#critlib 1/13/15: radical reference
Storified #critlib on 1/13/15, moderated by @eamontewell. Adler article available at http://ojs.gc.cuny.edu/index.php/urbanlibrary/article/view/1395/pdf_4. Other reading available at http://radicalreference.info/. Horizontal rule lines to encompass large conversation trains.
- Intros!
- Tonight's questions along with more info about #critlib are posted at http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- @EamonTewell @barnlib @rorylitwin our lib counts appts as instruction, desk stats separate. always makes me cranky. #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie @oksveta @barnlib as @pumpedlibrarian mentions no ref desk not same as no available staff. triage is important #critlib
- @delaubrarian @oksveta @barnlib @pumpedlibrarian We have triage, too. Some wouldn’t wait when told “I don’t know, let me get someone else”…
- @delaubrarian @oksveta @barnlib @pumpedlibrarian But then the question is how to balance? Would that interaction be productive enough to +
- @delaubrarian @oksveta @barnlib @pumpedlibrarian justify more time on desk? Or is it ok that student won’t get reference help they seek?
- @LibrarianAngie @oksveta @barnlib @pumpedlibrarian good question for every local community. is that their most pressing need? #critlib
- Isn't planning their research a valuable lesson for students unto itself? #critlib @LibrarianAngie @delaubrarian @oksveta @pumpedlibrarian
- @barnlib yes. is "immediacy" a value that is serving libraries well overall? @LibrarianAngie @oksveta @pumpedlibrarian #critlib
- @delaubrarian @barnlib @oksveta @pumpedlibrarian Not really. I think it’s ok to have to wait for an appt #critlib
- @barnlib @LibrarianAngie @delaubrarian @oksveta @pumpedlibrarian I kinda agree w/this-empowersS's to take control of their learning #critlib
- whoops. T.D @mtroydavis Hello. I”m not a ref librarian at W&M in virginia. #critlib
- #critlib I'm Stephanie, @LibraryJournal editor, mostly lurking while drinking a lot of tea and snuggling under several blankets.
- Rory Litwin of @LibJuicePress ... lurking mainly, but I want to say I really enjoyed Kate Adler's article #critlib
- music, theater, art librarian at W&M w/ @mtroydavis ; #copyright nerd ; aspiring rabble rouser.#critlib
- Hi #critlib I'm Karla, the Gender & Women's Studies Librarian for WI @WisWSLibrarian Presently dissertating and migraining...
- Now gonna play #critlib catch-up, since said VR chat is also the reason I'm late for this Twitter chat... #hereshopingicatchupintimetoplay
- Q1: How do you define "critical reference"?
- A1 I’d say patron-focused, not always patron-driven. Many of our students want simple answer, I have to drive convo #critlib @librarybell
- @LibrarianAngie @librarybell this is a really interesting distinction to reflect on, esp wrt the knowledge each party brings #critlib
- @melbrarian @librarybell definitely depends on culture at your library, and varies by person, status (undergrad vs grad students) #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie @librarybell im thinking too that both could be appropriate models, depending on nature of inquiry #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie @librarybell and of course, that one inquiry could easily encompass both models, or move between them! #critlib
- @foureyedsoul Delightfully, Barnard students are accustomed to disc's of privilege/absence. But if desperate, maybe less into it! #critlib
- Shout out to coworkers @lettersfromvani @neptunemir & Lois Coleman 4 disc. we had today abt consultations that informed last tweet. #critlib
- @mtroydavis Interesting point; I always think of ref as "point of need instruction" #critlib
- @beccakatharine @mtroydavis "Point of need instruction" is a great phrase for it! Shows similarities btw appointments & desk ref #critlib
- @beccakatharine wish every librarian thought that... @mtroydavis
- @beccakatharine @mtroydavis My lib just redefined our spectrum of user services: DIY finding & learning, desk, consults, classroom #critlib
- @maric_kramer I <3 "DIY finding and learning" !! #critlib
- @beccakatharine Props to @librarianmer for the DIY language. Our websites are sites of investigation & libn assistance! #critlib
- @KShockey04 yes, liked the point adler's article made wrt building rapport & solidarity w patrons, "place both parties at ease" #critlib
- We say research librarians! (& <3 kittens) RT @delaubrarian does a kitten lose its angel wings every time we use term reference? #critlib
- A1 & #critreference has going for it (that classroom IL has less so): 1-on-1 w/student means exchange relationship-based/humanizing #critlib
- Q2: What does critical reference look like in practice? What are the characteristics of a critical reference librarian?
- .@beccakatharine virtual #critreference empowers researcher to learn systems librarian takes for granted #critlib
- @donnarosemary Can you elab? I'm at a loss for how to make virtual ref more conversational/dialogic #critlib
- @donnarosemary @beccakatharine For patrons, this makes a huge diff! Otherwise, we're just little textboxes spitting out links & pleasantries
- @beccakatharine This, every time (even if I do know). It isn't about my real or imagined expertise. #critlib
- @mtroydavis In regards to the traditional role of authority, or another sense? #critlib
- @EamonTewell well, as a continuing thought experiment whose aim is to discover relevance.
- @rawdeal85 the panopticon! #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @rawdeal85 walking around with a notepad to take hourly patron count also adds to the "we're watching you" vibe :/ #crilib
- .@melbrarian agreed! critical ref. librarian isn't performing at being ultimate authority on topic #critlib
- @librarybell @melbrarian @oksveta We have laptops at our info lit desk (it's like Level 2 Ref Desk); I stand alongside patrons #critlib
- @delaubrarian Yes, and I would add that we should try not be act like experts even about libraries! #critlib
- @delaubrarian Preach! I'm not a fan of being labelled an "expert" in order to try to convince ppl to access my assistance. #critlib
- @maric_kramer but such an intrinsic part of the academy power structure. :( #critlib
- @delaubrarian Speaking of academy power structure... dare we broach the topic of faculty status for libns? #critlib
- @aliqaesong yes! also, acknowledging the point of need might not be your marble service desk #critlib
- Because librarians are often such pleasers @aliqaesong I think we assume point of need, when students can actually wait. #critlib
- @aliqaesong Can we be professionals w/o being "experts"? #critlib
- @maric_kramer i don't think so, honestly. isn't expertise a condition of professionalism? it doesn't mean we're the only experts #critlib
- @aliqaesong @maric_kramer Difference between being an expert and having the attitude "I am an expert." #critlib
- @rorylitwin diff between 'i am an expert' and 'i have expertise'? @maric_kramer
- @aliqaesong I don't know. Libschool didn't make me an expert. And it helps me to approach every interaction as a learner. #critlib
- @maric_kramer @aliqaesong Study and experience makes experts. Being a good reference librn takes more than a good attitude - takes knowldge
- @maric_kramer aren't we learners & experts? if we don't own expertise, then why are we there? teaching, facilitation also a skill #critlib
- @rorylitwin i'm also viewing thru lens of women socialized to deemphasize expertise, knowledge, skills in workplace @maric_kramer #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @aliqaesong @rorylitwin @maric_kramer Has anyone discussed Freire with that "feminized" consideration in mind? #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @aliqaesong @rorylitwin @maric_kramer Seems something hooks (or Giroux?) might have addressed? I'll try to find #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @foureyedsoul @aliqaesong @rorylitwin @maric_kramer been meaning to dig in more. Will for forthcoming article.
- . @kevinseeber yes! or those awful 'at least 5 sources, 2 must be "print sources" for no particular reason' assignments. #critlib
- Is part of #critlib #critreference questioning *professors* about assignments & requirements? How do folks do that dance? @kevinseeber
- @donnarosemary @kevinseeber @barnlib I would like to be more proactive. Ask them to provide a copy beginning of semester. #critlib
- @FromtheShelves @kevinseeber @barnlib Oh def but there's no way to know every fac who will be assigning smthg tht cld=refdesk visit #critlib
- @donnarosemary @kevinseeber @barnlib Sure. I'm just sick of being surprised all the time. :) #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian emotional labor is just labor #critlib
- @mtroydavis @pumpedlibrarian emotional labor is not "just" labor.
- @aliqaesong @mtroydavis @pumpedlibrarian yea I actually think I misinterpreted the tone of that tweet and I actually agree that labor=labor
- @MakeItHappenDay @aliqaesong @pumpedlibrarian yes labor is labor. don’t want to marginalize it in any way! #critlib
- @MakeItHappenDay @aliqaesong @mtroydavis @pumpedlibrarian but emotional labour is totally unrecognized and under-valued.
- @MakeItHappenDay @aliqaesong @mtroydavis @pumpedlibrarian as well as a well-documented cause of burnout. Thinking of Arlie Hoschild's work
- @mtroydavis continually marginalized as the labor of women, POC. libraries no different. @lisaslo @MakeItHappenDay @pumpedlibrarian
- @pumpedlibrarian Keep returning 2 skills developd working retail, food service. Must account 4 & plan to extend multidirectionally #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian Biggest difficulty: working w libs, admins w/o that background, who don't incorp emotional aspect in expectations #critlib
- @aliqaesong @lisaslo @MakeItHappenDay @mtroydavis I still need to read that, I saved the info from your prev rec of it, Aliqae! #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian Emotional labor and productive affect: million-dollah question.#critlib
- Q3: In what ways are reference services oppressive?
- @logansrun98 I started to type "approachable" for description of critical ref librs, but that's soooo not up to individual libr. #critlib
- @logansrun98 Agree we definitely need more librs of color! #critlib
- .@foureyedsoul word of mouth will work too, so POC or other ppl of marginalized pops will hear that you are cool & seek you out. #critlib
- @logansrun98 That's my hope! I make eye contact & smile at everyone who walks by, which I hope helps set an inviting tone. #critlib
- .@foureyedsoul yes, give good #critlib and word will get out at you are someone to go to! word of mouth is the best (or worst) marketing!
- @lisaflepore @foureyedsoul agreed. & vulnerability. open up and ppl will inevitably see a piece of you they relate to. oh and humor!#critlib
- We need librarians who don't look like "librarians"... whichever color or creed. @logansrun98 #critlib
- .@LizLieutenant yes! & even if technically true, members of the public are not always meant to feel welcome there #critlib
- @foureyedsoul whats your intervention? #critlib
- @mtroydavis I try to talk about where sources come from, work they do in info systems, ask patrons if they're familiar w/similar #critlib
- @donnarosemary I do think that it can be a welcoming, comforting place - the opposite of oppressive, actually. #critlib
- @lisaflepore @ibeilin @donnarosemary Physical position is imp. Side-by-side shows your learning with them, less confrontational #critlib
- @donnarosemary Can't agree more! Care to elaborate? #critlib
- @EamonTewell @donnarosemary always feels like a physical barrier that reinforces power structures in a concrete way. #critlib
- @donnarosemary I hear that. My space: tall counter. bummer for time to/from patron workspace, plus tough for kids/shorter folks. #critlib
- A3.2: wanted to #hulksmash desk last sem when a student w/disability in wheelchair couldn't join me behind desk b/c not enough room #critlib
- @donnarosemary one of the reasons i always try to come out from behind #critlib
- @delaubrarian When you come out from behind, what workstation do you work at w/ student? #critlib
- @donnarosemary either their laptop or a library station nearby #critlib
- @donnarosemary at previous institution it was *required* of all libs to come out to the students. <3 ed it! #critlib
- @donnarosemary @delaubrarian I set up a circular table for one-on-one work. Helps keep us all on one level, out from behind wall. #critlib
- @donnarosemary @KShockey04 Oh, thanks for that! I need to make a plan for our new standing-height desk. At least laptops move. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul we have a grad student assistant w/disability; fixed desk is impossible for her. want to #hulksmash daily.
- @melbrarian yes and to act surprised when they don't know is the ultimate jerk move
- @ginaschless yes! is possible for students to get to uni having *never* used a lib. need to tell students there is no shame in this #critlib
- Yes or yr presence interp'd as invite to be hit on MT @ginaschless:desk can be oppressive when behind it you are a woman on display #critlib
- @donnarosemary @ginaschless ugh yes, can inspire creepy behavior, had dude lurk by desk every day & ask me same Q @ last job #critlib
- .@pumpedlibrarian @ginaschless speaking of emot'l labor: when public patron (alum) kept crossing verbal line, I became enraged #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @ginaschless It was a few yrs ago, but that kind of rage is v out of character for me. Such a violation. #critlib
- @lisaflepore I was thinking that too. It's a place that has inherent capital and not built by the communtiy. #critlib
- @lisaflepore @delaubrarian agreed! I wonder many times while waiting that were missing the discussion that is actually happening! #critilb
- @mtroydavis This is a good area for qualitative inquiry #critlib
- @mtroydavis READ scale is a pretty flexible way to gauge "intensity", "complexity"? of interactions. can be what you make of it #critlib
- Q4: Are there reference models that improve upon traditional services in a critical sense? What would a #critlib reference model look like?
- @KShockey04 Mutual naming of the service/space? #critlib
- @beccakatharine the service, the space, the problem, the source, the reason for needing to question. #critlib
- Love that @aliqaesong mentioned emotion with regard to #critlib & #critreference. Research can be scary, angering, joyful, etc.
- .@mtroydavis I disagree. No matter what, power structures are always there, if invisible it's harder for users to challenge them. #critlib
- @melbrarian roving has many benefits, but it can also feel a little surveillence-y #critlib
- @LibrarianAngie @oksveta @melbrarian Our stacks are quiet floors, and the students will shush us for talking there! #critlib
- @librarybell @LibrarianAngie @oksveta @melbrarian we were one of those libs the year of the student shushing viral vids! #critlib
- @kevinseeber @oksveta @melbrarian this is my personal bias against, too. would HATE it as a patron. #critlib #innerlibrarian #inneruser
- @kevinseeber @oksveta @melbrarian good pt, don't want to force students into interactions..I hate when salespeople follow me around #critlib
- @melbrarian Great points. Ideally, mix both? Did that at old job, loved it; current job only staff/time for one at at a time.
- @delaubrarian Yes, focus on high-impact, but there's often not enough ppl even for that-- takes a radical-minded leadership #critlib
- @delaubrarian b/c a commitment requires other things to go #critlib
- @delaubrarian desk hours, collection development, etc. Pick a favorite "traditional" area #critlib
- @delaubrarian Lots of institutional politics too surround these things too-- e.g. entire departments devoted to reference
- @oksveta @delaubrarian I've never worked in public lib, so I'm not sure-- at some level there does need to be com contact point
- @oksveta @delaubrarian e.g. the circ desk
- @delaubrarian @oksveta How to meet people where they need help and are comfortable getting help-- big questions
- @delaubrarian @oksveta Again, I think its relationships though-- if you know someone to ask = more likely to ask
- Q5: What actions can we take to encourage a critical approach to reference?
- @EamonTewell A5. keep trying to ask that question in different ways #critlib
- A5: Training new staff, make #critreference processes/dialogues/patterns the norm/default! #critlib (new p/t ref librn starts here in 2wks!)
- A5 Build ref services into/graft onto(?) IL program so ref services become site for #critIL #critlib #critreference #critALLthethings
- Pitches!
- #critlib #pitch: If you're near NYC, come hear me and @pumpedlibrarian (via AZ) talk about badges and gen ed - https://gamesfest2015.commons.gc.cuny.edu/schedule/
- #critlib pitch: as always check out @WisWSLibrarian for all your intersectional feminist LGBTQ research needs! thx all! peace&justice, karla
- #critlib pitch: ditto what @rawdeal85 said. Also #critlib blog will be up someday! Thx @EamonTewell for moderating, great chat!
- Thanks @EamonTewell for excellent topic, questions & moderation! #critlib
- Gotta go, this #critlibrary ( ;) ) is about to close and I'll be locked in if I don't leave! Thanks for a great #critlib chat!
- @EamonTewell Thanks so much for mod-ing a v. fast paced #critlib chat!
- @barnlib @EamonTewell yea, thanks. dig it and dug it.
- @EamonTewell Thanks for a great evening of #critlib!
- Thanks @EamonTewell for the great #critlib moderation, Qs and readings!
- Thanks, @EamonTewell! Tonight's #critlib flew by!
- Thanks @EamonTewell for a great #critlib!
- @EamonTewell Thanks so much for mod-ing a v. fast paced #critlib chat!
- @EamonTewell Thanks to you & #critlib for tonight's chat! Great kickoff the start of my semester.
- so much thanks to @EamonTewell for modding tonight's #critlib !
- thank u so much to everyone who participated in #critlib, esp @EamonTewell - really appreciate how freely ideas & perspectives are shared