#critlib chat: critical perspectives on data, surveillance, and the privatization of higher ed
Storify of a #critlib chat held on Tuesday June 16th, 2015 and moderated by @SarahCrissinger
- [My version of @oksveta's usual disclaimer here: I tried to include all #critlib tweets and string tweets from the same thread together as best as I could. Retweets, favorites, & tweets without the hashtag were omitted on purpose. Additionally, tweets that were a reply to a tweet without the critlib hashtag are not included. My apologies for any oversights or mistakes.]
- Pre-#critlib
- #critlib 2mrow, mod by @SarahCrissinger on critical perspective on data, surveillance, & privatization of higher ed! http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- Tonight 9pm @SarahCrissinger mods #critlib on data, surveillance, privatization of higher ed. See you there! http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- Ahh hoping I make it to #critlib on time tonight, covering the ref desk right before it starts https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/610781634527297536 …
- TONIGHT! #critlib chat on data, surveillance, and privatization of #highered. 6PM PST/9PM EST. Mod: @SarahCrissinger https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wntzuezo-QVhl7pgf3HJQ2iIUgUrs8E61hU1gdAbSSc/edit …
- More surveillance and data "insights" to set the mood for tonight's #critlib https://twitter.com/katecrawford/status/610920258212212736 …
- #critlib tonight @ 9pm EST. @SarahCrissinger mods on data, surveillance, privatization of #highered. http://tinyurl.com/critlibx #libraries
- #critlib starts soon! Check out the questions and readings at http://tinyurl.com/critlibx for some last minute info about our chat on data.
- .@SarahCrissinger SO EXCITED.Had quite the scatterbrained day(tho a good 1!yay for professional support!)but I need #critlib in my lyfe stat
- Very very very very very very excited for this to begin! #critlib https://twitter.com/SarahCrissinger/status/610968585238900736 …
- In 20 mins, join the #critlib chat, mod. by @SarahCrissinger on data, surveilence, and privatization of higher ed - http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- dannnnnnng this event in SF after ALA related to librarians, privacy and surveillance looks incredible. http://boingboing.net/2015/06/11/librarians-hackers-and-privac.html … #critlib
- Introductions
- Join us for #critlib chat NOW moderated by @SarahCrissinger on privacy, surveillance, and data in HE/libs! http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- Hi #critlib, I'm Ryan in Bloomington, IN. Super glad that @SarahCrissinger is directing our attention to this topic tonight!
- @foureyedsoul so happy you could join in tonight, Ryan! #critlib
- @eiratansey love that you included the phonetic pronounciation for your name #phoneticnames :-D #critlib
- Andrew, Assessment Librarian @ Indiana I've written a bit about this topic that might be of interest #critlib http://www.andrewasher.net/BiblioEthnoHistorioGraphy/ethical-behavior-this-week/ …
- Hi #critlib - IL coordinator at UIUC w @SarahCrissinger, on #nisoprivacy group, pondering connection privacy to online scholarly presence
- IT IS TIME. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olLxrojmvMg … Hi #critlib, LIS / archives student here, looking forward to the conversation.
- #critlib I'm an English and IDS prof, open access advocate, and fan of @SarahCrissinger. Just lurking, but howdy!
- Hi #critlib- Kevin here. Academic librarian in the process of moving to Denver. #unpackingfatigue
- @donnarosemary @kevinseeber I will be watching conversation between you two and expect only high quality hashtags #donnawithahammer #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger kristen from davidson. future colleague. lurking. learning about #critlib from the best.
- Question 1: What kinds of data collection fit into the larger movement of neoliberalism in/ privatization of the academy? #critlib
- @kevinseeber yes, how do we untangle this? assessment isn't inherently bad (and often good prac in inst). But what are our reasons? #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger I really believe in assessment! But conflation of increasing numbers w/ quality of teaching/learning is icky. #critlib
- @EamonTewell And pressure to link this to everything (esp. Lib use data) #critlib
- All learning is most certainly NOT countable. Agreed w/ @foureyedsoul #critlib https://twitter.com/foureyedsoul/status/610978313029357568 …
- @foureyedsoul right. what is the inherent value of doing x activity?.... not just to have an increase or easy number to use #critlib
- @donnarosemary @foureyedsoul its not all countable doesnt nec get us out of trouble though non-quant assess can be problematic too #critlib
- @EamonTewell Could this be a positive? As in, assessing the needs of marginalized groups as a way to improve services/programs? #critlib
- @GinaMurrell1 @EamonTewell I have mixed feels on it because of this issue when considering student retention, but also seems iffy #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian also the relationship b/w big data & discriminatory practices is erie #critlib (late); on example - http://www.thenation.com/article/208441/how-companies-turn-your-facebook-activity-credit-score …
- A1 Scholarly productivity stats (h-index), fits into #countallthethings. #critlib
- @elisedunham yes! I'm huge adv of altmetrics but even that sometimes moves convo to same place. impact qual or not easily measured #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @SarahCrissinger Certainly a fine line...either of you know if it's a tension those at the fore are talking about? #critlib
- @elisedunham @SarahCrissinger my sense is that it is not. convo about expanding what counts not whether to count #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @elisedunham I feel #altmetrics do both; recognize knowledge practices' variability yet reinforce "numbers = worth" #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @elisedunham exactly. I think it's even difficult for most to accept altmetrics, let alone add more #critlib
- @catladylib In my exp there is a lot of variability w how much IRBs care about non-medical human subject research #critlib
- @eiratansey right and it depends on how you use the data in the end. #critlib
- @catladylib Interesting Q on purpose of IRB - only requires data must be managed not to be private necessarily #critlib
- @catladylib @aasher @eiratansey 1 reading for tonight focusing on IRB oversight, grappling w new issues. see http://www.pnas.org/content/111/24/8788.full … #critlib
- @donnarosemary And if something goes down, we assume something is broken. #critlib
- Y'ALL THE BOTS HAVE ARRIVED #critlib #hellobots *waves*
- . @donnarosemary "ambient intimacy" is new to me but concept strikes a chord. ugh imagine *taking comfort in* data collection #critlib
- A1 Katie Shilton's paper on "Participatory Personal Data" super relevant here. http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~kshilton/ShiltonJASISTpreprint.pdf … #critlib
- Question 2: What are some critical practices we can employ to learn about our community's needs without invading their privacy? #critlib
- @donnarosemary yes, talk, as in talk and listen! #critlib
- @ibeilin @donnarosemary And the marginalized become more marginalized bc invisible? #pondering #critlib
- @ibeilin @lisalibrarian @donnarosemary aka "the right to be left alone" s/o Justice Brandeis http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=ifissues&Template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=25304 … #critlib
- @lisalibrarian well, maybe we first need to find the right language to communicate #critlib @donnarosemary
- @lisalibrarian @ibeilin @donnarosemary but we also need to think about what circumstances have made them not want to talk #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @ibeilin @donnarosemary will col a lot of data on them really fix those structural issues? just playing devil's adv #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger Actually, there is evidence that yes. Especially "at scale" ... #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger @lisalibrarian @ibeilin @donnarosemary Yes! "Critical" for me involves thinking circumstances, not just "facts" #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger @ibeilin @donnarosemary Maybe. Maybe not. But, not clear that talking will either. #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger What if is evidence that data on yr activities is what helps get over structural issues? devil's advocate ... :) #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @ibeilin @donnarosemary idk, @lisalibrarian, do you think there is a middle ground here? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @thomasgpadilla convo on first gen students and collecting data vs. asking. Thomas asked if there are alternatives #critlib
- @thomasgpadilla @SarahCrissinger @ibeilin @donnarosemary I don't think data collection method is what addresses structural issues. #critlib
- @thomasgpadilla @SarahCrissinger @ibeilin @donnarosemary Data needs interpretation. Always. And will to act. Power to act. Etc. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @SarahCrissinger @ibeilin @donnarosemary guess its classic dilemm, X admin requests evidence to support Z engagement #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @SarahCrissinger @ibeilin @donnarosemary how to propose alternative? absence of data argument not compelling #critlib
- @thomasgpadilla @SarahCrissinger @ibeilin @donnarosemary I can give helpful advice in specifics but generalities fail at this pt #critlib
- @thomasgpadilla @lisalibrarian @ibeilin @donnarosemary I don't think anyone is saying we shouldn't collect any data ever. (1) #critlib
- @thomasgpadilla @lisalibrarian @ibeilin @donnarosemary just saying that asking students (esp 1st gen, my exp) what obst are is imp #critlib
- @thomasgpadilla @lisalibrarian @ibeilin @donnarosemary this is rly difficult for me bc want to help but also shouldn't surv/ invade #critlib
- @ginaschless Wondering if anonymity=respecting privacy? Are they the same thing? Or does one lead to the other? (I have no idea.) #critlib
- @kevinseeber @ginaschless anonymity seems one way to get privacy but if that is only way = impossible. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @ginaschless Yes. Anonymize data, do some secondary analysis. Commandeer the system! #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell @kevinseeber @ginaschless re-ID algorithms so effective. don't trust that what looks anon is truly anon. #critlib
- Q2 need to put up my talk, but I created an annotated bibliography related to archives and online privacy http://eiratansey.com/2015/04/24/pda15bib/ … #critlib
- @PoorCharlotte yes, great point. much easier for libraries with some leverage and buying power #critlib
- THIS. As a first gen student, I see this convo about data a lot. ASK US WHAT OUR CHALLENGES ARE. #critlib https://twitter.com/ibeilin/status/610980106346102784 …
- @SarahCrissinger Help me understand how that wouldn't invade your privacy? Seems VERY intrusive to me. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian if you were to ASK me to do an int, survey, focus group about working through college, having parent w no know, etc. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian and I consented, I would prefer that so much more than you collecting numbers on my activities #critlib
- @lisalibrarian and even if you did collect those data, would they really tell you the val info you would get from just asking me? #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger Ah, so issue is really consent not which data collected! Got it! #critlib
- @lisalibrarian yes, you might also see that I think qual more val in this circumstance if collected, but just my opinion #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger I do think QUAL v valuable. Just also think observation quant is too. Not either or. #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger @lisalibrarian also talking with ppl helps you figure out what questions to ask to get better information #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell Good idea! Although might be less private, could be empowering for groups to find & articulate shared experiences #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell how do you run them well - what makes them safe? #critlib
- @dignityjones @AllisonJaiODell This is why I don't run focus groups if I can avoid it--too easily dominated #critlib
- @aasher @dignityjones @AllisonJaiODell I just participated in a focus grp @ work as we re-work values & sesh dom so quickly by few #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones I maybe just don't care for focus groups for methodological reasons #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones @aasher pondering if peers = safe. our campus microaggression study reveals peers are source of much #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones @aasher yeah, agree that peers don't automatically = safe #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones I just think focus groups are silencing--I know I won't speak freely in them #critlib
- @aasher @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones esp if topic/facilitator connected to your identity & academic success #critlib
- @aasher @pumpedlibrarian @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones so what do you use instead? Ind interviews? ethnography? #critlib
- @aasher @pumpedlibrarian @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones as new professional, still navigating the wide range of methodologies #critlib
- @aasher @pumpedlibrarian @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones and obv, creating a safe space is so, so important #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger @pumpedlibrarian @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones I prefer one-on-one interactions-- but ppl differ in approaches #critlib
- @aasher @pumpedlibrarian @AllisonJaiODell @dignityjones haha I might have guessed the answer to that question :) #critlib
- @KaraKaraPW by putting *everything* into question! #critlib
- @foureyedsoul talking about the things they do most often and enjoy - gaming, texting, web surfing, downloading, etc. ...#critlib
- @foureyedsoul ...what's going on on the other end of these data transactions...#critlib
- @EamonTewell what sort of response have you gotten from students when showing them that? #critlib
- @catladylib really depends! anywhere from disinterest to changing their own settings at their computer #critlib
- @EamonTewell I'm intrigued answer to helping students understand privacy is to recommend librarians violate their own privacy ... #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @EamonTewell not a violation of priv. if it's a willing embrace of vulnerability; maybe not good fit for every lib*n #critlib
- @donnarosemary @lisalibrarian True! Not for everyone. But, in order to talk about these issues we have to be open about them #critlib
- @donnarosemary @EamonTewell As long as stays librarian choice, but we need pedagogies that dont demand as well. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @EamonTewell @donnarosemary I wouldn't feel comf doing this, but show how it applies to their lives makes sense #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @donnarosemary I mean more that dialogue on privacy is necessary to demystify how it and surveillance works #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @lisalibrarian @EamonTewell @donnarosemary Would showing how to change settings be sufficient, w/o disclosing own? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @EamonTewell sure, should def always be librarian's choice, this models/enacts our own agency = just as important #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @pumpedlibrarian @EamonTewell @donnarosemary Empirical Q if is effective ped. Of course, assessment data needed. :) #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @EamonTewell (my ch. in @pumpedlibrarian's & @kellymce's #critlib collection will explore this some :) )
- @donnarosemary @EamonTewell I can imagine plenty of libs where an infolit script would say "Now open your personal FB..." #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @pumpedlibrarian @lisalibrarian @EamonTewell def! even showing 1) they exist 2) they are powerful BUT 3) also limited #critlib
- @donnarosemary @foureyedsoul @pumpedlibrarian @EamonTewell Recent study: more ed can lead to giving up privacy. So, tread lightly! #critlib
- @aasher @donnarosemary @foureyedsoul @pumpedlibrarian @EamonTewell I didn't say "willingly" but resignation=give up data #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @aasher @foureyedsoul @pumpedlibrarian @EamonTewell for me learning outcome=agency in S, not outcome of actual data #critlib
- @lisalibrarian S=student, sorry twitterese failed me :) agency in student, even if only in ability to *see* system S must partic in #critlib
- @donnarosemary ah. well, I guess that's my point. this study found the more ppl saw the more resigned they were #notagency #critlib
- @lisalibrarian #yesagency via liberation of sight: ability to (begin to) *see* reality of systems/structures of pers data coll #critlib
- @donnarosemary What you are seeing in it that I'm not? Study says "resigned" not "they act" or feel "liberated" ... #critlib
- @lisalibrarian what learners decide to *do* w said knowledge is up to them 100% #stillagency including resigned opt-in across board #critlib
- @lisalibrarian (which I do plenty,ex:my remaining on FB is a huge resigned opt-in 4me, but I have at least some agency in decision #critlib
- @donnarosemary That's not def of agency I recognize. (Self-efficacy theory is my jam.) But, appreciate understanding yr view. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian an argument that says teaching systems/structures of personal data coll not worth our time bc 1/2 #critlib
- @donnarosemary I don't think you can reason from action to self-efficacy. If don't perceive as having choice, then to me #notagency #critlib
- @donnarosemary my "tread lightly" was about being careful not to have unintended effects - not saying not worth time #critlib
- @lisalibrarian resignation trumps value of having this knowledge which opens option to decide, makes no sense to me 2/2 #critlib
- @donnarosemary my comment only we should attend to outcomes out of teaching. if you think resigned opt-in is agency, np but I don't #critlib
- @lisalibrarian got it, this makes sense and something I can agree w, re: considering precise intended effects of this kinda edu #critlib
- @donnarosemary yeah! even in 140 characters we can reason it out! #critlib
- This is an excellent article on the law of IRB and the facebook experiments #critlib http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2604168 …
- A3 Discuss things like EFF's Privacy Badger https://www.eff.org/privacybadger when talking computer stuff. Plant seeds of tracking awareness #critlib
- YES I've done this: so effective (and creates a kind of safe space bc teacher-vulnerability built-in) #critlib https://twitter.com/EamonTewell/status/610983674251735040 …
- Q3 was inspired by article from my open data class about medical res. so many rep for marginilized groups #critlib http://www.theverge.com/2015/3/10/8177683/apple-research-kit-app-ethics-medical-research …
- @SarahCrissinger how do we teach students to be weary of the validity of something like this? to interrogate research? #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger Teach them how to do research, understand stats, read critically #critlib
- A3 http://iknowwhereyourcatlives.com/ is a great tool to help people understand geolocation services in mobile phones #critlib
- Question 4: How might librarians push back on exploitative practices like surveillance and the selling of data to corp, esp in ed tech? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian maybe they'll see the argument. Just b/c they might take it away doesn't absolve me of my obligation as a researcher #critlib
- @lisalibrarian Doing an acti I consider unethical is not made more ethical b/c IT would do it #critlib
- @EamonTewell And doing so as a collective, not as individuals. #critlib
- @elisedunham absolutely, even better! #critlib
- @donnarosemary just having this convo w @nfoasberg. who is dev this plan & who will carry it out? who is on the team? #critlib
- @nfoasberg @donnarosemary I also have no idea! picking donna's brain to figure out how they got admin buy in & made this a priority #critlib
- @RoxanneShirazi yes, in this case, induldge the librarian urge to weed! #critlib
- @RoxanneShirazi Yes! We are doing a poor job IMO of evaluating risk of data that is kept. A destruction plan is needed #critlib
- @praise711 @RoxanneShirazi I'm much more concerned about data libs are getting ready to create-like likinng things to stu records #critlib
- @praise711 @aasher @RoxanneShirazi Keep records of things while checked out, items billed/fined, etc. tho? #moredatathanitseems #critlib
- @ibeilin @praise711 @aasher @RoxanneShirazi Many photocopiers also keep image of what copied + printers log. #critlib
- Question 5/ Final Thoughts: As libr do outreach for DMPs, how can we help faculty use transparent data practices while remaining aware of privacy & equity? #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger Yes - seems more invasive to insist "share your data" than "btw we know which lit db you searched"! #critlib
- But you cannot use it unethically if you do not have it. Important to weigh the costs of collecting it too. #critlib https://twitter.com/cl_forbes/status/610987306435117056 …
- @RoxanneShirazi this most excellent talk on "information toxic waste dumps" comes to mind #critlib http://idlewords.com/bt14.htm
- @nfoasberg good question! is this resp on assess librarian? privacy team? if we care about priv, how do we take action? #critlib
- Thinking abt. privacy after getting caught up on #critlib and listening to the On the Media segment http://www.onthemedia.org/story/librarians-vs-patriot-act/ ….
- Pitches and Announcements
- I can think of at least 1 #critlib pitch. If you're going to be at #alaac15, think about joining @flexlibris at DRIL https://libraryfreedomproject.org/digital-rights-in-libraries/ …
- #critlib pitch: come hang at #alaac15 panel on #critlib with @edrabinski @Fobettarh @kellymce @catladylib & me! http://alaac15.ala.org/node/28722
- @SarahCrissinger And session @aasher+me doing at ALA: All the Data - Privacy, Service Qual + Analytics http://alaac15.ala.org/node/28724 #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger @aasher Here is old tweet w recording and handout links: https://twitter.com/lisalibrarian/status/560483951039774720 … #critlib
- @bookscout found out from the #critlib interest sheet we're both Ohio librarians w/ interest in library unions. We should talk sometime.
- @SarahCrissinger another pitch - follow #nisoprivacy and consider listening in to streaming from ALA: http://www.niso.org/topics/tl/patron_privacy/ … #critlib
- Another #critlib pitch for privacy concerns: keep your eyes on @letsencrypt / https://letsencrypt.org/ Looks very promising.
- Goodbyes
- Gonna hafta cut outta #critlib early to close my library. Thanks @SarahCrissinger for hosting a fab convo on an important topic!
- @donnarosemary thanks, Donna, as always, for your support! #critlib
- Thanks @SarahCrissinger for moderating a great #critlib.
- Thanks for encouraging me/ helping me narrow to this topic, @catladylib and all of the other #critlib creators! &happy bday to @edrabinski!
- Thanks @SarahCrissinger for another great #critlib!
- Thanks for a great #critlib chat, @SarahCrissinger!
- Another awesome #critlib chat! Learned lots, as always. Also glad I could contribute. Thanks, @SarahCrissinger, for moderating. Great job!
- thanks @SarahCrissinger for an action-packed #critlib
- Fab #critlib! Hats off to @SarahCrissinger
- Thanks @SarahCrissinger - great topic & chat. Thanks everyone, I laughed, I cried, I face-palmed. #critlib
- Thanks @SarahCrissinger & #critlib I didn't contribute, but I definitely got a lot out of the discussion
- @SarahCrissinger Thanks for running this! I feel much more confused & conflicted than when I started, probably a good sign ;) #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger Thanks for a great #critlib discussion!
- @SarahCrissinger Feeling it is okay to say "see I told you it would be great" - you did wonderful job! #critlib #itoldyouso
- man, #critlib looks fab. sad to have missed it, but seems like @SarahCrissinger did a lovely job!
- Catching up on #critlib, really interesting stuff! Thx @SarahCrissinger!!