#critlib chat: feminist contributions in LIS
This #critlib chat is one of the class projects in Pratt SILS LIS 697 Gender and Intersectionality in LIS. The moderators and students are: Sarah (@fiiidget), Amy (@g_q_amy), Bianca (@ghislane), and Dinah (@dinahhandel). The course is taught by Jessica Hochman (@jessicahochman), and we’ve added our syllabus under the suggested readings for this chat. We’ve also been using the hashtag #LISgender to discuss our readings and related content on Twitter.
- The subject for tonight's #critlib, btw, is "Feminist contributions in LIS" & @jessicahochman's #LISgender class is co-moderating!
- Hi #CritLib -- I'm Netanel (Metadata coordinator, @SimmonsSLIS '15)
- HI #critlib! I'm, Dinah, student in my last class for my MLS! Part of @jessicahochman's class.
- This is Jenna tweeting for the Barnard Library with a lot of love for @jessicahochman's #LISgender class. #critlib
- Hi #critlib! I'm a prof @PrattSILS. To me, feminism is a critical questioning of the performance of gender.
- Hello everyone! Baharak from Vancouver, BC in and out on my commute home. #critlib #westcoast
- Hi #critlib! Excited to be chatting from Brooklyn with former @PrattSILS students @fiiidget and @DinahHandel!
- Hi #critlib! Research & Learning Librarian (& now officially Instruction Coordinator :-D) at U of AZ. Wishing I had #criticalpotato snacks
- Hi #critlib, I'm an outreach and engagement librarian in OR, and my name is Kelly. Thanks to #lisgender for tonight's chat!
- hi all, this is bianca from @jessicahhochman 's #LISgender class at Pratt SILS! #critlib
- #CritLib -- I'm with @kshockey04 , approach is to 1. listen 2. think / reflect 3. listen more
- Hi #critlib! I'm Amy the other moderator for tonight's chat. I'm also a student @PrattSILS and in the #LISgender class.
- @DinahHandel "part of" @jessicahochman's class?!? A little more than that, I think! #critlib #feminismfuckyeah
- Hi #critlib, Maura (Smale) here, academic librarian at City Tech, CUNY in Brooklyn (and @PrattSILS alum!)
- uggggh annual statistics reporting has me trapped for my last hour of work tonight--will only be lurking on #LISgender #critlib tonight :-(
- Question 1: Do you feel like librarianship is a feminized (or racialized) profession? Does that impact how you do/feel about your job?
- & like @DinahHandel i highly value critique of power through feminist lens; my own and the power around me. #critlib
- I'm echoing @DinahHandel definition of her feminism, adding mine is also of the 'lots to learn' variety #critlib https://twitter.com/DinahHandel/status/608439290914320387 …
- Echoing @jessicahochman: feminism for me is capacity to critique & trouble systems of gender that limit freedom/life chances. #critlib
- @kshockey04 Now I feel like I want a #deweycrit #critlib! All, Lisa here from UIUC, info lit and strategic planning coordinator. Plus, prof
- Oh, also, in case anyone is looking for the link for the Qs and readings for tonight's #critlib, here! http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- A1 I think @ginaschless does a great job of outlining this gendered racial profession in her PPT we've included in the readings! #critlib
- @edrabinski ask me about the girl in college who told my friend I "looked like a librarian." She didn't mean it in a nice way. #critlib
- @edrabinski dominated is an interesting word here when the stats are that admins disproportionately male? #critlib
- Yup. Men often in charge. My lateral colleagues are white women. #critlib https://twitter.com/lisalibrarian/status/608441242003894272 …
- Sounds like me! MT @DinahHandel A1 I think abt stereotypes- librarians are posed as white ladies who love cats, books & cardigans #critlib”
- @bembrarian @ginaschless's presentation about the legacy of the lady bountiful begins to address this: http://bit.ly/1B0ZtDT #critlib
- a1.2: like @edrabinski my lateral colleagues are also mostly white women and i get the dude cookie sometimes. it is not good. #critlib
- #critlib This tension between nice and activist has run right through our history (at least in the US). pic.twitter.com/gs66R3yDuO
- A1 yes feminized, yes quite white, yes impacts how others see my work and how I do as well, #wealldrankfromthesamewell #critlib
- Question 2: What categorical binaries (i.e., public/private; insider/outsider) exist in LIS work? When do you notice them? What are their implications?
- @foureyedsoul Absolutely. Although for some librarianship is entrance to middle-class-ness #critlib
- So how does that dynamic change for those of us w/ credit bearing courses? I do few one-shots b/c of my class #critlib @pumpedlibrarian
- Our jobs are to make categories and binaries! I notice them all. the. time. #critlib https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/608442076884291587 …
- @AllisonJaiODell this is so real. Also, hi Allison! #critlib
- @kshockey04 yep, great point. I'd say microaggressions also fuel the feminization/stereotype proliferation in the field. #critlib
- @edrabinski cannot be unseen! #critlib
- Yes! Love @ubiquity75's work. So right on. #critlib https://twitter.com/ginaschless/status/608442272716365824 …
- oh man. this is literally a part of our education. this is the purpose of representation and organization #critlib https://twitter.com/edrabinski/status/608442361757200387 …
- @LibrarianAngie @pumpedlibrarian are they required courses? Is the course designator within the library? Does yer dept get the $ #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie I do few one-shots, too. Librarian educator vs librarian service-provider perceptions #critlib.
- @jessicahochman heartily cosigned. especially here in the male professor-female librarian transaction. #critlib
- Who knew? MT @kshockey04: a1.3 it shows up in microtransactions-I am less asked for soft help ref tasks & more asked for tech help. #critlib
- same in cataloging too. reminded of @erinaleach and the PCC discussion on name authority & gender field #critlib https://twitter.com/OpOnions/status/608442927145172992 …
- @LibrarianAngie In what ways? #critlib
- @kevinseeber in academic libraries, insider/outsider seems to be a big one. Those who have highly specified knowledge vs not. #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell #critlib Traditional vs. Non-Traditional is a subconscious factor in most convos I have with other librarians.
- @AllisonJaiODell each generation wants to reinvent the wheel it seems. @kshockey04 has thoughts about this... #critlib
- @jenlabarbera @jessicahochman @DinahHandel oh my. too much. paper under review! There's more! #critlib
- @AllisonJaiODell #critlib I do wonder if I enact certain prejudice to certain librarians for not being progressive enough.
- @jessicahochman Right! To me, public services v. technical services is a proxy for that binary of specialization. #critlib
- @edrabinski I love this, I want it framed over my desk #critlib
- @jenlabarbera @jessicahochman @DinahHandel also wondering if it's getting so much attention because it's about white women #critlib
- @edrabinski are there enough terms to 'name' each other and ourselves correctly? what's the benefit of adhering to categories (1/2) #critlib
- @ginaschless all this talk of feminization, whiteness and service makes me think of your lady bountiful work #critlib
- @ginaschless @jenlabarbera @jessicahochman @DinahHandel #critlib is about #critlib. Not everything else ;)
- @edrabinski I love that point. The trick is, we have to be able to name ourselves, not just be named. #critlib
- @edrabinski (2/2) when so much of radical librarianship is trying to undo harmful aggressive categorization of so many things? #critlib
- @edrabinski Are you familiar with the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_relativity … #critlib
- Yep. xox librarians expanding naming. #critlib @barnlib @justbilley https://twitter.com/jessicahochman/status/608443901448474624 …
- @AllisonJaiODell #critlib I totally agree. Probably due in part to tech industry historically male?
- @edrabinski This is great! Also, the point at which we start to experience categories as fixed/given is a great entry into critique #critlib
- @DinahHandel Agreed! Also in journals...have seen some that brand themselves as "pragmatic" like that's in opposition to theory. #critlib
- @kshockey04 Any noteworthy examples come to mind? #critlib
- @kshockey04 women doing the reproductive labor that makes the "real work" possible. Dichotomy even in feminized professions!! #critlib
- @bembrarian 1889 speech to the columbia graduate school #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie interesting - not in my experience, either in lib school or at workplaces #critlib
- Thx Melv. MT @kshockey04 the PT of creating LIS Ed. was to train white women for cheap labor so that men cd make moral decisions. #critlib”
- @kshockey04 For the millionth time, can I make a plea that librarians dump Dewey as our "mascot"? Such a creep! #critlib
- @elisedunham @DinahHandel Yes! As if theory has nothing to do w/ practice, and vice versa. As if they're not already inseparable. #critlib
- @kevinseeber cutter, herbert putnam, etc. weren't much better. #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie yeah, I guess that's more the norm. I can't judge from the few libs I've worked in #critlib
- @kshockey04 @kevinseeber Zoia Horn as LIS mascot, plz and thank u http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoia_Horn #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @ibeilin @LibrarianAngie But we were not allowed to hire our own tech folks because that's another (male-run) dept #critlib
- Question 3: [In our course we’ve discussed intersectionality (where two or more -isms meet) in LIS.] How have you seen identity categories intersect in your work with colleagues, patrons or general LIS practice?
- Individualism is capitalism's game! #critlib https://twitter.com/bfister/status/608445306204733440 …
- @LibrarianAngie I've always thought of the cataloger stereotype (latter day) as being one of the notorious feminized stereotypes #critlib
- @bembrarian @edrabinski @NewberryLibrary sure, but we have built an entire discipline around that assumption #critlib
- THIS! #critlib I've seen numerous instances of authority from male-run IT departments. Anti-collaborative. https://twitter.com/bfister/status/608445745239367681 …
- oh man, what a potential site of hiring justice this could be, :/ #critlib https://twitter.com/barnlib/status/608446212828729344 …
- @ginaschless Yep. And the only libs with supervisory duties are male in a small lib. #critlib
- I mean, now that I run a queer archive, my QWOC id is pretty tied up in every single thing I do at work. #critlib https://twitter.com/g_q_amy/status/608445791485702144 …
- @nora_almeida important to also not make them feel like THEY are your project... sometimes patrons get prickly bc (1/2) #critlib
- @nora_almeida (2/2) bc they don't want to feel like they are being DIRECTLY schooled or taught and that theyre below you #critlib
- @jenlabarbera my diss advisor told me "all research is me-search". All my research q's are somehow a search for myself, too. #critlib
- @DinahHandel ppl want to be listened to, related to, and no one can do that if they're pretending to be a 2D figure of a person #critlib
- @shaundrawalker ohhhh yes same #critlib
- @Fobettarh are both your coworkers and patrons conservative? #critlib
- @nora_almeida pondering "a patron's level" - do librarians tend to assume that is below? bc often on subject, far above mine! :) #critlib
- @nora_almeida why does that sound so familiar :) #critlib
- @lisalibrarian totally! About actually starting that convo, I think. Getting people to think about how to articulate an info need #critlib
- @lisaflepore Yes, people often assume that I'm not from the comm. Obviously I must be from elsewhere to be educated and competent #critlib
- RT @jessicahochman A3 culturally relevant pedagogy is super impt in library instruction. Thinking abt @LibraryNicole's work here. #critlib”
- @nora_almeida sometimes tho it was perfectly articulated - I lacked in understanding, not patron failure to articulate #critlib
- Shout out to @LibraryNicole who is teaching a Race, Gender & Sexuality class this summer. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian True. Think it might be negotiating that place of understanding. Not necessarily a failure on either side. #critlib
- @Fobettarh oh yeah, I knew that. Very painful to see that, indeed. we talked about these situations a bit a few #critlib weeks ago
- Seeking those connections is so lovely when you make them, a wonderful, lucky part of the job. #critlib https://twitter.com/fiiidget/status/608448268197052418 …
- @DinahHandel pun intended or no? ;) #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian the sexy librarian thing is tool of oppression, that's trying to be sold as empowering, imo #critlib
- Is it possible to escape these culturally pervasive cliches? #critlib https://twitter.com/pumpedlibrarian/status/608449388965433346 …
- @trudysmoke heck yeah! do you have any advice for how to best say no to faculty about those things? #critlib
- Question 4: What interventions have you/do you want to implement in your LIS practice that were influenced by critiquing/rethinking current practices?
- @nora_almeida if framed as "negotiating understanding" - that works for me, but "articulate an info need" seems to put on user only #critlib
- @bembrarian yeah, grossly morphed from the not wonderful "we want to hire glam librarians to erase old maid image" of the 30s/40s #critlib
- A4 @DinahHandel had a great point about being mindful about how library collections reflect and serve their communities #critlib
- A4 I want to think more abt archival collections &processes, esp after reading Ephemeral Material: x http://qub.me/8I9Ohk #critlib
- @ginaschless I think we forget sometimes that it's not always an uphill slog. Sometimes it's people connecting across difference. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian I think it's more about terminology. Students often have vast disc. knowledge but no vocab for knowledge production #critlib
- When I'm on hiring committees, make affirmative action hires. #critlib https://twitter.com/g_q_amy/status/608450000507518977 …
- RT @edrabinski When I'm on hiring committees, make affirmative action hires. #critlib https://twitter.com/g_q_amy/status/608450000507518977 …
- @lisalibrarian @nora_almeida like, "explain what you mean by this. you know way more about this topic/your major/etc. than I do!" #critlib
- @DinahHandel Yes! Let's think more about those things, too! Archivists care about #critlib too, you guys. Or, at least, this archivist does.
- @aripants @lisalibrarian @nora_almeida yep, the reference interview can be a great place for shared contextual and critical work. #critlib
- @edrabinski it sucks that affirmative action is so loaded when all it's doing is leveling the playing field, and only barely #critlib
- Build library collections that reflect broad range of voices/interests. #critlib https://twitter.com/g_q_amy/status/608450000507518977 …
- @kevinseeber @trudysmoke lol I've become a pro at turning down the one-shot (and making it something more useful) #critlib
- @nora_almeida I'd say that they have a different vocabulary. I resist deficit framing but I think we are in agreement in principle #critlib
- i've typed an answer maybe 6 times, but it's kinda this #critlib https://twitter.com/ibeilin/status/608451848534679552 …
- A4 I think also, design systems that are more feminist in their design/implementation, a la http://qub.me/VX6Qom #critlib
- @gabrarian yes! so excited to be part of @jessicahhochman 's #LISgender class in my first ever semester of LIS #critlib
- @edrabinski A challenge but I try to advocate for purchasing from alt vendors #critlib
- Take the reference interview seriously. Don't assume I know better what students need. #critlib https://twitter.com/g_q_amy/status/608450000507518977 …
- Take the reference interview seriously. Don't assume I know better what students need. #critlib https://twitter.com/g_q_amy/status/608450000507518977 …
- @gabrarian Yes! This should happen throughout the entire LIS program! #critlib
- @kevinseeber yes, don't dean me! #critlib
- #critlib One thing io want to do more is challenge local faculty assumptions about who has access to scholarship - that we can be better.
- Feel like it's hard not to bump up against that resistance v. outreach dichotomy though #critlib https://twitter.com/bfister/status/608452473058160644 …
- I love that I have time to do that in my class. Not sure how to fit much of that into one-shot! #critlib @ginaschless
- @DinahHandel i'm so on board for this. [which also involves subverting the 'who does library tech' binary] #critlib
- Yes! "Recognize the role of lived experiences in approaching "knowledge"" #critlib https://twitter.com/LiberryCobbler/status/608452533372227585 …
- @jenlabarbera I want to work more with creators to collaborate on archival processes... How can it be done together? #critlib
- Build infrastructures for diverse voices via book series, gender & sexuality colloquium. #critlib https://twitter.com/g_q_amy/status/608450000507518977 …
- Insisting on teaching #LISgender this summer might be my proudest feminist intervention to date. #critlib
- @kshockey04 Yeah, as a student w/o a "practice", I'm trying to observe and problematize the things I see happening around me. #critlib
- @edrabinski @jenlabarbera @alanakumbier It was sooooo good! Amazing. Queer temporalities and provenance/arragement. mind. blown. #critlib
- @edrabinski Yes! Like the one you're running in Vancouver next April http://litwinbooks.com/2016colloquium.php … #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian Yeah, "good" and "bad" sources is another one of those binaries that has to go. #context #critlib
- a4 i want to help with more things like @LIS_Symposium. praxis-changing in many ways. #critlib
- Hiring practices, too! How do we apply #critlib, #LISgender to reviewing/selecting candidates + our impressions of those diff from us
- @JustinLibrarian are we ever #critlib
- #critlib #LISgender pitch! Join us in Vancouver BC April 2016 for the 2nd Gender & Sexuality Colloquium! http://litwinbooks.com/2016colloquium.php …
- @edrabinski we want to! When will the CFP come out? #critlib
- Pitches!
- & #critlib #LISgender pitch, write a book for my Gender & Sexuality in Information Studies book series! http://litwinbooks.com/series-gender.php …
- @nora_almeida @bfister tho we must be careful to not conflate "disagree w us" w "will not think critically"? #thingIworryabout #critlib
- Huge props to #LISgender students @DinahHandel, @Fiidget, @g_q_amy and @ghislane for making tonight happen! #critlib
- Huge props to #LISgender students @DinahHandel, @Fiidget, @g_q_amy and @ghislane for making tonight happen! #critlib
- #critlib #LISGender pitch. CFP: Topographies of Whiteness thru @LibJuicePress: http://libraryjuicepress.com/whiteness.php
- was great hearing from everyone tonight, & on such a great topic!! keep following the #LISgender tag to see what else we're up to! #critlib
- What??? we're on pitches already??! #critlib #timeflies
- Big thanks to you all! Great #critlib! https://twitter.com/jessicahochman/status/608454367943995392 …
- GREAT #critlib chat tonight! I'm going to extra-enjoy my Thai tonight. https://twitter.com/jessicahochman/status/608454367943995392 …
- Big thanks to you all! Great #critlib! https://twitter.com/jessicahochman/status/608454367943995392 …
- @jessicahochman @DinahHandel @Fiidget @g_q_amy @ghislane Great job! I'm glad this particular #critlib was my first! Energizing!!!
- @trudysmoke lol but 4 real that whole idea of "fit," only people like her are going to be the ones she wants to get a booze with #critlib
- Thanks everyone for a terrific #critlib tonight! https://twitter.com/jessicahochman/status/608454367943995392 …
- @gabrarian @DinahHandel @Fiidget @g_q_amy @ghislane So glad to be the first to welcome you! :) #critlib
- @gabrarian @DinahHandel @Fiidget @g_q_amy @ghislane So glad to be the first to welcome you! :) #critlib
- Thx to @g_q_amy @fiiidget and everyone in @jessicahochman's #LISgender class for a great #critlib chat, near to my heart! Go @PrattSILS!
- Thanks so much to our mods tonight, @DinahHandel @fiiidget @g_q_amy @ghislane @jessicahochman #LISgender! Great chat! #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian thanks! We were psyched to do it! @DinahHandel @fiiidget @g_q_amy @ghislane #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian thanks! We were psyched to do it! @DinahHandel @fiiidget @g_q_amy @ghislane #critlib
- All of the mods tonight were so great! I'm so glad that we have all of you as libraryland colleagues! xoxo #critlib #LISgender
- Not sure if we'd want to make this some sort of #critlib project (@edrabinski & @pumpedlibrarian?) or whatever, just throwing thought out.