- Discussion questions are posted for tomorrow's #critlib chat! We're talking about librarian stereotypes & instruction http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- Join #critlib in 10 mins! Follow @pumpedlibrarian for tonight's Q's abt stereotype, status, gender/intersectionality. http://tinyurl.com/critlibx
- Hi #critlib, I'm yr mod 2night & am research+learning librarian at U of AZ. My co-author (of the article for tonight) is here too @eldefrain
- [introductions redacted]
- Keep doing intros, but let's get rolling w Q1: Have you experienced negative effects from librarian stereotypes in your teaching? #critlib
- #critlib A1: Frequently in one-shots, I have run into many of the stereotypes that you write about in the article - most of them, in fact.
- A1: When told students I wouldn't be teaching English classes next year bc choosing to be lib*, many seemed uncomfortable/laughed #critlib
- @foureyedsoul Similar experiences for me when I tell my history classes that my main gig/identity is a librarian: disbelief? #critlib
- @foureyedsoul ugh that is disappointing #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian But just as often at my school, faculty treat me with respect as equal educator/teacher - many really get it. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian As they say, a teachable moment. And to be fair, some of them (even some decidedly "dudes") also seemed excited! #critlib
- a2 In union environment, being "helper" often means working off contract. Hard but critical to say no once workload met. #critlib
- #critlib A2- not sure how many other fac on my campus get asked to proctor exams, sub for classes. "I'm sure the library can held w/ that."
- A2 This is tough. As librarians, we tend to define ourselves as helpers, not necessarily as collaborators or equals. #critlib
- @kevinseeber ugh that drives me nuts #critlib
- Also never know if it's gender or librarian that gets me on take-the-minutes duty so often. #critlib
- A2 Asserting expertise and saying no are important. Just say no to that one shot - but back up with solid pedagogical reasons. #critlib
- .@catladylib so true, sometimes the problem is us! how we define and market ourselves #critlib
- @ginaschless: it's limiting when faculty request to just show databases, that's it. let us teach #critlib
- A2: also, there's the whole imposter syndrome thing -- feeling inadequate as educators, compensating by being johnny-on-the-spot #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian and until we can critically examine ourselves and our approach, I don't know if our "helper" image will change. #critlib
- @edrabinski I just got appointed recorder for my campus curriculum committee! #critlib
- @kevinseeber recently found out that librarians had been written into someone's syllabus as the go-to people for proctoring 80+ #critlib
- @kevinseeber Lol! Congrats! #critlib
- @edrabinski At least I know it’s because I’m usually the only one who shows up w/ a laptop at meetings outside the lib! #critlib
- A2 I think we disavow our own labor/expertise too readily, long prof. discourse of letting patrons just see ease of access/order #critlib
- @ginaschless Explain why that is not effective, and propose more pedagogically sound lesson plan! #critlib
- @wpwvcacrl I think the co-author collaborator is more common than we recognize. #critlib
- A2 Instead of being Mother Mary/intercessors, I'd prefer lib*s seen like zookeepers…integral to collections' livelihood & use #critlib
- @foureyedsoul Zookeepers? But information just wants to be free! #critlib
- @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian yeah. Do you think the ref desk model creates that service expectation though? #critlib
- A3 I feel like I have to fight so much in terms of stereotype, espec. as a POC. I just try to be my authentic self. #critlib
- A3: I always talk about what my job actually entails: teaching, talking to a lot of people, building relationships. #critlib
- @catladylib @kevinseeber @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian Idea is, bring same type research Qs as would to office hours. #critlib
- @donnarosemary @foureyedsoul We could certainly keep going with the metaphor, but I'll restrain myself. #critlib
- @foureyedsoul yeah def & there might even be study out there, I haven't searched beyond reading the Radfords' discussion of it #critlib
- @catladylib @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian My hunch at MPOW is that yes, it does, but it's a HUGE cultural shift to do away w/ desk #critlib
- @catladylib @kevinseeber @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian Plus, my syllabus lists my ref desk time for office hours, and by appt! #critlib
- @catladylib @kevinseeber @pumpedlibrarian #critlib Annie, I'm not sure if it's confusing or students just don't care. Anyone to help them.
- @Fobettarh good point about school librarians, those stereotypes are even more difficult than academic librarians it seems #critlib
- @kevinseeber @LibrarianPete Do you swear in faculty meetings, though? We have many different voices/personas... #critlib
- A3: I choose examples and activities carefully, to reflect my interests/identities and the richness of our collections. #critlib
- @wpwvcacrl @LibrarianAngie @pumpedlibrarian @catladylib Totally! The library as McDonalds Drive through! #critlib
- @catladylib nailed this on the head. #critlib #refdeskasclassroom or #refdeskascustomerservice @kevinseeber @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian
- Q4 #critlib There is no denying that librarians are mostly women. Field is a science, but we are still seen as caretakers. Weird.
- @catladylib I totes agree tho--we may see ref as IL, but students may see as cust serv #critlib @kevinseeber @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian
- A4 Yeah I am not baking cookies for anyone. #justsayin #critlib
- @catladylib @donnarosemary @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian We should have an unconference in PDX. #toolate #critlib #acrl2015
- @catladylib @donnarosemary @kevinseeber @wpwvcacrl let's talk about it at the ACRL 2015 #critlib Unconference! https://www.facebook.com/events/422334827909486/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming …
- @kevinseeber So do/will I. My pt is stereotype of "helper" hard to break at trad ref desk #critlib @catladylib @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian
- @LibrarianPete @kevinseeber I just don't want to be that old white lady who is trying to be cool. We all know THAT doesn't work. #critlib
- @donnarosemary @kevinseeber @catladylib @pumpedlibrarian #critlib Even worse. I was called "desk attendant"
- #critlib Observation to offer: Expectations ≠ commands. Teaching requests ≠ commands. We ≠ vending machines. Interactions are opportunities.
- @ginaschless @LibrarianAngie I'm advocating we change to "Research Services" @ MPOW. We'll see! #critlib
- @LibrarianPete would you mind expanding? #critlib
- @ginaschless not at all! on which answer? #critlib
- When doing actual customer service in record store, I OFTEN had to reframe customer expectations. Why not in lib* also? #critlib @sarahpolk
- @donnarosemary @wpwvcacrl @kevinseeber @catladylib I've changed my email sig & f2f instruction intro to incl. "faculty librarian" #critlib
- @christinacz Mention gender spectrum, refuse to tolerate giggling about lgbt, discuss how ads promote certain ideals, etc #critlib
- @catladylib @kevinseeber @donnarosemary @wpwvcacrl @pumpedlibrarian I will look it up if you ask me to. #critlib
- @LibrarianPete feeling more put out by coworkers #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @donnarosemary @wpwvcacrl @kevinseeber @catladylib I’ve changed mine to title on contract - Asst. Prof. #critlib
- Q5: Our whole gender regime must be overcome for us to defeat the stereotypes. It's the bigger battle. #critlib
- A5 I try to be deliberate w/ this, where I juxtapose both aspects of my professionalism (empathy+competence) within a single task #critlib
- @susanarcham oy, that actually really bums me out! where do you see this as a positive? #critlib
- @ginaschless coworkers comment on my atypical maleness far more than ppl I help. assume I'm less game to perform certain tasks. #critlib
- A5 Not always successful at this though! #workinprogress #critlib
- The emotional burden substantial. Act right, talk right, even eat right while still trying to be true to self. #critlib
- Q5: Like @Fobettarh does, fighting the stereotypes, and the gender regime, in the classroom, is one of the best ways to do it. #critlib
- Thinking tonight's #critlib is the jelly to last week's peanut butter microaggressions chat moderated by @catladylib
- @LibrarianAngie @pumpedlibrarian @donnarosemary @wpwvcacrl @kevinseeber @catladylib "Assistant Professor & eLearning Librarian" #critlib
- A5 Like @donnarosemary I deliberately try to do both. Showing guys can be empathetic & competent. >> #critlib
- @donnarosemary it's hard! #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian they seriously go hand-in-hand. Microaggressions and stereotypes in the workplace feed into each other. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian they seriously go hand-in-hand. Microaggressions and stereotypes in the workplace feed into each other. #critlib
- @pumpedlibrarian @catladylib And there's a bridge to the next #critlib, too: stereotypes affect our work conditions and labor relations.
- @pumpedlibrarian @catladylib And there's a bridge to the next #critlib, too: stereotypes affect our work conditions and labor relations.
- @ibeilin @pumpedlibrarian @catladylib GUYS IT'S ALL CONNECTED and my head may explode from that fact! :-) #critlib #kablooey
- @foureyedsoul This plays into how we teach/define "authority." Really need to question how we handle that in class. #doingitwrong #critlib
- My pitch is if you liked tonight's topic see The Librarian Stereotype book, we have a review up from LJ http://librarianwardrobe.com/post/97574783103/review-of-the-librarian-stereotype-book … #critlib
- I'm actually thinking a lot about my beloved Nonviolent Communication with A5: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonviolent_Communication … #critlib
- I'm actually thinking a lot about my beloved Nonviolent Communication with A5: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonviolent_Communication … #critlib
- Thank you @pumpedlibrarian for a great #critlib discussion. Many thought provoking Q's!
- Thanks for an informative first #critlib #latecomer !
- My #critlib pitch is off-topic but MPOW made this declaration on non-disclosure in licenses. Thought you might enjoy. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/aboutus/collection/disclosure/ …
- Not pitch exactly, more suggestion: maybe use TWARC to collect #critlib tweets (as #teamharpy is doing) to help Storifiers?
- Thanks @pumpedlibrarian for moderating a worthwhile discussion :) #critlib
- Thanks @pumpedlibrarian for moderating and for a great read. #critlib
- Thanks to @pumpedlibrarian for moderating tonight's #critlib!
- Thx for a great #critlib @pumpedlibrarian !
- Thanks too to @eldefrain for the article! #critlib
- Going back through the #critlib side discussions I missed. (Spoiler: They're ALL the best timeline!) Thanks @pumpedlibrarian & @eldefrain !