- Check out the #critlib cheat sheet w/questions and readings: http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- [introductions redacted]
- Question 1
- @eiratansey So important! #critlib
- @sendaulas Those things are really important to fight for! #critlib
- @cat_lager very true. presumptuous and arrogant of librarians to assume otherwise #critlib
- @cat_lager Agreed! This is an important distinction to make. I saw parapros w/ no interest get roped into committees, etc. #critlib
- @cat_lager although some who do may have to switch libraries in order to move up I've noticed. #critlib
- @cat_lager Yeah, I found that unions often reinforced divides. #critlib
- @RoxanneShirazi There is risk, and I think that is implied in much of Rory's discussion. #critlib
- But can we acknowledge that & work to help them learn what they need to move up, even if they leave us? #critlib @catladylib @cat_lager
- A1 I was just thinking about how to phrase via Freire, ie assuming that others have (potentially hidden) knowledge @donnarosemary #critlib
- @T_Swanson I have found a number of otherwise progressive library leaders who espouse thinly-veiled anti-union rhetoric #critlib
- @nicholsonkp To me, permanent was the privilege. #critlib
- Question 2
- @lisaflepore Yes! I'm wondering how many differences there are in what ppl are suggesting in union vs. non-union libraries? #critlib
- @edrabinski @aliqaesong yeah -- the self-sacrificing narrative is so damning. For teachers, too. #critlib
- @catladylib what to do then?? Refuse to be used that way by admin but what choice exists on the ground? #critlib
- @cat_lager But by giving in, are ppl inadvertently not supporting the labor rights of para-pro's by doing their jobs? #critlib
- @librarybell That's the rub or maybe fantasy, the union solution and what to do when workers don't have voice. How to have voice. #critlib
- @edrabinski @aliqaesong @kellymce Librarian=job, teacher=calling? #actualquestion #IstayedtwohourslatelastMondaytoteach #critlib
- .@librarybell or where there's a division? (e.g. parapros unionized, librarians not) #critlib
- @librarybell In the 1 lib I worked at w/o a union, the line b/w librarian and library assistant was blurred. We each did both. #critlib
- A2 Support minimum & #LivingWage campaigns. Support #Fightfor15 & workers centers. Low-wage worker issues are library issues. #critlib
- @nicholsonkp interesting! It often is, but it can come at a cost when we make sacrifices because we feel like it is a vocation. #critlib
- +1 MT @DinahHandel: A2 feel like its impt to acknowledge all the emotional labor frontline parapros do & aren't nec compensated for #critlib
- @lisaflepore @aliqaesong @kellymce And there's def variance btwn librarians in terms of passion for the gig. #critlib
- A3 Agree w/ @rorylitwin point that maintaining professional identity crucial to upholding ethical values in LIS+ #critlib
- @aliqaesong Yes, that's a solution. Union contract rules help avoid this from happening. #critlib
- @JessicaCritten So why do we bother with the degree? #critlib
- @FromtheShelves @JessicaCritten I think the degree could be awesome (but often isn't), so I'm still in favor of it... for now. #critlib
- @FromtheShelves A less pithy answer is, I don't know. The MLS should be an apprenticeship program. #critlib
- Just a reminder, you can see *all* the questions at the cheatsheet: http://tinyurl.com/critlibx #critlib
- @edrabinski @oksveta @kevinseeber but so many jobs req sets of skills that aren't learned in school! #critlib
- Question 4
- To extent MLS–>praxis, definitely! I worry when it's seen as mere credential. & even more about where it is mostly that @edrabinski #critlib
- A4: @rorylitwin makes a good point in the reading--a profession's ethics rely on prof identity, which are tied to credentials #critlib
- @donnarosemary @EamonTewell Yup. And in some institutions (like some unis), credentials are req'd for faculty status #critlib
- @rorylitwin But maybe you also acquire class insecurity - and might want to police the boundary; that's of the dangers. #critlib
- @DinahHandel @kellymce @edrabinski @oksveta @kevinseeber same w all jobs. alternative=vocationalization of #HE #instrumentalism #critlib
- @EamonTewell @rorylitwin This is my issue with placing #altac w/o MLIS into librarian positions. It's very Teach for America #critlib
- @kevinseeber @EamonTewell @rorylitwin Read any survey on @HiringLib - managers don't want heavy theory anymore. #critlib
- @galvan_as Managers don't want heavy theory because they don't want librarians to have autonomy in their institutions! #critlib
- .@rorylitwin @galvan_as Does theoretical base = autonomy then? Self awareness of self as profesh w/in wider context of field? #critlib
- Question 5
- @LaurenMWallis @kevinseeber been having some amazing convos about info ethics in my non-lis class... why aren't more libs there! #critlib
- .@DinahHandel Same with recognizing the gender, race, and sexuality issues in libraries & profession #critlib
- @aliqaesong Like growing your own info pros out of your current support staff? #critlib
- @T_Swanson Perhaps residual defensiveness from having to explain time and again why we need a master's to do what we do? #critlib
- broken record #critlib pitch - you should propose an article to @libraryleadpipe http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/submission-guidelines/ …
- I dunno if this counts as a plug, but this data on unionized librarians should be in everyone's to-read list #critlib http://dpeaflcio.org/programs-publications/issue-fact-sheets/library-workers-facts-figures/ …
- My #critlib pitches: Check out the Better Salaries Toolkit http://bit.ly/1CTlGAo and my MLS Debt Survey http://aliqaegeraci.com/mlsdebtsurvey/ #critlib
- last #critlib thought -- has anyone read "Defending Professionalism"? I have been meaning to go through it http://www.ala.org/nmrt/sites/ala.org.nmrt/files/content/oversightgroups/comm/schres/endnotesvol4no1/review2-defendingprofessionalism.pdf …
- Really enjoyed this article from tonight's #critlib: http://viewpointmag.com/2013/09/25/notes-of-a-library-worker/ …