Kinesthetic Learning & #critlib
Storify of a #critlib chat held on Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 @ 6PM, and moderated by @Heath_Bears. For more information about #critlib, including past & future chats, please see
Pre-#critlib announcements
- Amidst all the #capal15 tweety goodness, I nearly forgot about tomorrow's #critlib chat, hosted by @Heath_Bears:
- I am moderating my first #critlib chat tomorrow! Eeeep! So nervous! Hope to see you there! Details here: …
- #critlib chat tomorrow, June 2, 8pm eastern, don't miss it! @Heath_Bears on kinesthetic learning and librarianship!
- Just a friendly reminder to #critlib ers- #LISgender course will be facilitating a chat next Tuesday, on feminist contributions in LIS!
- And, there's a super interesting topic tonight on kinesthetic/hands-on librarianship #critlib cheat sheet:
- RLT: I'm obviously very ready for tonight's #critlib chat on kinesthetic learning.
- @kevinseeber I like my #critlib twice baked
- Also I have Tweetdeck, so I'm ready for the #critlib hijinks to start @ 6pm!
- @kevinseeber ha ha ha! That's so good! And delicious! #critlib
- Alright! My name is Heath Davis and I am a faculty librarian @TheLWTech in Kirkland, WA. I'll be moderating this evenings #critlib
- Hi @Heath_Bears I'm Donna, also a faculty librarian, @UofSLibrary excited for tonight's #critlib topic #bodilylibrarianship Thx for mod-ing!
- Hi, I'm Jessica an LIS prof @PrattSILS. Some of my #LISgender students might be here/lurking/participating tonight, too! #critlib
- @jessicahochman @PrattSILS That's fortuitous—thinking gender & embodiment & #critlib reinforce each other in interesting ways. #LISgender
- Excited for tonight's #critlib topic, esp after a gr8/sortakinda related presentation by @hannahgr22 and @amlibrarian to FYE instructors
- @foureyedsoul working on a zine assignment for my fall class using that! #critlib
- @maxmacias Hey Max! There's even a whole buncha people who call them "sketchnotes". #critlib
- Hiya #critlib! Jenna here, from Nueva York. I'll be mostly out tonight but keeping at least half an eye on the convo. Go @Heath_Bears!
- Hi, #critlib! I'm Sarah, LIS student. I'm in @jessicahochman's #LISgender class! Will be ducking in & out tonight as dinner is cooked.
Q1. What are some ways you have fostered #critlib hands-on/bodily learning in your library?
- The readings and links to websites are included in the #critlib doc: …
- A1 So, I kinda wanna just link to @kevinseeber's post of a minute ago as my answer to this... … #critlib
- @donnarosemary Even simple things like "put these cards in order" or "move into groups" are lo-tech but get ppl in the game. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @donnarosemary Oh, I've seen the "go into separate corners if you think the answer is A, B, etc" work well! #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @kevinseeber @donnarosemary yassss, four corners! Or, put yourselves into a line in order of some kind. #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian and this makes me think about how the body and movement is connected to learning #critlib
- @Heath_Bears Since I danced, sometimes I find it superhelpful to spatially situate what I'm doing: piles of related notecards/books #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian and has them warm up/tap their arms, legs, brains, and "love area" (heart!) to get ready to learn. #critlib
- @jessicahochman @Heath_Bears good group component 2 this: everyone doing same thing but in own body, that's very #critlib for group research
- @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian yep, a school librarian I know/love does braingym to help kids focus, has them cross L-R 1/2 #critlib
- @kevinseeber ahhhh yes! I'd love to see those drawings! #critlib
- @kevinseeber we did that for a quiz once -- instead of listing components of a theory, illustrate it. Students did *great* #critlib
- On having students draw their knowledge #critlib #hearteyes <3_<3 …
- @kevinseeber it also had the element of surprise -- there was no way for them to just regurgitate from the book. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @kellymce AFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT #youwintonightscritlib #thankseveryoneforplaying #critlib
- Zines can fit with any instruction plan! #critlib …
- @Heath_Bears ugh, I would be mortified! But... it gets the job done. #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @Heath_Bears "breaking the ice" = "breaking down the silo-ed identities of academia" #critlib
- @fiiidget @Gaymerbrarian @Heath_Bears So much of academia's professionalism & "discipline" has to do with maintaining identities. #critlib
- .@Gaymerbrarian's tweets remind how important it is to experience the benefits of bodily learning ourselves in order teach it well #critlib
- Because, IME, I need to know/experience something in my body myself in order to successfully teach it to others #critlib @Gaymerbrarian
- @margymaclibrary Ooooooh! I like that! It's a multi-layered approach. #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @margymaclibrary yeah! especially for an FYE/new student, great way to get them to get INTO the library & collaborate #critlib
- I want to hear more about joint mapmaking in library instruction! #critlib …
- @Heath_Bears @margymaclibrary also share info! libs know their spaces differently than users. Users sharing info btwn themselves! #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @Heath_Bears #critlib Phys. books imp. For info design Ss - use lots of visual materials for inspiration
Q2: How does hands-on/bodily learning bolster #critlib? Where are some areas it is most needed? Where are limitations?
- A2 in which @DinahHandel and @kellymce tweet the same thing back to back... #critlib #sharedbrainwaveacrosstwitter
- @foureyedsoul good question/answer! what about video or documenting movement? #critlib
- @Heath_Bears Oh, right!!! That could be a bit like the "photo ethnographies" I've read about from @DonnaLanclos, @aasher & others. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul Yeah, I've tried to use tech to mimic in-class activities. Didn't work. Tech is good for other stuff, maybe not this. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @Heath_Bears #selfie studies? But I feel like could go further. If video, time can be put into preparation. #critlib
- @kevinseeber @foureyedsoul I think having activities students do, then reflect on, can be one way. #critlib
- @margymaclibrary @foureyedsoul do you mean doing an info exploration exercise at home or in their personal space? #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @foureyedsoul #critlib Either or both.. Could be phys. drawing mental model of info, or exploring info srcs in their space
- @Heath_Bears @margymaclibrary @foureyedsoul both! oh, even IRL learners could do this: create "record" of their info environment. #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @foureyedsoul @Heath_Bears #critlib can't remember where, but saw a lib. w/photo contest"what does your research look like?"
- @Gaymerbrarian oh please say more on this... my gut says bodily learning can be a huge relief for those w/ invis disabilities... #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian Great question! I would aim for bodily learning to be inclusive of physical disability. #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears Maybe prep is mentally prepping for limited mobility & taking cues from the students? #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears eg Giving extra time if someone wants to move, or asking what group they're in if can't? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears I'm just worried about putting onus on person to direct, rather than instructor prepping #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears Important worry. Maybe if it's a visible thing (wheelchair), ask student before class? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears def rathr than "onthespot" but even broadr "nxt week were moving. anything I should kno?" #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears Yeah. I'm imagining the standard "show up for a 1 shot" scenario here. Maybe mobility… #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears …& other disability concerns should be standard practice to ask about before 1 shots. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears doesn't even have to be 1 shot - inform/ask @ beginning of semester that plans exist #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian @donnarosemary Yes. It's astounding (but not surprising) how many of these things are complementary. #critlib
- @donnarosemary definitely! I have done many expeditions like that as activities. #critlib
- @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears space involves less "beforetime" prep, so maybe have plans for flexibility in lesson implementation? #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian ...but also open to the possibility this isn't true for all #critlib and of course what of phys disability?
- @Gaymerbrarian reminds me of history of thoughts episode of invisibilia #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian Agreed. Was thinking about how much of this is ableist. Lots to consider. #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian sometimes describing your context, placing your body in space, can acknowledge all kinds of difference. #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian this reminds me of the time I wanted to take a sledgehammer to my ref desk bc a student w/wheels couldn't fit behind #critlib
- @donnarosemary @Gaymerbrarian i've had the same issues with ref desk work. I'd like a mobile setup scaleable to context #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @donnarosemary @AcornElectric just mentioned this: part of broader accessibility issue in lib spaces. #critlib
- .@SarahCrissinger @kevinseeber @Gaymerbrarian I need emojis on my desktop,I'm doin the laughing-crying face x1000 #critlib #donnawithahammer
- @kevinseeber @Gaymerbrarian I was thinking the same thing. I imagine whether ableist wld vary on the specifics of accommodations #critlib
- @foureyedsoul @kevinseeber @Gaymerbrarian yes, and how to go beyond "accommodation" and really make it inclusive from beginning #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger @kevinseeber @Gaymerbrarian Absolutely! I was thinking of an interpreter, since I'm most used to Deaf issues #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian Right, just the consideration is important starting place. Definitely doesn't have to be. #critlib
- @jessicahochman @Heath_Bears this is a really good point: acknowledging physicality, whatever it is, can help ownership of ability #critlib
- @jessicahochman And actually this makes me think of a neat way to incorp into distance ed 1/2 #critlib @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian
- @jessicahochman A discussion prompt where students describe the space/place they are posting from 2/2 #critlib @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian
- @donnarosemary @jessicahochman @Gaymerbrarian and how their body is situated in these spaces. could address info context #critlib
- @donnarosemary @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian love that idea. Makes me think about different ways to be present, too. #critlib
Q3: What are some areas in #critlib where we might integrate hands-on/bodily learning? Where are some places it is most needed?
- @foureyedsoul That is a good question re: distance learners. I'd be interested if anyone has tackled that #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @Gaymerbrarian @kellymce yep, and looking at our different POVs also challenges objective notions of truth. #critlib
- @jessicahochman @Heath_Bears @kellymce I think just asking questions about organization: not always alphabetical or DD or LoC #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian @jessicahochman @kellymce distrust is paramount to learning and critical thinking, yes? #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger Zines are even a great ex here... a form of self publication, often bc opressive or broken SC systems #critlib
- +++1 I am wondering too @SarahCrissinger! Please speculate for our collective benefit :-D #critlib …
Q4: How would hands-on/bodily learning impact other aspects of librarianship? How can we bring the body into #critlib?
- @Heath_Bears yeah, like a tool library perhaps? #critlib
- Something else to do when teaching with zines! #critlib …
- .@Heath_Bears yeah! Places to make stuff! #critlib I guess you could call that a makerspace, if you wanted.
- @foureyedsoul @Heath_Bears @kellymce I like when hi & lo fi are present; begs consideration of both as knowldg creation + ephemeral #critlib
- Not to mention zine content. Everybody trace a menstrual pad pattern! #critlib Also, one-page folding-zines. …
- @margymaclibrary @Heath_Bears @JMLoyer that was in my follow up from the #capal15 tweets! [waves] #critlib
- This may sounds uber cheesy, but, what about field trips into the stacks??? #critlib …
- @donnarosemary #critlib That's how the mapping exercise started.. Taking them in to find by browsing
Q5: What is the long term effects/goals of bringing hands-on/bodily learning into #critlib?
- A5 Feelings of comfort and familiarity for the learner/researcher when occupying research processes and spaces #critlib #amimakingsense?
- @donnarosemary recognizing how information arrangement and function is extension of body? #critlib
- A fun object to bring into class is catalog cards-draw/write on them. Make a nifty slideshow w/ them after. … #critlib
- @Heath_Bears A5 #critlib association of IL with endorphins, invoking of curiosity through reflection on experiencing info in a new way
- @margymaclibrary so how can i get my students to be terrified so they will learn IL? let's do IL over a cliff? #critlib
- @Heath_Bears LOL this image is hysterical to me rn... #critlib #infolitoveracliff #itevenrhymes @margymaclibrary
- @Heath_Bears #critlib - meant happy exercise endorphins, not thrill based ones...but sometimes have used friendly competition...
- @margymaclibrary i know. I just thought it was funny. Medina links fear/stress with damaging ability to learn #critlib
- A5- Thinking about how much of this discussion of making stuff plays into metaliteracy in the #acrlframework? #critlib
- @kevinseeber this is a really good point and ties in with empowering student as a creator of knowledge but other things as well #critlib
- @SarahCrissinger Yup! Breaks down barriers and shows them they are a part of it. #critlib
- A5 Come to think of it, I think there is a strong connection between bodily learning and hospitality #critlib #ideastomarinatein
- @donnarosemary oooh, I love that! #critlib
- @donnarosemary My mind went straight to cookies as hospitality to body #critlib
- .@donnarosemary @margymaclibrary Its #essential for #critlib to give #donnawithahammer a #chocolatechipcriticalcookie for her #criticalbody
- In which @Gaymerbrarian maybe steals the #critlib win for the night from @kevinseeber in one fell tweet... …
- @Gaymerbrarian @margymaclibrary :-D <~~~ happy #criticaldonna because #criticalcookie is yummy+feeling like #criticalcookiemonster #critlib
- @Heath_Bears A5 #critlib Recognizing that space and place are part of context... Body in space IS information
- .@margymaclibrary @Heath_Bears literally, can be data, & makerspaces/data visualization can show that! #critlib
- @foureyedsoul agreed. is there research on this? #critlib
- @Heath_Bears That's an excellent question. I was writing more anecdotally/from my experience. Anyone else have citations handy? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul such a terrific point. love this #critlib
- @Heath_Bears @foureyedsoul #critlib Often encourage students to do body based mnemonics Count of on fingers PINCH for citation 1/2
- @Heath_Bears @foureyedsoul #critlib 2/2 Punct. Ital. Numbers. Capitals. HangingIndent backed up with small self-pinch
- This is the whole ballgame. #critlib …
Q6: How does hands-on/bodily learning challenge established practices of librarianship? #critlib
- A6: It challenges it bc we spend little/no time in lib school on #diverselearning styles; we really need to address many at once. #critlib
- @AcornElectric i think of organizing as a physical activity that facilitates ease of access here #critlib #stackingCDs
- @margymaclibrary this is actually my favorite thing #critlib breaks down "holiness" of lib space into something users can actually use
- .@Gaymerbrarian @margymaclibrary or it redefines/reclaims "holy" as embodied and messy (in the liberating not chaotic sense) #critlib
- @Heath_Bears Definitely. Btw growing up at a school for the Deaf & skating/biking, I'm attuned to what I learn via sound/movement. #critlib
- @Heath_Bears I've no clue if that's part of what makes me have empathy & concern for others' ways of knowing, but I'd imagine so. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul this is a question i think about all the time. the info/knowledge learning of privilege and oppression. #critlib
- @Heath_Bears Oh, to clarify: I'm hearing & always have been. I lived on the campus of a school for the Deaf bc my dad worked there #critlib
- @foureyedsoul there seems to be one type of knowing that wins out #critlib
- @Heath_Bears Sadly, it's usually the one that poses the fewest challenges to & for those already established as the authorities. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul yes, and i'd like to know how we can make the leap from info that is known to info that is felt. topic for another #critlib
- @Heath_Bears Oh, that would be stellar. I'll keep thinking about that. Great #critlib idea for a chat or just in general.
- @foureyedsoul it's a topic that is covered in cult studies (love epistemologies), but i don't see it covered anywhere else #critlib
- @Gaymerbrarian Definitely. Ethnicity, too—many have written about embodiments seen as "excesses" that impede "universal" insights. #critlib
- Gotta jet, so here's my #critlib pitch -- share your quips and jokes for my and @pumpedlibrarian's webinar: …
- Thanks to @Heath_Bears for modding!! #critlib
- I hafta go shut down my library y'all! Yay for a fab #critlib! Thanks @Heath_Bears for modding!
- @nfoasberg not to mention the very bodily exp i have when a learner challenges me on what i know. #sweatingbullets #critlib
- .@nfoasberg remembering to be embodied, take care of my body, be present in a space, all of these things! We can do it together B) #critlib
- Great job, @Heath_Bears! I will also be moderating #critlib for 1st time in a few weeks and you've given me something to aspire to!
- Thanks @Heath_Bears for a really good #critlib! Glad to be back in the game.
- @Gaymerbrarian yer welcome! it was not as scary as I thought it was going to be #payingattentiontobodilyfeels #critlib
- Thanks @Heath_Bears! Such a great discussion + lots to revisit! Tune in next week, folks! #LISgender students will be modding!! #critlib
- Thanks @Heath_Bears fro a great #critlib chat!
- @margymaclibrary Thank you too! Thanks for being gentle with me for my first time! #critlib
- My #critlib pitch is that we shun everyone who went to #capal15 and ditched us tonight. #capaleftbehind #iskevinserious?