- As usual, #critlib kicked off with some buzz and introductions
- Tonight 9pm eastern #critlib talks assessment with mod @lisalibrarian! Be there!
- #critlib starts in 30 min! Trying to get it together over here so I'm not late! http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- Introductions continued to trickle in while we moved on to Question 1: What types of accreditation, program review, governmental, etc. standards are in play at your institution?
- A1: we are currently undergoing SACS COCS pie development. #toomanyacronyms #critlib
- Q1: Is it terrible if I don't actually know? #critlib #badlibrarian
- @beccakatharine not horrible. but, may sub Q - how could you find out? #critlib
- @kevinseeber thanks for adding in govt example #critlib (fortunately, can map from any doc to another!)
- @kevinseeber Interesting. I'd look forward to hearing more about that process, esp. as Standards factor into it. #critlib
- @kshockey04 ALA for the LIS program accred? Not sure what ARL would review? #critlib
- @beccakatharine It depends on one's subject areas - my areas haven't come up yet. #critlib
- @LizLieutenant the original accidental critical pedagogue! But it works! #critlib
- @lisalibrarian #critlib Q1: we have HLC accreditation. Each dept has an assessment plan with annual reporting since 1998.
- Q2 addresses how those standards impact the library: How do accreditation, program review, governmental, etc. standards impact the library?
- @trudysmoke you don't like credibility? :) :) #critlib
- @trudysmoke yes to this! That's kinda what I was trying to say as well #critlib
- @lisalibrarian ha well I do, but I like it because it's deserved, not because it is in a form they have to fill out :) #critlib
- @beccakatharine Right, and the Standards hanging around is going to make that job harder, esp if your program is pro-Framework. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian I'm not speaking first-hand, but currency and relevance seem paramount. Not sure what the benchmarks are. #critlib
- @kevinseeber Who decides what to assess & how? Is it mostly libr* or also other instruction faculty involved? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul All library driven. We partner w/ other programs, but they defer to us on info lit matters. #critlib
- A2 #critlib we're similar to @kevinseeber's situation at my lib as well.
- Beyond accreditation we're in a similar spot to @kevinseeber in designing our own SLOs, assessment, etc. #critlib A2
- @beccakatharine @kevinseeber yes and no. I don't think the SLOs are developed in a vacuum and are in a reaction to outside convos. #critlib
- @beccakatharine @kevinseeber Also we can participate in multi-institutional stuff (which we are) but I have doubts on how #critlib it is
- @ginaschless yesss we're doing that here too #critlib
- .@pumpedlibrarian @ginaschless A2 That is awesome, we're trying for this too but need to make more inroads. Slowly but surely. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @ginaschless Yes, @718anne & I are on the college gen ed committee, uni gen ed is more...complicated. #critlib
- @trudysmoke oh wow you guys want to do all the assessing? I suppose you are smaller, I couldn't even imagine us assessing all GE #critlib
- @kshockey04 @lisalibrarian Its basically just a bar to get over to be part of the club. its not review #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @kshockey04 It would be considered bad form not to report. Its part of the membership deal--but it not accredidation #critlib
- A2: Won't be sharing specifics about MPOW, but I can say that chocolate is standard fare: https://twitter.com/libskrat/status/402804843699388416 … #critlib
- @lisalibrarian For us it seems that collections are most important for many of the program accreditations. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian Yeah, my old job at ARL was all about books- didn't really look at info lit beyond # of classes. No SLO assessing. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @lisalibrarian Many of our programs are tech-related and they want to be sure we don't have old stuff on shelves #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @lisalibrarian This is one of the reasons why our library collections are kept lean and mean. not a research lib #critlib
- @amhgruber @pumpedlibrarian @lisalibrarian Yes the db/journals are very important too - forgot about those! #critlib
- @ibeilin @pumpedlibrarian @lisalibrarian Interesting. I work w nrsing/sciences & don't weed 4 accred. Care more about db/ journals #critlib
- @lisalibrarian good question! I've seen some arguments made based on results for additional staffing to support pilot initiatives #critlib
- @lisalibrarian at previous lib: program review, we were able to show "value" and use infolit success to argue for another position #critlib
- We then move on to discuss how standards enable or are hindrances to critical instruction: Q3 - How do accreditation, program review, government standards, etc. impact critical library instruction? How are they hindrances, enablers, etc.?
- .@edrabinski But reporting what exactly? #critlib
- .@edrabinski So Standards enable reporting of outcomes, thus freeing up time for #critlib learning... 1/2
- .@edrabinski ...is this a disconnect bw what's reported & what's actually happening? #critlib
- @donnarosemary yeah. I don't feel the need to measure #critlib stuff.
- .@edrabinski Ah, ok. That makes sense. But your instruction generates non-#critlib assess data at same time #critlib = focus? #impressive
- @donnarosemary @edrabinski in same boat. we assess what we can, which is usually skills-y. #critlib stuff there just not measured same way
- @kshockey04 could they or inherently they cannot? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian (1/2) they historically have not. the biggest ex, ALA, has a specific set of values it institutionalizes. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian (2/2) #critlib is not what the CoA has in mind. It has the values as outlined by Lib bill of rights, etc.
- @kshockey04 got it. just pushing for whether is an "as practiced" or "just not possible" issue ... #critlib
- @lisalibrarian most accreditation focused on inputs/outputs, incompatible w #critlib
- @nicholsonkp incompatible or just sort of irrelevant to that focus? #critlib
- A3: Any may at times be incompatible with purpose of assessment.. #critlib .@beccakatharine
- A3 Seems standards could be hindrances & opportunities, depending on how used & ability to inflect with #critlib ideas #AlwaysContextual
- @nicholsonkp so, accred is a barrier to #critlib?
- @lisalibrarian @beccakatharine Can push it in a direction that impedes - but mostly it's more like two ships passing in the night #critlib
- @lisalibrarian sometimes they might align, but most often they do not because Am. libship is a classical liberal institution. #critlib
- @kshockey04 LIS programs get to set own outcomes tho w/i larger framework....? #critlib
- @kshockey04 intriguing ... i've seen a great deal more variation than it seems you have #critlib
- @lisalibrarian I see your point. Perhaps but not always a barrier but Incompatible=diff goals #critlib
- @lisalibrarian this is more of a rhetorical argument, but there is no american librarianship value that has #critlib at core
- @lisalibrarian there may be variance, but it is a niche. most people don't get it formally. #critlib
- @LizLieutenant anything, any process or level of involvement that increases student agency is bound to be a good thing. #critlib
- @lisalibrarian @kshockey04 In our present moment I think many are antithetical to #critlib critlib as they reinforce and create inequality
- @lisalibrarian @beccakatharine assessment of learning can be #critlib but is often a diff question than program review type "value" assess.
- .@ginaschless @edrabinski Tho I cringe at this word in this context: is the non-#critlib assessment "authentic" then?(wtva that means:))
- @lisalibrarian @ginaschless @donnarosemary @edrabinski I imagine assessing #critlib would be almost prohibitively qualitative in method.
- @kevinseeber I think we require mixed methods-- qual and quant can support each other #critlib
- @edrabinski @donnarosemary Curious about your exp as an LIS educator. Curriculum has some #critlib, yes? Does this influence assessment?
- @lisalibrarian I take specific issue with the ALA defintion of intellectual freedom and its incompatibility w/#critlib
- @lisalibrarian but accreditation as values-institutionalization arm in LIS ed favors intellectual freedom. #critlib
- @kshockey04 @lisalibrarian hmmm. that requires deep reflection. Does it mean #critlib has no place in the foundation culture?
- @rawdeal85 would love to see more direct collaboration between the two #critlib
- Question 4: What strategies do you have for articulating critical library practices within standards-based programmatic assessment?
- @lisalibrarian now there's a question! I love how you always tackle the tough stuff! :) #critlib
- @hsifnihplod @kshockey04 Don't know about that. If #critlib is institutionalized, is it still #critlib ?
- @pumpedlibrarian cool, how do you do so in one-shots? #critlib
- @lisalibrarian I thought Q was re: lib practices. We're Middle States here. We're able to define & measure our IL prog locally #critlib
- .@EamonTewell also important to consider how data we're collecting fits in the wider context of data, society, surveillence, etc. #critlib
- @nicholsonkp totally! and this goes back to the idea of needing to work more closely with faculty, escape the standard 1-shots #critlib
- @hsifnihplod I don't see #critlib as a monolith that needs broader validity - it is problematizing the broader validity we already have.
- @ibeilin @hsifnihplod @kshockey04 why not? Reflection & praxis can become operating procedure #critlib not necessarily subversive
- @kevinseeber @ibeilin @hsifnihplod @kshockey04 I imagine #critlib as a sort of ever-receding horizon. It's still based in librarianship, tho
- @plutoHimself @hsifnihplod @kshockey04 until we radically reconfigure the society that creates american librarianship, #critlib must be subv
- @nicholsonkp def, put it up on my blog awhile back: http://pumpedlibrarian.blogspot.com/2014/08/a-short-post-on-critlib-outcomes-and.html … #critlib
- @EamonTewell having students create rubrics very valueable, again not sure how to do so with one-shots #critlib
- .@EamonTewell agree! and focus on formative assessment for this reason is most important here #critlib
- @ginaschless @EamonTewell maybe more important 2 have students begin thinking critically about services than actually create rubric #critlib
- To wrap up, our crit lib pitches!
- #critlib pitch: if interested in experimenting w/ #acrlframework-inspired assessment, I created accessible v of doc: https://sites.google.com/site/acrlframework/home …
- cfp critical pedagogy in library instruction #critlib http://bit.ly/1uCpTIF
- Final #critlib pitch (marginally related to the topic) come work with @beccakatharine and I - science librarian: http://www.usc.edu/libraries/jobs/librarians/ …
- If u want more space to write your thoughts about the #critlib chat topic tonight (or any nite), we got u some space: http://critlib.tumblr.com/submit