlib
- @jacobsberg @ibeilin @donnarosemary @kevinseeber It's so strange that he's such a charged point. He seems to stand in for so much. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @kevinseeber so perhaps better thought of as advocacy than evangelism? From my perspective this seems inherent to #critlib
- This one I actually know from being a French major. But for those who don't--Michel Foucault https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Foucault … #critlib
- @jmymcginniss sorry, missed #critlib tonight, but this might be interesting http://www.huffingtonpost.com/colleen-glenney-boggs/jargon_b_2200413.html …
- @ecmacinnis And when I write, I assume it's my job to make thoughts accessible to everyone, never be a gate-keeper with them. #critlib
- Question 3.1: Stealth Mode #critlib actions & practices
- Q3.1 is what does stealth mode look like in terms of teaching, talking, practicing #critlib? https://twitter.com/olinj/status/616061273248104448 …
- A3.1 I've actually found the Framework to be a great way to introduct #critlib into my classes. @jacobsberg
- @jacobsberg Didn't @Fobettarh have something about stealth #critlib during the ALA panel? (So sad I stayed home and missed out.)
- .@Fobettarh also just actually getting to know people! Eating a burrito or looking at cat pics! #critlib
- @ibeilin @pumpedlibrarian @kevinseeber I know evangelizing as sharing good news. Proselytizing as converting/silencing. #critlib
- Always important to note that it's "critical theories of librarianship," not "theory." Plural on purpose. #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/616062749005578240 …
- And also the antithesis of critical thinking. (I say in response to @edrabinski, who doesn't even evangelize about running.) #critlib
- @asgoodson isn't there a fine line/question of perception between the two? @pumpedlibrarian @kevinseeber #critlib
- .@ruthbrarian LCSH has no way to say Fugitive from law -- it redirects to Fugitive from justice. Justice != Law #CritLib
- Yes! And it was awesome. She uses stealth to bring #critlib to her conservative middle school library. https://twitter.com/kevinseeber/status/616062581740965888 …
- @ecmacinnis I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK. jfreedma@barnard.edu or just poke thru my library catalog. http://clio.columbia.edu/catalog?&f[location_facet][]=Barnard&q=zines&rows=100&search_field=form_genre … #critlib #critzines
- One last thing about #critlib before I go: @pumpedlibrarian mentioned solidarity, and despite knowing most of you individually (1/2)
- @pumpedlibrarian Whoa - that's not a name we see much on #critlib! @edrabinski @jacobsberg @donnarosemary
- As little as I've cataloged, I still have SO many opinions on LCSH I've encountered. #critlib https://twitter.com/OpOnions/status/616063283615952896 …
- @ruthbrarian I actually think your example is world changing in the sense that language creates meaning. #critlib
- @kellymce @Fobettarh I'm down to be penpals with any of y'all--if you can deal with a slow turnaround. #chatantithesis #critlib
- #critlib pitch: Come work at Barnard! We need a Social Sciences Librarian who foregrounds critical analysis. https://careers.barnard.edu/postings/1586
- @kellykietur *nod* I just want my all genders bathroom signs not defaced. I want trans characters in my books. That is my sj. #critlib
- Question 4: #critlib Methods & Making Meaning
- Whoa how is the #critlib chat 2night already over? Gr8 job moderating @jacobsberg, thank you for wrangling a tough topic! Hope we have more
- thanks, @jacobsberg for great Qs, comments and moderation! #critlib
- @RachelMFleming I got to watch the fireworks over Shea Stadium in the distance while still doing #critlib
- We can bust this out for a later date RT @donnarosemary re: Q4 this needs its own chat or something #critlib
- Bonus Question: How to Hospitably Invite & Respond to Critique?
- Bonus Q is from @RachelMFleming: how do we invite and respond to critique without creating barriers (perceived or real) to entry? #critlib
- #critlib pitches & thanks
- #critlib pitch: help Kyle & me come up with a beautiful wiki welcome page for all would-be critlibbers!! https://twitter.com/kshockey04/status/616054605563064320 …
- Thanks, @jacobsberg for an excellent chat! And thanks all y'all for really bringing it tonight. #critlib
- My #critlib pitch is for people to apply to work with my friends @JessicaCritten and @LibrarianAngie. http://joblist.ala.org/modules/jobseeker/controller.cfm?rssjobid=29924&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter …
- @Fobettarh @edrabinski We do have to meet IRL & I won't evangelize avocados (even if they are SO YUMMY). #critlib #nyc
- have to sign off now, but thanks so much to @jacobsberg for the mod -- a great part of #CritLib is finding so many great ppl to follow
- Have a great night everyone & huge thanks to @jacobsberg for awesome #critlib Qs & moderation. Thanks also to Jake's ma & pa for kidsitting.
- @ecmacinnis definitely -- many of us came to this work because we like reading, of some kind or another. #critlib
- #critlib #critpitch from me is that these Qs came out of the ACRl unconf. Thx @kennygarciamlis @donnarosemary @kevinseeber @JessicaCritten!
- FYI we are set, @nfoasberg has volunteered to be conference reporter (thank you!) #critlib
- Thanks, everyone, for a great #critlib. Special thx to @edrabinski for the real talk. Feel better abt actively joining this community.
- Thanks @jacobsberg! Time flies when you're driving this thing, doesn't it? #critlib
- My broken record #critlib pitch: write for @libraryleadpipe http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/submission-guidelines/ …
- We're super warm and fuzzy! Open peer review is awesome. @libraryleadpipe #critlib
- Oh, a 2nd #critlib #critpitch is can someone please storify this? Thanks!
- related: I was going to ask if these are archived anywhere, since I constantly miss them #critlib https://twitter.com/jacobsberg/status/616066686404444161 …
- @jackflaps Not every #critlib chat has a Storify, but the ones that do are linked to from the http://tinyurl.com/critlibx document
- Good night #critlib. Good work. I'll most likely kill you in the morning. pic.twitter.com/T1YLh7wfUT
- Fantastic #critlib, got my hair done, AND Chef Kitty made me a sundae. This has been a great evening. #nekoatsume pic.twitter.com/mO3nhVTffn
- @misskubelik @skeskali @kshockey04 @Fobettarh ditto. Pub Lib here. I've quietly lurked #critlib but feel out of place bc seems so ac-focused
- Cheers, everyone! Good talk! #critlib https://twitter.com/olinj/status/616067306993483776 …
- Reminder of map for arranging local #critlib meetups (also linked in main GDoc): https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=zKk2VkABIHi0.k86U88HheemE …
- @elliehearts #baltimore area librarians should think about our #critlib meetup on 7/18. PM for details as too tired to find links and such.
- @elliehearts I'm still all alone in AZ :'( but do love the map, thanks for making it! #critlib
- @jacobsberg @kennygarciamlis @kevinseeber @JessicaCritten aw yay, my first time meeting embodied #critlib-ers, thanks y'all ❤ #critlib15
- @RachelMFleming #critlib at Charleston Conference? If I get accepted (and thus can get $ to attend) w b happy to help!
- @kevinseeber Thanks Kevin! I missed #critlib tonight in favor of a bike ride, and got a wasp in my shirt at 15mph for it! :( @JessicaCritten
- @deweysnotdead hopefully we'll have more on this topic in the future! #critlib